72 research outputs found

    DYAMAND: dynamic, adaptive management of networks and devices

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    Consumer devices increasingly are "smart" and hence offer services that can interwork with and/or be controlled by others. However, the full exploitation of the inherent opportunities this offers, is hurdled by a number of potential limitations. First of all, the interface towards the device might be vendor and even device specific, implying that extra effort is needed to support a specific device. Standardization efforts try to avoid this problem, but within a certain standard ecosystem the level of interoperability can vary (i.e. devices carrying the same standard logo are not necessarily interoperable). Secondly, different application domains (e.g. multimedia vs. energy management) today have their own standards, thus limiting trans-sector innovation because of the additional effort required to integrate devices from traditionally different domains into novel applications. In this paper, we discuss the basic components of current so-called service discovery protocols (SDPs) and present our DYAMAND (DYnamic, Adaptive MAnagement of Networks and Devices) framework. We position this framework as a middleware layer between applications and discoverable/controllable devices, and hence aim to provide the necessary tool to overcome the (intra- and inter-domain) interoperability gaps previously sketched. Thus, we believe it can act as a catalyst enabling trans-sector innovation

    Large-scale residential demand response ICT architecture

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    Architectures for smart end-user services in the power grid

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    Abstract-The increase of distributed renewable electricity generators, such as solar cells and wind turbines, requires a new energy management system. These distributed generators introduce bidirectional energy flows in the low-voltage power grid, requiring novel coordination mechanisms to balance local supply and demand. Closed solutions exist for energy management on the level of individual homes. However, no service architectures have been defined that allow the growing number of end-users to interact with the other power consumers and generators and to get involved in more rational energy consumption patterns using intuitive applications. We therefore present a common service architecture that allows houses with renewable energy generation and smart energy devices to plug into a distributed energy management system, integrated with the public power grid. Next to the technical details, we focus on the usability aspects of the end-user applications in order to contribute to high service adoption and optimal user involvement. The presented architecture facilitates end-users to reduce net energy consumption, enables power grid providers to better balance supply and demand, and allows new actors to join with new services. We present a novel simulator that allows to evaluate both the power grid and data communication aspects, and illustrate a 22% reduction of the peak load by deploying a central coordinator inside the home gateway of an end-user

    Distributed multi-agent algorithm for residential energy management in smart grids

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    Distributed renewable power generators, such as solar cells and wind turbines are difficult to predict, making the demand-supply problem more complex than in the traditional energy production scenario. They also introduce bidirectional energy flows in the low-voltage power grid, possibly causing voltage violations and grid instabilities. In this article we describe a distributed algorithm for residential energy management in smart power grids. This algorithm consists of a market-oriented multi-agent system using virtual energy prices, levels of renewable energy in the real-time production mix, and historical price information, to achieve a shifting of loads to periods with a high production of renewable energy. Evaluations in our smart grid simulator for three scenarios show that the designed algorithm is capable of improving the self consumption of renewable energy in a residential area and reducing the average and peak loads for externally supplied power

    Commutation-Angle Iterative Learning Control for Intermittent Data: Enhancing Piezo-Stepper Actuator Waveforms

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    Piezo-stepper actuators are used in many nanopositioning systems due to their high resolution, high stiffness, fast response, and the ability to position a mover over an infinite stroke by means of motion reminiscent of walking. The aim of this paper is to develop a control approach for attenuating disturbances that are caused by the walking motion and are therefore repeating in the commutation-angle domain. A new iterative learning control approach is developed for the commutation-angle domain, that addresses the iteration-varying and non-equidistant sampling that occurs when the piezo-stepper actuator is driven at varying drive frequencies by parameterizing the input and error signals. Experimental validation of the framework on a piezo-stepper actuator leads to significant performance improvements.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, 21st IFAC World Congress 202

    Exploiting V2G to optimize residential energy consumption with electrical vehicle (dis)charging

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    Abstract-The potential breakthrough of pluggable (hybrid) electrical vehicles (PHEVs) will impose various challenges to the power grid, and esp. implies a significant increase of its load. Adequately dealing with such PHEVs is one of the challenges and opportunities for smart grids. In particular, intelligent control strategies for the charging process can significantly alleviate peak load increases that are to be expected from e.g. residential vehicle charging at home. In addition, the car batteries connected to the grid can also be exploited to deliver grid services, and in particular give stored energy back to the grid to help coping with peak demands stemming from e.g. household appliances. In this paper, we will address such so-called vehicle-to-grid (V2G) scenarios while considering the optimization of PHEV charging in a residential scenario. In particular, we will assess the optimal car battery (dis)charging scheduling to achieve peak shaving and reduction of the variability (over time) of the load of households connected to a local distribution grid. We compare (i) a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario, without any intelligent charging, (ii) intelligent local charging optimization without V2G, and (iii) charging optimization with V2G. To evaluate these scenarios, we make use of our simulation tool, based on OMNeT++, which combines ICT and power network models and incorporates a Matlab model that allows e.g. assessing voltage violations. In a case study on a threefeeder distribution network spanning 63 households, we observe that non-V2G optimized charging can reduce the peak demand compared to BAU with 64%. If we apply V2G to the intelligent charging, we can further cut the non-V2G peak demand with 17% (i.e., achieve a peak load which is only 30% of BAU)

    Deploying the ICT architecture of a residential demand response pilot

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    The Flemish project Linear was a large scale residential demand response pilot that aims to validate innovative smart grid technology building on the rollout of information and communication technologies in the power grid. For this pilot a scalable, reliable and interoperable ICT infrastructure was set up, interconnecting 240 residential power grid customers with the backend systems of energy service providers (ESPs), flexibility aggregators, distribution system operators (DSOs) and balancing responsible parties (BRPs). On top of this architecture several business cases were rolled out, which require the sharing of metering data and flexibility information, and demand response algorithms for the balancing of renewable energy and the mitigation of voltage and power issues in distribution grids. The goal of the pilot is the assessment of the technical and economical feasibility of residential demand response in real life, and of the interaction with the end-consumer. In this paper we focus on the practical experiences and lessons learnt during the deployment of the ICT technology for the pilot. This includes the real-time gathering of measurement data and real-time control of a wide range of smart appliances in the homes of the participants. We identified a number of critical issues that need to be addressed for a future full-scale roll-out: (i) reliable in-house communication, (ii) interoperability of appliances, measurement equipment, backend systems, and business cases, and (iii) sufficient backend processing power for real-time analysis and control

    Design and evaluation of an architecture for future smart grid service provisioning

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in cloud technologies. Using current cloud solutions, it is however difficult to create customizable multi-tenant applications, especially if the application must support varying Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) and feature modeling techniques are commonly used to address these issues in non-cloud applications, but these techniques cannot be ported directly to a cloud context, as the common approaches are geared towards customization of on-premise deployed applications, and do not support multi-tenancy. In this paper, we propose an architecture for the development and management of customizable Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, built using SPLE techniques. In our approach, each application is a composition of services, where individual services correspond to specific application functionalities, referred to as features. A feature-based methodology is described to abstract and convert the application information required at different stages of the application life-cycle: development, customization and deployment. We specifically focus on how development feature models can be adapted ensuring a one-to-one correspondence between features and services exists, ensuring the composition of services yields an application containing the corresponding features. These runtime features can then be managed using feature placement techniques. The proposed approach enables developers to define significantly less features, while limiting the amount of automatically generated features in the application runtime stage. Conversion times between models are shown to be in the order of milliseconds, while execution times of management algorithms are shown to improve by 5 to 17% depending on the application case