7 research outputs found

    An interleukin-33/ST2 signaling deficiency reduces overt pain-like behaviors in mice

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    Interleukin (IL)-33, the most recent member of the IL family of cytokines, signals through the ST2 receptor. IL-33/ST2 signaling mediates antigen challenge-induced mechanical hyperalgesia in the joints and cutaneous tissues of immunized mice. The present study asked whether IL-33/ST2 signaling is relevant to overt pain-like behaviors in mice. Acetic acid and phenyl-p-benzoquinone induced significant writhing responses in wild-type (WT) mice; this overt nociceptive behavior was reduced in ST2-deficient mice. In an antigen-challenge model, ST2-deficient immunized mice had reduced induced flinch and licking overt pain-like behaviors. In the formalin test, ST2-deficient mice also presented reduced flinch and licking responses, compared with WT mice. Naive WT and ST2-deficient mice presented similar responses in the rota-rod, hot plate, and electronic von Frey tests, indicating no impairment of motor function or alteration in basal nociceptive responses. The results demonstrate that IL-33/ST2 signaling is important in the development of overt pain-like behaviors

    An electronic pressure-meter nociception paw test for mice

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    The aim of the present investigation was to describe and validate an electronic mechanical test for quantification of the intensity of inflammatory nociception in mice. The electronic pressure-meter test consists of inducing the animal hindpaw flexion reflex by poking the plantar region with a polypropylene pipette tip adapted to a hand-held force transducer. This method was compared to the classical von Frey filaments test in which pressure intensity is automatically recorded after the nociceptive hindpaw flexion reflex. The electronic pressure-meter and the von Frey filaments were used to detect time versus treatment interactions of carrageenin-induced hypernociception. In two separate experiments, the electronic pressure-meter was more sensitive than the von Frey filaments for the detection of the increase in nociception (hypernociception) induced by small doses of carrageenin (30 µg). The electronic pressure-meter detected the antinociceptive effect of non-steroidal drugs in a dose-dependent manner. Indomethacin administered intraperitoneally (1.8-15 mg/kg) or intraplantarly (30-300 µg/paw) prevented the hypersensitive effect of carrageenin (100 µg/paw). The electronic pressure-meter also detected the hypernociceptive effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2; 10-100 ng) in a dose-dependent manner. The hypernociceptive effect of PGE2 (100 ng) was blocked by dipyrone (160 and 320 µg/paw) but not by intraplantar administration of indomethacin (300 µg/paw). The present results validate the use of the electronic pressure-meter as more sensitive than the von Frey filaments in mice. Furthermore, it is an objective and quantitative nociceptive test for the evaluation of the peripheral antinociceptive effect of anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis (indomethacin) or directly block the ongoing hypernociception (dipyrone)

    The superoxide anion donor, potassium superoxide, induces pain and inflammation in mice through production of reactive oxygen species and cyclooxygenase-2

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    It is currently accepted that superoxide anion (O2•−) is an important mediator in pain and inflammation. The role of superoxide anion in pain and inflammation has been mainly determined indirectly by modulating its production and inactivation. Direct evidence using potassium superoxide (KO2), a superoxide anion donor, demonstrated that it induced thermal hyperalgesia, as assessed by the Hargreaves method. However, it remains to be determined whether KO2 is capable of inducing other inflammatory and nociceptive responses attributed to superoxide anion. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the nociceptive and inflammatory effects of KO2. The KO2-induced inflammatory responses evaluated in mice were: mechanical hyperalgesia (electronic version of von Frey filaments), thermal hyperalgesia (hot plate), edema (caliper rule), myeloperoxidase activity (colorimetric assay), overt pain-like behaviors (flinches, time spent licking and writhing score), leukocyte recruitment, oxidative stress, and cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA expression (quantitative PCR). Administration of KO2 induced mechanical hyperalgesia, thermal hyperalgesia, paw edema, leukocyte recruitment, the writhing response, paw flinching, and paw licking in a dose-dependent manner. KO2 also induced time-dependent cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA expression in the paw skin. The nociceptive, inflammatory, and oxidative stress components of KO2-induced responses were responsive to morphine (analgesic opioid), quercetin (antioxidant flavonoid), and/or celecoxib (anti-inflammatory cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor) treatment. In conclusion, the well-established superoxide anion donor KO2 is a valuable tool for studying the mechanisms and pharmacological susceptibilities of superoxide anion-triggered nociceptive and inflammatory responses ranging from mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia to overt pain-like behaviors, edema, and leukocyte recruitment