1,261 research outputs found
Scopo del presente lavoro \ue8 analizzare in modo critico la legge n. 40/2004, evidenziandone le numerose lacune ed imprecisioni tecniche, e soprattutto i suoi diversi profili di illegittimit\ue0 costituzionale (in particolare sotto il profilo del principio di laicit\ue0, ragionevolezza e del diritto alla salute), nonch\ue9 il rapporto fra essa e la disciplina sull\u2019aborto, stabilendo altres\uec un confronto con le norme presenti nei principali Paesi europei.
In particolare vengono affrontati tre temi. Il primo riguarda l\u2019originario divieto di produrre per ogni ciclo di trattamento di PMA un numero di embrioni superiore a tre, nonch\ue9 l\u2019obbligo di trasferire contemporaneamente tutti gli embrioni prodotti, a cui era originariamente correlato il divieto di crioconservazione e di soppressione degli embrioni prodotti; il secondo riguarda l\u2019implicito divieto di effettuare la diagnosi genetica preimpianto, che \ue8 stato per\uf2 recentemente rimosso grazie all\u2019intervento di giudici sovranazionali e nazionali; e l\u2019ultimo il divieto, tuttora esistente, di praticare forme di procreazione di tipo eterologo.
Per ciascuno di essi vengono messi in luce i diversi profili di illegittimit\ue0 costituzionale, evidenziando, in particolare, come nel corso degli ultimi anni alcuni di essi siano stati corretti grazie alle diverse pronunce della giurisprudenza nazionale e sovranazionale, mentre altri siano rimasti pressoch\ue9 immutati, ed esaminando infine quali prospettive vi siano per rimediarvi.The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse the law n . 40/2004 , highlighting the numerous omissions and technical inaccuracies, and, above all, its different profiles of unconstitutionality (in particular in terms of the principle of secularism, reasonableness and the right to health), and also the relationship between it and the discipline on abortion, providing in such a mannaer a comparison with the legislation of the main European countries.
In particular, three issues are addressed. The first issue is the original prohibition to produce, for each treatment cycle of a PMA, more than three embryos, and the obligation to transfer at the same time all the embryos, which was originally related to the prohibition and suppression of cryopreservation of embryos products; the second issue is the implicit prohibition of PGD, which was recently removed thanks to the intervention of supranational and national courts; the last ban, which still remains, is to practice forms of heterologous procreation.
For each of the aforesaid issues the paper focuses on the different profiles of unconstitutionality, highlighting, in particular, as in the past few years some of them have been corrected thanks to several national and supranational court\u2019s decisions, while others have remained virtually unchanged, and finally this paper examines what prospects there are to solve them
Introducing temporal correlation in rainfall and wind prediction from underwater noise
While in the past the prediction of wind and rainfall
from underwater noise was performed using empirical equations
fed with very few spectral bins and fitted to the data, it has recently
been shown that regression performed using supervised machine
learning techniques can benefit from the simultaneous use of all
spectral bins, at the cost of increased complexity. However, both
empirical equations and machine learning regressors perform the
prediction using only the acoustic information collected at the time
when one wants to know the wind speed or the rainfall intensity. At
most, averages are made between spectra measured at subsequent
times (spectral compounding) or between predictions obtained
at subsequent times (prediction compounding). In this article,
it is proposed to exploit the temporal correlation inherent in the
phenomena being predicted, as has already been done in methods
that forecast wind and rainfall from their values (and sometimes
those of other meteorological quantities) in the recent past. A
special architecture of recurrent neural networks, the long shortterm memory, is used along with a data set composed of about
16 months of underwater noise measurements (acquired every
10 min, simultaneously with wind and rain measurements above
the sea surface) to demonstrate that the introduction of temporal
correlation brings significant advantages, improving the accuracy
and reducing the problems met in the widely adopted memoryless
prediction performed by random forest regression. Working with
samples acquired at 10-min intervals, the best performance is
obtained by including three noise spectra for wind prediction and
six spectra for rainfall prediction
Integrating algorithm visualization video into a first-year algorithm and data structure course
In this paper we describe the results that we have obtained while integrating algorithm visualization (AV) movies (strongly tightened with the other teaching material), within a first-year undergraduate course on algorithms and data structures. Our experimental results seem to support the hypothesis that making these movies available significantly improved students' performances. Moreover, the movies were highly appreciated by the students (both from a comprehensibility point of view and from a usefulness point of view), even though with a low attitude towards the emerging video pod-cast technology. Finally, our results indicate the necessity of integrating the AV movies with audio comment, which seems to be one of the most interesting research question left open by our study. © International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS)
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