47 research outputs found

    A Certified Trust Region Reduced Basis Approach to PDE-Constrained Optimization

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    Parameter optimization problems constrained by partial differential equations (PDEs) appear in many science and engineering applications. Solving these optimization problems may require a prohibitively large number of computationally expensive PDE solves, especially if the dimension of the design space is large. It is therefore advantageous to replace expensive high-dimensional PDE solvers (e.g., finite element) with lower-dimensional surrogate models. In this paper, the reduced basis (RB) model reduction method is used in conjunction with a trust region optimization framework to accelerate PDE-constrained parameter optimization. Novel a posteriori error bounds on the RB cost and cost gradient for quadratic cost functionals (e.g., least squares) are presented and used to guarantee convergence to the optimum of the high-fidelity model. The proposed certified RB trust region approach uses high-fidelity solves to update the RB model only if the approximation is no longer sufficiently accurate, reducing the number of full-fidelity solves required. We consider problems governed by elliptic and parabolic PDEs and present numerical results for a thermal fin model problem in which we are able to reduce the number of full solves necessary for the optimization by up to 86%. Key words: model reduction, optimization, trust region methods, partial differential equations, reduced basis methods, error bounds, parametrized systemsFulbright U.S. Student ProgramNational Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship ProgramHertz FoundationUnited States. Department of Energy. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (Award DEFG02-08ER2585)United States. Department of Energy. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (Award DE-SC0009297

    Multimedia as a modernization direction in the course of teaching "History of Ukraine"

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    Використання мультимедійних презентацій в системі сучасної освіти займає все більше місце та стає певною повсякденністю. Мультимедія під час викладання дисципліни "Історія України" є важливим елементом освітнього процесу, яка покликана мотивувати студентів до навчання, поліпшити сприйняття інформації, зробити навчальний процес сучасним, цікавим та продуктивним. Мультимедійні презентації створені викладачами та студентами постійно вдосконалюються та являються модернізаційним напрямком навчання та комунікації.The use of multimedia presentations in the system of modern education takes up an increasing number of places and becomes a "daily routine". Multimedia during the teaching of the discipline "History of Ukraine" is an important element of the educational process. During lectures and seminars, using the multimedia technologies is a topical issue today. Multimedia is designed to motivate students to study, improve perceptions of information, make the learning process interesting and productive. Multimedia presentations created by lecturers and students serve as a kind of communication. They are constantly improving and being a modernization training area

    A reduced basis ensemble Kalman method

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    In the process of reproducing the state dynamics of parameter dependent distributed systems, data from physical measurements can be incorporated into the mathematical model to reduce the parameter uncertainty and, consequently, improve the state prediction. Such a data assimilation process must deal with the data and model misfit arising from experimental noise as well as model inaccuracies and uncertainties. In this work, we focus on the ensemble Kalman method (EnKM), a particle-based iterative regularization method designed for a posteriori analysis of time series. The method is gradient free and, like the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), relies on a sample of parameters or particle ensemble to identify the state that better reproduces the physical observations, while preserving the physics of the system as described by the best knowledge model. We consider systems described by parameterized parabolic partial differential equations and employ model order reduction techniques to generate surrogate models of different accuracy with uncertain parameters. Their use in combination with the EnKM involves the introduction of the model bias which constitutes a new source of systematic error. To mitigate its impact, an algorithm adjustment is proposed accounting for a prior estimation of the bias in the data. The resulting RB-EnKM is tested in different conditions, including different ensemble sizes and increasing levels of experimental noise. The results are compared to those obtained with the standard EnKF and with the unadjusted algorithm.</p

    A reduced basis ensemble Kalman method

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    In the process of reproducing the state dynamics of parameter dependent distributed systems, data from physical measurements can be incorporated into the mathematical model to reduce the parameter uncertainty and, consequently, improve the state prediction. Such a data assimilation process must deal with the data and model misfit arising from experimental noise as well as model inaccuracies and uncertainties. In this work, we focus on the ensemble Kalman method (EnKM), a particle-based iterative regularization method designed for a posteriori analysis of time series. The method is gradient free and, like the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), relies on a sample of parameters or particle ensemble to identify the state that better reproduces the physical observations, while preserving the physics of the system as described by the best knowledge model. We consider systems described by parameterized parabolic partial differential equations and employ model order reduction techniques to generate surrogate models of different accuracy with uncertain parameters. Their use in combination with the EnKM involves the introduction of the model bias which constitutes a new source of systematic error. To mitigate its impact, an algorithm adjustment is proposed accounting for a prior estimation of the bias in the data. The resulting RB-EnKM is tested in different conditions, including different ensemble sizes and increasing levels of experimental noise. The results are compared to those obtained with the standard EnKF and with the unadjusted algorithm.</p