7 research outputs found

    Epichloë Endophyt-Gras Symbiosen in Deutschland – Infektionsraten, Alkaloidkonzentrationen und mögliche Vergiftungsrisiken

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    Endophytes live in partial symbiosis inside a plant and have been detected in all tested plants. They belong to the group of fungi or bacteria and their ecological function is mostly unknown. The fungal endophytes of the genus Epichloë belong to a special group of endophytes. Epichloë endophytes live symbiotically inside cool season grass species and some of them are able to produce alkaloids toxic to vertebrates and insects. Their symbiosis is seen as mutualistic for the following reasons: the fungus provides the plant herbivore resistance by producing alkaloids, and it increases the plant’s drought tolerance as well as its biomass production. In return, the grass provides the fungus shelter, nutrients and dispersal. Epichloë endophytes are host specific and the ability to produce alkaloids differs between species. In order to estimate intoxication risks in grasslands, it is necessary to detect infection rates of different grass species with Epichloë endophytes, and to determine the genotypes and chemotypes of the Epichloë species as well as the produced alkaloid concentrations. Factors like land-use intensity or season may have an influence on infection rates and alkaloid concentrations. Also, different methodological approaches may lead to different results. In this doctoral thesis my general aim was to evaluate intoxication risks in German grasslands caused by Epichloë endophytes. For that I investigated infection rates of different grass species and the genotypes and chemotypes of their Epichloë endophytes in German grasslands (Chapter II). Furthermore, I compared alkaloid concentrations detected with dry and fresh plant weight and different analytical methods. I also detected possible changes on the influence of season or land-use intensity (Chapter III). Additionally, I examined infections with Epichloë endophytes and alkaloid concentrations in commercially available grass seed mixtures and determined how that influences the intoxication risk of grazing animals in Europe (Chapter IV). It is of agricultural interest to estimate intoxication risks for grazing livestock on German grasslands due to Epichloë infected grass species. Therefore, it is important to investigate which grasses are infected with the Epichloë endophyte, if the endophytes have the ability to produce vertebrate and invertebrate toxic alkaloids and if the alkaloids are indeed produced. I showed that Epichloë festucae var. lolii infecting agriculturally important Lolium perenne lacked the starting gene for ergovaline biosynthesis. Hence, vertebrate toxic ergovaline was not detected in the majority of the collected L. perenne plants. The detection of alkaloid concentrations is an important tool to estimate intoxication risk for vertebrates, but also invertebrates. My studies showed that the usage of dry plant material is crucial to quantify the correct alkaloid concentrations, and that alkaloid concentrations can vary depending on the detection method. Hence, the usage of validated, similar detection methods is important to be able to compare alkaloid concentrations from different studies. Nevertheless, the trends of seasonal changes and the influence of land-use intensity stayed the same, regardless if dry or fresh plant weight was used. Also, alkaloid concentrations were below toxicity thresholds on population level, regardless of the method used. Two commercially available forage grass and two commercially available turf grass seed mixtures were infected with Epichloë endopyhtes and alkaloids were detected. This might contribute to the spreading of Epichloë endopyhtes in Germany, therefore seed mixtures should be tested for Epichloë infections. My results indicate that the intoxication risk is generally low in Germany at the moment, although that might change due to climate change, an increase of monocultural land-use, or the seeding of Epichloë infected grass seeds.Endophyten leben, zumindest zeitweise, symbiontisch in Pflanzen und sind bisher in allen untersuchten Pflanzen nachgewiesen worden. Es handelt sich dabei um Pilze oder Bakterien und ihre ökologische Funktion ist meistens unbekannt. Eine spezielle Gruppe der Endophyten sind Pilzendophyten der Gattung Epichloë. Diese leben symbiontisch innerhalb von kaltgemäßigten Grasarten und einige sind in der Lage vertebraten- und/oder insektentoxische Alkaloide herzustellen. Die Symbiose wird meist als mutualistisch bezeichnet, weil der Pilz der Pflanze einen Herbivorenschutz durch die Produktion der Alkaloide und eine gesteigerte Trockenresistenz und Biomassesteigerung bietet. Das Gras hingegen bietet dem Pilz Unterkunft, Nährstoffe und Verbreitung. Epichloë Endophyten sind wirtsspezifisch und die Fähigkeit Alkaloide zu produzieren schwankt zwischen den Arten. Um das Vergiftungsrisiko im Grünland einzuschätzen, ist es nötig Infektionsraten verschiedener Grasarten mit Epichloë Endophyten, die Geno- und Chemotypen der Epichloë Arten, und die produzierten Alkaloidkonzentrationen zu bestimmen. Faktoren wie Landnutzungsintensität oder die Jahreszeit können Infektionsraten und Alkaloidkonzentrationen beeinflussen. Ebenso können Alkaloidkonzentrationen von methodischen Faktoren abhängen. In dieser Doktorarbeit habe ich Infektionsraten verschiedener Grasarten in Deutschland und die Geno- und Chemotypen ihrer Epichloë Endophyten untersucht (Kapitel II). Außerdem habe ich Alkaloidkonzentrationen mit Frisch- bzw. Trockengewicht gemessen und mit verschiedenen analytischen Methoden verglichen, um mögliche Änderungen beim Einfluss von Jahreszeiten oder der Landnutzungsintensität zu detektieren. Des Weiteren habe ich das Vergiftungsrisiko auf deutschen Grasflächen abgeschätzt (Kapitel III). Zusätzlich habe ich kommerziell erhältliche Grassaatgutmischungen auf Epichloë Infektionen und Alkaloidgehalt untersucht und habe versucht einzuschätzen, wie sich das auf das Vergiftungsrisiko von Weidevieh in Europa auswirkt (Kapitel IV). Die Einschätzung von Vergiftungsrisiken für Weidevieh aufgrund von Epichloë infizierten Grasarten auf deutschen Graslandflächen ist von landwirtschaftlichem Interesse. Deshalb ist es wichtig zu untersuchen, welche Grasarten mit Epichloë Endophyten infiziert sind, ob der Endophyt in der Lage ist vertebraten- oder insektentoxische Alkaloide zu produzieren und ob diese tatsächlich produziert werden. Ich konnte zeigen, dass Epichloë festucae var. lolii, welches das landwirtschaflich wichtige Lolium perenne infiziert, das Startgen für die Ergovalinbiosynthese fehlt. Deshalb wurde das vertebraten-toxische Ergovalin in der Mehrheit der gesammelten L. perenne Pflanzen nicht nachgewiesen. Die Detektion von Alkaloidkonzentrationen ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug, um das Vergiftungsrisiko für Vertebraten aber auch Invertebraten einschätzen zu können. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Verwendung von trockenem Pflanzenmaterial essenziell ist, um korrekte Alkaloidkonzentrationen zu quantifizieren und dass Alkaloidkonzentrationen in Abhängigkeit von der Detektionsmethode schwanken können. Deshalb ist die Verwendung von validierten, ähnlichen Detektionsmethoden wichtig, um die Alkaloidkonzentrationen von verschiedenen Studien vergleichen zu können. Dennoch blieben die jahreszeitlichen Trends und der Einfluss von Landnutzungsintensität gleich, egal ob Trocken- oder Frischgewicht der Pflanze verwendet wurde und Alkaloidkonzentrationen lagen unter der Toxizitätsschwelle auf Populationsebene. Ich konnte außerdem zeigen, dass zwei kommerziell erwerbliche Futtergrasmischungen, sowie zwei Rasengrasmischungen mit Epichloë Endophyten infiziert waren und auch Alkaloide detektiert werden konnten. Das könnte zu einer weiteren Ausbreitung von Epichloë-Endophyten in Deutschland beitragen, weshalb Saatgutmischungen auf Epichloë Infektionen getestet werden sollten. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Vergiftungsrisiko in Deutschland im Moment generell eher niedrig ist. Allerdings kann sich das auf Grund von Klimawandel, zunehmenden Monokulturen in der Landnutzung, aber auch der Aussaat von Epichloë infiziertem Saatgut ändern

    Validation of a sensor-system for real-time measurement of mineralized nitrogen in soils

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    When reducing the negative impact of agriculture on the environment, one major approach is to substantially decrease the nitrate contamination of the groundwater originating from mineral and organic fertilization. However, efficient plant production relies on sufficient nutrient supply. Finding the balance between appropriate plant nutrition and ground water conservation is a challenge. Appropriate nitrogen fertilization relies on the measurement of mineralized nitrogen (Nmin) - the total amount of nitrate and ammonium - in the soil. Taking soil samples with an auger and subsequent chemical analyses in a laboratory is state of the art. However, this process is time-consuming and often time-delayed. The Stenon FarmLab, a sensor spade, is a new device which claims to measure soil Nmin and other soil parameters in real-time with spectral methods. The aim of this study was to validate the Nmin measurements of the Stenon FarmLab with the common laboratory method. The authors conducted a series of 20 measurements consisting of a varying number of individual values per measurement. In total, 211 individual values on 15 different field sites in three regions in Bavaria, Germany were analyzed. Reference samples for laboratory analysis were taken simultaneously with a sampling auger. Only 181 of the 211 individual values were considered in the evaluation as Nmin contents of less than 42 kg N ha−1 and greater than 189 kg N ha−1 exceeded FarmLab's measurement range. The results showed that the Stenon FarmLab overestimated Nmin in 75 % of the cases in comparison to the laboratory analysis. On average, the mean values of the sampled sites differed by 38 kg N ha−1 showing a 69 % mean deviation from the laboratory. The overall coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.3 for individual measurements and 0.66 for the mean values of a site. In conclusion, the Stenon FarmLab is a good approach for a more time-saving method regarding relative differences within or between fields. However, absolute values measured with the Stenon FarmLab, which are required for demand-driven fertilization, are not accurate enough: the system needs to be further improved to match reference methods

    Epichloë Endophyte Infection Rates and Alkaloid Content in Commercially Available Grass Seed Mixtures in Europe

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    Fungal endophytes of the genus Epichloë live symbiotically in cool season grass species and can produce alkaloids toxic to insects and vertebrates, yet reports of intoxication of grazing animals have been rare in Europe in contrast to overseas. However, due to the beneficial resistance traits observed in Epichloë infected grasses, the inclusion of Epichloë in seed mixtures might become increasingly advantageous. Despite the toxicity of fungal alkaloids, European seed mixtures are rarely tested for Epichloë infection and their infection status is unknown for consumers. In this study, we tested 24 commercially available seed mixtures for their infection rates with Epichloë endophytes and measured the concentrations of the alkaloids ergovaline, lolitrem B, paxilline, and peramine. We detected Epichloë infections in six seed mixtures, and four contained vertebrate and insect toxic alkaloids typical for Epichloë festucae var. lolii infecting Lolium perenne. As Epichloë infected seed mixtures can harm livestock, when infected grasses become dominant in the seeded grasslands, we recommend seed producers to test and communicate Epichloë infection status or avoiding Epichloë infected seed mixtures. Keywords: Epichloë spp.; Lolium perenne; alkaloids; cool-season grass species; grass endophytes; horses; infection rates; livestock; perennial ryegrass; toxicity

    Alkaloid Concentrations of Lolium perenne Infected with Epichloë festucae var. lolii with Different Detection Methods—A Re-Evaluation of Intoxication Risk in Germany?

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    Mycotoxins in agriculturally used plants can cause intoxication in animals and can lead to severe financial losses for farmers. The endophytic fungus Epichloë festucae var. lolii living symbiotically within the cool season grass species Lolium perenne can produce vertebrate and invertebrate toxic alkaloids. Hence, an exact quantitation of alkaloid concentrations is essential to determine intoxication risk for animals. Many studies use different methods to detect alkaloid concentrations, which complicates the comparability. In this study, we showed that alkaloid concentrations of individual plants exceeded toxicity thresholds on real world grasslands in Germany, but not on the population level. Alkaloid concentrations on five German grasslands with high alkaloid levels peaked in summer but were also below toxicity thresholds on population level. Furthermore, we showed that alkaloid concentrations follow the same seasonal trend, regardless of whether plant fresh or dry weight was used, in the field and in a common garden study. However, alkaloid concentrations were around three times higher when detected with dry weight. Finally, we showed that alkaloid concentrations can additionally be biased to different alkaloid detection methods. We highlight that toxicity risks should be analyzed using plant dry weight, but concentration trends of fresh weight are reliable

    Epichloë endophyte infection rates and alkaloid content in commercially available grass seed mixtures in Europe

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    Fungal endophytes of the genus Epichloë live symbiotically in cool season grass species and can produce alkaloids toxic to insects and vertebrates, yet reports of intoxication of grazing animals have been rare in Europe in contrast to overseas. However, due to the beneficial resistance traits observed in Epichloë infected grasses, the inclusion of Epichloë in seed mixtures might become increasingly advantageous. Despite the toxicity of fungal alkaloids, European seed mixtures are rarely tested for Epichloë infection and their infection status is unknown for consumers. In this study, we tested 24 commercially available seed mixtures for their infection rates with Epichloë endophytes and measured the concentrations of the alkaloids ergovaline, lolitrem B, paxilline, and peramine. We detected Epichloë infections in six seed mixtures, and four contained vertebrate and insect toxic alkaloids typical for Epichloë festucae var. lolii infecting Lolium perenne. As Epichloë infected seed mixtures can harm livestock, when infected grasses become dominant in the seeded grasslands, we recommend seed producers to test and communicate Epichloë infection status or avoiding Epichloë infected seed mixtures