357 research outputs found

    Sicurezza e populismo. I migranti alla frontiera del diritto penale

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    Il presente lavoro di ricerca ha ad oggetto la criminalizzazione delle migrazioni nell'èra del cosiddetto populismo, e in particolare del populismo penale. Invero, negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad una espansione incontrollata del potere punitivo che, sotto la pressione di un bisogno collettivo di sicurezza, ha condotto ad una vera e propria disumanizzazione del diritto penale (e punitivo-amministrativo), nel duplice significato che quest’ultima espressione rivestiva secondo la giurispoeta Mireille Delmas-Marty: "quello di un diritto penale che si sta deumanizzando, e quindi deumanizzato, in quanto sempre più distante dai principi dell'umanesimo giuridico; e quello di un diritto penale deumanizzante, in quanto riduce alcuni esseri umani [...] al rango di strumenti o mezzi al servizio di un fine". I migranti sono infatti il bersaglio principale di una crescente cultura della paura e di un ritornello politico e mediatico volto a stigmatizzarli come potenziali criminali. Come uno specchio, la politica migratoria e la politica criminale ci restituiscono l'immagine di una società dominata dalla paura: la prima perché - come ha scritto Abdelmalek Sayad - è «lo Stato che pensa se stesso pensando l'immigrazione»; la seconda «perché ogni incriminazione [...] si basa su una scelta di valori o di interessi, il cui rispetto è ritenuto essenziale per il mantenimento dell'ordine sociale» (Xavier Pin). La tesi è suddivisa in tre capitoli. Il capitolo I descrive il contesto emotivo, politico e socio-economico in cui si è sviluppato il populismo penale e mira a decostruire la retorica securitaria volta ad assimilare il migrante al criminale tout court. L'analisi del capitolo II si concentra sulla critica di questo "diritto penale della paura-esclusione" che ha tratto forza e legittimazione dalla narrazione deumanizzante e criminalizzante attorno alle migrazioni. Si dimostrerà, in particolare, che il diritto penale funge da frontiera, incarnando la sovranità e il relativismo dei valori nazionali e agendo come arma di esclusione e deumanizzazione delle persone migranti. La parola frontiera evocherà altresì la zona di confine in cui opera la criminalizzazione degli stranieri indesiderabili (così come degli attori umanitari che soccorrono i migranti in pericolo): si tratta, in effetti, di una zona grigia, in cui al diritto penale si sovrappone, in modo sempre più crescente, un uso punitivo del diritto amministrativo, senza che, tuttavia, il legislatore rinunci alla forza stigmatizzante e deumanizzante del primo: lo dimostra, ad esempio, il délit (in Francia) o la contravvenzione (in Italia) dell’ingresso illegale, che costituisce la bandiera del populismo penale escludente. Si vedrà anche in che misura il processo di ampliamento della nozione di nemico abbia finito per inglobare gli attori umanitari, sulla base di una “narrazione disumanizzante dell'umano” ispirata allo stereotipo delle ONG come fattori di attrazione. Lungo i sentieri della repressione della solidarietà, ci si imbatterà in forme penali di criminalizzazione (mediante, ad esempio, l'abuso del reato di favoreggiamento dell'immigrazione c.d. clandestina), forme para-penali (quali, i fermi amministrativi delle navi umanitarie) e forme inedite (mediante, ad esempio, la contestazione dei reati di inosservanza dei provvedimenti dell’Autorità e di invasione arbitraria di terreni o edifici). Il vero è che dietro questo incessante ricorso al diritto punitivo si nasconde l’incapacità di governare razionalmente i fenomeni migratori. Come verrà spiegato nel capitolo III e come ha insegnato la giurista Mireille Delmas-Marty, lo Stato securitario è una pura illusione. La transizione verso uno Stato solidale è l'unica "bussola dei possibili", l'unica rotta da seguire se vogliamo "salvarci insieme". Ci si chiederà se e in che misura i giudici abbiano contribuito (e possano contribuire in futuro) a una rifondazione dei poteri e del diritto penale su una rinnovata etica della solidarietà.This thesis deals with the criminalisation of migration in the Age of the so-called populism, in particular "penal populism". Indeed, recent years have seen an uncontrolled expansion of punitive power which, under the pressure of a collective need for security, has led to a proper dehumanisation of criminal law (as well as administrative-punitive law), in the dual meaning that the jurispoet Mireille Delmas-Marty ascribed to this expression: "that of a criminal law that is dehumanising, and thus dehumanised, insofar as it is increasingly distant from the principles of legal humanism; and that of a dehumanising criminal law, insofar as it reduces certain human beings [...] to the rank of instruments or means at the service of an end". Indeed, migrants are the main target of a growing culture of fear and a political and media refrain aimed at stigmatising them as potential criminals. Like a mirror, migration policy and criminal policy disclose the image of a society dominated by fear: the former because - as argued by Abdelmalek Sayad - "the State [...] thinks of itself by thinking of immigration"; the latter "because every incrimination [...] is based on a choice of values or interests, respect for which is considered essential for maintaining social order" (Xavier Pin). The thesis is divided into three parts. Chapter I describes the emotional, political and socio-economic context in which penal populism has developed, and tries to deconstruct the securitarian rhetoric aimed at representing migrant as a criminal. Chapter II critically analyses this 'criminal law of fear-exclusion' that has drawn strength and legitimacy from the dehumanising and criminalising narrative on migration. In particular, it will be shown that criminal law acts as a border, embodying the sovereignty and relativism of national values and acting as a weapon of exclusion and dehumanisation of migrants. The word border will also evoke the border zone in which the criminalisation of undesirable migrants (as well as humanitarian actors who rescue them) works: a grey zone, in which a punitive use of administrative law overlaps with criminal law, albeit the legislator does not renounce the stigmatising and dehumanising force of the latter: this is shown, for example, by the délit (in France) or the contravvenzione (in Italy) of illegal entry, which constitutes the flag of exclusionary criminal populism. It will be shown to what extent the process of broadening the notion of enemy has ended up encompassing humanitarian actors, on the basis of a "dehumanising narrative of the human" inspired by the stereotype of NGOs as pull factors. Along the paths of the repression of solidarity, we will come across criminal forms of punishment (through, for example, the abuse of the crime of aiding and abetting illegal entry), para-criminal forms (such as the administrative detention of humanitarian ships) and unprecedented forms (through, for example, the charge of the crimes of non-compliance with the measures of the Authority and the arbitrary invasion of land or buildings). As a matter of fact, behind this abuse of punitive law lies the inability to rationally govern migratory phenomena. As it will be explained in Chapter III and as argued by the jurist Mireille Delmas-Marty, the Securitarian State is a mere illusion. The transition towards a Solidary State is the only 'compass of the possible', the only path to be followed in order to 'save ourselves together'. The question arises as to whether and to what extent judges have contributed (and may contribute in the future) to a refounding of powers and criminal law on a renewed ethic of solidarity

    Spacecraft Proximity Navigation and Autonomous Assembly based on Augmented State Estimation: Analysis and Experiments

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    AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference 2 - 5 August 2010, Toronto, Ontario CanadaThis paper presents a spacecraft relative navigation scheme based on a tracking technique. The augmented state estimation technique is a variable-dimension filtering approach, originally introduced by Bar-Shalom and Birmiwal [1]. In this technique, the state model for a target spacecraft is augmented by introducing, as extra state components, the target's control inputs. The maneuver, modeled as accelerations, is estimated recursively along with the other states associated with position and velocity, while a target maneuvers. By using the proposed navigation method, a chaser spacecraft can estimate the relative position, the attitude and the control inputs of a target spacecraft, flying in its proximity. It is assumed that the chaser spacecraft is equipped with on-board sensors able to measure the relative position and relative attitude of the target spacecraft. The available sensors would provide a measurement update sample time of the order of one second and be subject to random measurement interruption longer than one second. As preliminary analysis, this work introduces the technique applied to the planar, three-degree-of-freedom, spacecraft relative motion. The proposed approach is validated via hardware-in-the-loop experimentation, using four autonomous three-degree-of-freedom robotic spacecraft simulators, floating on a flat floor. The proposed navigation method is proved to be more robust than a standard Kalman Filter estimating relative position and attitude only

    Encapsulated proanthocyanidins as novel ingredients

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    Proanthocyanidins (OPC) are polyphenolic compounds, derivatives of flavan-3-ol flavonoids. They are abundant in grape seeds and skins, and contribute to most of the polyphenols in red wine. Proanthocyanidins from grape seed have been reported to show various health as well as technological properties. Aim of the study was to investigate the coating efficiency of maltodextrin (MD) in different molecular ratios with arabic gum (AG) on encapsulation of phenolic compounds extracted from grape pomace. The present study was planned to examine the contributions of MD, AG and OPC to the structural architecture of encapsulated OPC by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), their encapsulation efficiency and their functionality (antioxidant activity and bioavailability) by spectrophotometric assays and mass spectrometry analysis (MALDI-TOF-MS). The effect of encapsulated OPC on in vitro polyphenol digestibility was also evaluated according to the Infogest protocol. Encapsulated products were obtained by a mild ultrasonication method in controlled conditions based on the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation, and then freeze-dried. The content of coating material had significant (p>0.05) impact on particle morphology of spray-dried suspensions. SEM analysis of samples of AG/MD and AG/MD/OPC were similar and exhibited cracks and sharp edges, but samples with OPC showed a more enclosed structure. Total and Surface phenolic content of microcapsules showed the best encapsulation efficiency for samples with 4% of AG and 12% of MD. MALDI-TOF-MS characterization of encapsulated samples showed integrity of OPC components in the microcapsules with no changes with respect to original OPC. The in vitro digestion experiments showed also that composition and functionality of encapsulated OPC were better preserved along gastrointestinal digestion process. In conclusion, OPC microcapsules could be utilized both as nutraceuticals and additives in various food application

    Il Badalone di Filippo Brunelleschi e l’iconografia del «navigium» tra Guido da Vigevano e Leonardo da Vinci. In appendice: Il privilegio del Badalone (trascrizione e note storico-archivistiche)

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    Nel giugno 1421 le autorità di Firenze concessero a Filippo Brunelleschi un privilegium per sfruttare i diritti di uso di un nuovo tipo di imbarcazione che il grande architetto aveva inventato, il badalone. Varie ipotesi sono state fatte riguardo le caratteristiche di questo naviglio, ma determinare con esattezza cosa sia stato il badalone non è facile, a causa della mancanza di documentazione eloquentemente descrittiva. Qui si avanzano alcune congetture intorno al suo uso e caratteristiche. Da una parte una rilettura degli archivi dell’Opera del Duomo di Firenze, particolarmente dei documenti relazionabili all’impresa del Brunelleschi e alla navigazione dell’Arno nelle diverse stagioni dell’anno; e, dall’altra parte, un’indagine sulla tradizione iconografica della navigazione dal Medio Evo al primo Rinascimento, ci consentono di identificare meglio i problemi a cui l’invenzione brunelleschiana intendeva rispondere, suggerendo altre ipotesi sull’identità del badalone

    The effects of beta (2)-adrenergic receptors activation on the cardiovascular system and on the skeletal muscle: A narrative review

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    Beta(2)-adrenergic receptors (adrenoceptors) are activated by the catecholamines norepinephrine and epinephrine. Adrenoceptors are found in different tissues, such as smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and myocardium. Stimulation of adrenoceptors is implicated in several physiological functions in the body, such as bronchodilation, increased perfusion and vasodilation. The latters, together with increased muscular mass and contraction speed, facilitate muscle’s motility and contraction. In the cardiovascular system, the activation of adrenoceptors increases heart muscle contraction, cardiac output and heart rate. Some studies also suggested a cardioprotective role of the stimulation of adrenoceptors. Beta(2)-adrenergic receptors agonists, principally divided in long-acting beta(2) agonists (LABAs) and short-acting beta(2) agonists (SABAs), are primarily used to treat asthma and other pulmonary disorders. Beta(2)-adrenergic receptors activation has been correlated with anabolic properties and muscular hypertrophy with the use of oral clenbuterol, as well as intravenous albuterol. Given these anabolic, lipolytic and performance-enhancing effects, LABAs are frequently abused by athletes. For this reason, most of these drugs are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency, or admissible only with limitations. The aim of this narrative review is to report the results of some recent studies about the effects of beta(2)-adrenergic receptors activation on the cardiovascular system and on the skeletal muscle

    Non-modified RNA-Based Reprogramming of Human Dermal Fibroblasts into Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    The generation of pluripotent stem cells from adult somatic cells by cell reprogramming has put a whole new perspective on stem cell biology and stem cell-based regenerative medicine. Cell reprogramming acts through the introduction of key genes that regulate and maintain the pluripotent cell state. In this chapter, we describe the optimized protocol for the efficient isolation of fibroblasts from a skin punch biopsy and the subsequent easy and effective generation of integration-free induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) colonies forcing the expression of specific factors by non-modified RNAs. © 2021, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Sudden cardiac death and coronary artery anomalies in the athletes: A narrative review

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    Sudden cardiac death (SCD) in the athletes is an unexpected dramatic event. The mechanism underneath SCD is often represented by a ventricular tachyarrhythmia arising as complication of a broad spectrum of cardiovascular diseases, with a silent clinical course. Therefore, SCD often represents the onset manifestation of an underlying heart disease. To prevent SCD in the athletes, several international guidelines proposed pre-participation screening protocols to identify high-risk subjects. Behind atherosclerotic diseases, other structural or functional conditions have been related to SCD, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, QT-long syndrome, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, and others. Among these, the coronary artery anomalies represent almost the 20% of all cases. The coronary artery anomalies can be classified into anomalies of origin, course and termination and can be isolated or associated with other congenital cardiac defects. Some of them are rarely symptomatic. Others could impair heart function and determine SCD. Some others determine secondary cardiovascular diseases such as increased risk of endocarditis, secondary aortic valve diseases, myocardial ischemia, and others. Innovative diagnostic and therapeutic options allowed to recognize the different coronary artery anomalies, preventing SCD in athletes. The aim of this review was to analyse coronary artery anomalies to understand their implications in SCD in athletes

    Cholesterol granulomas nasal polyp in sphenoethmoid recess. An atypical aspect in a common lesion

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    Nasal polyp is a non neoplastic lesion of the respiratory mucosa. In few cases, it can be possible to detech the presence of cholesterolgranuloma. We present the case of a 55 year-old patient affected by a nasal lesion, localized in sphenoethmoidal recess, with particular microscopic feature and a review of the literature

    A Case of Lymphocytic Leukemia in a Bearded Dragon (Pogona Vitticeps) and a Review of Literature

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    The present paper reports the case of a 3 years old, female Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps) presenting lethargy, anorexia,weight loss, and anemia and marked leukocytosis at CBC. The majority of leukocytes were lymphocytic/lymphoblastic cells (97%). Immunocytochemical staining of blood smears marked for CD3 (neg) and CD79a (pos) suggested immunophenotype B. The patient died after one month from diagnosis. Histology evidenced lymphoid infi ltration in the heart, spleen, liver, kidneys and gut. In addition, in the bone marrow a massive infi ltration of lymphoid cells confi rmed the diagnosis of leukemia. Immunohistochemistry confi rmed the CD79a positivity of a large part of infi ltrating lymphoid cells indicating a B cells immunophenotype of the neoplastic population. The presence of lymphocytosis and multiorgan infi ltration supported the diagnosis of lymphocytic leukemia. Finally, a revision of the literature has also been mad
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