1,428 research outputs found

    The "red shelf" of the Hb line in the Seyfert 1 galaxies RXS J01177+3637 and HS 0328+05

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    A few Seyfert 1s have a Hb profile with a red wing usually called the "red shelf". The most popular interpretation of this feature is that it is due to broad redshifted lines of Hb and [OIII]4959,5007; we have observed two Seyfert 1s displaying a "red shelf" and showed that in these two objects the main contributor is most probably the HeI 4922,5016 lines having the velocity and width of the broad Hb component. There is no evidence for the presence of a broad redshifted component of Hb or [OIII] in any of these two objects.Comment: LaTeX file (uses AA vers. 5.1 class, enclosed), 8 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Also available at http://www.obs-hp.fr/www/preprints.htm

    Miscellaneous observations of active galactic nuclei. II

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    We observed 37 AGN candidates and classified them on the basis of their spectroscopic properties; three are confirmed QSOs, one is a BL Lac object, nine are Seyfert 1 galaxies, four Seyfert 2s, while twenty are HII regions.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 15 pages (4 tables and 9 .eps figures included in text). Uses L-AA 3.0, epsf.tex and psfig.sty (not included). Accepted to appear in A&

    A spectrophotometric atlas of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    We have compiled a list of 83 objects classified as Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) or known to have a broad Balmer component narrower than 2000 km/s. Out of these, 19 turned out to have been spectroscopically misidentified in previous studies; only 64 of the selected objects are genuine NLS1s. We have spectroscopically observed 59 of them and tried to characterize their Narrow and Broad-Line Regions (NLR and BLR) by fitting the emission-lines with Gaussian and/or Lorentzian profiles. In most cases, the broad Balmer components are well fitted by a single Lorentzian profile. This has consequences concerning their FWHMs and line ratios: when the broad Balmer components are fitted with a Lorentzian, most narrow line regions have line ratios typical of Seyfert 2s while, when a Gaussian profile isused for fitting the broad Balmer components, the line ratios are widely scattered in the usual diagnostic diagrams (Veilleux & Osterbrock 1987). We find that, in general, the [O III] lines have a relatively narrow Gaussian profile (~ 200-500 km/s FWHM) with often, in addition, a second broad (~ 500-1800 km/s FWHM), blueshifted Gaussian component. We do not confirm that the [O III] lines are weak in NLS1s. As previously suggested, there is a continuous transition of all properties between NLS1s and classical Broad-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (BLS1s) and the limit of 2000 km/s used to separate the two species is arbitrary; R_4570, the ratio of the Fe II to the H_beta fluxes, could be a physically more meaningful parameter to distinguish them. (abridged abstract)Comment: LaTeX file, 24 pages, 15 figures, uses the new A&A macro (enclosed: aa5.cls). Figs. 1-5 and 7 are bitmapped; non-bitmapped, high quality figures are included in the .ps and .pdf versions of the paper, available at http://www.obs-hp.fr/www/preprints.html. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Empirical Uncertainty Estimators for Astrometry from Digital Databases

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    In order to understand the positional uncertainties of arbitrary objects in several of the current major databases containing astrometric information, a sample of extragalactic radio sources with precise positions in the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) is compared with the available positions of their optical counterparts. The discrepancies between the radio and various optical positions are used to derive empirical uncertainty estimators for the USNO-A2.0, USNO-A1.0, Guide Star Selection System (GSSS) images, and the first and second Digitized Sky Surveys (DSS-I and DSS-II). In addition, an estimate of the uncertainty when the USNO-A2.0 catalog is transferred to different image data is provided. These optical astrometric frame uncertainties can in some cases be the dominant error term when cross-identifying sources at different wavelengths.Comment: 12 pages including 2 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, October 1999. Values in Table 1 for DSS I corrected 99-07-1

    Modelling (001) surfaces of II-VI semiconductors

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    First, we present a two-dimensional lattice gas model with anisotropic interactions which explains the experimentally observed transition from a dominant c(2x2) ordering of the CdTe(001) surface to a local (2x1) arrangement of the Cd atoms as an equilibrium phase transition. Its analysis by means of transfer-matrix and Monte Carlo techniques shows that the small energy difference of the competing reconstructions determines to a large extent the nature of the different phases. Then, this lattice gas is extended to a model of a three-dimensional crystal which qualitatively reproduces many of the characteristic features of CdTe which have been observed during sublimation and atomic layer epitaxy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spectral energy distributions of a large sample of BL Lacertae objects

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    We have collected a large amount of multifrequency data for the objects in the Metsahovi Radio Observatory BL Lacertae sample and computed their spectral energy distributions (SED). This is the first time the SEDs of BL Lacs have been studied with a sample of over 300 objects. The synchrotron components of the SEDs were fitted with a parabolic function to determine the synchrotron peak frequency. We checked the dependence between luminosities at several frequency bands and synchrotron peak frequency to test the blazar sequence scenario, which states that the source luminosity depends on the location of the synchrotron peak. We also calculated broad band spectral indices and plotted them against each other and the peak frequency. The range of peak frequencies in our study was considerably extended compared to previous studies. There were 22 objects for which log\nu_{peak}>19. The data shows that at 5 GHz, 37 GHz and 5500 A there is negative correlation between luminosity and nu_{peak}. There is no significant correlation between source luminosity at synchrotron peak and peak frequency. Several low radio luminosity-low energy peaked BL Lacs were found. The negative correlation between broad band spectral indices and nu_{peak} is also significant, although there is substantial scatter. Therefore we find that neither alpha_{rx} nor alpha_{ro} can be used to determine the synchrotron peak of BL Lacs. On the grounds of our results we conclude that the blazar sequence scenario is not valid. In all our results the BL Lac population is continuous with no hint of the bimodality of the first BL Lac samples.Comment: 10 + 27 pages, 13 figures, accepted to A&

    Algorithm for the Calculation of Geodetic Distances for Maritime Jurisdictional Boundaries

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    This paper presents an algorithm which can be applied for the calculations of distances of hundred kilometres from the co-ordinates of their end points. Analysis of the simplifications are also presented and could be adopted for applications related to the Law of the Sea
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