13 research outputs found

    Uticaj nekih motoričih sposobnosti na brzinu bacanja lopte u Golbalu - pilot istraživanje

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    The aim of the research was to determine the influence of sprint performance and explosive strength on ball throwing velocity in Goalball. The sample of participants consisted of 12 nationally and internationally ranked Goalball players, with an average age of (25.17±8.03). To evaluate sprint performance, the 5 and 10 meter sprint tests were used. To evaluate explosive strength, the standing long jump and seated medicine ball throw were used. The results of the regression analysis have indicated that the entire system of applied variables is statistically significantly connected and influences ball throwing velocity. At the same time, we evaluated the statistically significant influence of the seated medicine ball throw variable. We can conclude that as part of the fitness training of Goalball players, it is necessary to work on improving sprint performance and explosive strength due to the ability of rapid transition of the players from the defensive phase to the attack phase. It is especially important to develop upper-body explosive strength in order to increase ball throwing velocity and create the possibility for greater effectiveness of Goalball players.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj brzine i eksplozivne snage na brzinu bacanja lopte u Golbalu. Uzorak ispitanika je činilo 12 golbalista prosečne starosti (25.17±8.03) godina nacionalnog i međunarodnog ranga. Za procenu brzine korišćeni su testovi trčanja na 5 i 10 metara. Za procenu eksplozivne snage korišćeni su testovi skok u dalj iz mesta i bacanje medicinke iz sedećeg položaja. Rezultati regresione analize pokazali su da ceo sitem primenjenih varijabli ima statistički značajnu povezanost i uticaj na brzinu bacanja lopte. Pojedinačno posmatrano statistički značajan uticaj ima varijabla bacanje medicinke iz sedećeg položaja. Može se zaključiti da je u okviru kondicione pripreme golbalista potrebno raditi na razvoju brzine i eksplozivne snage zbog sposobnosti brzog prelaska igrača iz faze odbrane u fazu napada. Posebno je bitno razvijati eksplozivnu snagu mišića ruku i ramenog pojasa kako bi se povećala brzina bacanja lopte i stvorila mogućnost za veću efikasnost Golbal igrača


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    The aim of the present study was to identify the relationship between morphological parameters and motor skills that are important for sprint performance in children aged 8 to 16 years divided into four age groups (U10, U12, U14, U16) in both genders. The sample consisted of two hundred eighty one participant who trained sprinting in various athletic clubs. A prediction set of twenty-five variables for assessing morphological characteristics and motor skills was applied, and the criterion variable was a sprint at 60m. Using multiple correlation, it has been established that a large number of morphological characteristics are statistically significant positive correlation with the sprint, especially the longitudinal variables, while the variables of skinfolds showed a low negative statistical significance in relation to the given criterion. In the field of motor skills, the highest number of positive statistically significant correlations were found in the tests of explosive power of the upper and lower extremities, agility test and horizontal and vertical jump tests. In order to determine which morphological features and motor skills should be applied in sprint running training, we tested related attributes using different algorithms for data mining (LR, M5, KNN, SVM, MLP, RBF). The results suggests that the predictors that we use can continue to be applied with high reliability in assessing sprint performance, but also in the monitoring of the training process in order to profile the better sprint achievements.The aim of the present study was to identify the relationship between morphological parameters and motor skills that are important for sprint performance in children aged 8 to 16 years divided into four age groups (U10, U12, U14, U16) in both genders. The sample consisted of two hundred eighty one participant who trained sprinting in various athletic clubs. A prediction set of twenty-five variables for assessing morphological characteristics and motor skills was applied, and the criterion variable was a sprint at 60m. Using multiple correlation, it has been established that a large number of morphological characteristics are statistically significant positive correlation with the sprint, especially the longitudinal variables, while the variables of skinfolds showed a low negative statistical significance in relation to the given criterion. In the field of motor skills, the highest number of positive statistically significant correlations were found in the tests of explosive power of the upper and lower extremities, agility test and horizontal and vertical jump tests.In order to determine which morphological features and motor skills should be applied in sprint running training, we tested related attributes using different algorithms for data mining (LR, M5, KNN, SVM, MLP, RBF). The results suggests that the predictors that we use can continue to be applied with high reliability in assessing sprint performance, but also in the monitoring of the training process in order to profile the better sprint achievements.Key words: youth athletes, sprint running, morphological characteristics, motor skills, regression algorithm

    Success in Adopting Technique of Alpine Skiing with Respect to Motor Abilities of the Children Aged 7–8 Years

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    The aim of this research was to determine relations between estimated motor abilities and effi ciency of alpine ski learning in children ski beginners. It included 54 children between 7 and 8 years of age (average 7.44±0.52years). Children were tested for balance, agility, strength, coordination and frequency of movement on ten motor ability tests. After motor abilities were assessed, participants learned alpine skiing during six-day alpine ski school and upon completion of ski school program, were tested on three elements of alpine ski technique (stopping in a snow-plough, uphill turn and turns around the posted marks) by three independent judges. According to achieved level of ski knowledge, they were allocated to three groups differing by the level of success; less successful (N=18; 26–44 points), moderately successful (N=11; 45–48 points) and successful (N=25; 49–55 points). Signifi cant differences in success of adopting basic ski technique were noticed with respect to the results achieved in the task polygon backwards (F=6.162, p=0.004), foot tapping (F=6.337, p=0.003) and crossed arm sit-ups (F=3.099, p=0.053). The participants who successfully adopted the basic ski technique also achieved good results in tests: polygon backwards, foot tapping, crossed arm sit-ups, side steps, balancing on left leg perpendicular on balance board, vertical jump and medium results in tests 20m dash and balancing on right leg perpendicular on balance board. Our results suggest that successful participants have better developed coordination, frequency of movement, strength and agility


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    On specimen of schoolchildren of primary school in Serbia, was done a research of physical education influence on developing of motoric abilities. Population, on which was extracted a specimen, were samples of eight class, urban female with regular physi- cal education class. Based on selected statistical model and program, aims and suspen- ded hypothesis, was decided that specimen includes 80 samples. Specimen of motoric variables included 18 tests that were used to esteem explosive and repetitive strength, force, sprint and segment speed, flexibility, balance, precision and coordination. The results of canonic discriminative variable analyzed for estimation of motoric abilities, shows that tested schoolchildren on the end of class in one school year, are statistically different in tested abilities. Analyzing the validity of obtained results, can be concluded that between first and second group exists the connection of discriminative functions. The significant difference between groups was presented with Wilks lambda test, tested over Bartlet X2 test, which is (21.78). Applied experimental procedure showed that phisi- cal educatin class contributes to high rate of motoric abylities


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    The aim of our research was to determine the connection between the conative characteristics and success in water polo. The sample of participants for this research can be defined as the population of water polo swimmers (N=60) aged 16 to 18 years, who were only included in the study under the condition that they had taken part in the water polo training process for a period of at least four years. In order to evaluate their conative regulatory mechanisms, we relied on six primary variables: the activity regulator (EPSILON), the organic function regulator (HI), the defense reaction regulator (ALFA), the attack reaction regulator (SIGMA), the system for the coordination of regulatory functions (DELTA), the system for the integration of regulatory functions (ETA), all of which were selected so that the structure of the analysis could be carried out on the basis of the cybernetic. For the evaluation of the criterion variables, we used two variables. The first variable represents the relationship between the number of times a participant played for his team and the number of achieved victories during these matches, and the second variable represents the evaluation of technical ability on the basis of the participants’ performance on certain tests related to water polo. The relations between conative characteristics and success in water polo were determined using a canonical correlation analysis. A correlation analysis was carried out and it indicated a very high correlation between conative characteristics and success in water polo. During the training and competitive process of water polo players, the training components were well balanced, which could mean that they were optimally focused on the development of the relevant motor skills, which correlate with conative characteristics and make up the basis for the training process of water polo players


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    This study aimed to determine the effects of two training methods on the strength and mobility of trunk muscles in primary school girls. The sample of participants included 596 girls aged 11 to 15. The participants were randomly assigned to two groups: 1) an experimental group (n = 314) that performed a functional training (FT) program; 2) a control group (n = 282) that performed regular Physical Education (PE) classes. The experimental program was implemented during regular PE classes over a period of 16 weeks, where 3 training sessions were conducted per week, lasting 45 minutes each. The FitnessGram battery of tests was used to estimate the strength and mobility of trunk muscles at the initial and the final measurement. The following tests were used: Curl up, Incline push-ups, and dynamic and static Trunk lift tests. The results of the two-factor ANOVA showed significant (p < 0.001) improvements in each test for both groups. The magnitude of the effect size ranged from medium to large and differed between the methods in all tests except for abdominal muscle strength. These findings indicate that both training programs are beneficial for developing trunk muscle strength and mobility in primary school girls. Future research should consider investigating differences between the methods in primary school students. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde efekti dva različita programa treninga na snagu i pokretljivosti mišića trupa kod devojčica starijeg školskog uzrasta. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je ukupno 596 devojčica, uzrasta od 11 do 15 godina. Uzorak ispitanika nasumično je podeljen u dve grupe: 1) eksperimentalna grupa (n = 314), koja je sprovodila funkcionalni trenažni (FT) program; 2) kontrolna grupa (n = 282) koja je sprovodila regularne časove fizičkog vaspitanja. Eksperimentalni program sproveden je tokom regularnih časova fizičkog vaspitanja, koji je trajao 16 nedelja. Svake nedelje realizovane su tri trenažne jedinice u trajanju od 45 minuta. Baterija testova FitnessGram korišćena je na inicijalnom i finalnom merenju za procenu snage i pokretljivosti mišića trupa. Korišćeni su testovi za procenu: repetativne snage trbušne muskulature, repetativne snage leđne muskulature, repetativne snage grudnog i ramenog pojasa i pokretljivosti donjeg dela leđne muskulature. Rezultati dvofaktorske analize varijanse pokazali su značajan (p < 0.001) napredak na svim testovima kod obe grupe. Veličina efekta treninga bila je u rasponu od srednjeg do velikog i razlikovala se između protokola na svim testovima, osim na testu za procenu snage trbušne muskulature. Rezultati ovog istraživanja upućuju da su oba trenažna metoda korisna za razvoj snage i pokretljivosti mišića trupa kod devojčica osnovnog školskog uzrasta. Budućim istraživanjima bi trebalo ispitati razlike između metoda treninga kod učenika osnovnih škola

    The media and sport: Can they be independent of each other?

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    Only recently have people started to insist on professionalism in sport, and as a result sport is becoming a very successful media business - commercial activity on which very complex industrial endeavors are based. Sport itself, especially the Olympic Games, except for games and fun and high goals of bringing people together since ancient times, is beginning to represent a kind of job for many people, a primary activity which directly enables them not only to earn a living, but to make a profit as well. Thus, the very term 'sports career' becomes a general one, and the mere participation in sport becomes a profession just like any other. That is how 'transfers' and sponsorship deals today are worth millions, and minutes of advertisements during the broadcast of a match are becoming more and more expensive, and more and more money is being set aside for the rights to broadcast matches, for exclusive footage and pictures of famous athletes. An athlete is becoming a 'brand name', and companies through sponsorship deals and advertisements buy the right to the athlete: he becomes a synonym for values which should be imposed on the public and a message which should be sent to as many people as possible. Lately, this trend has expanded to include sports competitions. Major sports events are becoming the subject of geo-political and economic interest, and thus represent a field in which there is a clash between national identity and economic globalism. In such circumstances, a strong bond is forged between sport and the media, which reflects the current state in society. The question that imposes itself is: have we already crossed that critical point in which the industry of sport wins over the sports industry?

    Students about politics and national identification in sports

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    This paper discusses the results of the research on politics and national identification in the sports, which was conducted among the students of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education at the University of Kosovska Mitrovica, Niš and Banja Luka. This study included a total of 464 students, and it was conducted in April and May 2013 in Leposavić, Niš and Banja Luka. The main goal of this research is to determine to which extent the students recognize the influence of politics in the sports at the level of everyday practice, and how they view the process of consolidation and expression of national identity in sports. This paper also points to the relevant theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding politics, sports and national identity, as well as their mutual relations. The results of the survey show that students recognize not only the impact of politics in sports but also the expression of national identification in sports competitions, as well as in the events relating to them, in which an exceptional role is played by the media of mass communication. In their responses to the questions, the students indicated that the politics has a major impact on the sports, and that sports have a significant impact on politics, noting that the success of the top sportsmen, especially in international competitions, encourage the awakening of national feelings, strengthen national identification and contribute to the strengthening of patriotism. This effect is particularly reinforced by the behavior and statements of top athletes in the media, after major sporting results, as well as the statements of the highest state officials on these occasions. That is why these achievements are of great significance for the promotion of the state and the nation, but they are, on the other hand, also very useful for personal promotion of politicians and political parties in power. The students also observed the importance of the role of the symbolic features in sports, and, in this context, claim that the emblems, coats of arms, and other national symbols on the sports gear contribute to the strengthening of national identity. Regarding the attitude that the athletes in international competitions should sing the national anthem, most students, especially from Leposavić, believe that it is their obligation to do so. It is particularly significant that almost all the students emphasize that the hooligan behavior of fans at sports events insults their national feelings


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    Sport represents a domain where various functions and effects can be manifested. The sports industry today is characterized by modern technology, especially in the sphere of manufacturing sports props and equipment, which significantly helps its development and progress. The sports industry today exists within the social-economic achievements and power of a society. In essence, it should adapt to the new living conditions, work conditions and the conditions in which business is being conducted. Today, it is necessary to invest more in the offer of the sports industry (athletes, results, equipment, equipment, facilities, diagnostics ...), in order to be more efficient in the form of the final product on the market. The industry must adapt to the conditions of the world market (supply and demand). That is why it is sometimes necessary to also expand the range of constituents in order to win a medal – achieve a top sports result. This article will analyze the phenomenon of the modern sports industry as a business model, its production and the realization of the necessary conditions for achieving top sports results and winning medals at big competitions. Naturally, without unity between numerous external and internal factors no top sports results can be achieved. The authors also deal with an analysis of the factors of the sports industry.Sport predstavlja poligon ispoljavanja raznovrsnih funkcija i efekata. Sportsku industriju danas karakteriše savremena tehnologija posebno u sveri izrade sportskih rekvizita i opreme, koja značajno pomaže rastu i napretku sportske industrije. Sportska industrija danas egzistira u okvirima društveno – ekonomskih dostignuća i moći jednog društva. U osnovi ona treba da se prilagođava novim uslovima života, rada i poslovanja.Neophodno je sve više ulagati u ponude (sportiste, rezultate, opremu, rekvizite, objekte, dijagnostiku), kako bi krajnji proizvod bio efikasnije plasiran na tržištu. Industrija se mora prilagođavati uslovima svetskog tržišta (ponude i potražnje). Stoga je nophodno nekada i proširiti činioce, da bi se osvojila medalja – postigao vrhunski rezultat. Rad obrađuje pojavu savremene sportske industrije kao modela biznisa, njene proizvode i ostvarivanje neophodnih uslova za postizanje vrhunskih sportskih rezultata i osvajanje medalja na velikim takmičenjima. Svakako, da bez jedinstva više spoljašnjih i unutrašnjih faktora nema vrhunskih rezultata. Autori se takođe bave i prikazom činioca sportske industrije


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    One of the sports which are available to children with hearing impairment is the shot put, an athletic discipline which contributes to the development of strength, speed, specific endurance and agility. This research was carried out with the aim of comparing results achieved in the shot put at the National Games organized for elementary schoolchildren with hearing impairment in the period from 2005 to 2015, in order to determine the movement of the results and the popularization of sport among this population of schoolchildren. The participants were male and female schoolchildren attending schools for the hearing impaired in the Republic of Serbia, who were diagnosed with hearing loss exceeding 60 dB, aged up to 15. Any deviations in the results between schoolchildren with hearing impairment of both genders from Serbia and the results obtained around the world can be explained by a still insufficient participation both in the shot put and in sports activities in general for the members of this population. It should be pointed out that based on the cited data, hearing impaired children do show interest in the shot put, and it would be desirable to work on their inclusion in competitions with children without hearing loss, for the purpose of improved socialization and the participation of experts of various profiles who could help these children achieve improved health and improved quality of life.Jedan od sportova koji je dostupan deci oštećenog sluha je bacanje kugle,  atletska disciplina koja doprinosi razviju snage, brzine, specifične izdržljivosti i okretnosti. Ovo istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem poređenja rezultata postignutih u bacanju kugle na Republičkim igrama osnovnih škola za učenike oštećenog sluha, u periodu 2005-2015. godine, da bi se utvrdilo kretanje rezultata i popularizacija sporta kod ove populacije. Ispitanici oba pola sa utvrđenim oštećenje m sluha od 60dB, uzrasta do 15 godina, pohađali su škole za učenike sa oštećenjem sluha u Republici Srbiji.Odstupanja u rezultatima između dece sa oštećenim sluhom oba pola osnovnih škola Srbije u odnosu na svetske rezultate, moguće je objasniti još uvek nedovoljnom ekspanzijom bavljenja kako bacanja kugle, tako i bavljenjem sportom ove populacije. Potrebno je naglasiti da prema navedenim podacima interes za bacanje kugle dece sa oštećenim sluhom postoji i da bi bilo poželjno razmotriti njihovo uključivanje u takmičenja sa decom bez smetnji, radi bolje socijalizacije i uključivanja eksperata svih profila, kako bi se deci poboljšalo zdravlje i kvalitet života