39 research outputs found

    La sentenza 269/2017: la Corte costituzionale di fronte alla questione dell’efficacia diretta della Carta di Nizza e la prima risposta del giudice comune (Cass. ord. 3831/2018)

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    : The decision n. 269/17 of the Italian Constitutional Court should be seen as a historic stance on the relations between the national and Eu law, more precisely regarding the scope of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. In particular, the Constitutional Court maintains that the Chart does not have direct effect and, therefore, every time that a contrast between national law and the Chart emerges, the national judge shall not set aside the national rule, but he must raise a question of constitutionality before the Constitutional Court that will decide “in the light of the national parameters and, if needed, of the European ones”, ensuring that the rights laid down in the Charter are interpreted in accordance with the common constitutional traditions. The decision of the Constitutional Court is not isolated as other constitutional courts in the European Union have taken similar positions and, occasionally, even more extreme ones. The ruling can be regarded as an attempt from the Constitutional Court to reassert the centrality of its role in the protection of fundamental rights. However, it is not certain whether the judgment will stand since the European Court of Justice has not expressed itself yet and some national judges have already cast doubts on it, raising a question of constitutionality, that will give the Constitutional Court the occasion to either confirm or amend its decision


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    Il contenzioso tributario negli ultimi anni è stato in costante crescita ,sia dal punto di vista del valore economico, che del numero dei procedimenti; d'altronde la rilevante percentuale di ricorsi per Cassazione evidenzia con chiarezza come tale tipo di contenzioso , che nella sua specificità non è soggetto ad alcun limite di competenza, abbia ormai un suo ruolo autonomo da tutti riconosciuto. Alla vigilia dell’annunciata riforma della Giustizia Tributaria può pertanto essere opportuna una valutazione della problematica nell'ambito di una analisi sia economica, per ciò che attiene ai problemi di efficienza e di produttività del sistema (al fine di evitare o almeno di limitare i cd "fallimenti di mercato"), sia giuridica , in considerazione degli aspetti procedurali propri del sistema stesso; inoltre una comparazione con l'esperienza di altri Paesi che hanno giurisdizioni vicine alla nostra può facilitare la individuazione di best practices da utilizzare. In tale ottica complessiva si cercherà di evidenziare quali modifiche e nuovi meccanismi procedurali possono concorrere a migliorare la qualità del sistema, con particolare attenzione alla fase che precede il giudizio, la quale a nostro avviso riveste una rilevanza significativa

    Cardiorenal syndrome: the role of new biochemical markers

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    Cardiorenal syndrome is a pathophysiological heart and kidney disorder, in which acute or chronic dysfunction of one organ induces a damage in the other. It's a syndrome more and more often encountered in clinical practice and this implies the need to recognize the syndrome through biochemical markers with a good sensitivity and specificity, since its earliest stages in order to optimize therapy. In addition to widely validated biomarkers, such as BNP, pro BNP, creatinine, GFR and cystatin C, other promising molecules are available, like NGAL (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, KIM-1 (kidney injury molecule-1), MCP-1 (monocyte chemotactic peptide), Netrin-1, interleuchin 18 and NAG (N-acetyl-β-glucosa-minidase). The role of these emerging biomarkers is still not completely clarified: hence the need of new clinical trials

    Deep ensemble learning and transfer learning methods for classification of senescent cells from nonlinear optical microscopy images

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    The success of chemotherapy and radiotherapy anti-cancer treatments can result in tumor suppression or senescence induction. Senescence was previously considered a favorable therapeutic outcome, until recent advancements in oncology research evidenced senescence as one of the culprits of cancer recurrence. Its detection requires multiple assays, and nonlinear optical (NLO) microscopy provides a solution for fast, non-invasive, and label-free detection of therapy-induced senescent cells. Here, we develop several deep learning architectures to perform binary classification between senescent and proliferating human cancer cells using NLO microscopy images and we compare their performances. As a result of our work, we demonstrate that the most performing approach is the one based on an ensemble classifier, that uses seven different pre-trained classification networks, taken from literature, with the addition of fully connected layers on top of their architectures. This approach achieves a classification accuracy of over 90%, showing the possibility of building an automatic, unbiased senescent cells image classifier starting from multimodal NLO microscopy data. Our results open the way to a deeper investigation of senescence classification via deep learning techniques with a potential application in clinical diagnosis

    Noninvasive morpho-molecular imaging reveals early therapy-induced senescence in human cancer cells

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    Anticancer therapy screening in vitro identifies additional treatments and improves clinical outcomes. Systematically, although most tested cells respond to cues with apoptosis, an appreciable portion enters a senescent state, a critical condition potentially driving tumor resistance and relapse. Conventional screening protocols would strongly benefit from prompt identification and monitoring of therapy-induced senescent (TIS) cells in their native form. We combined complementary all-optical, label-free, and quantitative microscopy techniques, based on coherent Raman scattering, multiphoton absorption, and interferometry, to explore the early onset and progression of this phenotype, which has been understudied in unperturbed conditions. We identified TIS manifestations as early as 24 hours following treatment, consisting of substantial mitochondrial rearrangement and increase of volume and dry mass, followed by accumulation of lipid vesicles starting at 72 hours. This work holds the potential to affect anticancer treatment research, by offering a label-free, rapid, and accurate method to identify initial TIS in tumor cells

    Full-Spectrum CARS Microscopy of Cells and Tissues with Ultrashort White-Light Continuum Pulses

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    Coherent anti-StokesRaman scattering (CARS) microscopyis an emergingnonlinear vibrational imaging technique that delivers label-free chemicalmaps of cells and tissues. In narrowband CARS, two spatiotemporallysuperimposed picosecond pulses, pump and Stokes, illuminate the sampleto interrogate a single vibrational mode. Broadband CARS (BCARS) combinesnarrowband pump pulses with broadband Stokes pulses to record broadvibrational spectra. Despite recent technological advancements, BCARSmicroscopes still struggle to image biological samples over the entireRaman-active region (400-3100 cm(-1)). Here,we demonstrate a robust BCARS platform that answers this need. Oursystem is based on a femtosecond ytterbium laser at a 1035 nm wavelengthand a 2 MHz repetition rate, which delivers high-energy pulses usedto produce broadband Stokes pulses by white-light continuum generationin a bulk YAG crystal. Combining such pulses, pre-compressed to sub-20fs duration, with narrowband pump pulses, we generate a CARS signalwith a high (<9 cm(-1)) spectral resolution inthe whole Raman-active window, exploiting both the two-color and three-colorexcitation mechanisms. Aided by an innovative post-processing pipeline,our microscope allows us to perform high-speed (approximate to 1 ms pixeldwell time) imaging over a large field of view, identifying the mainchemical compounds in cancer cells and discriminating tumorous fromhealthy regions in liver slices of mouse models, paving the way forapplications in histopathological settings


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    To illustrate the potential of CT-virtopsy (CT-v) as a valid help in post-mortem evaluation in gunshot-dead people. To explain as it can support, complete and, in some special cases, be a substitute of body-opening autopsy. To stress its role in establishing cause of death, in dating the succession of lethal events occurred in the body and, possibly, in identifying the corpse


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    This education poster aims to share our personal experience about the MRI defecography, even though there is no general agreement about the technical and methodical details of the exam, also to improve knowledge about when and how is important to suggest MRI


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    The purpose of this study is to establish the role to confer to diffusion weighted sequences (DWI) in the detection of early stage of sacroileitis in patients with Crohn's Disease (CD)