356,666 research outputs found

    Mount Vernon Student Association

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    A collection of materials concerning the Mount Vernon Student Association during 1967-1969 maintained by the School of Theology Library and Archives.A group of documents relating to the activities of the Mount Vernon Student Association during 1967-1969 and the student protest movement at Boston University School of Theology

    Vernon Smith's Insomnia and the Dawn of Economics as Experimental Science

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    This is a commentary on Vernon Smith's contributions to experimental economicsexperimental economics, auctions, public goods, markets, Vernon Smith, ultimatum game, dictator games


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    Invitation for students to make holiday decorations for senior citizens living in Vernon Hall Nursing Home in Cambridg

    Is group therapy democratic? Enduring consequences of Outward Boundā€™s alignment with the Human Potential Movement

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    Franklin Vernon provided an example of how programs viewing themselves as ā€œcultural islandsā€ are in fact embedded within historical capitalist relations, through the discourses of self that they promote. In this response, I expand on Vernonā€™s argument to situate the quasi-therapeutic practices he identified in the history of the human potential movement, which effectively merged with Outward Bound starting in the 1960s and continues to define outdoor experiential education. Where Vernon sought the structural referents to different models of self, this response seeks their historical origins. The response concludes by linking Vernonā€™s argument with existing critiques and parallel efforts in the literature on youth development and identity formation

    Integration of overseas-trained doctors into the Australian medical workforce

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia. An external link to the publisherā€™s copy is included. See page 7 of PDF for this item.Linsey S Hart, Jane Vernon-Robert

    Mount Vernon City School District and Mount Vernon Administrators Group (2004)

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    Trends in Unemployment and Other Labor Market Difficulties

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    [Excerpt] The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has for many years published various measures of unemployment and other labor market difficulties. There are six ā€œalternative measures of labor underutilizationā€ published each month in the Employment Situation news release. These measures provide insights into a broad range of problems encountered by workers in today\u27s labor market. The official unemployment rate, also referred to in the list of alternative measures as U-3, is defined as the total number of unemployed persons as a percentage of the labor force, while U-1 and U-2 are more narrowly defined and U-4 through U-6 are broader in scope. The original set of alternative measures was first introduced by the BLS in 1976.5 These measures were later revised following the 1994 redesign of the Current Population Survey (CPS) to account for changes in the definitions of certain labor force measures as well as the collection of new data. Since the redesign of the CPS in 1994, the economy has experienced two recessionsā€”in 2001 and in 2007-2009ā€”during which the entire range of alternative measures (U-1 through U-6) increased. This issue of Beyond the Numbers examines trends in the BLS alternative measures of labor underutilization over the period from 1994 to 2014
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