5 research outputs found

    The Infl uence of the European Union on the Dental Profession

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    Europska Unija uređuje područja koja ne mogu regulirati nacionalna zakonodavstva. Već je prihvaćeno nekoliko direktiva o stomatološkoj profesiji, a omogućuju europskim doktorima stomatologije da otvaraju ordinacije i obavljaju usluge u bilo kojoj državi članici. Pritom imaju ista prava i obveze kao i njezini državljani. Diplome, certifi kati i drugi dokazi o školovanju uzajamno se priznaju, kako bi se olakšalo slobodno kretanje unutar Unije. Također postoje i direktive o slobodnom kretanju robe, elektroničkoj trgovini, promidžbi i zahtjevima za stomatološkom izobrazbom na dodiplomskoj ili poslijediplomskoj razini. U ovom tekstu objašnjeni su najvažniji članci svake direktive, a želi li netko podrobnije podatke može pročitati dokumente koji ga zanimaju.The European Union regulates matters that cannot be covered by individual member states. Several directives regulate the profession of dentistry in order to give each European dentist the possibility to establish a dental practice and to provide services in any member state of the Union with the same rights and obligations as the nationals of that member state. The diplomas, certifi cates and other evidence of formal qualifi cations are mutually recognized in order to facilitate this free movement of dentists within the Union. Also the free movements of goods, e-commerce, advertising and the requirements of dental education at undergraduate or postgraduate level are guaranteed in other directives. The most important articles of each directive that have an infl uence on dentistry are explained further and the reader shall consult the directives if he wants to have a more detailed insight

    The Infl uence of the European Union on the Dental Profession

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    Europska Unija uređuje područja koja ne mogu regulirati nacionalna zakonodavstva. Već je prihvaćeno nekoliko direktiva o stomatološkoj profesiji, a omogućuju europskim doktorima stomatologije da otvaraju ordinacije i obavljaju usluge u bilo kojoj državi članici. Pritom imaju ista prava i obveze kao i njezini državljani. Diplome, certifi kati i drugi dokazi o školovanju uzajamno se priznaju, kako bi se olakšalo slobodno kretanje unutar Unije. Također postoje i direktive o slobodnom kretanju robe, elektroničkoj trgovini, promidžbi i zahtjevima za stomatološkom izobrazbom na dodiplomskoj ili poslijediplomskoj razini. U ovom tekstu objašnjeni su najvažniji članci svake direktive, a želi li netko podrobnije podatke može pročitati dokumente koji ga zanimaju.The European Union regulates matters that cannot be covered by individual member states. Several directives regulate the profession of dentistry in order to give each European dentist the possibility to establish a dental practice and to provide services in any member state of the Union with the same rights and obligations as the nationals of that member state. The diplomas, certifi cates and other evidence of formal qualifi cations are mutually recognized in order to facilitate this free movement of dentists within the Union. Also the free movements of goods, e-commerce, advertising and the requirements of dental education at undergraduate or postgraduate level are guaranteed in other directives. The most important articles of each directive that have an infl uence on dentistry are explained further and the reader shall consult the directives if he wants to have a more detailed insight

    The role of the forensic expert in criminal procedures according to Belgian Law

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    This article describes the criminal procedure before the criminal courts in Belgium and the role, requisites and duties of the forensic expert in this procedure. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Padova Charter on personal injury and damage under civil-tort law: Medico-legal guidelines on methods of ascertainment and criteria of evaluation

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    Compensation for personal damage, defined as any pecuniary or non-pecuniary loss causally related to a personal injury under civil-tort law, is strictly based on the local jurisdiction and therefore varies significantly across the world. This manuscript presents the first ''International Guidelines on Medico-Legal Methods of Ascertainment and Criteria of Evaluation of Personal Injury and Damage under Civil-Tort Law''. This consensus document, which includes a step-by-step illustrated explanation of flow charts articulated in eight sequential steps and a comprehensive description of the ascertainment methodology and the criteria of evaluation, has been developed by an International Working Group composed of juridical and medico-legal experts and adopted as Guidelines by the International Academy of Legal Medicine (IALM)

    Guidelines on the Methods of Ascertainment of Whiplash-Associated Disorders

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    This chapter presents the International Guidelines developed by the Working Group on Personal Injury and Damage under the patronage of the International Academy of Legal Medicine (IALM) regarding the Methods of Ascertainment of any suspected Whiplash-Associated Disorders (WAD). This chapter includes a detailed description of the logical and methodological steps of the ascertainment process as well as a synoptic diagram in the form of a flow-chart. This chapter represents a slightly modified version of an article published in the International Journal of Legal Medicine