6 research outputs found

    Osteoclast stimulation factor 1 (Ostf1) KNOCKOUT increases trabecular bone mass in mice

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    Osteoclast stimulation factor 1 (OSTF1) is an SH3-domain containing protein that was initially identified as a factor involved in the indirect activation of osteoclasts. It has been linked to spinal muscular atrophy in humans through its interaction with SMN1, and is one of six genes deleted in a human developmental microdeletion syndrome. To investigate the function of OSTF1, we generated an Ostf1 knockout mouse model, with exons 3 and 4 of Ostf1 replaced by a LacZ orf. Extensive X-Gal staining was performed to examine the developmental and adult expression pattern, followed by phenotyping. We show widespread expression of the gene in the vasculature of most organs and in a number of cell types in adult and embryonic mouse tissues. Furthermore, whilst SHIRPA testing revealed no behavioural defects, we demonstrate increased trabecular mass in the long bones, confirming a role for OSTF1 in bone development

    The cerebellar architecture is affected in PLD2KO.

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    <p>A: Normally, the Purkinje cells (Pjc) form a monolayer sandwiched between the granular layer (Gr) and the molecular layer (Mol). In PLD2KO, ectopic Purkinje cells are also found either in the arbor vitae (arb, arrowhead) or clustered on the surface of the molecular layer (arrow). Scale bar = 100ÎŒm. B: PLD2KO mice have significantly more ectopic Purkinje cells than WT mice (p<0.005)</p

    PLD2KO mice suffer from late-onset anosmia.

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    <p>Independent tests indicate that PLD2 KO mice have olfaction defect and that these defects are age-dependent and begin after 13 weeks of age. <b>A</b>: Buried food test; mice were timed for the retrieval of a small piece of chocolate hidden under bedding. In 72% of trials WT mice find the bait in less than 600 seconds, in contrast in only 34.8% of trials are PLD2KO mice able to find it; p<0.005. <b>B and B’</b>: Immunostaining of olfactory bulbs cryosections against c-fos (green) and counterstained with Hoechst (blue) identifies activated mitral cells in the mitral cell layer (arrow). Scale bar = 50ÎŒm. There is no difference in the number of active, c-fos positive, mitral cells between WT and PLD2KO male mice (blue and red, respectively) that have been challenged with vanilla or chocolate 30 minutes prior to sampling. <b>C</b>: Habituation-deshabituation; mice were used for three days to a cotton bud smelling of orange and on the fourth day were presented with a cotton bud smelling of vanilla. While PLD2KO mice (blue line) do not differentiate the smell, WT mice (orange line) show a regain interest in the new odour; p<0.001. <b>D</b>: The difference in habituation deshabituation response to olfactory cues is age dependent as there is no difference between WT and PLD2KO in mice that are 11 weeks of age, unlike the 14 week-old cohort presented in (C). <b>E</b>: When different objects that have the same smell are presented to the mice, WT and PLD2KO react similarly. <b>F</b>: PLD2KO mice are as good as WT mice at learning and sustaining the accelerating rotarod test.</p

    Lipidomic analysis indicates lipid imbalance in PLD2KO mouse brain.

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    <p><b>A-F</b> Lipidomic analysis of six regions of the brain indicate that PLD2KO mice have significant changes in their pools of PA. Percentage of PA species are calculated compared to the total sum of PA species identified. A) 32: species, B) 34: species, C) 36: species, D) 38: species, E) Polyunsaturated species, F) Saturated- and monounsaturated species. <i>CRB</i>, Cerebellum; <i>CTX</i>, Cortex; <i>OLF</i>, Olfactory bulbs; <i>TH</i>, Thalamus-Hypothalamus and Striatum; <i>HP</i>, Hippocampus; <i>Rest</i>, Midbrain-Hindbrain and Medulla. <b>G</b> Comparison of difference between percentage of species in WT and PLD2KO indicate that the overall proportion of 32:, 34: and 36: species have significantly changed. A-F significance is calculated by Univariate Analysis of Variance test over two different experiments. G significance is calculated as paired t-test comparing the profile of all brain regions. When p<0.05, *; p<0.01, **; p<0.005, ***</p