16 research outputs found

    A synchronous papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma presenting as a large toxic nodule in a female adolescent

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    Case presentation We report for the first time a synchronous papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma in a 12-year-old girl presenting with a large (5 cm diameter) left thyroid nodule, an increased left and right upper pole technetium tracer uptake at scintigraphy and hyperthyroidism. The uptake at the right lobe was explained by the crossing of the left nodule to the right site of the neck at Computed Tomography (CT) scanning. Background Although thyroid nodules are less common in children than in adults, there is more vigilance required in children because of the higher risk of malignancy. According to literature, about 5% of the thyroid nodules in adults are malignant versus 20-26% in children. The characteristics of 9 other pediatric cases with a differentiated thyroid carcinoma presenting with a toxic nodule, which have been reported during the last 20 years, are summarized. A nodular size of more than 3.5 cm and female predominance was a common finding. Conclusions The presence of hyperthyroidism in association with a hyperfunctioning thyroid nodule does not rule out thyroid cancer and warrants careful evaluation, even in the absence of cervical lymph node invasion

    Effectiveness of bimodal auditory and electrical stimulation in patients with tinnitus: A feasibility study

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    Background: Tinnitus is a common symptom, affecting about 10–15% of the adult population. When input from the somatosensory system can influence and/or elicit tinnitus, this type of subjective tinnitus is called somatosensory tinnitus. Recently, a new type of bimodal neurostimulation treatment has shown promising results for a specific subgroup within the somatosensory tinnitus population. It is, however, not clear if this bimodal stimulation is also effective in patients with other types of subjective tinnitus. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of non-invasive bimodal auditory-somatosensory stimulation in reducing tinnitus severity among a general population of people with subjective tinnitus. Methods: Chronic subjective tinnitus patients were recruited from the ENT department of the Antwerp University Hospital. Somatosensory stimulation was delivered by Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), and it was combined with auditory stimulation via headphones. The therapy comprised six sessions of thirty minutes twice a week for a period of 3 consecutive weeks. Follow up measurements were scheduled 9–12 weeks after the last treatment session. The change of the Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) score, a questionnaire evaluating tinnitus burden and effects on the quality of life, was the primary outcome measure. Results: Twenty-nine patients were enrolled in the study. A linear mixed-effects model was used to analyze the efficacy of bimodal treatment. The results of this analysis showed a statistically significant decrease (by 6, 9 points) in average TFI score at the follow up visit when compared to baseline. The ability to modulate tinnitus did not have an influence on the treatment results. Conclusion: Our study showed that bimodal stimulation is a feasible and safe method of tinnitus treatment. The method might be an effective treatment for some participants with tinnitus, especially those who have accompanying neck/temporomandibular problems, although, the evidence from this trial is quite weak. Additional research is needed toward establishing the optimal treatment protocol, as well as selecting the most appropriate inclusion criteria

    @level2work: naar een job op niveau voor hoogopgeleide anderstalige nieuwkomers. Lessen uit de AMIF proeftuinen.

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    Hooggeschoolde anderstalige nieuwkomer doen het slecht op de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt: slechts 45% van deze doelgroep blijkt een job te hebben 5 jaar na aankomst in België en die is vaak onder hun niveau. Om deze ‘brain waste’ tegen te gaan, werden binnen het AMIF project @level2work diverse acties ontwikkeld om hoogopgeleide nieuwkomers uit derde landen meer kansen te geven op een job die gelijkloopt met hun opleidingsniveau. In totaal werden binnen 8 proeftuinen een 50-tal acties ontwikkeld en dit via een samenwerkingsverband tussen diverse partners waaronder VDAB, Actiris, de agentschappen I&I, …. HIVA stond binnen dit project in voor het lerend netwerk en de procesevaluatie. In dit rapport beschrijven we de voornaamste acties, vatten we de belangrijkste lessen samen en worden zowel aanbevelingen op beleidsniveau als handvatten voor de verdere implementatie beschreven.nrpages: 156status: Published onlin

    Intra-operative recovery of preoperative vocal cord paralysis during hemithyroidectomy for benign thyroid disease : case report and review of the literature

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    Introduction: Multinodular goiter associated with preoperative vocal cord palsy is usually indicative of invasive thyroid malignancy. However, benign thyroid disease may also lead to vocal cord paralysis. Case report: We present a case of a 63-year old woman with a two-month history of hoarseness, loss of vocal pitch, difficulties with swallowing and shortness of breath. Preoperative flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy showed a left vocal cord paralysis. Left hemithyroidectomy with isthmectomy under intraoperative neuromonitoring for multinodular goiter was performed. Intra-operatively, both ipsilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) and vagal nerve (VN) were identified and preserved. Follow-up laryngoscopy 5?weeks postoperatively showed complete recovery of the left vocal cord movement. Discussion: Intuitively, surgeons may assume that preservation of a palsied RLN in patients with preexisting vocal cord paralysis is not meaningful. However, patients with RLN palsy associated with benign thyroid disease can experience full recovery after surgery. Conclusion: Multinodular goiter associated with preoperative vocal cord paralysis should be managed with extreme caution and use of intra-operative neuromonitoring. The existing probability of intra-operative recovery of a preoperative RLN palsy underlines the importance of preserving the affected RLN during surgery for benign thyroid disease

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of late auditory evoked potentials as a candidate biomarker in the assessment of tinnitus.

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    Subjective tinnitus, the perception of sound in the absence of any sound source, is routinely assessed using questionnaires. The subjective nature of these tools hampers objective evaluation of tinnitus presence, severity and treatment effects. Late auditory evoked potentials (LAEPs) might be considered as a potential biomarker for assessing tinnitus complaints. Using a multivariate meta-analytic model including data from twenty-one studies, we determined the LAEP components differing systematically between tinnitus patients and controls. Results from this model indicate that amplitude of the P300 component is lower in tinnitus patients (standardized mean difference (SMD) = -0.83, p < 0.01), while latency of this component is abnormally prolonged in this population (SMD = 0.97, p < 0.01). No other investigated LAEP components were found to differ between tinnitus and non-tinnitus subjects. Additional sensitivity analyses regarding differences in experimental conditions confirmed the robustness of these results. Differences in age and hearing levels between the two experimental groups might have a considerable impact on LAEP outcomes and should be carefully considered in future studies. Although we established consistent differences in the P300 component between tinnitus patients and controls, we could not identify any evidence that this component might covary with tinnitus severity. We conclude that out of several commonly assessed LAEP components, only the P300 can be considered as a potential biomarker for subjective tinnitus, although more research is needed to determine its relationship with subjective tinnitus measures. Future trials investigating experimental tinnitus therapies should consider including P300 measurements in the evaluation of treatment effect