81 research outputs found

    An Android Malware Detection Framework-based on Permissions and Intents

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    With an exponential growth in smartphone applications targeting useful services such as banks, healthcare, m-commerce, security has become a primary concern. The applications downloaded from unofficial sources pose a security threat as they lack mechanisms for validation of the applications. The malware infected applications may lead to several threats such as leaking user’s private information, enforcing malicious deductions for sending premium SMS, getting root privilege of the android system and so on. Existing anti-viruses depend on signature databases that need to be updated from time to time and are unable to detect zero-day malware. The Android Operating system allows inter-application communication through the use of component reuse by using intents. Unfortunately, message passing is also an application attack surface. A hybrid method for android malware detection by analysing the permissions and intent-filters of the manifest files of the applications is presented. A malware detection framework is developed based on machine learning algorithms and on the basis of the decision tree obtained from ID3 and J48 classifiers available in WEKA. Both algorithms gave same results with an error percentage of 6 per cent. The system improves detection of zero day malware

    Financial preferences of listed SMEs in India: An empirical study

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    Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a very significant role in boosting sustainable economic growth and development of any country. The present study examines various firm-specific determinants that have an impact on the financing choice of the listed Indian SMEs. It also studied the financing practices of the listed SMEs in India and tried to find out if their financing pattern follows the established theories of Corporate Finance. The study selected 113 SMEs listed on the NSE Emerge Exchange for the period between 2014 and 2018. To examine the problem, empirical analysis is done with the help of panel data regression. The study finds that for meeting financial requirements of listed SMEs, they prefer current liabilities first, then total reserves, thereafter short-term borrowings and lastly the long-term borrowings. Among the independent variables chosen based on an extensive literature survey, most of them are statistically significant but are depicting lower explanatory power. Hence, it leads to the possibility of some other firm-specific factors or macroeconomic factors being more relevant in deciding the listed firm’s financing choices. The study concludes that no single theory like Pecking Order Theory (POT) or Trade-Off Theory (TOT) can explain the financing behaviour of listed SMEs completely. It contributes to the extant literature on listed SMEs by attempting to examine the impact of listing on the financing patterns of the SMEs

    Assessment of the efficacy of glyceryl trinitrate patch as a tocolytic

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    Background: Preterm labor is defined as onset of delivery after the age of gestational viability (20-28 weeks) and prior to 37 weeks. Preterm birth complicated 5-10% of all births and accounts for 75% of perinatal deaths. Several drugs are now available to delay delivery in spontaneous preterm labour. Delaying the delivery for at least 24-48 hr for lung maturity of fetus is the primary goal. Glyceryl trinitrate has less maternal side effects.Methods: The study included 100 women who were admitted in view of preterm labour with gestational age between 28-36 weeks and were given trans dermal nitroglycerin therapy for arrest of preterm labour.Results: The efficacy of nitroglycerine patch to arrest preterm labour was studied. 88 patients were successfully progressed for more than 48 hours with minimum prolongation of 3 days and maximum prolongation of 65 days and average prolongation of 26 days of pregnancy.Conclusions: Glyceryl trinitrate patch as a tocolytic is very effective. This drug has a good patient acceptability and compliance due to its minimal side effects, low cost and simple dosage schedule


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    Sublingual literally meaning is under the tongueâ€, refers to a method of administrating substance via mouth in such a way that the substance is rapidly absorbed via blood vessels under tongue. Sublingual route is a useful when rapid onset of action is desired with better patient compliance than orally ingested tablets. Drugs that are given sublingually reach directly in to the systemic circulation through the ventral surface of the tongue and floor of the mouth. The portion of drug absorbed through the sublingual blood vessels bypasses the hepatic firstâ€pass metabolic processes giving acceptable bioavailability. As nowadays most of the people need effective relief within a short period of time so sublingual is the most suitable form of administration. New sublingual technologies address many pharmaceutical and patient needs, ranging from enhanced lifeâ€cycle management to convenient dosing for paediatric, geriatric, and psychiatric patients with dysphagia


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    Fast dissolving tablets are also called as mouth-dissolving tablets, melt-in mouth tablets, orodispersible tablets, quick dissolving etc. Fast dissolving tablets are those when put on tongue disintegrate instantaneously releasing the drug, which dissolve or disperses in the saliva. The faster the drug dissolved into solution, quicker the absorption and onset of clinical effect. Oral routes of drug administration have wide acceptance up to 50-60% of total dosage forms. Fast dissolving tablet containing solid dispersion was developed to improve the dissolution of drug and stability of solid dispersion. They are disintegrating and/or dissolve rapidly in the saliva without the need for water. Thus it is regarded as the safest, most convenient and most economical method of drug delivery having the highest patient compliance. The later part of the article focus on the progress in methods of manufacturing, evaluation and various latest technologies involved in the development of Fast dissolving tablets. Solid dispersion is basically a drug–polymer two-component system; the drug–polymer interaction is the determining factor in its design and performance. It also discusses about modern characterization technique to characterize solid dispersion. In this review, it is intended to discuss the recent advances related on the area of solid dispersion technology. Different methods are also been used for preparation of solid dispersions such as Melting method, Solvent method, Melting solvent method, Melt extrusion method, lyophilisation Technique, Melt Agglomeration Process, The Use Of Surfactant, Electro spinning and Super Critical Fluid Technology. The introduction of fast dissolving dosage forms has solved some of the problems encountered in administration of drugs to the pediatric and elderly patient, which constitutes a large proportion of the world's population. Solid dispersions have attracted considerable interest as an efficient means of improving the dissolution rate and hence the bio availability of a range of poorly water-soluble drugs. The focus of one part of the review article is based on solid dispersion mainly advantages, disadvantages, types, the method of preparation, and characterization of the solid dispersion at laboratory and industrial level

    COVID 19 and Online Learning in Post Graduate Management Programme: An Empirical Analysis of Students’ Perception

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    In University regulated Tier II B Schools in India, the prominent mode of instruction has been traditional face to face, teaching. The extent of technology to be incorporated in educational pedagogy was always debated. However, with the sudden COVID-19 pandemic, all institutions were compelled to adopt online teaching methodologies. With this background, this paper attempts to analyze the perception of students of Post Graduate Management Programmes from the four different Universities in state of Maharashtra, India, about their online learning experience during the pandemic. The study also attempts to identify various factors that have a bearing on student’s perceptions regarding the effectiveness of online teaching. For the purpose of quantitative analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression have been used. Based on the results of quantitative analysis, appropriate qualitative conclusions have been derived. The results of the study in terms of perception of students regarding online learning can contribute significantly in developing a blended approach for management education as per the latest UGC guidelines (2020)

    Functional finishing of woven fabric with reduced graphene oxide nanosheets decorated with Ag-N doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles

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    333-340An innovative approach has been made to impart self-cleaning and antibacterial properties to woven fabrics. Reduced graphene oxide/Ag-N TiO2 nanocomposites are successfully prepared by simple mixing and sonication for finishing of woven fabric with prepared nanocomposites. The physiochemical properties of prepared samples are analysed by X-ray diffraction, UV-Visible spectroscopy, Field emission scanning electron microscope and Fourier transform infrared radiation spectroscopy. The prepared nanocomposite (rGO/ 1% Ag-N TiO2) shows lower bandgap of 2.3 eV as compared to individual nanomaterials, and hence the improved photocatalytic performance, leading to high self-cleaning and antibacterial activity

    Bounds of Hankel Determinant for a Class of Univalent Functions

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    The authors study the coefficient condition for the class ℌ defined as the family of analytic functions ,(0)=0 and ′(0)=1, which satisfy ℜ[(1−)′()+(1+(′′())/(′()))]>,∈, where is a real number

    Effect of process parameters on tensile properties of cotton sewing thread used in reinforcement layer of drafting aprons

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    In this study, the influence of different process variables on mechanical properties of cotton thread to be used as reinforcement thread has been investigated and the conditions for imparting minimum elongation and maximum tenacity are identified. Single yarn twist, plied yarn twist and mercerization stretch are optimized based on the responses evaluated. The optimization of the parameters has been carried out by using response surface methodology. It is observed that the thread elongation is significantly affected by mercerization stretch setting followed by single yarn twist and plied yarn twist. Tenacity of reinforced thread is highly influenced by plied yarn twist than that of mercerization stretch setting and single yarn twist. Optimized conditions for single yarn twist, plied yarn twist and mercerization stretch are 769turns/m, 767turns/m and 2.5% respectively