168 research outputs found

    Growth patterns of medium-sized, fast-growing firms

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    This report examines rapidity of business expansion, by analysing potential organisational growth patterns, as well as potential theories explaining these patterns. Besides, the study examines sources of importance during the various growth phases. Finally, emphasis is put on the issue as to whether strategy and sources affect growth.

    FAMOS: a size-class based financial analysis model

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    Beschrijving van het financieel model Financial Analysis Model of SMEs (FAMOS), dat de balansstructuur voor de niet-financiële sectoren en grootteklassen weergeeft. Het model geeft meer inzicht in de wijze waarop veranderingen in bijvoorbeeld de omzet, de financieringskosten en de winsten doorwerken op de balansstructuur van bedrijven en hun financiële indicatoren. Hierbij kan onderscheid worden gemaakt tussen de activastructuur (de verschillende vormen van bezittingen) en de vermogensstructuur (eigen of vreemd vermogen). De belangrijkste conclusie van het rapport is dat de balansstructuur slechts marginaal verandert bij een veranderde economische groei in het algemeen, en meer specifiek voor wijzigingen in betaalde rente en winsten. Er zijn wel grote verschillen mogelijk tussen sectoren en grootteklassen.

    Self-employment in 23 OECD countries

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    Studie naar de invloed van culturele en economische verschillen in het niveau van zelfstandig ondernemerschap in meer dan twintig Westerse landen en Japan in de periode 1974-1994. Ontevredenheid met de maatschappij en met het leven in het algemeen is een beslissende factor voor een hoger percentage zelfstandigen in een land.

    Factors influencing export development of Dutch manufactured products

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    The research objective of this Strategic Study is to generate new insights in the question: what are the determinants of the development of Dutch manufacturing exports? The focus of the current study is a qualitative one. In follow-up studies, data on the relevant determinants might be gathered and a quantitative research, such as regression analyses, might be carried out to determine the dominant factors in a quantitative way.

    Income Inequality Decomposition, Russia 1992-2002: Method and Application

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    Decomposition methods for income inequality measures, such as the Gini index and the members of the Generalised Entropy family, are widely applied. Most methods decompose income inequality into a between (explained) and a within (unexplained) part, according to two or more population subgroups or income sources. In this article, we use a regression analysis for a lognormal distribution of personal income, modelling both the mean and the variance, decomposing the variance as a measure of income inequality, and apply the method to survey data from Russia spanning the first decade of market transition (1992-2002). For the first years of the transition, only a small part of the income inequality could be explained. Thereafter, between 1996 and 1999, a larger part (up to 40%) could be explained, and ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ categories of the transition could be spotted. Moving to the upper end of the income distribution, the self-employed won from the transition. The unemployed were among the losers

    Decompositie van inkomensongelijkheid: Rusland 1992-2002

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    Introductie: Economen en sociale wetenschappers gebruiken kerngetallen om de inkomensongelijkheid van landen te beschrijven. In de meeste studies worden de Gini index, de leden van de “Generaliz Entropy” familie van indices (zoals de Theil en Atkinson coëfficiënten en de “Mean Logarithmic Deviation”), en de percentielratio’s P90/P10 en P75/P25 gebruikt. De waarden van al deze coëfficiënten vertellen iets over de inkomensongelijkheid op een bepaald moment of, via een tijdreeks van coëfficiënten, over trends in de inkomensongelijkheid. Een van de centrale vragen bij de bestudering van inkomensongelijkheid betreft die naar de onderliggende factoren. Decompositie van inkomensongelijkheid kan daar op een antwoord geven. Decompositie van inkomensongelijkheid naar subgroepen in de populatie of naar bronnen van inkomen werd in het begin van de jaren ’80 geïntroduceerd in publicaties van Bourguignon (1979) en Shorrocks (1980; 1982; 1984). Zij lieten zien dat een aantal, maar niet alle maten voor ongelijkheid additief kunnen worden gedecomponeerd. Sinds die tijd is een groot aantal sociaal-economische studies met deze (inmiddels) standaard toepassingen verschenen...

    Neuropsychological and Behavioral Aspects of Noonan Syndrome

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    Abstract: The current paper introduces concise neuropsychological assessment as an essential tool for studying the contribution of cognition and behavior in the expression of genetic syndromes, like Noonan syndrome (NS). Cognitive and behavioral findings in NS show intelligence scores across a wide range, with a mildly lowered average level. Language and motor development are often delayed, but no longer dysfunctional in adulthood. Continuing mild problems in selective and sustained attention are noted, as well as suboptimal organization skills and compromised abilities to structure complex information. These problems seem to culminate in learning difficulties, requiring attention for special needs in education. It seems that a complex of psychosocial immaturity, alexithymia and amenable traits is typical of NS patients. Consequently, psychopathology or psychological problems in leading a self-serving life may often remain underreported. This is why the authors advocate the integration of the domain of social cognition and personality in NS assessment

    Anesthesia for endobronchial laser surgery: a modified technique

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    We describe a technique for endobronchial surgery with the neodynium:yttium-aluminum-garnet laser, in which an insufflation catheter with side holes placed into the contralateral mainstem bronchus is used for high-frequency positive pressure ventilation. Thirty-five patients (45 procedures) were treated during general anesthesia using a rigid bronchoscope in combination with a fiberoptic bronchoscope. Perioperatively, oxygen saturation (SaO2), mean arterial pressure, and heart rate were recorded. SaO2 during the recovery period was comparable to that during the intraoperative period but was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that before the induction of anesthesia. There was a considerable (> or = 5%) increase in SaO2 at the end of the treatment in six patients, which indicates that the recanalization of the treated airway was successful. Our data support the assumption that, during endobronchial resection, selective ventilation of the nonaffected lung was adequate; in addition, subcarinal placement of the insufflation catheter with side holes was advantageous. We conclude that this technique contributes to the prevention of lung complications during endobronchial laser surgery. Implications: We describe a technique in which an insufflation catheter with side holes placed into the contralateral mainstem bronchus largely prevented inhalation of laser smoke and aspiration of blood and debris