444 research outputs found

    Growth rings, growth ring formation and age determination in the mangrove <i>Rhizophora mucronata</i>

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    Background and Aims The mangrove Rhizophora mucronata has previously been reported to lack annual growth rings, thus barring it from dendrochronological studies. In this study the reported absence of the growth rings was reconsidered and the periodic nature of light and dark brown layers visible on polished stem discs investigated. In addition, the formation of these layers in relation to prevailing environmental conditions, as well as their potential for age determination of the trees, was studied.Methods Trees of known age were collected and a 2.5-year cambial marking experiment was conducted to determine the periodic nature of the visible growth layers.Key Results Annual indistinct growth rings were detected in R. mucronata and are defined by a low vessel density earlywood and a high vessel density latewood. The formation of these growth rings and their periodic nature was independent from site-specific environmental conditions in two forests along the Kenyan coast. However, the periodic nature of the rings was seriously affected by slow growth rates, allowing accurate age determination only in trees with radial growth rates above 0.5 mm year(-1). The onset of the formation of the low vessel density wood coincided with the onset of the long rainy season (April-May) and continues until the end of the short rainy season (November). The high vessel density wood is formed during the dry season (December-March). Age determination of the largest trees collected in the two studied forests revealed the relatively young age of these trees (+/-100 years).Conclusions This study reports, for the first time, the presence of annual growth rings in the mangrove R. mucronata, which offers further potential for dendrochronological and silvicultural applications

    Influence of a salinity gradient on the vessel characters of the mangrove species <i>Rhizophora mucronata</i>

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    Although mangroves have been extensively studied, little is known about their ecological wood anatomy. This investigation examined the potential use of vessel density as a proxy for soil water salinity in the mangrove species Rhizophora mucronata (Rhizophoraceae) from Kenya. In a time-standardized approach, 50 wood discs from trees growing in six salinity categories were investigated. Vessel densities, and tangential and radial diameters of rainy and dry season wood of one distinct year, at three positions on the stem discs, were measured. A repeated-measures ANOVA with the prevailing salinity was performed. Vessel density showed a significant increase with salinity, supporting its use as a prospective measure of salinity. Interestingly, the negative salinity response of the radial diameter of vessels was less striking, and tangential diameter was constant under the varying environmental conditions. An effect of age or growth rate or the presence of vessel dimorphism could be excluded as the cause of the absence of any ecological trend. The clear trend in vessel density with salinity, together with the absence of a growth rate and age effect, validates the potential of vessel density as an environmental proxy. However, it can only be used as a relative measure of salinity given that other environmental variables such as inundation frequency have an additional influence on vessel density. With view to a reliable, absolute proxy, future research should focus on finding wood anatomical features correlated exclusively with soil water salinity or inundation frequency. The plasticity in vessel density with differing salinity suggests a role in the establishment of a safe water transport system. To confirm this hypothesis, the role of inter-vessel pits, their relationship to the rather constant vessel diameter and the underlying physiology and cell biology needs to be examined

    Successive cambia development in <i>Avicennia marina</i> (Forssk.) Vierh. is not climatically driven in the seasonal climate at Gazi Bay, Kenya

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    This study is intended to provide early access to recent findings on the formation of the successive cambia of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. in Kenya. The non-annual character of the growth layers was demonstrated by using three trees from a cambial marking experiment and three trees from a plantation of known age. The respective number of growth layers produced during one year was on average a half and three. Considering 28 stem disks of trees at three study sites, differing in local site conditions, growth layer development was shown to be strongly correlated with stem diameter (R²=0.84, pA. marina (from Kenya)

    Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in environmental samples: a multi-analyte approach

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    Pharmaceuticals and their residues in the environment have been recently recognized as one of the emerging research areas in the environmental chemistry and toxicology and caused them to be viewed as a new class of priority substances. It has been reportedthat they are introduced continuously in the environment via household use, effluents from Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and animal excreta. Up to date, the potential human, animal and ecological risk associated with the occurrence of these compounds in the environment is not well documented. There is an increased attention due to the fact that they are designed to have specific effects at low doses and to be resistant to Moreover, the science of mixture toxicity is complex and to date quite unknown (Bound et al., 2006; Hernando et al., 2006).Despite the increased research and regulatory interest in the occurrence of pharmaceuticals and their degradation products in STPs effluents and freshwater ecosystems (Hernando et al., 2006), the occurrence, the distribution between the different environmental compartments (i.e. water, sediments, suspended solids and aqueous organisms), the trophic transfer and their potential toxicity is to date far less documented (Emblidge and DeLorenze, 2006).In this sense, this study will present a detection method for the determination of a large group of pharmaceuticals (i.e. antibiotics, beta-agonists, painkillers, tranquilizers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) used both in human and veterinary practice in environmental samples using Liquid Chromatography coupled to multiple Mass Spectrometry

    Paleoclimate in continental northwestern Europe during the Eemian and early Weichselian (125–97 ka): insights from a Belgian speleothem

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    The last interglacial serves as an excellent time interval for studying climate dynamics during past warm periods. Speleothems have been successfully used for reconstructing the paleoclimate of last interglacial continental Europe. However, all previously investigated speleothems are restricted to southern Europe or the Alps, leaving large parts of northwestern Europe undocumented. To better understand regional climate changes over the past, a larger spatial coverage of European last interglacial continental records is essential, and speleothems, because of their ability to obtain excellent chronologies, can provide a major contribution. Here, we present new, high-resolution data from a stalagmite (Han-9) obtained from the Han-sur-Lesse Cave in Belgium. Han-9 formed between 125.3 and  ∼  97 ka, with interruptions of growth occurring at 117.3–112.9 and 106.6–103.6 ka. The speleothem was investigated for its growth, morphology and stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) composition. The speleothem started growing relatively late within the last interglacial, at 125.3 ka, as other European continental archives suggest that Eemian optimum conditions were already present during that time. It appears that the initiation of Han-9 growth is caused by an increase in moisture availability, linked to wetter conditions around 125.3 ka. The δ13C and δ18O proxies indicate a period of relatively stable conditions after 125.3 ka; however, at 120 ka the speleothem δ18O registered the first signs of regionally changing climate conditions, being a modification of ocean source δ18O linked to an increase in ice volume towards the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e–5d transition. At 117.5 ka, drastic vegetation changes are recorded by Han-9 δ13C immediately followed by a cessation of speleothem growth at 117.3 ka, suggesting a transition to significantly dryer conditions. The Han-9 record covering the early Weichselian displays larger amplitudes in both isotope proxies and changes in stalagmite morphology, evidencing increased variability compared to the Eemian. Stadials that appear to be analogous to those in Greenland are recognized in Han-9, and the chronology is consistent with other European (speleothem) records. Greenland Stadial 25 is reflected as a cold/dry period within Han-9 stable isotope proxies, and the second interruption in speleothem growth occurs simultaneously with Greenland Stadial 24

    Comparative anatomy of intervessel pits in two mangrove species growing along a natural salinity gradient in Gazi Bay, Kenya

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    Background and Aims: According to the air-seeding hypothesis, embolism vulnerability in xylem elements is linked directly to bordered pit structure and functioning. To elucidate the adaptive potential of intervessel pits towards fluctuating environmental conditions, two mangrove species with a distinct ecological distribution growing along a natural salinity gradient were investigated. Methods: Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations were conducted to obtain qualitative and quantitative characteristics of alternate intervessel pits in A. marina and scalariform intervessel pits in Rhizophora mucronata. Wood samples from three to six trees were collected at seven and five sites for A. marina and R. mucronata, respectively, with considerable differences between sites in soil water salinity. Key Results: Vestured pits without visible pores in the pit membrane were observed in A. marina, the mangrove species with the widest geographical distribution on global as well as local scale. Their thick pit membranes (on average 370 nm) and minute pit apertures may contribute to reduced vulnerability to cavitation of this highly salt-tolerant species. The smaller ecological distribution of R. mucronata was in accordance with wide pit apertures and a slightly higher pitfield fraction (67 % vs. 60 % in A. marina). Nonetheless, its outer pit apertures were observed to be funnel-shaped shielding non-porous pit membranes. No trends in intervessel pit size were observed with increasing soil water salinity of the site. Conclusions: The contrasting ecological distribution of two mangrove species was reflected in the geometry and pit membrane characteristics of their intervessel pits. Within species, intervessel pit size seemed to be independent of spatial variations in environmental conditions and was only weakly correlated with vessel diameter. Further research on pit formation and function has to clarify the large variations in intervessel pit size within trees and even within single vessels

    Testing the theory of immune selection in cancers that break the rules of transplantation

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    Modification of cancer cells likely to reduce their immunogenicity, including loss or down-regulation of MHC molecules, is now well documented and has become the main support for the concept of immune surveillance. The evidence that these modifications, in fact, result from selection by the immune system is less clear, since the possibility that they may result from reorganized metabolism associated with proliferation or from cell de-differentiation remains. Here, we (a) survey old and new transplantation experiments that test the possibility of selection and (b) survey how transmissible tumours of dogs and Tasmanian devils provide naturally evolved tests of immune surveillance

    Short-term telomere dynamics is associated with glucocorticoid levels in wild populations of roe deer

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    International audienceWhile evidence that telomere length is associated with health and mortality in humans and birds is accumulating, a large body of research is currently seeking to identify factors that modulate telomere dynamics. We tested the hypothesis that high levels of glucocorticoids in individuals under environmental stress should accelerate telomere shortening in two wild populations of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) living in different ecological contexts. From two consecutive annual sampling sessions, we found that individuals with faster rates of telomere shortening had higher concentrations of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites, suggesting a functional link between glucocorticoid levels and telomere attrition rate. This relationship was consistent for both sexes and populations. This finding paves the way for further studies of the fitness consequences of exposure to environmental stressors in wild vertebrates

    Testosterone metabolism in Neomysis integer following exposure to benzo(a)pyrene

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2006. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 144 (2006): 405-412, doi:10.1016/j.cbpb.2006.04.001.Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) are important enzymes involved in the regulation of hormone synthesis and in the detoxification and/or activation of xenobiotics. CYPs are found in virtually all organisms, from archae, and eubacteria to eukaryota. A number of endocrine disruptors are suspected of exerting their effects through disruption of normal CYP function. Consequently, alterations in steroid hormone metabolism through changes in CYP could provide an important tool to evaluate potential effects of endocrine disruptors. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential effects of the known CYP modulator, benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), on the testosterone metabolism in the invertebrate Neomysis integer (Crustacea; Mysidacea). N. integer were exposed for 96h to 0.43, 2.39, 28.83, 339.00 and 1682.86μg B(a)P L-1 and a solventcontrol, and subsequently their ability to metabolize testosterone was assessed. Identification and quantification of the produced phase I and phase II testosterone metabolites was performed using liquid chromatography coupled with multiple mass spectrometry (LC-MS2). Significant changes were observed in the overall ability of N. integer to metabolize testosterone when exposed to 2.39, 28.83, 339.00 and 1682.86μg B(a)P L-1 as compared to the control animals.This research was supported by a research grant of the Ghent University Research Fund (BOF, 011.072.02). Dr. Tim Verslycke was supported by a Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Belgian American Educational Foundation