80 research outputs found

    Rate of decrease of myocardial O2 consumption due to cardiac arrest in anesthetized goats

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    The rate of change of myocardial O2 consumption, MVO2, has been measured during the transition from beating to cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest was achieved by destruction of the bundle of His by injection of formalin and induced by 25 s interruption of pacing. The left main coronary artery was perfused under constant pressure and the great cardiac vein was drained under controlled pressure. The arterio-venous O2 content difference, [O2](a-v), and coronary arterial and venous flows, CAF resp CVF, were continuously measured. The MVO2 transient was calculated using the following equation based on a 3 compartment model: MVO2 = CAF . [O2](a-v) - (Vc + Vv) . d[O2]v/dt - (Vc . Vv/CVF) . d2[O2]v/dt2 where Vc and Vv are the capillary and the venous blood volume as function of time and [O2]v is the venous oxygen content. A 7th order polynoma was fit to the [O2]v-data and the fitted equation was differentiated analytically to obtain the first and second order derivatives. The MVO2 decreased from 94 +/- 5 microliters O2/s/100 g (mean +/- SE) before cardiac arrest to 15.4 +/- 5 microliters O2/s/100 g after 15 s of cardiac arrest. The change in MVO2 (50% in 3.8 +/- 0.3 s) preceded the change in venous oxygen content (50% in 12.7 +/- 0.5 s) and the change in coronary resistance (50% in 14.9 +/- 0.9). These results are in accordance with the hypothesis that interstitial O2 concentration is a major determinant of coronary resistanc

    Intramyocardial blood volume change in first moments of cardiac arrest in anesthetized goats

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    The effect of cardiac relaxation on the intramyocardial blood volume was studied by measuring the integrated difference between arterial inflow and great cardiac venous outflow. In nine anesthetized goats, the left main coronary artery was perfused under constant pressure. The great cardiac vein was drained under pressure control. The venous flow signal was amplified so that the integrated intramyocardial blood volume was constant in the beating heart. With normal vasomotor tone, the mean change in vascular volume was 3.01 +/- 0.18 (SE) ml/100 g left ventricle (LV); 67% of the volume change was achieved in 1.60 +/- 0.09 s. For the fully dilated bed (adenosine infusion), the values were 4.13 +/- 0.33 ml/100 g and 0.96 +/- 0.06 s, respectively. The volume change could be correlated with the venous pressure during cardiac arrest (Pvd) and the change in mean left ventricular pressure after cardiac arrest (r = 0.95). The correlation improved when data were selected for Pvd less than 6 mmHg to r = 0.98. We assumed that the change in vascular transmural pressure can be approximated as half the mean left ventricular pressure change. The intramyocardial vascular compliance was then estimated as 0.104 +/- 0.012 and 0.146 +/- 0.028 ml X mmHg-1 X 100 g-1 for control and adenosine conditions, respectively. The long time constants excluded the large epicardial veins as the site of volume change; they were much longer than the duration of diastole in the beating heart. We conclude that the intramyocardial vascular compartment is capable of volume expansion on the order of 20% of its normal volume when myocardial compression by ventricular systole is suspende

    Stopped-flow epicardial lymph pressure is affected by left ventricular pressure in anesthetized goats

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    We measured epicardial lymph pressure (Plymph) in the anesthetized goat (n = 5 goats). To study the transmission of systolic left ventricular pressure (PLV) to Plymph, the effect of an increase in PLV caused by clamping of the descending aorta on Plymph was evaluated. Peak systolic PLV was 131 +/- 4 (+/- SE) mmHg during control (43 beats) and 188 +/- 4 mmHg when elevated due to aortic clamping (157 beats). Peak systolic Plymph was 24.8 +/- 1.0 and 34.8 +/- 1.1 mmHg during control and elevated PLV, respectively. In the first beat of elevated PLV, peak Plymph did not change, although the pressure waveform did. In the subsequent beats, Plymph increased proportionally with increased PLV. When PLV was decreased back to control, Plymph also decreased but did not reach control level until after three beats. The relationship between normalized Plymph and normalized PLV is given by Plymph = 0.70 x PLV + 0.09. The results show that PLV does affect Plymph in a normal beating hear

    Persistent GnRH receptor activation in pituitary αT3-1 cells analyzed with a label-free technology.

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    The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor is a drug target for certain hormone-dependent diseases such as prostate cancer. In this study, we examined the activation profiles of the endogenous ligand, GnRH and a well-known marketed analog, buserelin using a label-free assay in pituitary αT3-1 cells with endogenous GnRH receptor expression. This whole cell impedance-based technology allows for the real-time measurement of morphological cellular changes. Both agonists dose-dependently decreased the impedance as a result of GnRH receptor activation with potencies of 9.3±0.1 (pEC50 value, buserelin) and 7.8±0.06 (pEC50 value, GnRH). Subsequently, GnRH receptor activation was completely abolished with a selective Gαq inhibitor, thereby confirming the Gαq-coupling of the GnRH receptor in pituitary αT3-1 cells. Additionally, we observed continued responses after agonist stimulation of αT3-1 cells indicating long-lasting cellular effects. Wash-out experiments demonstrated that the long-lasting effects induced by GnRH were most likely caused by rebinding since over 70% of the original response was abolished after wash-out. In contrast, a long receptor residence time was responsible for the prolonged effects caused by buserelin, with over 70% of the original response remaining after wash-out. In summary, we validated that impedance-based label-free technology is suited for studying receptor-mediated activation in cell lines endogenously expressing the target of interest. Moreover, this real-time monitoring allows the examination of binding kinetics and its influence on receptor activation at a cellular level.</p

    Persistent GnRH receptor activation in pituitary αT3-1 cells analyzed with a label-free technology.

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    The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor is a drug target for certain hormone-dependent diseases such as prostate cancer. In this study, we examined the activation profiles of the endogenous ligand, GnRH and a well-known marketed analog, buserelin using a label-free assay in pituitary αT3-1 cells with endogenous GnRH receptor expression. This whole cell impedance-based technology allows for the real-time measurement of morphological cellular changes. Both agonists dose-dependently decreased the impedance as a result of GnRH receptor activation with potencies of 9.3±0.1 (pEC50 value, buserelin) and 7.8±0.06 (pEC50 value, GnRH). Subsequently, GnRH receptor activation was completely abolished with a selective Gαq inhibitor, thereby confirming the Gαq-coupling of the GnRH receptor in pituitary αT3-1 cells. Additionally, we observed continued responses after agonist stimulation of αT3-1 cells indicating long-lasting cellular effects. Wash-out experiments demonstrated that the long-lasting effects induced by GnRH were most likely caused by rebinding since over 70% of the original response was abolished after wash-out. In contrast, a long receptor residence time was responsible for the prolonged effects caused by buserelin, with over 70% of the original response remaining after wash-out. In summary, we validated that impedance-based label-free technology is suited for studying receptor-mediated activation in cell lines endogenously expressing the target of interest. Moreover, this real-time monitoring allows the examination of binding kinetics and its influence on receptor activation at a cellular level

    Cardiac contraction and intramyocardial venous pressure generation in the anaesthetized dog.

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    1. Two hypotheses relating to the influence of contraction of the heart on coronary venous pressure (Pv) were tested. The first assumes a direct transmission of left ventricular pressure (PLV). According to the alternative hypothesis the Pv is caused by cyclical changes in the elastance of the surrounding tissue. 2. A small epicardial vein was cannulated retrogradely in eight open-chest dogs deeply anaesthetized with fentanyl. The duration of diastoles was varied after induction of a heart block with formaldehyde. Coronary arterial inflow and perfusion pressure were controlled by a perfusion system connected to the left main coronary artery by a Gregg cannula. Stopped-flow Pv was studied with intrinsic coronary tone (IT) and after maximal dilatation with adenosine. 3. The Pv pulse in the first contraction after a long diastole was not significantly correlated to the PLV pulse, with a slope of 0.5, in any dog, either with IT or during adenosine treatment. Comparing the first contraction after the long diastole with the last beat before, systolic Pv pulse decreased significantly in seven out of eight dogs, but systolic PLV pulse increased in five dogs and was unaltered in three dogs in both conditions. In contrast, end-diastolic Pv was significantly correlated to the systolic Pv in each individual animal under either condition. 4. The results indicate that pressure generation in the small coronary veins can be explained on the basis of the time-varying elastance hypothesis and that a direct transmission of PLV to Pv is absent
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