473 research outputs found

    The effect of communicating via organic and paid social media, on Instagram, on customers’ intention to visit stores

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    My master thesis studies the effect of different types of communication on Instagram on a consumer’s willingness to visit the physical store. The types of communication that are investigated are paid and organic. The difference in the response to the type of communication between the fashion industry and electronic industry are also investigated. The objective of this thesis is to recommend to companies which type of communication on Instagram they should use and how differently should be used based on the industry. This research offers insights into a topic that has not been extensively investigated by academicians. The research in this master’s thesis is conducted via an online survey that was answered by 188 respondents. Each respondent based on their answer to a selection question were assigned to different scenarios and were invited to imagine to be in a particular situation and indicate their willingness to visit the store. There were two different types of communication and two industries, which resulted in 4 different scenarios to which respondents have been assigned to only one out of four. The results indicate that in general consumers are most likely to visit the store when the communication on Instagram is organic, meaning that customers already follow the brand page. A combination of the type of communication and the industry results in consumers being more likely to visit the store when the communication about fashion brands is via organic and communication about electronic is via paid communication.A minha tese de mestrado estuda o efeito de diferentes tipos de comunicação no Instagram na vontade de um consumidor visitar a loja física. Os tipos de comunicação investigados são os pagos e os orgânicos. A diferença na resposta ao tipo de comunicação entre a indústria da moda e a indústria electrónica também é investigada. O objectivo desta tese é recomendar às empresas que tipo de comunicação no Instagram devem utilizar e de que forma diferente deve ser utilizada com base na indústria. Esta investigação oferece uma visão sobre um tema que ainda não foi amplamente investigado pelos académicos. A pesquisa nesta tese de mestrado é conduzida através de um inquérito online que foi respondido por 188 inquiridos. Cada inquirido, com base na sua resposta a uma pergunta de selecção, foi atribuído a diferentes cenários e foi convidado a imaginar-se numa determinada situação e a indicar a sua vontade de visitar a loja. Havia dois tipos diferentes de comunicação e duas indústrias, o que resultou em quatro cenários diferentes, aos quais os inquiridos foram atribuídos apenas um dos quatro. Os resultados indicam que, em geral, os consumidores têm maior probabilidade de visitar a loja quando a comunicação no Instagram é orgânica, o que significa que os clientes já seguem a página da marca. Uma combinação do tipo de comunicação e do sector resulta numa maior probabilidade de os consumidores visitarem a loja quando a comunicação sobre marcas de moda é orgânica e a comunicação sobre electrónica é paga

    The Complex Trauma Questionnaire (ComplexTQ). Development and preliminary psychometric properties of an instrument for measuring early relational trauma

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    Research on the etiology of adult psychopathology and its relationship with childhood trauma has focused primarily on specific forms of maltreatment. This study developed an instrument for the assessment of childhood and adolescence trauma that would aid in identifying the role of co-occurring childhood stressors and chronic adverse conditions. The Complex Trauma Questionnaire (ComplexTQ), in both clinician and self-report versions, is a measure for the assessment of multi-type maltreatment: physical, psychological, and sexual abuse; physical and emotional neglect as well as other traumatic experiences, such rejection, role reversal, witnessing domestic violence, separations, and losses. The four-point Likert scale allows to specifically indicate with which caregiver the traumatic experience has occurred. A total of 229 participants, a sample of 79 nonclinical and that of 150 high-risk and clinical participants, were assessed with the ComplexTQ clinician version applied to Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) transcripts.Initial analyses indicate acceptable inter-rater reliability. A good fit to a 6-factor model regarding the experience with the mother and to a 5-factor model with the experience with the father was obtained; the internal consistency of factors derived was good. Convergent validity was provided with the AAI scales. ComplexTQ factors discriminated normative from high-risk and clinical samples. The findings suggest a promising, reliable, and valid measurement of early relational trauma that is reported; furthermore, it is easy to complete and is useful for both research and clinical practice

    Emerging criteria for the low-coherence cannot classify category

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    As suggested by Main et al., to respond to the need for an adaptation of the existing Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) coding system, especially regarding the application to nonnormative samples, this study presents additional criteria that characterize the low-coherence cannot classify (CC) category. Three AAIs were selected from a sample of parents of maltreated children. All transcripts indicated a very low coherence, with no evidence of contradictory insecure discourse strategies. Moreover, global category descriptors were identified, together with specific indices of discourse characteristics and features that highlight the breakdown in reasoning and discourse experienced by the speakers. The aim of the study is to illustrate new criteria to identify and rate a low-coherence CC profile toward the operationalization of this pervasively unintegrated state of mind. Through the definition of additional criteria for low-coherence CC category, our study helps the AAI and its coding system be more flexible and effective when dealing with clinical samples

    An Economic Assessment of the Impacts of the MOSE Barriers on Venice Port Activities

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    Due to its hydro-geological features, the lagoon of Venice is especially vulnerable to climate change. In particular, it is strongly affected by gradual global warming that brings about the so-called ‘acqua alta’ (high water) phenomenon with greater frequency and intensity. In order to protect the city of Venice from the more and more frequent phenomenon of flooding, some protective measures have been adopted. Among them, the system of mobile barriers commonly known as MOSE: however, by separating the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea, it interferes with ship traffic and has negative impacts on port activities. Against this background, the aim of the present work is to provide an estimate of the direct costs of ship traffic interruption due to the functioning of the MOSE, i.e. the additional costs resulting from longer waiting time for ships passing through the Venice lagoon. The estimate uses inputs from the application of a specific hydrodynamic model and the elaboration of ship traffic data during the period 2000-2002. Results indicate that the additional costs would range between 347,943 and 1,288,067 €/year, depending on the hypothesis assumed.Climate Change, ‘Acqua Alta’, MOSE, Ship Traffic, Direct Costs

    L'utopia della città perfettamente governata

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    Le strategie di sorveglianza e controllo messe in atto durante il lockdown hanno costretto a osservare - con uno sguardo troppo ravvicinato - un quotidiano amputato nelle sue dimensioni spaziali e nelle sue relazioni sociali. In una condizione di emergenza solo la lettura ha permesso di recuperare quella distanza necessaria per dare maggior profondità al nostro campo di osservazione. Dalla combinazione delle pagine lette con i pezzetti di spazio osservati è parso evidente che il lockdown abbia funzionato come un perfetto dispositivo normativo di disciplinamento dei corpi e dei comportamenti nello spazio. Nell’immobilità della città e nel silenzio dei corpi, si è potuto sentire - con riferimento a Foucault - l’eco dell’Utopia della città perfettamente governata

    Spazi di soglia

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    Oggi, nella scena urbana contemporanea, sembra di assistere ad un lento travaso dal benessere sociale (welfare) al benessere psicofisico (wellbeing) che investe lo spazio pubblico della città. Scivolando da un piano sociale verso gli aspetti più profondi della personalità, l’articolo ripercorre le pagine di alcuni autori che hanno fatto dello spazio pubblico la scena principale in cui rappresentare le fobie e le nevrosi della vita dell’uomo moderno e contemporaneo

    Il valzer delle profezie (o i futuri dell'utopia)

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    Nelle profezie che hanno accompagnato la coda del XX secolo sembra progressivamente esaurirsi lo spazio dell’utopia. Di fronte alla crisi eco-antropologica del pianeta e al necessario richiamo alla responsabilità dell’azione dell’uomo non c’è dunque più spazio per l’utopia? Muovendosi tra il “principio responsabilità” e il “principio speranza” è possibile approdare ad un “principio territoriale” in cui ritrovare il nesso mancante tra utopia politica e cura dell’ambiente dell’uomo

    Sulle politiche dell’abitare: demolire le dighe di Begato non basta

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    La demolizione della Diga di Begato, uno dei simboli del disagio abitativo dell’edilizia residenziale pubblica in Italia, apre una riflessione sui limiti di un progetto di rigenerazione urbana che si caratterizza per una prevalente dominante edilizia

    An ethical algorithm for rationing life sustaining treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The burning ethical question raised by the COVID-19 pandemic is how to deal fairly and ethically with a large number of patients simultaneously becoming critically unwell. Across the world, in both developed and developing countries, health systems are grappling with the possibility or the reality that the demand for intensive medical care will outstrip availability. There is a need for ethical guidelines on how to allocate treatment, but such guidelines are potentially highly controversial.1 In this commentary, we set out a simple algorithm (Figure 1), including what we take to be the essential ethical principles that ought to guide resource allocation in any country or setting as well as optional elements that will vary between countries depending on the weight placed on different ethical values (Table 1)