9 research outputs found

    Characteristics of a 1-year outpatient management of patients after myocardial infarction: data from a Russian multicenter study

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    Aim. To evaluate a 1-year outpatient management of patients after myocardial infarction (MI) aged <75 years according to a Russian multicenter study, as well as to assess compliance with recommendations on the frequency of visiting specialists and the performance of diagnostic examinations.Material and methods. This observational study includes a representative sample of MI patients admitted to 16 clinics in 13 Russian regions. Patients with MI who were alive the next day after hospitalization aged <75 years were included in the study according to a special randomization scheme. When writing this article, the data from questionnaires of 6 and 12 months after hospitalization were analyzed: the number of visits to doctors of various specialties, hospitalizations, the number of diagnostic procedures performed (electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography and surgical interventions (percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)). The study included a cohort of 723 patients who participated in the survey both 6 and 12 months after hospitalization (67% — patients discharged from the hospital), of which 562 (77,7%) were men and 161 (22,3%) — women. Statistical processing was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics v.25 software for Windows.Results. In the first 6 months after MI, 218 (38,8%) men and 62 (38,5%) women visited the cardiologist the recommended number of times. However, 151 (20,9%) people were not monitored by a cardiologist in the first six months. There was a significant increase in the number of people not observed during the second 6 months up to 209 (28,9%) people (p<0,01). Of the 689 interviewed patients, 210 (30,5%) people visited the therapist the recommended number of times in the first six months, while in the second 6 months — 402 (58,4%) patients. It is also reasonable to single out patients who were not monitored by either a cardiologist or a general practitioner into a separate group. In the first 6 months, the total number of unobserved patients was 68 (7,5%), while in the second six months this number increased to 189 (25,9%). The recommended number of ECGs (4 or more times) was performed in 316 (40,4%) patients, while ECG was not performed in 35 (4,5%) patients. Echocardiography 2 or more times was performed in 194 (25,4%) patients. The procedure was not performed in 167 (21,9%) patients. During the first 6 months, 170 (22%) people were hospitalized, while 156 (20,2%) — during the second half of the year. Angioplasty during the first 12 months after discharge from the hospital was performed in 183 (23,1%) patients, CABG — in 41 (5,2%) patients without age and sex differences.Conclusion. Outpatient management of patients aged <75 years 12 months after MI characterized by low compliance with recommendations on the number of cardiologist consultations and diagnostic procedures, which may adversely affect adherence to the recommended drug treatment and lead to a worse prognosis


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    The purpose of the article is to describe the taxonomic model thatallows diagnosing the levels of formation of the basic competencies of educators and parents in the conditions of realization of the federal state educational standard in preschool organizations. Methods. The methods of the research are based on qualimetric and competence approaches, which assume pedagogical expertise of the structure, content and levels of formation of basic competencies of subjects of educational process in the system of preschool education.Results. The need of formation of basic competences of teachers of the preschool educational institutions (PEI) and parents of the kindergarten children is proved. It is shown how this process has to be reproduced in the individual educational routes directed to creation of optimum conditions for development of the child of early age.Scientific novelty. A multi-functional taxonomic model of competencies formation among teachers and parents is proposed. This model reflects competenceoriented educational objectives of the members of educational process in preschool education, and makes it possible to examine the extent of its achievement.Practical significance. Presented in the article taxonomic model can be used in the system of retraining and advanced training of educators of preschool organizations, as well as training of parents of preschool children to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.Цель статьи – описание таксономической модели, позволяющей диагностировать уровни сформированности соответствующих требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта базовых компетенций, которыми должны обладать педагоги дошкольных образовательных организаций и родители детей дошкольного возраста. Методология и методика. Исследование базировалось на квалиметрическом и компетентностном подходах, предполагающих педагогическую экспертизу структуры, содержания и уровней формирования базовых компетенций субъектов образовательного процесса в системе дошкольного образования. Результаты. Обоснована необходимость формирования базовых компетенций педагогов дошкольных образовательных учреждений (ДОУ) и родителей  детей, посещающих детские сады. Показано, как этот процесс должен воспроизводиться в индивидуальных образовательных маршрутах, направленных на создание оптимальных условий для развития ребенка раннего возраста. Научная новизна. Предложена многофункциональная таксономическая модель формирования компетенций педагогов и родителей дошкольников. Данная модель отображает компетентностно-ориентированные образовательные цели субъектов образовательного процесса в системе дошкольного образования и позволяет диагностировать степень их достижения.Практическая значимость. Представленная в статье авторская модель может использоваться в системе переподготовки и повышения квалификации педагогов ДОУ, а также при обучении родителей дошкольников – воспитанников этих учреждений

    The Technique for the Development of Basic Preschool Teacher and Parental Competencies

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    Introduction. In recent years, serious changes in the Russian system of preschool education have been observed. These changes are connected not only with the relevant updating of the educational content and introduction of new teaching forms and methods, but also with the need to improve the parents’ psychological and pedagogical culture in the questions of upbringing and education of children. In this regard, it is reasonable to consider the possibilities of social partnership between the family and the preschool educational organisation, the potential of which is currently not fully elicited.The aim of the present article is to present the original technique for the development of basic (core) competencies of preschool educators and parents through social partnership between a family and a pre-school educational organisation.Methodology and research methods. While developing the technique, the basic provisions of competency-based, humanistic, system-based and qualimetric approaches were taken into account, thus allowing the authors to implement the principles of individualisation, cooperation and self-organisation. When identifying and evaluating the level of the development of preschool educators’ and parents’ basic competencies, the method of group expert assessments was used as the main research toolkit. In order to organise and support the development of basic competencies, the authors used case study method, implying practical tasks, discussions and professional simulation games.Results and scientific novelty. Social partnership is considered as the most productive form of relations between the specialists of pedagogical sphere and parents, who are experts in upbringing and understanding of the child. Voluntary and long-term cooperation, based on trust, recognition of mutual responsibility, common goals and values, provides a wide range of opportunities to increase the psychological and pedagogical competency of parents and contributes to the professional growth of the teaching staff of the preschool educational organisation. The authors designed a “reference” thesaurus, which is a hierarchical set of interrelated competencies, needed by each member of the interaction for the full development of a young child. Taking into account the members’ individual educational demands and needs, the stages of social partnership are identified: members of pre-school families – in qualified professional assistance and support; children − in educated parents; teachers – in information on the peculiarities of behaviour of pupils outside the preschool educational organisation. The algorithm of formation of basic competencies of teachers and parents of pre-school children was developed and tested in the course of the experiment.Practical significance. The proposed technique can be used for developing social partnership in other pre-school educational organisations, as well as in the system of advanced training for pre-school teachers and in the preparation for their certification as a guidance material, demonstrating the ways of solving the problems, specified in the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.Введение. В российской системе дошкольного образования в последние годы наблюдаются серьезные изменения, связанные не только с обусловленной временем неизбежностью обновления содержания учебновоспитательного процесса и появлением его новых форм и методов, но и с необходимостью повышения психолого-педагогической культуры родителей в вопросах воспитания и обучения детей. В этом плане целесообразно обратиться к практике социального партнерства семьи и дошкольной образовательной организации (ДОО), потенциал которого пока раскрыт не в полной мере. Цель публикации – представить авторскую технологию развития в условиях совместной деятельности семьи и ДОО базовых (основных) компетенций педагогов дошкольных организаций и родителей детей, посещающих эти учреждения.Методология и методики. При проектировании технологии учитывались основные положения компетентностного, гуманистического, системнодеятельностного и квалиметрического подходов, позволяющие реализовать принципы индивидуализации, сотрудничества и самоорганизации. В качестве основного инструментария на этапах выявления и оценивания уровня развития базовых компетенций участников исследования использовался метод групповых экспертных оценок. Для организационно-методического сопровождения процесса формирования данных компетенций применялся кейсметод, подразумевающий выполнение практико-ориентированных заданий, проведение дискуссий и деловых игр. Результаты и научная новизна. Социальное партнерство рассмотрено как наиболее продуктивный формат взаимоотношений специалистов педагогической сферы и родителей, являющихся экспертами в воспитании и понимании своего ребенка. Добровольное и долговременное сотрудничество, построенное на доверии, признании взаимной ответственности, общих целях и ценностях, дает широкие возможности повысить психолого-педагогическую компетентность родителей и способствует профессиональному росту педагогического персонала ДОО. Скомплектован «эталонный» тезаурус, представляющий собой иерархическую совокупность взаимосвязанных компетенций, которыми должна обладать каждая из сторон взаимодействия для полноценного развития ребенка младшего возраста. Выделены этапы социального партнерства, учитывающие индивидуальные образовательные запросы его субъектов и их потребности: членов семей дошкольников − в квалифицированной профессиональной помощи и поддержке; детей − в образованных родителях; педагогов − в информации об особенностях поведения воспитанников вне ДОО. Разработан и апробирован в ходе эксперимента алгоритм формирования базовых компетенций педагогов и родителей дошкольников. Практическая значимость. Предлагаемая технология может быть использована как непосредственно при реализации социального партнерства в ДОО, так и в системе повышения квалификации педагогов и при их подготовке к аттестации в качестве методического материала, демонстрирующего способы решения задач, указанные в ФГОС дошкольного образования

    Structure and quality assessment of professionally oriented tasks for future teachers

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    Introduction. In recent decades, one of the significant global trends in the field of higher education is the expansion of its links with the world of work. This implies not only a new design of the results of training students in the form of a system of universal, general professional and professional competencies, but also the introduction of modern adequate technologies for assessing the level of their formation and development at all stages of students’ education at a university. Given that competence is an integrative characteristic of personality traits, one should recognise the relevance and necessity of developing such assessment tools that create situations for the student to be included in various types of his/her future professional activities. One of these tools is professionally oriented tasks that allow for an integral approach assessing the formation of competencies by taking into account all types of professional tasks and broad interdisciplinary connections in their content and, therefore, requiring a synthesis of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of the student for their solution. Aim. The aim of the study is to justify the structure and criteria for assessing the quality of professionally oriented tasks to diagnose the level of student teachers’ competency formation. Methodology and research methods. The methodological framework of the study was the activity, competency-based and qualimetric approaches, which allow the training of teachers to be considered as a flexible system that takes into account all types and tasks of their future professional activity, and reflects the relationship of goals, methods, content of training and diagnostics of its results. As the main one, the study used a qualimetric approach, which involves the use of the method of group expert assessments to organise procedures for pedagogical examination of the structure of professionally oriented tasks and criteria for assessing their quality. Results. The method of group expert assessments allowed the authors to define the structure and criteria for assessing the quality of professionally oriented tasks as a means of developing and diagnosing the integrative learning outcomes of future preschool teachers. Scientific novelty. The structure of professionally oriented tasks is substantiated, represented by: an invariant part with an emphasis on the fundamental component of the content of student training, covering the fundamental psychological and pedagogical knowledge of the future teacher, the ability to apply them synthetically and transfer them to professional activities; a variable component aimed primarily at diagnosing professional competencies determined by the profile of the student training. The criteria for assessing the quality of professionally oriented tasks have been established by the method of group expert assessments, which make it possible to objectify the procedures for diagnosing the competencies of future teachers: multifunctionality, specialisation orientation, latency, integrativity. Practical significance. The present research findings can be used by university teachers in the process of training and targeted correction of the readiness of pedagogical students. Moreover, the research materials could be applied to form and diagnose the entire spectrum of students’ universal, general professional and professional competencies, including within the framework of possible individual educational trajectories.Введение. В последние десятилетия одной из значимых мировых тенденций в сфере высшего образования является расширение его связей со сферой труда. Это предполагает не только новое проектирование результатов подготовки обучающихся в виде системы универсальных, общепрофессиональных и профессиональных компетенций, но и внедрение современных адекватных технологий оценивания уровня их сформированности и развития на всех этапах обучения студентов в вузе. Учитывая, что компетенция – это интегративная характеристика качеств личности, следует признать актуальность и необходимость разработки таких оценочных средств, которые создают ситуации включения студента в различные виды его будущей профессиональной деятельности. Одним из таких средств являются профессионально-ориентированные задания, позволяющие осуществить интегральный подход к оценке сформированности компетенций благодаря учету в их содержании всех видов профессиональных задач и широких междисциплинарных связей, а потому требующих для своего решения синтеза профессиональных знаний, умений и навыков студента. Целью исследования является обоснование структуры и критериев оценки качества профессионально-ориентированных заданий для диагностики уровня сформированности компетенций студентов – будущих педагогов. Методология, методы и методики. Методологической базой исследования являлись деятельностный, компетентностный и квалиметрический подходы, с позиций которых подготовка педагогов рассматривается как гибкая система, учитывающая все виды и задачи их будущей профессиональной деятельности и отражающая взаимосвязь целей, методов, содержания обучения и диагностики его результатов. Как ведущий в исследовании использовался квалиметрический подход, предусматривающий применение метода групповых экспертных оценок для организации процедур педагогической экспертизы критериев для оценки качества профессионально-ориентированных заданий. Результаты. Методом групповых экспертных оценок определены структура и критерии оценки качества профессионально-ориентированных заданий как средства формирования и диагностики интегративных результатов обучения будущих педагогов дошкольных организаций. Научная новизна. Обоснована структура профессионально-ориентированных заданий, представленная: инвариантной частью с акцентом на фундаментальном компоненте содержания подготовки студентов, охватывающем основополагающие психолого-педагогические знания будущего педагога, умения их синтетического применения и переноса на профессиональную деятельность; вариативной составляющей, направленной преимущественно на диагностику профессиональных компетенций, определяемых профилем подготовки обучающегося. Установлены экспертным методом критерии для оценки качества профессионально-ориентированных заданий, позволяющие объективировать процедуры диагностики компетенций будущих педагогов: многофункциональность, профильность, латентность, интегративность. Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования могут использоваться преподавателями вузов в процессе подготовки и адресной коррекции подготовленности студентов, ориентированных на педагогическую деятельность, так как позволяют более аргументированно подойти к формированию и диагностике всего спектра их универсальных, общепрофессиональных и профессиональных компетенций, в том числе в рамках возможных индивидуальных образовательных траекторий

    The Technique for the Development of Basic Preschool Teacher and Parental Competencies

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    Introduction. In recent years, serious changes in the Russian system of preschool education have been observed. These changes are connected not only with the relevant updating of the educational content and introduction of new teaching forms and methods, but also with the need to improve the parents’ psychological and pedagogical culture in the questions of upbringing and education of children. In this regard, it is reasonable to consider the possibilities of social partnership between the family and the preschool educational organisation, the potential of which is currently not fully elicited.The aim of the present article is to present the original technique for the development of basic (core) competencies of preschool educators and parents through social partnership between a family and a pre-school educational organisation.Methodology and research methods. While developing the technique, the basic provisions of competency-based, humanistic, system-based and qualimetric approaches were taken into account, thus allowing the authors to implement the principles of individualisation, cooperation and self-organisation. When identifying and evaluating the level of the development of preschool educators’ and parents’ basic competencies, the method of group expert assessments was used as the main research toolkit. In order to organise and support the development of basic competencies, the authors used case study method, implying practical tasks, discussions and professional simulation games.Results and scientific novelty. Social partnership is considered as the most productive form of relations between the specialists of pedagogical sphere and parents, who are experts in upbringing and understanding of the child. Voluntary and long-term cooperation, based on trust, recognition of mutual responsibility, common goals and values, provides a wide range of opportunities to increase the psychological and pedagogical competency of parents and contributes to the professional growth of the teaching staff of the preschool educational organisation. The authors designed a “reference” thesaurus, which is a hierarchical set of interrelated competencies, needed by each member of the interaction for the full development of a young child. Taking into account the members’ individual educational demands and needs, the stages of social partnership are identified: members of pre-school families – in qualified professional assistance and support; children − in educated parents; teachers – in information on the peculiarities of behaviour of pupils outside the preschool educational organisation. The algorithm of formation of basic competencies of teachers and parents of pre-school children was developed and tested in the course of the experiment.Practical significance. The proposed technique can be used for developing social partnership in other pre-school educational organisations, as well as in the system of advanced training for pre-school teachers and in the preparation for their certification as a guidance material, demonstrating the ways of solving the problems, specified in the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education


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    The purpose of the article is to describe the taxonomic model thatallows diagnosing the levels of formation of the basic competencies of educators and parents in the conditions of realization of the federal state educational standard in preschool organizations. Methods. The methods of the research are based on qualimetric and competence approaches, which assume pedagogical expertise of the structure, content and levels of formation of basic competencies of subjects of educational process in the system of preschool education.Results. The need of formation of basic competences of teachers of the preschool educational institutions (PEI) and parents of the kindergarten children is proved. It is shown how this process has to be reproduced in the individual educational routes directed to creation of optimum conditions for development of the child of early age.Scientific novelty. A multi-functional taxonomic model of competencies formation among teachers and parents is proposed. This model reflects competenceoriented educational objectives of the members of educational process in preschool education, and makes it possible to examine the extent of its achievement.Practical significance. Presented in the article taxonomic model can be used in the system of retraining and advanced training of educators of preschool organizations, as well as training of parents of preschool children to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education