8 research outputs found

    A nitroxide-containing cathode material for organic radical batteries studied with pulsed EPR spectroscopy

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    An electron spin echo in a nitroxide-containing polymer cathode film for organic radical batteries is observed for various states of charge at cryogenic temperatures. The EPR-detected state of charge (ESOC), as inferred from the number of paramagnetic centers in the film, is compared to the results of Coulomb counting based on galvanostatic charging. Spin concentration, longitudinal relaxation times T(1 )and phase memory times T-m strongly correlate with the ESOC. In the discharged film, the spin concentration reaches 5 +/- 3x10(20) cm(-3), causing a phase memory time T-m << 100 ns (shorter than the resonator ring-down time) that hinders the detection of the spin echo. In the charged film, the decreased spin concentration results in a longer T-m between 100 ns and 300 ns that enables spin-echo detection, yet limits the length of the microwave pulse sequence. The short, broad-band pulses cause instantaneous diffusion in the unoxidized domains across the oxidized film, affecting the relative peak intensities in the pulsed EPR spectrum. By simulating the spectral distortion caused by instantaneous diffusion, we obtain information on the local spin concentration, which complements the information on the 'bulk' spin concentration determined by electrochemistry and continuous-wave EPR spectroscopy

    Spins at work: probing charging and discharging of organic radical batteries by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    Organic radical batteries (ORBs) are a promising class of electrochemical power sources employing organic radicals as redox-active groups. This article reports on the development of a versatile on-substrate electrode setup for spectroelectrochemical Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) measurements on redox conductive polymers for ORBs. Quantitative in operando EPR experiments performed on electrochemical cells with a di-TEMPO Ni-Salen polymer as active electrode material demonstrate a strong decrease in the number of paramagnetic centers upon oxidizing the film. The distinct EPR signatures of the TEMPO-containing polymer and its fragments in different molecular environments are used to study its degradation upon repeated cycling. A comparison between the number of EPR-active sites and the number of electrochemically active charges, as measured by cyclic voltammetry, provides information on the nature of the degradation process. Low-temperature ex situ pulse EPR measurements on the oxidized polymer film reveal the spectrum of dilute nitroxide species, which may be associated with electrochemically inactive islands. These experiments pave the way for advanced EPR techniques for accurately determining distances between adjacent paramagnetic centers and thus for identifying performance-limiting loss mechanisms, which can eventually help develop strategies for making ORBs powerful contenders on the path towards sustainable electrochemical power sources


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    Herein, we report the chromatography-free synthesis of 2-hydroxy-3-octyloxybenzaldehyde by the alkylation of 2,3-dihydroxybenzaldehyde as a promising precursor for new SalEn-type complexes with transition metals. The structure of the product is elucidated by means of 1H and 13C-NMR spectra, high-resolution mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (ESI-HRMS) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

    Key Features of TEMPO-Containing Polymers for Energy Storage and Catalytic Systems

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    The need for environmentally benign portable energy storage drives research on organic batteries and catalytic systems. These systems are a promising replacement for commonly used energy storage devices that rely on limited resources such as lithium and rare earth metals. The redox-active TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl-4-yl) fragment is a popular component of organic systems, as its benefits include remarkable electrochemical performance and decent physical properties. TEMPO is also known to be an efficient catalyst for alcohol oxidation, oxygen reduction, and various complex organic reactions. It can be attached to various aliphatic and conductive polymers to form high-loading catalysis systems. The performance and efficiency of TEMPO-containing materials strongly depend on the molecular structure, and thus rational design of such compounds is vital for successful implementation. We discuss synthetic approaches for producing electroactive polymers based on conductive and non-conductive backbones with organic radical substituents, fundamental aspects of electrochemistry of such materials, and their application in energy storage devices, such as batteries, redox-flow cells, and electrocatalytic systems. We compare the performance of the materials with different architectures, providing an overview of diverse charge interactions for hybrid materials, and presenting promising research opportunities for the future of this area

    Spins at work: probing charging and discharging of organic radical batteries by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    Organic radical batteries (ORBs) are a promising class of electrochemical power sources employing organic radicals as redox-active groups. This article reports on the development of a versatile on-substrate electrode setup for spectroelectrochemical Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) measurements on redox conductive polymers for ORBs. Quantitative in-operando EPR experiments performed on electrochemical cells with a di-TEMPO Ni-Salen polymer as active electrode material demonstrate a strong decrease in the number of paramagnetic centers upon oxidizing the film. The distinct EPR signatures of the TEMPO-containing polymer and its fragments in different molecular environments are used to study its degradation upon repeated cycling. A comparison between the number of EPR-active sites and the number of electrochemically active charges, as measured by cyclic voltammetry, provides information on the nature of the degradation process. Low-temperature ex-situ pulse EPR measurements on the oxidized polymer film reveal the spectrum of dilute nitroxide species, which may be associated with electrochemically inactive islands. These experiments pave the way for advanced EPR techniques for accurately determining distances between adjacent paramagnetic centers and thus for identifying performance-limiting loss mechanisms, which can eventually help develop strategies for making ORBs powerful contenders on the path towards sustainable electrochemical power sources

    The Valence Band Structure of the [Ni(Salen)] Complex: An Ultraviolet, Soft X-ray and Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy Study

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    The valence band photoemission (VB PE) spectra of the [Ni(Salen)] molecular complex were measured by ultraviolet, soft X-ray and resonant photoemission (ResPE) using photons with energies ranging from 21.2 eV to 860 eV. It was found that the Ni 3d atomic orbitals&rsquo; (AOs) contributions are most significant for molecular orbitals (MOs), which are responsible for the low-energy PE band at a binding energy of 3.8 eV in the VB PE spectra. In turn, the PE bands in the binding energies range of 8&ndash;16 eV are due to the photoionization of the MOs of the [Ni(Salen)] complex with dominant contributions from C 2p AOs. A detailed consideration was made for the ResPE spectra obtained using photons with absorption resonance energies in the Ni 2p3/2, N 1s, and O 1s Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) spectra. A strong increase in the intensity of the PE band ab was found when using photons with an energy 854.4 eV in the Ni 2p3/2 NEXAFS spectrum. This finding is due to the high probability of the participator-Auger decay of the Ni 2p3/2&minus;13d9 excitation and confirms the relationship between the PE band ab with the Ni 3d-derived MOs

    A Comparative XPS, UV PES, NEXAFS, and DFT Study of the Electronic Structure of the Salen Ligand in the H<sub>2</sub>(Salen) Molecule and the [Ni(Salen)] Complex

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    A comparative study of the electronic structure of the salen ligand in the H2(Salen) molecule and the [Ni(Salen)] complex was performed using the experimental methods of XPS, UV PES, and NEXAFS spectroscopy along with DFT calculations. Significant chemical shifts of +1.0 eV (carbon), +1.9 eV (nitrogen), and −0.4 eV (oxygen) were observed in the 1s PE spectra of the salen ligand atoms when passing from a molecule to a complex, unambiguously indicating a substantial redistribution of the valence electron density between these atoms. It is proposed that the electron density transfer to the O atoms in [Ni(Salen)] occurred not only from the Ni atom, but also from the N and C atoms. This process seemed to be realized through the delocalized conjugated π-system of the phenol C 2p electronic states of the ligand molecule. The DFT calculations (total and partial DOS) for the valence band H2(Salen) and [Ni(Salen)] described well the spectral shape of the UV PE spectra of both compounds and confirmed their experimental identification. An analysis of the N and O 1s NEXAFS spectra clearly indicated that the atomic structure of the ethylenediamine and phenol fragments was retained upon passing from the free salen ligand to the nickel complex