11 research outputs found


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    Currently, Clostridium difficile is the main reason of a nosocomial diarrhea, caused by uncontrolled antibacterial treatment. This problem is not paid, enough attention in our country. We analyzed. 536 cases of antibiotic associated infections using new immunochromotographical assay for express detection of Clostridium difficile. Since 2008 to 2011 evaluated rate of the positive tests was 28,7 % among the hospital patients. The first line therapy of this infection is vancomycine and metronidazole. We also observed increased incidence of mycosis, which accompanying the antibiotic associated diarrheas. During the same period the rate of Candida spp. infection was 50,8 % among the same patients. We used fluconazole and. amphotericine for the mycosis treatment. We also recommended to manage disbiosis during one year after discontinue of the treatment, and. we supposed reasonable to be managed by infectionist for this group of patients

    Case report of pulmonary ossification

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    In our report we represent rare clininal case of Pulmonary Ossification. We submit data of functional, roentgenological, pathomorphological examinations and description of diagnostic surgical intervention.Рассмотрен клинический случай остеопластической пневмопатии. Представлены данные лабораторных, лучевых, патоморфологических исследований

    The place of the endothelial component in the pathogenesis of influenza A

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    Influenza A viruses are genetically diverse and the most unpredictable variable pathogens. It is a dangerous and poorly managed infection, able to reassort, with a high probability of developing urgent conditions, complications and death at any age. The objective: to determine the diagnostic value of CEC in influenza A. Materials and methods: There were 158 influenza A patients included in the survey presented. Observation period - 2015-2018. The 1st group included 32 patients with a mild flu course, the 2nd group - 62 patients with moderate flu, and the 3rd group - 64 patients with a severe flu and mild pneumonia. The severity was determined by clinical manifestations and the presence of complications. Exclusion criteria from the study: age under 18 and over 45 y.o., pregnancy and severe somatic pathology. The control group consisted of healthy volunteers - 30 persons, similar in sex and age with a patient’s group. Conclusions. It was established that endothelium damage occurs even at mild course of influenza A. Severe influenza infection is accompanied by a massive endothelial damage with the development of endothelial dysfunction. Determination of circulating endothelial cells in blood is a simple and reliable indicator of the disease severity and its complications development

    Periodization of the Development Legislation on Countering Extremism in Some Post-Soviet States

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    The formation of a new world order after the Second World War was accompanied by the development of international law, which fixed, among other things, the international legal standard of individual rights. The ideas of the inadmissibility of racism, xenophobia, hatred and their extreme manifestations of terrorist acts are held as a red thread in international legal acts. Since the 1990s, extremism has been considered as a phenomenon, although associated with terrorist activities, but having an independent negative impact on the society. In 2001, the SCO member states adopt the Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism, which marks the beginning of the formation of national anti-extremist legislation in some CIS states. The purpose of the study is to periodize the development of legislation on countering extremism in the states of the post-Soviet space. In the development of special legislation on countering extremism in the post-Soviet space, two stages can be distinguished, each of which has its own characteristics. The period from 2001 to 2009 is the time for the development and adoption of national laws that fix the basic concepts, principles and directions of countering extremism, as well as the issues of international cooperation. At the second stage, from 2009 to the present, the specification of regulatory requirements continues, taking into account the accumulated experience. New laws have been adopted in the republics of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The Shanghai Convention on Combating Extremism, adopted in 2017, specifies the methods of interstate cooperation. However, even taking into account the innovations, special laws on countering extremism are of a framework nature, requiring specification in other laws and by-laws; they are similar in structure and content and have a number of features that are determined by the political and social context


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    The article is devoted to the experiment in introducing an applied bachelor degree program for law students. The authors have formulated the criterions, which, by their opinion, it is necessary toadhere while working out the education standards and curriculum for bachelor’s applied legal studies program. The paper also contains the prognosis on the development of legal education. The result of this experiment will influence it

    Mathematical model of a successful stock market game

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    All available predictive models of stock market trade (like regression or statistical analysis, for instance) are based on studying of price fluctuation. This article proposes a new model of a successful stock market strategy based on studying of the behavior of the largest successful players. The main point of this model is that a relatively weak player repeats the actions of stronger players in the same fashion as in a race after leader a cyclist following a motorbike reaches greater velocity. We represent the leader as a vector in the nonnegative orthant R^n_+ depending on the most successful traders (hedge funds). When buying and selling stocks, we should always keep the vector of own resources collinear to the leader's. This strategy will not yield significant profit, but it prevents considerable loss.Все известные прогностические модели биржевых спекуляций (такие как например, регрессионный или статистический анализ) основаны на изучении колебаний курсов ценных бумаг. В статье предложена новая модель успешной игры на фондовой бирже, основанная на изучении поведения крупнейших удачливых игроков. Суть предлагаемой модели заключается в том, что относительно слабый игрок повторяет действия сильного игрока подобно тому, как в спортивной > велосипедист, укрываясь за мотоциклистом, развивает бoльшую скорость. Мы под > понимаем вектор в неотрицательном ортантеR^n_+, который строится в зависимости от наиболее удачливых биржевых спекулянтов (хедж-фондов). Вектор собственных ресурсов путем купли-продажи ценных бумаг всегда следует держать коллинеарным >. Такая стратегия не приведет к значительному выигрышу, но и не позволит случиться значительному проигрышу

    Математическая модель успешной игры на фондовой бирже

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    Татьяна Александровна Верещагина, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой экономической теории и менеджмента, ФГБОУ ВПО «Челябинский государственный педагогический университет> (Челябинск, Российская Федерация), [email protected]. Максут Масновиевич Якупов, кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры математического анализа, ФГБОУ ВПО «Челябинский государственный университет> (Челябинск, Российская Федерация), [email protected]. Вера Константиновна Хен, аспирант кафедры экономической теории и менеджмента, ФГБОУ ВПО «Челябинский государственный педагогический университет (Челябинск, Российская Федерация), [email protected]. T.A. Vereschagina, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, [email protected], M.M. Yakupov, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, [email protected], V.K. Khen, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, [email protected]Все известные прогностические модели биржевых спекуляций (такие как например, регрессионный или статистический анализ) основаны на изучении колебаний курсов ценных бумаг. В статье предложена новая модель успешной игры на фондовой бирже, основанная на изучении поведения крупнейших удачливых игроков. Суть предлагаемой модели заключается в том, что относительно слабый игрок повторяет действия сильного игрока подобно тому, как в спортивной «гонке за лидером» велосипедист, укрываясь за мотоциклистом, развивает большую скорость. Мы под «лидером» понимаем вектор в неотрицательном ортанте R™, который строится в зависимости от наиболее удачливых биржевых спекулянтов (хедж-фондов). Вектор собственных ресурсов путем купли-продажи ценных бумаг всегда следует держать коллинеарным «лидеру». Такая стратегия не приведет к значительному выигрышу, но и не позволит случиться значительному проигрышу. All available predictive models of stock market trade (like regression or statistical analysis, for instance) are based on studying of price uctuation. This article proposes a new model of a successful stock market strategy based on studying of the behavior of the largest successful players. The main point of this model is that a relatively weak player repeats the actions of stronger players in the same fashion as in a race after leader a cyclist following a motorbike reaches greater velocity. We represent the leader as a vector in the nonnegative orthant Rn + depending on the most successful traders (hedge funds). When buying and selling stocks, we should always keep the vector of own resources collinear to the leader's. This strategy will not yield signi cant pro t, but it prevents considerable loss