55 research outputs found

    An activity theory framework for computer interface design

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    Computer interface design has the primary purpose of assisting information technology users in their professional activities. In order to accomplish this, users need to be able to work \u27through the interface\u27 to complete the tasks which achieve the goals associated with an activity. Although this is the conceptual province of psychology, very little use has been made of psychology in practical interface design. The attempts that have been made appear to have suffered from a lack of connection to real life problems which has been attributed to their foundations in the information processing structure of cognitive psychology. We elaborate an approach to interface design based on the Russian developed activity theory which provides a more complete analysis of human nature and which avoids the problems inherent in the view of humans as exclusively information processors. The relationship of this theory to human computer interaction is considered and its relationship to interface design with activity theory providing a paradigm for the description and understanding of the way humans interact with computers within the context of their environment. A practical example of how this research arose from a problem encountered in an application to a military history interface design will also be discussed

    Standards for educational, edutainment, and developmentally beneficial computer games

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    The results of a comprehensive review of the body of research concerning the developmental and educational value of computer gaming for children is reported. Based on the review, design criteria are proposed for educational and edutainment computer games. In addition, a hierarchy of educational, edutainment, and entertainment game categories is introduced. It is argued that a standard educational labeling system is needed to assist parents and teachers with selecting computer games. A gap in the research is highlighted with regard to the affordances of computer games to facilitate the development of young children’s higher order thinking. It is recommended that further research be conducted to identify foundational educational theories for the design and assessment of games. And finally, it is argued that teachers need both training and encouragement to build the confidence required to guide computer game use

    Young children and tablets: the views of parents and teachers

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    Touch screen tablets are now widely available and due to the increasing use of these technologies in homes and early years centres, it is important to consider parent and teacher views about their use. This paper reports on an interview study which explored the perspectives of four parents of children aged 20–36 months and their two teachers in one early learning centre in the north of England. Key findings were that parents and teachers had a positive perspective on young children’s use of tablets and viewed them as educationally valuable. They expressed that they did not wish children to be left behind in learning about new technologies and emphasized having a ‘balanced’ approach to tablets. However, there were also concerns voiced over the potential overuse and misuse of tablets at home suggesting more guidance for parents is needed to support young children’s experiences with tablets

    Возможности применения дендритно-клеточной вакцины в лечении лучевых повреждений мочевого пузыря

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    Background. Radiation therapy for patients with cervical and endometrial cancer is often associated with the development of radiation cystitis which is treated mainly symptomatically.Objective was the rationale for dendritic cell vaccines in the treatment of the bladder damage after radiation therapy.Materials and methods. The treatment effectiveness of late radiation damage to the bladder in 26 oncogynecologic patients after chemoradiotherapy was analyzed in the article.Results. The effectiveness of 25.000.000 autologous dendritic cells vaccine introduced into all the tops of the rhombus of Michaelis for 5 cycles with 2-week intervals was proved. Mucosal erosions, ulcerous defects and telangiectasia during dendritic cell therapy were managed in 100, 81.8 and 78.6 % of cases, respectively, while in control — in 66.7, 50 and 30 % of cases, respectively (p <0.05). One of the mechanisms of action of dendritic cell vaccines in the treatment of radiation injuries may comprise a high phenotypic plasticity of dendritic cells and macrophages and their ability to regulate inflammatory and anti-inflammatory functions and regenerate and repair damaged tissues.Conclusion. The results of treatment for radiation cystitis resistant to the standard anti-inflammatory therapies demonstrate the obvious benefits of immunotherapy.Введение. Проведение лучевой терапии у больных раком тела и шейки матки зачастую сопряжено с развитием лучевых циститов, лечение которых носит, в основном, симптоматический характер.Цель исследования — обоснование применения дендритно-клеточных вакцин в лечении лучевых повреждений мочевого пузыря. Материалы и методы. Проанализирована эффективность лечения поздних лучевых повреждений мочевого пузыря у 26 онкогинекологических больных после химиолучевого лечения.Результаты. Доказана эффективность использования 25000 000 аутологичной дентритно-клеточной вакцины, введенной во все вершины ромба Михаэлиса за 5 циклов с интервалом 2 нед. Эрозии слизистой оболочки, язвенные дефекты и телеангиэктазии при проведении терапии дендритными клетками купировались в 100; 81,8 и 78,6 % случаев соответственно, в контрольной группе — в 66,7; 50,0 и 30,0 % случаев (р <0,05). Одними из механизмов действия дендритно-клеточной вакцины в лечении лучевых повреждений могут быть высокая фенотипическая пластичность дендритных клеток и макрофагов и их способность проявлять такие функции, как регуляция воспалительных, противовоспалительных функций, регенерация и восстановление поврежденных тканей. Заключение. Полученные результаты лечения лучевых циститов, резистентных к стандартным противовоспалительным методам воздействия, показывают очевидные преимущества иммунотерапии

    Digital play: a new classification

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    This paper draws on an ESRC-funded study of play and creativity in preschool-aged children’s use of apps in the UK. The main objectives of the study were to collect information about access to and use of apps in the home, establish the most popular apps and identify the features of those apps that are successful in promoting play and creativity. A mixed-method approach was used to collect data, including video filming of children using the most popular apps. In identifying play types that emerged in the analysis of data, the team utilised an established taxonomy, which outlines sixteen play types. This taxonomy was reviewed and adapted to analyse data from the project relating to digital play. Through this process, an additional type of play, transgressive play, was identified and added to the taxonomy. The paper outlines the implications of the revised taxonomy for future studies of play

    Computer play, young children and the development of higher order thinking: Exploring the possibilities

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    The aim of this paper is to explore and review current understanding of the potential of computer play to enhance young children’s cognitive development, as compared to the developmental value of traditional make-believe play in which children spontaneously engage during their early childhood years. Theories of play have identified many ways in which traditional play may advance children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. Recently, much traditional childhood play is being replaced by time spent on computer play, and often from a very early age. To produce software that is appealing to young children, designers aim to present content in a play-oriented manner to attract and sustain children's attention. However, computer programs are often produced atheoretically for cosmetic appeal, using animations, colour, sound, and surprise as the basis of their design, rather than pedagogical principles or developmental theories of play. This research attempts to analyse the ways that knowledge of the developmental value of spontaneous play established in conventional play settings can be applied to the theoretical basis of computer play design for young children. Moreover, it is argued that computer play, if designed appropriately, might comprise some developmental potential which can go beyond that of traditional spontaneous play. In particular, it is hypothesized that the foundation for further development of higher order thinking skills such as complex systems of abstract, logic and sign-mediated operations and symbolic representation, can be established and reinforced by purposefully designed computer play

    Computer game design and the imaginative play of young children

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    This paper discusses preliminary findings of the study of computer game design in relation to current understanding of imaginative play and its developmental value for young children. The crucial role of children's play in their development is well documented. A number of criteria, which are essential in building a foundation for children's cognitive development in play, were identified based on a literature review of the theoretical and empirical studies of child's play. The identified criteria were utilized to observe two young children playing various types of computer games to explore the opportunities that the games provide for imaginative play in the early childhood years