66 research outputs found

    User-centered design in mobile human-robot cooperation: consideration of usability and situation awareness in GUI design for mobile robots at assembly workplaces

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    Mobile cobots can increase the potential for assembly work in industry. For human-friendly automation of cooperative assembly work, user-centered interfaces are necessary. The design process regarding user interfaces for mobile human-robot cooperation (HRC) shows large research gaps. In this article an exemplary approach is shown to design a graphical user interface (GUI) for mobile HRC at assembly workplaces. The design is based on a wireframe developed to support situation awareness. An interactive mockup is designed and evaluated. This is done in two iterations. In the first iteration, a user analysis is carried out using a quantitative survey with n = 31 participants to identify preferred input modalities and a qualitative survey with n = 11 participants that addresses touch interfaces. The interactive mockup is developed by implementing design recommendations of the usability standards ISO 9241 – 110, 112 and 13. A heuristic evaluation is conducted with n = 5 usability experts and the measurement of situation awareness with n = 30 end users. In the second iteration, findings from the preceding iteration are implemented in the GUI and a usability test with n = 20 end users is conducted. The process demonstrates a combination of methods that leads to high usability and situation awareness in mobile HRC

    Protocol of a population-based prospective COVID-19 cohort study Munich, Germany (KoCo19)

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    Background: Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, public health interventions have been introduced globally in order to prevent the spread of the virus and avoid the overload of health care systems, especially for the most severely affected patients. Scientific studies to date have focused primarily on describing the clinical course of patients, identifying treatment options and developing vaccines. In Germany, as in many other regions, current tests for SARS-CoV2 are not conducted on a representative basis and in a longitudinal design. Furthermore, knowledge about the immune status of the population is lacking. Nonetheless, these data are needed to understand the dynamics of the pandemic and hence to appropriately design and evaluate interventions. For this purpose, we recently started a prospective population-based cohort in Munich, Germany, with the aim to develop a better understanding of the state and dynamics of the pandemic. Methods: In 100 out of 755 randomly selected constituencies, 3000 Munich households are identified via random route and offered enrollment into the study. All household members are asked to complete a baseline questionnaire and subjects ≥14 years of age are asked to provide a venous blood sample of ≤3 ml for the determination of SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgA status. The residual plasma and the blood pellet are preserved for later genetic and molecular biological investigations. For twelve months, each household member is asked to keep a diary of daily symptoms, whereabouts and contacts via WebApp. If symptoms suggestive for COVID-19 are reported, family members, including children < 14 years, are offered a pharyngeal swab taken at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, LMU University Hospital Munich, for molecular testing for SARS-CoV-2. In case of severe symptoms, participants will be transferred to a Munich hospital. For one year, the study teams re-visits the households for blood sampling every six weeks. Discussion: With the planned study we will establish a reliable epidemiological tool to improve the understanding of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and to better assess the effectiveness of public health measures as well as their socio-economic effects. This will support policy makers in managing the epidemic based on scientific evidence

    Social Transfer of Pathogenic Fungus Promotes Active Immunisation in Ant Colonies

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    Social contact with fungus-exposed ants leads to pathogen transfer to healthy nest-mates, causing low-level infections. These micro-infections promote pathogen-specific immune gene expression and protective immunization of nest-mates

    Establishment of proteomic studies in patients with filaminopathy and murine myoblasts

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    Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden 6 Filaminopathiepatienten mit 3 verschiedenen FLNC-Mutationen analysiert. Ziel war es, die Aggregatzusammensetzung aufzuschlüsseln um subspezifische Biomarker zu identifizieren. Zusätzlich wurde aggregatfreies Patientenmaterial untersucht, um Frühstadien der Erkrankung zu charakterisieren. Mittels Lasermikrodissektion wurden definierte Gewebeareale isoliert und anschließend mittels differentieller Proteomanalyse massenspektrometrisch untersucht. Rab35 und DNAJB4 konnten als subspezifische Aggregatkomponenten für die Filaminopathie identifiziert werden. In der frühen Pathogenese der Filaminopathie könnte Desmin aufgrund einer potentiellen Hyperphosphorylierung eine Schlüsselrolle spielen. Zusätzlich wurde die Zusammensetzung der humanen Aggregate mit der von murinen Myoblasten verglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass C2C12-Zellen ein geeignetes System für proteomische Studien darstellen und bei der Klärung der Pathogenese dienlich sein könnten

    User-centered design in mobile human-robot cooperation: consideration of usability and situation awareness in GUI design for mobile robots at assembly workplaces

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    Mobile cobots can increase the potential for assembly work in industry. For human-friendly automation of cooperative assembly work, user-centered interfaces are necessary. The design process regarding user interfaces for mobile human-robot cooperation (HRC) shows large research gaps. In this article an exemplary approach is shown to design a graphical user interface (GUI) for mobile HRC at assembly workplaces. The design is based on a wireframe developed to support situation awareness. An interactive mockup is designed and evaluated. This is done in two iterations. In the first iteration, a user analysis is carried out using a quantitative survey with n = 31 participants to identify preferred input modalities and a qualitative survey with n = 11 participants that addresses touch interfaces. The interactive mockup is developed by implementing design recommendations of the usability standards ISO 9241 – 110, 112 and 13. A heuristic evaluation is conducted with n = 5 usability experts and the measurement of situation awareness with n = 30 end users. In the second iteration, findings from the preceding iteration are implemented in the GUI and a usability test with n = 20 end users is conducted. The process demonstrates a combination of methods that leads to high usability and situation awareness in mobile HRC

    Understanding Fitness Tracker Users’ and Non-Users’ Requirements for Interactive and Transparent Privacy Information

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    While ftness tracker users consent to the processing of their sensitive data based on privacy policies, previous research has demonstrated that legal texts often remain unread or incomprehensible. This questions whether the given consent is indeed informed. While past research concentrated on improving privacy comprehension, our research aims to better understand user requirements for interactive and transparent privacy information and control systems. We mainly focus on users’ assessment of contextual and functional aspects. Findings from an online survey with ftness tracker users and non-users (. = 204) reveal that such systems need to support users and potential users throughout the usage life cycle, illustrating a dynamic change in requirements and their prioritization of information transparency and privacy control. Design recommendations derived from our results support the development of interactive and comprehensible privacy systems that enable more knowledgeable decisions on sharing and processing ftness tracker data

    miR-129-5p and miR-130a-3p Regulate VEGFR-2 Expression in Sensory and Motor Neurons during Development

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    The wide-ranging influence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) within the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS), for example through effects on axonal growth or neuronal cell survival, is mainly mediated by VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR-2). However, the regulation of VEGFR-2 expression during development is not yet well understood. As microRNAs are considered to be key players during neuronal maturation and regenerative processes, we identified the two microRNAs (miRNAs)&mdash;miR-129-5p and miR-130a-3p&mdash;that may have an impact on VEGFR-2 expression in young and mature sensory and lower motor neurons. The expression level of VEGFR-2 was analyzed by using in situ hybridization, RT-qPCR, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry in developing rats. microRNAs were validated within the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia. To unveil the molecular impact of our candidate microRNAs, dissociated cell cultures of sensory and lower motor neurons were transfected with mimics and inhibitors. We depicted age-dependent VEGFR-2 expression in sensory and lower motor neurons. In detail, in lower motor neurons, VEGFR-2 expression was significantly reduced during maturation, in conjunction with an increased level of miR-129-5p. In sensory dorsal root ganglia, VEGFR-2 expression increased during maturation and was accompanied by an overexpression of miR-130a-3p. In a second step, the functional significance of these microRNAs with respect to VEGFR-2 expression was proven. Whereas miR-129-5p seems to decrease VEGFR-2 expression in a direct manner in the CNS, miR-130a-3p might indirectly control VEGFR-2 expression in the PNS. A detailed understanding of genetic VEGFR-2 expression control might promote new strategies for the treatment of severe neurological diseases like ischemia or peripheral nerve injury

    VEGF Triggers the Activation of Cofilin and the Arp2/3 Complex within the Growth Cone

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    A crucial neuronal structure for the development and regeneration of neuronal networks is the axonal growth cone. Affected by different guidance cues, it grows in a predetermined direction to reach its final destination. One of those cues is the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which was identified as a positive effector for growth cone movement. These positive effects are mainly mediated by a reorganization of the actin network. This study shows that VEGF triggers a tight colocalization of cofilin and the Arp2/3 complex to the actin cytoskeleton within chicken dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Live cell imaging after microinjection of GFP (green fluorescent protein)-cofilin and RFP (red fluorescent protein)-LifeAct revealed that both labeled proteins rapidly redistributed within growth cones, and showed a congruent distribution pattern after VEGF supplementation. Disruption of signaling upstream of cofilin via blocking LIM-kinase (LIMK) activity resulted in growth cones displaying regressive growth behavior. Microinjection of GFP-p16b (a subunit of the Arp2/3 complex) and RFP-LifeAct revealed that both proteins redistributed into lamellipodia of the growth cone within minutes after VEGF stimulation. Disruption of the signaling to the Arp2/3 complex in the presence of VEGF by inhibition of N-WASP (neuronal Wiskott–Aldrich–Scott protein) caused retraction of growth cones. Hence, cofilin and the Arp2/3 complex appear to be downstream effector proteins of VEGF signaling to the actin cytoskeleton of DRG growth cones. Our data suggest that VEGF simultaneously affects different pathways for signaling to the actin cytoskeleton, since activation of cofilin occurs via inhibition of LIMK, whereas activation of Arp2/3 is achieved by stimulation of N-WASP
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