475 research outputs found

    Traces of Austria-Hungary and the First World War in Tsarist/Soviet/Russian Cinematography

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    Zwei Imperien und ihr geheimes Wissen voneinander. Überlegungen zu einer Geschichte der militärischen Nachrichtendienste in Österreich-Ungarn und in Russland in den Jahren vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg

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    The article was submitted on 20.06.2015.The article emphasizes the importance of studying intelligence when examining the history of foreign policy and international relations. Furthermore, the text addresses widespread scepticism among historians in dealing with intelligence because of either doubts about sources or about the topic as a whole. Nonetheless, several sensational spy cases affected the relationship between Austro-Hungary and the Tsarist Empire in the era before the First World War. Yet Russia and Austria-Hungary were not the only countries that monitored the development of espionage with increasing interest and fear. The age before 1914 in Europe saw a culmination of so-called spy mania or spy fever. Simultaneously, the relevance of military intelligence increased. Moreover, questions about what the headquarters knew about each other in Vienna and St. Petersburg influenced not only military affairs but also the relationship between the two empires. For instance spy cases were vividly discussed in the press and therefore had an influence on the development of public opinion towards Russia in the Habsburg Empire and conversely towards Austria-Hungary in the Tsarist Empire.В статье подчеркивается необходимость изучения истории разведки, которое может пролить свет на историю международной политики и отношений между двумя странами. Кроме того, автор рассматривает причины скептического отношения историков к изучению деятельности тайных разведывательных служб, вызванного сомнительностью источников информации и спецификой тематики в целом. Тем не менее на от- ношения Австро-Венгрии и Российской империи влияли разной степени значимости шпионские скандалы. Но не только Россия и Австро-Венгрия следили за развитием шпионажа с возрастающим интересом и опасением. На время накануне 1914 г. пришелся пик так называемой шпионской лихорадки в Европе. Одновременно с этим возрастала значимость военной разведки. Кроме того, сведения, которыми располагали друг о друге генеральные штабы в Вене и Санкт-Петербурге, влияли не только на положение дел в военной сфере, но и в целом на отношения между двумя империями. В частности, широкое обсуждение шпионских скандалов в прессе формировало определенное общественное мнение о России в империи Габсбургов и наоборот - об Австро-Венгрии в царской России

    Prigionieri russi, prigionieri in Russia: detenzione, tradimento e spionaggio nella percezione e nelle strategie dei servizi segreti austro-ungarici (1914-1918)

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    Durante la prima guerra mondiale centinaia di migliaia di soldati dell’esercito austro-ungarico caddero in mani nemiche. Allo stesso modo, un gran numero di soldati nemici fu catturato dalle forze armate della monarchia danubiana. I servizi segreti militari austroungarici gestirono questa situazione in modi diversi: i soldati catturati erano visti sia come “rischio per la sicurezza”, sia come “fonte d’informazione”. Usando l’esempio degli austroungarici tornati dalla prigionia in Russia e dei prigionieri di guerra russi detenuti dalla doppia monarchia, questo articolo mira a mostrare come i servizi segreti dell’Austria-Ungheria affrontarono la sfida di distinguere tra “fiducia e sfiducia”. Questo articolo si sofferma inoltre nel valutare se i servizi segreti di un impero multinazionale dovessero affrontare problemi particolari nell’ottenere informazioni o prevenire lo spionaggio.During WWI, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Austrian-Hungarian Army fell into enemy hands. Reverse, also a great number of alien soldiers were captured by the armed forces of the Danube Monarchy. Austria-Hungary’s military intelligence looked upon this fact in different ways: captured soldiers were seen both as “security risk” and “information source”. Using the example of Austrian-Hungarian homecomers from Russian captivity and Russian POWs in the Dual Monarchy the article strives to show how Austria-Hungary’s military intelligence met this challenge of differentiating between “trust and mistrust”. Moreover, the text gives special attention to the question, whether the intelligence service of a multinational Empire was confronted with particular problems when gaining information and preventing espionage

    Initial interaction of citrate-coated iron oxide nanoparticles with the glycocalyx of THP-1 monocytes assessed by real-time magnetic particle spectroscopy and electron microscopy

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    Interaction with biological material can alter physicochemical parameters of magnetic nanoparticles and might thereby change their magnetic behavior with potentially important implications for various nanoparticle applications. Little is known about changes of the magnetic behavior that occur during the initial phase of cell binding and uptake. We investigate the magnetic behavior of very small superparamagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles (VSOP) during initial contact with THP-1 monocytes. We combine real-time magnetic particle spectroscopy (MPS), a fast and sensitive method for specific detection of magnetic nanoparticles in biological specimen with high-pressure-freezing/freeze-substitution transmission electron microscopy (HPF/FS-TEM), enabling us to generate snapshots of the interaction of VSOP with the cellular glycocalyx. MPS reveals significant changes of the dynamic magnetic behavior within seconds after VSOP injection into monocyte suspensions that correlate with the formation of nanoparticle clusters in the glycocalyx. The combination of real-time MPS and HPF/FS-TEM provides an ideal platform to analyze magnetic behaviors of nanoparticles upon interaction with cells and tissues

    Physik und Sport - Kontextorientierte Unterrichtsmaterialien zur Förderung des Interesses am Mechanikunterricht

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    Das geringe Interesse der Lernenden an Physik ist seit der IPN-Studie bekannt und seitdem auf weitgehend gleichbleibendem Niveau. Dabei gilt die Mechanik oft als ein besonders uninteressantestes Themengebiet. Demgegenüber zeigen empirische Befunde allerdings auch, dass der Interessenunterschied weniger durch das Thema als vielmehr durch die Einbettung in bestimmte Kontexte und die damit verbundenen Tätigkeiten hervorgerufen wird (Elster, 2010). Eine Möglichkeit das Interesse an Physik zu fördern stellt dementsprechend ein ”Lernen in sinnstiftenden Kontexten” (Muckenfuß, 1995) dar. Es konnte theoretisch begründet werden, dass sich der Sport durch seine Alltäglichkeit sowie durch vielfältige Bezüge der Physik zum menschlichen Körper als ein solcher sinnstiftender Kontext im Mechanikunterricht eignet. Aus diesem Grund wurden im Rahmen einer Abschlussarbeit Vorschläge für die Erarbeitung von vier Inhalten aus dem Bereich der Mechanik im Kontext Sport mit entsprechenden Materialien für die Einführungsphase der gymnasialen Oberstufe in Hessen entwickelt. Eine semistrukturierte Lehrkräftebefragung hat Indizien dafür geliefert, dass die Konzepte trotz eines hohen Zeitaufwandes zur Steigerung des Interesses im Physikunterricht beitragen können.

    Experimental Validation of a Dynamic Virtual Power Plant Concept Based on Multiple-Converter Power Hardware-In-the-Loop Test Bench

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    Recently, the concept of dynamic virtual power plants (DVPP) has been proposed to collectively provide desired dynamic ancillary services such as fast frequency and voltage control by a heterogeneous ensemble of distributed energy resources (DER). This paper presents an experimental validation of a recent DVPP control design approach on a multi-converter power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) test bed system. More specifically, we consider a DVPP composed of a wind generation system, a photovoltaic (PV) system, and a STATCOM with small storage capacity to collectively provide grid-following fast frequency regulation in the presence of grid-frequency and load variations. The performance of the aggregated DVPP response is evaluated with respect to its ability to match a desired dynamic behavior while taking practical limitations of the individual DVPP units into account.Comment: 8 Pages, 11 Figures, 22nd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop 202

    Response of Bacterial Communities to Different Detritus Compositions in Arctic Deep-Sea Sediments

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    Benthic deep-sea communities are largely dependent on particle flux from surface waters. In the Arctic Ocean, environmental changes occur more rapidly than in other ocean regions, and have major effects on the export of organic matter to the deep sea. Because bacteria constitute the majority of deep-sea benthic biomass and influence global element cycles, it is important to better understand how changes in organic matter input will affect bacterial communities at the Arctic seafloor. In a multidisciplinary ex situ experiment, benthic bacterial deep-sea communities from the Long-Term Ecological Research Observatory HAUSGARTEN were supplemented with different types of habitat-related detritus (chitin, Arctic algae) and incubated for 23 days under in situ conditions. Chitin addition caused strong changes in community activity, while community structure remained similar to unfed control incubations. In contrast, the addition of phytodetritus resulted in strong changes in community composition, accompanied by increased community activity, indicating the need for adaptation in these treatments. High-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and 16S rRNA revealed distinct taxonomic groups of potentially fast-growing, opportunistic bacteria in the different detritus treatments. Compared to the unfed control, Colwelliaceae, Psychromonadaceae, and Oceanospirillaceae increased in relative abundance in the chitin treatment, whereas Flavobacteriaceae, Marinilabiaceae, and Pseudoalteromonadaceae increased in the phytodetritus treatments. Hence, these groups may constitute indicator taxa for the different organic matter sources at this study site. In summary, differences in community structure and in the uptake and remineralization of carbon in the different treatments suggest an effect of organic matter quality on bacterial diversity as well as on carbon turnover at the seafloor, an important feedback mechanism to be considered in future climate change scenarios

    Oscillating Between Hope and Despair:Understanding Migrants’ Reflections on Ambivalence in ‘Transit’

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    This paper investigates the under-explored question of how migrants in so-called ‘transit countries’ make sense of migration aspirations. Drawing from recent scholarship on migration-related ambivalence, we focus on how people reflect on the past and present of their migration aspirations, employing a migrant-centered approach. Based on semi-structured interviews with refugees in Libya and Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as complementary expert interviews, we find that ambivalence, which (re-)shapes migration aspirations, is a necessary reaction to the structures of uncertainty installed in current European externalization measures beyond EU borders. By adopting a migrant-centered approach and taking into account the multidimensional and processual nature of ambivalence, our research contributes to a better understanding of migrants as self-critical and reflective actors facing the challenges of making decisions in situations of uncertainty; thus, ambivalence is produced in a dialectic interplay between migrants’ agency and the opportunities/limitations of changing structures that surround them which, in turn, informs the interplay between forward and backward migration aspirations

    Injuries in alpine summer sports - types, frequency and prevention: a systematic review.

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    INTRODUCTION Summer alpine sports, including mountain biking, hiking and airborne pursuits, have experienced a recent surge in popularity. Accordingly, trauma associated with these activities has increased. There is a scarcity of literature exploring clinical aspects surrounding injuries. Specifically, no single article provides a general overview, as individual studies tend to focus on one particular sport. In the present study, we performed a systematic literature review to summarize existing knowledge and explore the potential for prevention and clinical decision making in this group. METHOD Literature searches were performed using the PubMed and Scopus database for the most commonly ventured sports associated with injury: mountain biking, climbing, airborne sports, paragliding, and base jumping. From this search, studies were identified for qualitative and quantitative analyses. These searches were done according to PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews. Studies were then analyzed regarding epidemiology of injuries, relevant anatomical considerations and prevention strategies were discussed. RESULTS A broad spectrum of injury sites and mechanisms are seen in mountain biking, climbing or airborne sports. Mountain biking related injuries commonly involve the upper extremity, with fractures of the clavicle being the most common injury, followed by fractures of the hand and wrist. Scaphoid fractures remain of paramount importance in a differential diagnosis, given their often subtle clinical and radiological appearance. Paragliding, skydiving, and base jumping particularly affect transition areas of the spine, such as the thoracolumbar and the spinopelvic regions. Lower limb injuries were seen in equal frequency to spinal injuries. Regarding relative risk, mountain biking has the lowest risk for injuries, followed by climbing and airborne sports. Male alpinists are reported to be more susceptible to injuries than female alpinists. Generally, the literature surrounding hiking and water-related mountain sports is insufficient, and further work is required to elucidate injury mechanisms and effective preventative measures. A helmet seems to decrease the likelihood of face and head injuries in mountain sports and be a meaningful preventive measurement

    Literary-theoretical Transformations of Social Models

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    This study investigates transformations of classical antiquity oikonomia and chrematistics from the Middle Ages to the present-day.From an ancient- historical, philosophical, literary and cultural-science perspective, it reconstructs exemplary acquisitions and reinterpretations of economic knowledge. The study argues that the modern economy has benefited from transformation relationships with the oikonomia of classical antiquity, which exhibit no unambiguously economic, efficient and profit-maximising character. For this reason, in addition to actual historical aspects, our interest also includes issues relating to the poetology of economic knowledge, the metaphorology and scenaristics of the house, the theoretical, narrative and literary representation economies and the promotion of ‘economy’ to an ordering category per se