8 research outputs found

    Simulated moving bed chromatography in the production of enantiomerically pure or enriched compounds in large scale

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    There is great interest nowadays in the use of preparative liquid chromatography as an effective tool for the production of enantiomerically pure, or enriched, compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. To make the chromatographic process economically attractive, attention is now focused on the choice of the chromatographic operating mode to minimize eluent consumption and to maximize productivity. Among the alternatives to the traditional batch chromatography, attention is now shifting towards simulated moving bed (SMB) technologies and a review covering the latest developments in this area seems timely. Several aspects of this important analytical technique are presented and details concerning the SMB technology for process optimization are outlined.10271037Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Continous chromatographic in simulated moving bed to purification of enantiomers N-Boc-baclofen-lactan

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    Orientador: Cesar Costapinto SantanaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaDoutoradoDesenvolvimento de Processos BiotecnologicosMestre em Engenharia Químic

    Purificação da alfa-Lactalbumina a partir do soro de leite em leito fixo e expandido de resinas

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    Orientador: Cesar Costapinto SantanaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaResumo: O crescente interesse e aplicações dos produtos biotecnológicos vem aumentando o desenvolvimento de novos processos de recuperação e purificação de proteínas. O soro de leite bovino, obtido da manufatura da caseína para a produção de queijo, é em sua maioria descartado em mananciais de água, causando sérios problemas ambientais devido a sua alta demanda biológica de oxigênio (DBO). As proteínas presentes no lactosoro apresentam um excelente valor nutritivo e farmacológico, porém, o seu uso no enriquecimento de produtos alimentícios é limitado devido a baixa concentração destas proteínas. As principais proteínas do lactosoro são: ~-Iactoglobulinas, a-Iactalbumina, albuminas de soro bovino, imunoglobulinas, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrina, lisozima e outras proteínas de menor proporção, que apresentam um alto valor agregado. A a-Iactalbumina atua no organismo estimulando os agentes do sistema imunológico por proporcionar a elevação de glutationa em vários órgãos e no sangue, resultando em benefícios para pacientes portadores de doenças degenerativas como os males de Parkinson e Alzheimer, câncer e AIDS. Neste trabalho foi estudado o processo de separação da a-Iactalbumina, através de técnicas cromatográficas empregando a metodologia de leito fixo e expandido. O leito expandido possibilita a redução nos custos do processo de purificação, eliminando etapas de separação necessárias quando o extrato apresenta material em suspensão, que é o caso dos lactosoros. Nos ensaios realizados foram estudados as melhores condições de adsorção da a-Iactalbumina visando a sua purificação empregando adsorventes de troca iônica e de interação hidrofóbica. Também foram realizados ensaios em sistemas de tanque agitados para a determinação das isotermas e cinéticas de adsorção. Neste trabalho obteve-se a a-Iactalbumina com uma pureza acima de 80% e apresentando um fator de purificação de 5 vezes utilizando as resinas de interação hidrofóbica com única etapa de purificaçãoAbstract: The interest and applications of biotechnology products has been increasing the development of new recovery and purification processes for proteins. The bovine milk serum, obtained from casein manufacture for cheese production, is mostly rejected into watercourse, causing problems to the environment due to its high biological oxygen demand (BOD). The proteins of milk serum have excellent nutritious and pharmaceutical value, h oweve r, its application for protein enrichment of food products is limited due to its low content in the milk serum. The main proteins of milk serum are: ~-Iactoglobulins, a-Iactalbumine, bovine serum albumine, immunoglobulins, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, lisozime and other lower content proteins which have a high aggregate value. The a-Iactalbumine acts in the human organism by stimulating the agents of the immunologycal system due to increasing on glutathione levei in several organs and blood, resulting in benefits for patients of some diseases like Parkinson and Alzheimer's iII, cancer and AIDS. It was studied in this work the separation processes of a-Iactalbumine, by chromatographic techniques making use of fixed and expanded bed methods. The expanded bed enables cost reduction on purification process by reducing separation steps used for removing suspended solids, as in case of milk serum extracts. In our experiments were studied the adsorption conditions of alactalbumine aiming at its purification by using ionic exchange and hydrophobic interaction adsorbents. Other experiments were accomplished at stirred tank systems for the determination of isotherms and adsorption kinetics. It was obtained, in this work, an a-Iactalbumine purity higher than 80%, with a five fold purification factor by using the hydrophobic interaction resins in a single purification steMestradoDesenvolvimento de Processos BiotecnologicosMestre em Engenharia Químic

    Continous chromatographic in simulated moving bed to purification of enantiomers N-Boc-baclofen-lactan

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    Orientador: Cesar Costapinto SantanaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaDoutoradoDesenvolvimento de Processos BiotecnologicosMestre em Engenharia Químic

    High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation Of Rolipram, Bupivacaine And Omeprazole Using A Tartardiamide-based Stationary Phase Influence Of Flow Rate And Temperature On The Enantioseparation.

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    Chromatographic separation of the chiral drugs rolipram, bupivacaine and omeprazole on a tartardiamide-based stationary phase commercially named Kromasil CHI-TBB is shown in this work. The effect of temperature on the chromatographic separation of the chiral drugs using the Kromasil CHI-TBB stationary phase was determined quantitatively so as to contribute toward the design for the racemic mixtures of the named compound by using chiral columns. A decrease in the retention and selectivity factors was observed, when the column temperature increased. Van't Hoff plots provided the thermodynamic data. The variation of the thermodynamic parameters enthalpy and entropy are clearly negative meaning that the separation is enthalpy controlled.116297-10

    Cromatografia em leito móvel simulado na produção de substâncias enantiomericamente puras ou enriquecidas em larga escala

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    There is great interest nowadays in the use of preparative liquid chromatography as an effective tool for the production of enantiomerically pure, or enriched, compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. To make the chromatographic process economically attractive, attention is now focused on the choice of the chromatographic operating mode to minimize eluent consumption and to maximize productivity. Among the alternatives to the traditional batch chromatography, attention is now shifting towards simulated moving bed (SMB) technologies and a review covering the latest developments in this area seems timely. Several aspects of this important analytical technique are presented and details concerning the SMB technology for process optimization are outlined

    Cromatografia em leito móvel simulado na produção de substâncias enantiomericamente puras ou enriquecidas em larga escala

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    There is great interest nowadays in the use of preparative liquid chromatography as an effective tool for the production of enantiomerically pure, or enriched, compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. To make the chromatographic process economically attractive, attention is now focused on the choice of the chromatographic operating mode to minimize eluent consumption and to maximize productivity. Among the alternatives to the traditional batch chromatography, attention is now shifting towards simulated moving bed (SMB) technologies and a review covering the latest developments in this area seems timely. Several aspects of this important analytical technique are presented and details concerning the SMB technology for process optimization are outlined