14 research outputs found

    Etude biologique des Propagules de Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. sens, restr. (Bryopsida, Dicranales) en relation avec sa dispersion

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    Campylopus introflexus is a bryophyte species the areal distribution of which is becoming subcosmopolite. The reasons of this extension trend are investigated. In western Europe, C. introflexus produces small vegetative apical shoots (propagules) which separate from the mother plant and give rise to new plantlets. The vegetative reproduction cycles are specified, according to the corresponding potentialities.Campylopus introflexus est une espĂšce dont l'aire de distribution en expansion devient subcosmopolite. Les causes de son extension sont recherchĂ©es. En Europe occidentale, C. introflexus se multiplie par des propagules ayant valeur de rameaux apicaux spĂ©cialisĂ©s. Les cycles de multiplication vĂ©gĂ©tative par propagules sont prĂ©cisĂ©s et les potentialitĂ©s correspondantes mises en Ă©vidence.Verdus Marie-Claire. Etude biologique des Propagules de Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. sens, restr. (Bryopsida, Dicranales) en relation avec sa dispersion. In: Bulletin mensuel de la SociĂ©tĂ© linnĂ©enne de Lyon, 48ᔉ annĂ©e, n°3, mars 1979. pp. 135-143

    Appraisal of Sims applicability to boron studies in plants

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    International audienceIn the search for a new methodological approach applicable to the determination of the still poorly known primary role of boron in plant physiology, we have undertaken to appraise the potential of the SIMS method for the analytical imaging of the boron isotopes, (10)B and (11)B, at physiological concentrations in plants. With our own, CAMECA IMS4F SIMS ion analyser, and using O(2)(+) as primary ions for the detection of B(+) (plus (12)C(+) and (40)Ca(+)) secondary ions, we have been able to map quantitatively the two boron isotopes in control and boron-enriched plants, to evaluate boron concentrations at the level of individual cells and to determine boron isotopic ratios. This provides the opportunity to carry out the simultaneous labeling and imaging of boron, using enrichment with the stable isotopes, (10)B and (11)B. The method has also the potential for the simultaneous, quantitative detection of the boron isotopes and of the borate-binding sites in plant cells

    Dynamic-SIMS imaging and quantification of inorganic ions in frozen-hydrated plant samples

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    International audienceWe present here SIMS images of the distribution of inorganic cations (Na, K, Mg and Ca) in frozen‐hydrated samples of three plant species, ivy, camomile, and flax. The samples were cryofixed using fast plunge‐freezing. Stigmatic images were obtained, at 100 K, under dynamic SIMS conditions by fast atom bombarding (FAB). Even though the images obtained with the frozen‐hydrated plant samples are still not of upper quality, they show that the method used to prepare these samples preserves existing ionic gradients between the outer and the inner part of the cells, between adjacent cells, including cells with the same type of differentiation, and between tissues. We also describe the quantification of the relative proportions of the ions in the vacuoles of flax. The reasonable accuracy achieved for quantification of the vacuole ion ratios permitted to show (i) that radial gradients of ion ratios in hypocotyls change when the plant is becoming older and (ii) that large differences may exist between adjacent cortical cells of the same type. The role of these substantial differences in vacuole ion balance ratios is a largely unexplored issue in plant physiology