24 research outputs found

    Sanja VRCIĆ-MATAIJA: Hrvatski realistički dječji roman (1991. – 2001.)

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    Eugène Ionesco’s stories on the puppet theater scene

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    The Rijeka City Puppet Theater has performed several puppet shows during the course of its institutional activity since 1960, based on works from the oeuvre of French literature and art. In addition to presenting these plays, this paper gives particular attention to the play All About Jacquelines, a homage to Eugène Ionesco (2004), performed as an interplay between actresses and puppets, based on Stories for Children Under Three Years of Age, written by Eugène Ionesco for his thirty-three-month-old daughter Marie-France. The play features some intertextual links to Ionesco’s dramatic oeuvre, as well as intermedial links to the paintings of the Belgian surrealist painter René Magritte, as well as to the music of the French composer Eric Satie. The peculiarity of performing All About Jacquelines, a homage to Eugène Ionesco, makes the breakthrough of this Theater beyond the established experience of puppet theater as an art form intended primarily for children’s audiences

    Gradsko kazalište lutaka u Rijeci i hrvatska lutkarska scena : (1960. - 2004.)

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    Doktorskim radom Gradsko kazalište lutaka u Rijeci i hrvatska lutkarska scena (1960.–2004.) predstavljena je djelatnost kao i doprinos Gradskog kazališta lutaka u Rijeci suvremenom hrvatskom lutkarstvu tijekom druge polovice dvadesetog stoljeća. Rad je strukturiran u obliku poglavlja u kojima je, nakon pregleda literature o Gradskom kazalištu lutaka u Rijeci i o njegovu osnivanju, kronološki, od početaka djelovanja krajem 50-ih godina 20. stoljeća do 2004. godine predstavljena djelatnost ovog kazališta usporedno s pregledom djelatnosti lutkarskih kazališta u Splitu, Zagrebu, Zadru i Osijeku u istim vremenskim periodima. Uz mnoge iznimne umjetničke dosege riječkih lutkara, u povijesti hrvatskog lutkarstva druge polovice 20. stoljeća ostat će zapamćena predstava Muzičke minijature, izvedena 1966. godine uz glazbu Liszta, Debussyja i Musorgskoga, u režiji Berislava Brajkovića, sa scenografijom i lutkama Ladislava Šošterića i uz primjenu, tada nove na hrvatskoj lutkarskoj sceni, luminiscentne varijante crnog teatra. Od svojeg osnivanja do danas Gradsko kazalište lutaka u Rijeci nastavlja obnašati svoju ulogu: biti kazalište namijenjeno najmlađoj publici, ali i istraživati bezbrojne mogućnosti scenskog izraza što ih pruža lutkarska umjetnost.Doctoral dissertation with the title City Puppet theatre in Rijeka and the Croatian puppetry scene (1960.–2004.) wants to show the activity and the contribution of City Puppet theatre in Rijeka to the contemporary Croatian puppetry during second half of 20th century. The dissertation is structured in chapters. After the review of literature about the City Puppet theatre in Rijeka and its formal constitution, in chronological orders are described the activities of the theatre, from the beginnings in the late fifties up until the year 2004. by comparing it with the activities of other Croatian puppet theatres in Split, Zagreb, Zadar and Osijek in the same period. Between many exceptional artistic results, it is the performance of The Musical miniatures that was performed in 1966. with the music of Liszt, Debussy and Musorgski, directed by Berislav Brajković and with the puppets created by Ladislav Šošterić that stays remembered in the history of Croatian puppetry. It was for the wery first time that the luminescent version of black theatre was used on one of Croatian puppet stages at all. From its constitution up until today the City Puppet theatre in Rijeka continues to fulfil its mission: to be the theatre for the youngest audience and in the same time to explore the countless possibilities of theatrical expression that offers the art of puppetry

    Berislav Majhut i Štefka Batinić: Hrvatska slikovnica do 1945.

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    Gradsko kazalište lutaka u Rijeci i hrvatska lutkarska scena : (1960. - 2004.)

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    Doktorskim radom Gradsko kazalište lutaka u Rijeci i hrvatska lutkarska scena (1960.–2004.) predstavljena je djelatnost kao i doprinos Gradskog kazališta lutaka u Rijeci suvremenom hrvatskom lutkarstvu tijekom druge polovice dvadesetog stoljeća. Rad je strukturiran u obliku poglavlja u kojima je, nakon pregleda literature o Gradskom kazalištu lutaka u Rijeci i o njegovu osnivanju, kronološki, od početaka djelovanja krajem 50-ih godina 20. stoljeća do 2004. godine predstavljena djelatnost ovog kazališta usporedno s pregledom djelatnosti lutkarskih kazališta u Splitu, Zagrebu, Zadru i Osijeku u istim vremenskim periodima. Uz mnoge iznimne umjetničke dosege riječkih lutkara, u povijesti hrvatskog lutkarstva druge polovice 20. stoljeća ostat će zapamćena predstava Muzičke minijature, izvedena 1966. godine uz glazbu Liszta, Debussyja i Musorgskoga, u režiji Berislava Brajkovića, sa scenografijom i lutkama Ladislava Šošterića i uz primjenu, tada nove na hrvatskoj lutkarskoj sceni, luminiscentne varijante crnog teatra. Od svojeg osnivanja do danas Gradsko kazalište lutaka u Rijeci nastavlja obnašati svoju ulogu: biti kazalište namijenjeno najmlađoj publici, ali i istraživati bezbrojne mogućnosti scenskog izraza što ih pruža lutkarska umjetnost.Doctoral dissertation with the title City Puppet theatre in Rijeka and the Croatian puppetry scene (1960.–2004.) wants to show the activity and the contribution of City Puppet theatre in Rijeka to the contemporary Croatian puppetry during second half of 20th century. The dissertation is structured in chapters. After the review of literature about the City Puppet theatre in Rijeka and its formal constitution, in chronological orders are described the activities of the theatre, from the beginnings in the late fifties up until the year 2004. by comparing it with the activities of other Croatian puppet theatres in Split, Zagreb, Zadar and Osijek in the same period. Between many exceptional artistic results, it is the performance of The Musical miniatures that was performed in 1966. with the music of Liszt, Debussy and Musorgski, directed by Berislav Brajković and with the puppets created by Ladislav Šošterić that stays remembered in the history of Croatian puppetry. It was for the wery first time that the luminescent version of black theatre was used on one of Croatian puppet stages at all. From its constitution up until today the City Puppet theatre in Rijeka continues to fulfil its mission: to be the theatre for the youngest audience and in the same time to explore the countless possibilities of theatrical expression that offers the art of puppetry


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    Rad predstavlja priču Lav, Vještica i ormar iz ciklusa Kronike iz Narnije britanskog pisca irskog podrijetla Clivea Staplesa Lewisa (1898.-1963.) s ciljem utvrđivanja osebujnosti Lewisove varijante fantastične priče. Polazi se od odabrane literature gdje se bez iznimke problematizira kršćanski podtekst, koji je Lewis uključio u sve priče narnijskoga ciklusa, te elementi više književnih vrsta pored fantastične priče, kao što su bajka, mit, priča o životinjama i romansa.The paper presents story The Lion, the Witch and the wardrobe from series Chronicles of Narnia, written by British author of the Irish origins Clive Staples Lewis (1898.-1963.) with the aim to establish the singuliarities of Lewis’s fantasy story. There are considered selected literature and sources that without exception speak about Christian subtext, which Clive Staples Lewis incorporated in all of narnian stories, as well as about the elements of various genres alongside fantasy, such as fairy tale, myth, animal stories and romance. In the story The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Clive Staples Lewis used the structure of the fantasy story, marked in the tradition of English children’s literature with Lewis Carroll’s fantasy stories Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice found there. As esteemed scholar and expert for English medieval and renaissance literature Lewis included in his story elements of romance and Christian subtext, influenced by his religious believes that he intended to pass to the young readers as a form of their reading pre-baptism