56 research outputs found

    The Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale: Factor Structure of a Large Sample

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    The Yale Brown Obsessive-Compulsive scale (Y-BOCS) is a semi-structured interview considered to be the gold standard in the measurement of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) severity, yet findings about its factorial structure are conflicting. This study aimed at comparing different models, and testing whether factorial structure differs along various sub-groups. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on Y-BOCS scores of a large OCD patient group (n = 544). A three-factor structure (obsessions, compulsions, and resistance) provided the best fit for the data across different factor analytic procedures. The difference in goodness of fit between the original two factor (obsessions and compulsions) and the three-factor solutions seemed, however, very small. Since the two-factor solution is the original theory-driven structure, and the most widely used, we recommend the use of this factor

    Overlay of conventional angiographic and en-face OCT images enhances their interpretation

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    BACKGROUND: Combining characteristic morphological and functional information in one image increases pathophysiologic understanding as well as diagnostic accuracy in most clinical settings. En-face optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides a high resolution, transversal OCT image of the macular area combined with a confocal image of the same area (OCT C-scans). Creating an overlay image of a conventional angiographic image onto an OCT image, using the confocal part to facilitate transformation, combines structural and functional information of the retinal area of interest. This paper describes the construction of such overlay images and their aid in improving the interpretation of OCT C-scans. METHODS: In various patients, en-face OCT C-scans (made with a prototype OCT-Ophthalmoscope (OTI, Canada) in use at the Department of Ophthalmology (Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)) and conventional fluorescein angiography (FA) were performed. ImagePro, with a custom made plug-in, was used to make an overlay-image. The confocal part of the OCT C-scan was used to spatially transform the FA image onto the OCT C-scan, using the vascular arcades as a reference. To facilitate visualization the transformed angiographic image and the OCT C-scan were combined in an RGB image. RESULTS: The confocal part of the OCT C-scan could easily be fused with angiographic images. Overlay showed a direct correspondence between retinal thickening and FA leakage in Birdshot retinochoroiditis, localized the subretinal neovascular membrane and correlated anatomic and vascular leakage features in myopia, and showed the extent of retinal and pigment epithelial detachment in retinal angiomatous proliferation as FA leakage was subject to blocked fluorescence. The overlay mode provided additional insight not readily available in either mode alone. CONCLUSION: Combining conventional angiographic images and en-face OCT C-scans assists in the interpretation of both imaging modalities. By combining the physiopathological information in the angiograms with the structural information in the OCT scan, zones of leakage can be correlated to structural changes in the retina or pigment epithelium. This strategy could be used in the evaluation and monitoring of patients with complex central macular pathology

    Red ROM als kwaliteitsinstrument

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    In het recent verschenen rapport over de bekostiging van de curatieve ggz concludeert de Algemene Rekenkamer (2017): ‘informatie die met ROM [routine outcome monitoring] wordt verkregen, heeft beperkingen en is van onvoldoende kwaliteit om te dienen als sturingsinformatie bij de zorginkoop’ (p. 14). Dit rapport is door een groep psychiaters en psychologen aangegrepen om de petitie ‘Stop benchmark met ROM’ (www.stoprom.com) in het leven te roepen, die inmiddels door ruim 6000 mensen getekend is. In dit artikel reageren wij op deze petitie. Wij onderschrijven dat ROM geen basis mag zijn voor zorginkoop, maar vinden dat ROM en benchmarking van grote waarde kunnen zijn voor het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van de behandeling en pleiten daarom voor inhoudelijke doorontwikkeling van benchmarking in plaats van deze te stoppen


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