10 research outputs found

    Computer-controlled mechanical lung model for application in pulmonary function studies

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    A computer controlled mechanical lung model has been developed for testing lung function equipment, validation of computer programs and simulation of impaired pulmonary mechanics. The construction, function and some applications are described. The physical model is constructed from two bellows and a pipe system representing the alveolar lung compartments of both lungs and airways, respectively. The bellows are surrounded by water simulating pleural and interstitial space. Volume changes of the bellows are accomplished via the fluid by a piston. The piston is driven by a servo-controlled electrical motor whose input is generated by a microcomputer. A wide range of breathing patterns can be simulated. The pipe system representing the trachea connects both bellows to the ambient air and is provided with exchangeable parts with known resistance. A compressible element (CE) can be inserted into the pipe system. The fluid-filled space around the CE is connected with the water compartment around the bellows; The CE is made from a stretched Penrose drain. The outlet of the pipe system can be interrupted at the command of an external microcomputer system. An automatic sequence of measurements can be programmed and is executed without the interaction of a technician

    Does phase 2 of the expiratory PCO2 versus volume curve have diagnostic value in emphysema patients?

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    It has been postulated that serial inhomogeneity of ventilation in the peripheral airways in emphysema is represented by the shape of expiratory carbon dioxide tension versus volume curve. We examined the diagnostic value of this test in patients with various degrees of emphysema. The volumes between 25-50% (V25-50) and 25-75% (V25-75) of the expiratory carbon dioxide tension versus volume curve were determined in 29 emphysematous patients (20 severely obstructed and 9 moderately obstructed), 12 asthma patients in exacerbation of symptoms, and 28 healthy controls. Discriminant analysis was used to examine whether these diagnostic groups could be separated. With regard to phase 2 of the expiratory CO2 versus volume curve (mixture of anatomic deadspace and alveolar air), a plot of intercept versus slope of the relationships of (V25-50) and (V25-75) versus inspiratory volume (VI) from functional residual capacity (FRC), obtained during natural breathing frequency, proved to be most discriminating in the separation between healthy controls and severely obstructed emphysema patients. Separating healthy controls and severely obstructed emphysema patients on the basis of the discriminant line for V25-50, 9 of the 12 asthma patients in exacerbation were classified as normal, and only 5 of the 9 moderately obstructed emphysema patients as emphysematous. For V25-75 involvement of phase 3 of the curve (alveolar plateau) in asthma patients in exacerbation caused a marked overlap with the severely obstructed emphysema patients. In the healthy controls, a fixed breathing frequency of 20 breaths.min-1 led to an increase of both volumes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Influence of lung parenchymal destruction on the different indexes of the methacholine dose-response curve in COPD patients

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    STUDY OBJECTIVES: The interpretation of nonspecific bronchial provocation dose-response curves in COPD is still a matter of debate. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) in patients with COPD could be influenced by the destruction of the parenchyma and the augmented mechanical behavior of the lung. Therefore, we studied the interrelationships between indexes of BHR, on the one hand, and markers of lung parenchymal destruction, on the other. PATIENTS AND METHODS: COPD patients were selected by clinical symptoms, evidence of chronic, nonreversible airways obstruction, and BHR, which was defined as a provocative dose of a substance (histamine) causing a 20% fall in FEV(1) (PC(20)) of </= 8 mg/mL. BHR was subsequently studied by methacholine dose-response curves to which a sigmoid model was fitted for the estimation of plateau values and reactivity. Model fits of quasi-static lung pressure-volume (PV) curves yielded static lung compliance (Cstat), the exponential factor (KE) and elastic recoil at 90% of total lung capacity (P90TLC). Carbon monoxide (CO) transfer was measured with the standard single-breath method. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients were included in the study, and reliable PV data could be obtained from 19. The following mean values ( +/- SD) were taken: FEV(1), 65 +/- 12% of predicted; reversibility, 5.6 +/- 3.1% of predicted; the PC(20) for methacholine, 4.3 +/- 5.2 mg/mL; reactivity, 11.0 +/- 5.6% FEV(1)/doubling dose; plateau, 48.8 +/- 17.4% FEV(1); transfer factor, 76.7 +/- 17.9% of predicted; transfer coefficient for carbon monoxide (KCO), 85.9 +/- 22.6% of predicted; Cstat, 4.28 +/- 2.8 kPa; shape factor (KE), 1.9 +/- 1.5 kPa; and P90TLC, 1.1 +/- 0.8 kPa. We confirmed earlier reported relationships between Cstat, on the one hand, and KE (p < 0.0001), P90TLC (p = 0.0012), and KCO percent predicted (p = 0.006), on the other hand. The indexes of the methacholine provocation test were not related to any parameter of lung elasticity and CO transfer. CONCLUSION: BHR in COPD patients who smoke most probably is determined by airways pathology rather than by the augmented mechanical behavior caused by lung parenchymal destruction

    A lung function information system

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    Abstract A lung function information system (LFIS) was developed for the data analysis of pulmonary function tests at different locations. This system was connected to the hospital information system (HIS) for the retrieval of patient data and the storage of the lung function variables of patients to generate follow-up reports and to support financial and administrative management. The application programs were developed in such a way that high flexibility was obtained with respect to the patient-computer-technician interaction. The sampled data are stored on a disc to correct earlier decisions, perform recalculations and reanalyse the data for research purposes. When the measurements performed on a patient are authorized, the sampled data are deleted, except for when they are needed for future research. A distributed computer system was chosen to combine the benefits of a centralized system with those of several stand-alone systems. The main tasks of the central unit are to store collected data and computer programs, generate a final lung function report on laser printer and provide a connection to the HIS. In the satellite computers, which are located close to the lung function equipment, the signals and raw data are processed. Furthermore, the satellite computers were in use for program development and several research projects, and for the offline data processing of the lung function measurements from two other hospitals by means of a modem connection. The LFIS improved the quantity and quality of data acquisition. It resulted in an increased capacity of about 50% concerning spirometry, and facilitated time-consuming complex analyses. It also avoided miscalculations and mistakes in reports previously experienced with hand calculations

    Dead space and slope indices from the expiratory carbon dioxide tension-volume curve

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    The slope of phase 3 and three noninvasively determined dead space estimates derived from the expiratory carbon dioxide tension (PCO2) versus volume curve, including the Bohr dead space (VD,Bohr), the Fowler dead space (VD,Fowler) and pre-interface expirate (PIE), were investigated in 28 healthy control subjects, 12 asthma and 29 emphysema patients (20 severely obstructed and nine moderately obstructed) with the aim to establish diagnostic value. Because breath volume and frequency are closely related to CO2 elimination, the recording procedures included varying breath volumes in all subjects during self-chosen/natural breathing frequency, and fixed frequencies of 10, 15 and 20 breaths x min(-1) with varying breath volumes only in the healthy controls. From the relationships of the variables with tidal volume (VT), the values at 1 L were estimated to compare the groups. The slopes of phase 3 and VD,Bohr at 1 L VT showed the most significant difference between controls and patients with asthma or emphysema, compared to the other two dead space estimates, and were related to the degree of airways obstruction. Discrimination between no-emphysema (asthma and controls) and emphysema patients was possible on the basis of a plot of intercept and slope of the relationship between VD,Bohr and VT. A combination of both the slope of phase 3 and VD,Bohr of a breath of 1 L was equally discriminating. The influence of fixed frequencies in the controls did not change the results. The conclusion is that Bohr dead space in relation to tidal volume seems to have diagnostic properties separating patients with asthma from patients with emphysema with the same degree of airways obstruction. Equally discriminating was a combination of both phase 3 and Bohr dead space of a breath of 1 L. The different pathophysiological mechanisms in asthma and emphysema leading to airways obstruction are probably responsible for these results

    Estimation of expiratory time constants via fuzzy clustering

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    Objective. In mechanically ventilated patients the expiratorytime constant provides information about respiratory mechanics. In thepresent study a new method, fuzzy clustering, is proposed to determine expiratory time constants. Fuzzy clustering differs from other methods since it neither interferes with expiration nor presumes any functional relationship between the variables analysed. Furthermore, time constantbehaviour during expiration can be assessed, instead of an average timeconstant. The time constants obtained with fuzzy clustering are comparedto time constants conventionally calculated from the same expirations. Methods. 20 mechanically ventilated patients, including 10 patients with COPD, were studied. The data of flow, volume and pressure were sampled. From these data, four local linear models were detected by fuzzy clustering. The

    Serial lung model for simulation and parameter estimation in body plethysmography

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    A serial lung model with a compressible segment has been implemented to simulate different types of lung and airway disorders such as asthma, emphysema, fibrosis and upper airway obstruction. The model described can be used during normal breathing, and moreover the compliant segment is structured according to more recent physiological data. A parameter estimation technique was applied and its reliability and uniqueness were tested by means of sine wave input signals. The characteristics of the alveolar pressure/flow patterns simulated with the model agree to a great extent with those found in the literature. In the case of absence of noise the parameter estimation routine produced unique solutions for different simulated pathologic classes. The sensitivity of the different parameters depended on the values belonging to each class of pathology. Some more simplified models are presented and their advantages over the complex model in special types of pathology are demonstrated. Noise added to the simulated flow appeared to have no influence on the estimated parameters, in contradiction to the effects with noise added to the pressure signal. In that case effective resistance was accurately estimated. Where parameters had no influence, as for instance upper airway resistance in emphysema or peripheral airway resistance in upper airway obstruction, the measurement accuracy was less. In all other cases, a satisfactory accuracy could be obtained

    Pressure-volume analysis of the lung with an exponential and linear-exponential model in asthma and COPD. Dutch CNSLD Study Group

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    The prevalence of abnormalities in lung elasticity in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is still unclear. This might be due to uncertainties concerning the method of analysis of quasistatic deflation lung pressure-volume curves. Pressure-volume curves were obtained in 99 patients with moderately severe asthma or COPD. These patients were a subgroup from a Dutch multicentre trial; the entire group was selected on the basis of a moderately lowered % predicted forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and a provocative concentration of histamine producing a 20% decrease in FEV1 (PC20) < 8 mg.mL-1 obtained with the 2 min tidal breathing technique. The curves were fitted with an exponential (E) model and an exponential model which took the linear appearance in the mid vital capacity range into account (linear-exponential (LE)). The linear-exponential model showed a markedly better fit ability, yielding additional parameters, such as the compliance at functional residual capacity (FRC) level as slope of the linear part (b), and the volume at which the linear part changed into the exponential part of the curve (transition volume (Vtr)). Vtr (mean value Vtr/total lung capacity (TLC) = 0.79 (SD 0.07)) showed a close positive linear correlation with obstruction and hyperinflation variables, which might be due to airway closure, already starting at elevated lung volumes. The exponential shape factor K was closely correlated with b and mean values (K = 1.32 (SD 0.05) kPa-1; b = 2.96 (SD 1.16) L,kPa-1) and the relationship with age was comparable with data reported in healthy individuals. The shape factor of the linear-exponential fit showed no correlation with any elasticity related variable. Neither the elastic recoil at 90% TLC, as obtained from the linear-exponential fit, nor its relationship with age were significantly different from healthy individuals. We conclude that, for a more accurate description of the lung pressure-volume curve, a linear-exponential fit is preferable to an exponential model. However, the physiological relevance of the shape parameter (KLE) is still unclear. These results indicate that patients with moderately severe asthma or COPD had, on average, no appreciable loss of elastic lung recoil as compared with healthy individuals