7 research outputs found

    Free Energy of the Two-Matrix Model/dToda Tau-Function

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    We provide an integral formula for the free energy of the two-matrix model with polynomial potentials of arbitrary degree (or formal power series). This is known to coincide with the tau-function of the dispersionless two--dimensional Toda hierarchy. The formula generalizes the case studied by Kostov, Krichever, Mineev-Weinstein, Wiegmann, Zabrodin and separately Takhtajan in the case of conformal maps of Jordan curves. Finally we generalize the formula found in genus zero to the case of spectral curves of arbitrary genus with certain fixed data.Comment: Ver 2: 18 pages added important formulas for higher genus spectral curves, few typos removed (and few added). Ver 3: 19 pages (minor changes). Typos removed, added appendix and improved exposition Ver 4: 19 pages, minor corrections. Version submitted Ver 4; corrections prompted by referee and accepted in Nuclear Phys.

    Dibaryons as axially symmetric skyrmions

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    Dibaryons configurations are studied in the framework of the bound state soliton model. A generalized axially symmetric ansatz is used to determine the soliton background. We show that once the constraints imposed by the symmetries of the lowest energy torus configuration are satisfied all spurious states are removed from the dibaryon spectrum. In particular, we show that the lowest allowed state in the S=2S=-2 channel carries the quantum numbers of the H particle. We find that, within our approximations, this particle is slightly bound in the model. We discuss, however, that vacuum effects neglected in the present calculation are very likely to unbind the H.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, TAN-FNT-93-12 (it replaces old version which was truncated

    Perturbation Theory for the Rosenzweig-Porter Matrix Model

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    We study an ensemble of random matrices (the Rosenzweig-Porter model) which, in contrast to the standard Gaussian ensemble, is not invariant under changes of basis. We show that a rather complete understanding of its level correlations can be obtained within the standard framework of diagrammatic perturbation theory. The structure of the perturbation expansion allows for an interpretation of the level structure on simple physical grounds, an aspect that is missing in the exact analysis (T. Guhr, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2258 (1996), T. Guhr and A. M\"uller-Groeling, cond-mat/9702113).Comment: to appear in PRE, 5 pages, REVTeX, 2 figures, postscrip

    Spectroscopy with random and displaced random ensembles

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    Due to the time reversal invariance of the angular momentum operator J^2, the average energies and variances at fixed J for random two-body Hamiltonians exhibit odd-even-J staggering, that may be especially strong for J=0. It is shown that upon ensemble averaging over random runs, this behaviour is reflected in the yrast states. Displaced (attractive) random ensembles lead to rotational spectra with strongly enhanced BE2 transitions for a certain class of model spaces. It is explained how to generalize these results to other forms of collectivity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Parametric S-matrix fluctuations in quantum theory of chaotic scattering

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    We study the effects of an arbitrary external perturbation in the statistical properties of the S-matrix of quantum chaotic scattering systems in the limit of isolated resonances. We derive, using supersymmetry, an exact non-perturbative expression for the parameter dependent autocorrelator of two S-matrix elements. Universality is obtained by appropriate rescaling of the physical parameters. We propose this universal function as a new signature of quantum chaos in open systems.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure appended, written in REVTeX, Preprint OUTP-94-13S (University of Oxford