374 research outputs found

    Assessment of pH Value and Release of Calcium Ions in Calcium Silicate Cements: An In Vitro Comparative Study.

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    UNLABELLED The goal of this study was to evaluate the pH and the release of calcium from four calcium-silicate-based cements. METHODS Four materials were tested (ProClinic MTA; Angelus MTA; ProRoot MTA; Biodentine). The palatal canal root of acrylic upper molars was filled with each cement. Afterwards, they were set in phosphate-buffered saline. Measurements were taken by atomic adsorption spectroscopy (AAS) at 3, 24, 72, 168, 336, 672, and 1008 h. The pH was measured at the same timepoints. Kruskal-Wallis tests were carried out in each period, as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests showed no parametric results. RESULTS Significant differences (p < 0.05) in calcium release were found at the 3-, 24-, and 72-hour evaluations. All of the analyzed groups presented a release of calcium ions up to 168 h, and the general tendency was to increase up to 672 h, with a maximum release of 25.45 mg/g in the ProRoot group. We could only observe significant differences (p < 0.05) in pH value over 168 h between the Biodentine (7.93) and Angelus MTA (7.31) groups. CONCLUSIONS There were significant differences (p 0.05) in the pH values were found at the studied timepoints, except for the values at 168 h

    Necesidades educativas especiales: una mejora mediante innovación educativa

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    Según el último informe de la Comisión Europea sobre educación, discapacidad y necesidades especiales (NESSE, 2012) “Alrededor de 15 millones de niños de la Unión Europea tienen necesidades educativas especiales (NEE)”. Como consecuencia un elevado porcentaje de niños con NEE acaban aislados, abandonando la escuela, con escasas posibilidades laborales e incluso con marginación social. Con todo esto, nos planteamos en nuestro estudio valorar los beneficios adquiridos de la aplicación de la robótica educativa en el aprendizaje de niños con NEE. Se procedió a una revisión bibliográfica sobre laaplicación de la robótica educativa al campo de las NEE.

    Actividad extraescolar para aprender a aprender: la robótica como herramienta educativa

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    Las actividades extraescolares tienen como objetivos educar y contribuir al desarrollo integral del alumno, estimular y potenciar sus aptitudes. En este artículo se describe la experiencia de la actividad robótica como herramienta educativa de aprendizaje, de desarrollo de capacidades y competencias. Los participantes de esta actividad fueron 48 alumnos, algunos de los cuales presentaban alguna necesidad educativa especial. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que la robótica ayuda a los niños a desarrollar la creatividad, enseñándoles a aprender a aprender, fomenta la interacción con otros participantes, la resolución de problemas, la escucha activa y el trabajo cooperativo

    Influence of 2% Chlorhexidine on the Bond Strength of Three Adhesive Systems on Primary Molars: An In Vitro Study

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    The hydrolysis of the collagen matrix by metalloproteinases (MMPs) is one of the paradigms that currently arouses most interest due to its close relationship with a decrease in bond strength (BS) and consequent restoration failure. Chlorhexidine 2% has demonstrated its ability to inhibit MMPs&rsquo; activity in the permanent dentition, improving the duration of resin&ndash;dentine, but there are few studies on deciduous dentition and its possible repercussions. Aim: To determine the influence of 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) as a dentine pretreatment on the BS of three adhesive systems on primary molars. Methods: 128 primary extracted molars were assigned to eight groups at random. BS in vitro was recorded by micropush-out test, and analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Results: BS values oscillated from 15.01 MPa to 20.41 MPa. There was no statistically relevant variation between the BS total mean of those adhesive groups that had received CHX pretreatment versus those that did not. Adper Prompt L-Pop was the self-etching adhesive with the best BS. Adper Scotchbond 1XT was the total-etch adhesive with the best BS values. Conclusions: Application of 2% chlorhexidine for 60 s as dentine pretreatment did not affect the immediate BS of several adhesive systems used in primary dentition

    Common allelic variants of the vitamin receptor D gene rs7975232 (Apai) do not influence bone mineral density figures in postmenopausal osteoporotic women

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    Este estudio examina la asociación entre la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) y el polimosfirmo rs7975232 (ApaI) del gen receptor de la vitamina D (VDR). El polimorfismo es detectado mediante un PCR en tiempo real por el método TaqMan. El genotipo rs7975232, se determinó en 274 fracturas osteoporóticas en mujeres españolas posmenopáusicas, con 60.53±8.02 años. Las frecuencias genotípicas observadas estaban de acuerdo con el equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg (χ2=1.85, p=0.1736). No hubo diferencias significativas en el grupo genotipo rs7975232 de la muestra total de fracturas osteoporóticas por mujeres en edad, años después de la menopausia, la altura, el peso y la DMO en el cuello femoral, trochanter femoral y columna lumbar. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la edad de la menarca (aa vs Aa; P=0,008) y el IMC (aa vs AA; P=0.029). Concluimos que el gen VDR del polimorfismo rs7975232 no está relacionado con las cifras de la densidad mineral ósea en fracturas osteoporóticas en mujeres españolas.This study examined the association between bone mineral density (BMD) and the rs7975232 (ApaI) poly¬morphism of the vitamin receptor D (VDR) gene. The polymorphism was detected using the real-time PCR TaqMan method. The rs7975232 genotype was determined in 274 postmenopausal osteoporotic Spanish women who were 60.53±8.02 years old. The observed genotype frequencies were in agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (χ2=1.85, P=0.1736). There were no significant differences in the rs7975232 genotype groups in our total sample of osteoporotic women regarding age, years since menopause, height, weight, and BMD at femoral neck, femoral trochanter and lumbar spine. Significant differences were found in menarche age (aa vs Aa; P=0.008) and BMI (aa vs AA; P=0.029). We conclude that the VDR gene rs7975232 polymorphism is not related to figures of bone mineral density in postmenopausal osteoporotic Spanish women.peerReviewe

    Lack of influence of vitamin D receptor bsmI (rs1544410) polymorphism on the rate of bone loss in a cohort of postmenopausal Spanish women affected by osteoporosis and followed for five years

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    Se ha realizado un estudio longitudinal para investigar la relación entre un polimorfismo en el gen receptor de la vitamina D (VDR) y los cambios en la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) y ultrasonido cuantitativo de las falanges (QUS) durante un período de cinco años. Los sujetos fueron 456 mujeres posmenopáusicas con osteoporosis en tratamiento, de edades comprendidas entre los 59,95±7,97 años (media ± desviación estándar [SD]) en la línea de base. Se midió la DMO en columna lumbar y la cadera mediante absorciometría de rayos X de doble energía y el QUS fue medido por medio de una velocidad que depende de la amplitud del sonido Ad SoS en las falanges. La información de estilo de vida se obtiene a través de un cuestionario. Las frecuencias de los genotipos BsmI (rs1544410) polimorfismo genético fueron 29,4%, 47,1% y 23,5%para bb, BB y BB, respectivamente. Después de cinco años, la DMO (variación anual en %/año) en el cuello femoral (FN) mostraron una modificación significativa sobre la base de la rs1544410 genotipo (BB vs Bb); hubo una disminución general de la masa ósea (0,70±2,79%/año; P = 0,025). Un análisis de covarianza con ajustes para la edad, peso, altura, porcentaje de cambio de peso por año, previsto la DMO y la ingesta de calcio mostraron que las asociaciones observadas ya no fueron significativas (P = 0,429). No se hallaron asociaciones significativas entre las mediciones QUS y el genotipo rs1544410 después del período de cinco años. Las limitaciones de nuestro estudio incluyen la falta de información sobre el tipo y la duración de la duración del tratamiento de la osteoporosis. Nuestros resultados indican que los polimorfismos rs1544410 no cuentan significativamente por los cambios en la masa ósea en mujeres españolas con osteoporosis en tratamiento.A longitudinal study was conducted to investigate the relation between a polymorphism in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene and changes in bone mineral density (BMD) and quantitative ultrasound of the phalanges (QUS) over a five-year period. The subjects were 456 postmenopausal women with steoporosis undergoing treatment, aged 59.95±7.97 years (mean ± standard deviation [SD]) at baseline. BMD was measured at the hips and lumbar spine by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and QUS was measured by means of amplitude-dependent speed of sound (Ad SoS) at the phalanges. Lifestyle information was obtained via a questionnaire. The genotype frequencies of the BsmI (rs1544410) gene polymorphism were 29.4%, 47.1%, and 23.5%for bb, Bb, and BB, respectively. After five years, BMD (annual change in %/year) at the femoral neck (FN) showed a significant modification based on the rs1544410 genotype (BB vs Bb); there was an overall decrease in bone mass (-0.70±2.79%/year; P = 0.025). An analysis of covariance with adjustments for age, weight, height, percentage of weight change per year, baseline BMD and calcium intake showed that the observed associations were no longer significant (P = 0.429). No significant associations were found between the QUS measurements and the rs1544410 genotype after the five-year period. Our study limitations includes lack of information about type and length of duration of the osteoporosis treatment. Our results indicate that rs1544410 polymorphisms do not account ignificantly for the changes in bone mass in Spanish women with osteoporosis undergoing treatment.peerReviewe

    Cytotoxic effects of curcumin in osteosarcoma cells

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    Carta al editor de International Journal of Nanomedicine, en la que los autores puntualizan ciertos resultados de investigaciones de R. Chang et al.; y de D. K. Walters et al. en relación a sus aplicaciones para la curación de algunos cánceres y enfermedades óseas metabólicas.Letter to the editor of International Journal of Nanomedicine, in which the authors point out certain results of research by R. Chang et al.; and DK Walters et al. in relation to their applications for the cure of some cancers and metabolic bone diseases

    Effect of age and type of reinforcer in the equivalence-equivalence by a partition procedure

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    La respuesta de equivalencia – equivalencia (Barnes, Hegarty y Smeets, 1997), basada en la derivación sin entrenamiento explícito de respuestas relacionales, ha servido para fundamentar un modelo analítico – funcional de razonamiento analógico. Tradicionalmente, el procedimiento utilizado para la derivación de estas respuestas se ha basado en discriminaciones condicionales. En este trabajo se explora la utilización del procedimiento de partición para la formación de clases de equivalencia funcional de Vaughan (1988) como base para la derivación de estas relaciones más complejas en niños, investigando el papel del tipo de reforzador utilizado (primario o secundario) y la edad de los participantes (9-10 años o 12-13 años). Los resultados del experimento indican que el procedimiento de partición da lugar a la derivación de relaciones de equivalencia – equivalencia, con influencia de ambos factores: Los niños de mayor edad, y aquellos a los que se aplica reforzamiento primario aprenden la tarea en menos ensayos y derivan en mayor proporción la respuesta relacional. No se encontró interacción entre los factores. El procedimiento de partición puede aportar una nueva vía de investigación para esclarecer os prerrequisitos conductuales de esta importante habilidad.Equivalence – Equivalence responding (Barnes et al., 1997), based on derived or non-explicitly trained relational responding, supports a behaviour-analytic model of analogical reasoning. Conditional discriminations are the most common procedure used to train its prerequisites. In this exploratory work we test Vaughan’s (1988) simple discrimination procedure instead to derive Eq-Eq responses in children. Two factors were assessed: type of reinforcer used (primary or secondary) and age of participants (9-10 or 12-13 years). The procedure successfully leaded to the derivation of equivalence – equivalence responses, and both factors influenced the results: selecting older children and applying primary reinforcement leaded to faster learning and better results in the equivalence – equivalence test. No interaction between factors was found. This training procedure can provide a new way to investigate the behavioural prerequisites of this important abilit

    Cognitive Reserve Characteristics and Occupational Performance Implications in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    The Cognitive Reserve hypothesis suggests that there are individual differences in the ability to cope with the pathologic changes in Alzheimer’s Disease. The proportion of elderly individuals has increased in recent years; this increase emphasizes the importance of early detection of mild cognitive impairment and the promotion of healthy ageing. The purpose of our study is to characterize cognitive reserve and occupational performance implications in people with mild cognitive impairment. 125 patients with mild cognitive impairment were enrolled. The Montreal Cognitive Assessments (MoCA) was used to evaluate cognitive status and the Cognitive Reserve Index Questionnaire (CRIq) as an indicator of cognitive reserve. Higher level of education was associated with higher MoCA scores (r = 0.290, p = 0.001). Positive significant correlations were observed between MoCA and total CRIq (r = 0.385, p < 0.001) as well as its three sub-domains, education (r = 0.231, p = 0.010), working activity (r = 0.237, p = 0.008) and leisure time (r = 0.319, p < 0.001). This study findings provide the importance of considering socio-behavioral factors in cognitive status. This research helps to describe the importance of engaging occupationally along the whole life-course as a potential protective factor in ageing, and includes a perspective of occupational therapy regarding the hypothesis of cognitive reserve.Depto. de EnfermeríaFac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEpu