17 research outputs found

    Gestalterische ZugÀnge zum suburbanen Raum - eine Typisierung

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    Dieser Beitrag unterstĂŒtzt die Suche nach planerischen Antworten auf das PhĂ€nomen der Durchdringung von Stadt und Landschaft auf einer metatheoretischen Ebene. Er verfolgt das Ziel, verschiedene gestalterische und planerische ZugĂ€nge zum suburbanen Raum ordnend zu typisieren. ZunĂ€chst werden zwei unterschiedliche Begriffe von Kulturlandschaft erörtert, die in der Diskussion um die suburbanen RĂ€ume relevant sind. Im Hauptteil werden drei Strategien zur Gestaltung und Planung suburbaner RĂ€ume identifiziert, deren ReprĂ€sentanten als "Gegner", "Qualifizierer" und "Euphoriker" bezeichnet werden. Die Strategien werden anhand der Kriterien IdentitĂ€t, Geschichte, Ganzheit und UrbanitĂ€t dargestellt und mit Projektbeispielen erlĂ€utert; abschließend werden jeweils EinwĂ€nde, die gegen sie erhoben werden können, vorgebracht. Der Beitrag schließt mit zwei kursorischen Anmerkungen zum VerhĂ€ltnis von Theorie und Praxis.This paper supports the search for planning responses to the phenomenon of the interpenetration of city and landscape on a meta-theoretical level. The aim is to order and typify the various design and planning approaches to suburban space. First, a differentiation is made between two concepts of cultural landscape that are relevant to the discussion of suburban spaces. Then in the major part of the paper three strategies for the design and planning of suburban spaces are identified, the representatives of which are termed “Opponents”, “Qualifiers” and “Euphorics”. The strategies are described using the criteria identity, history, unity and urbanity and are illustrated using examples of projects. Finally, the objections that can be made to the strategies are discussed. The paper closes with two brief comments about the relationship between theory and practice

    Aesthetic creation theory and landscape architecture

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    In recent decades the landscape architectural discourse has tended to eschew ideas of aesthetics while focusing instead on notions of functional and sustainable design. We offer the view that Aesthetic Creation Theory, whose principal exponent is the philosopher Nick Zangwill, has the potential to redress this imbalance by interpreting landscape architecture as 'art'. Zangwill's account of 'art' differs, however, from many other definitions found in philosophical aesthetics: it holds that works of art have aesthetic functions that are essential to them, but also allows that they have other, non-aesthetic functions, for example practical or ecological ones. It thus removes the strict distinction between fine art and the useful arts. After introducing Zangwill's theory, we discuss some rival theories of art and then explore the virtues of Aesthetic Creation Theory for the theory, practice, and pedagogy of landscape architecture

    Forty years of Landscape research

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    Papers of four decades published in Landscape Research are reviewed in order to chronicle the journal’s development and to assess the academic performance of the journal relative to its own aims. Landscape Research intends to reach a wide audience, to have a broad thematic coverage and to publish different types of papers with various methodological orientations. Cutting across these first aims are the interdisciplinary ambition of the journal, and its overall focus on landscape. These aims are evaluated based upon categorisation of article content, authorship and methodology, using data derived through interpretative inquiry and quantitative analyses. The results tell the story of how Landscape Research has developed from a newsletter of the Landscape Research Group, mainly aimed at practitioners, into an interdisciplinary, international journal with academic researchers as its primary community of interest. The final section discusses the current profile of the journal and identifies issues for its future direction and development

    Urban sprawl pÄ skÄnska?

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    För att frÀmja en hÄllbar utveckling behöver dagens planerare lÀra av internationella exempel. Men hur? Artikeln diskuterar fallgropar och möjligheter i ett ömsesidigt lÀrande, utifrÄn pÄgÄende forskningsprojekt om stadsutglesning. Vi argumenterar för att planerare mÄste ta hÀnsyn till att ett begrepp förmedlar ett visst landskap, och att det kan dölja lika mycket som det visar fram

    Landscape design based on research

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    The integration of research-based knowledge into landscape architecture and landscape design is often demanded by society as well as by landscape architects. However, this might include methodological challenges, as often becoming evident in many students’ projects. In order to overcome these challenges, and support students and teachers in the navigation towards landscape design based on research, we have compiled this guide. It aims to support in the making of informed choices about the approach, in the methodological description, and in finding relevant literature for support and further reading. We provide an introduction to the challenges, present theoretical models and palettes of approaches and discuss the application of these. An important point to make is that there is not one way to include research-based knowledge into design, but several. Although there is much knowledge on the subject, there is also a need to test and discuss the proposed approaches and their usability in various contexts further