1,002 research outputs found

    Aspectos histológicos do trato digestivo de Sotalia fluviatilis (Cetacea, Delphinidae): esôfago e estômago

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    Os esôfagos e estômagos de seis botos tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis (Cetacea: Delphinidae) foram examinados anatômica e microscopicamente e comparados com os de botos marinhos do mesmo gênero. O esôfago é um simples tubo distensível e macroscopicamente uniforme até sua junção com o estômago. Este boto tem um estômago tricompartimentado: uma parte anterior ou muscular; uma principal, glandular; e uma pilórica. As características anatomo-funcionais de cada compartimento são descritas. Não se achou esfíncter entre o esôfago e o estômago. Em comparação com os delfinídeos marinhos, não há adaptações, por parte de Sotalia, à invasão relativamente recente do ambiente de água doce.<br>The oesophagus and stomachs of six tucuxi dolphins, Sotalia fluviatilis (Cetacea: Delphinidae) were examined anatomically and microscopically and compared with marine dolphins of the same genus. The oesophagus is a simple distendable tube and is macroscopically uniform to its junctureh with te stomach. This dolphin has a three-compartmented stomach: an anterior or muscular compartment; a principal one, which is glandular; and the pyloric part. The anatomical and functional characteristics of each compartment is described. No sphincter was found between the oesophagus and the stomach. In comparison with marine delphinids there are no adaptations specific to the relatively recent invasion of the fresh-water environment by Sotalia

    Assistência Multidisciplinar à Saúde - vol 1

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    Tratar da questão da assistência multidisciplinar à saúde é um desafi o, pois traz à tona a necessidade do trabalho em equipe e do trabalho com uma visão holística, integral do ser humano. Para tanto, há que se envolver o conhecimento de diversas disciplinas, não apenas no campo da saúde, mas também no campo das ciências humanas e das ciências sociais. Pode-se dizer que o trabalho no enfoque do ciclo vital, abrangendo, por exemplo, o bebê, a criança, o adolescente e assim por diante, garante uma visão integral das condições de saúde e daquelas que desencadeiam as doenças nos seres humanos.1.0MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDEUna-SU

    Hematologic profile of Amazon river dolphins Inia geoffrensis and its variation during acute capture stress

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    Hematological values are of primary importance when investigating the health and physiological status of populations as they reflect the biological equilibrium of aquatic ecosystems. The objectives of this study are to produce baseline values for hematological parameters of the Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), as well as to investigate significant variations according to sex, age, reproductive status and stress level. One-hundred-and-ten dolphins from Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve (3°3'S, 64°51'W), Central Amazon, Brazil, were live captured and sampled in November 2004 and 2005. Further, the means, standard deviations, minimum and maximum values and reference values (90% CI) were calculated. Correlations were performed to assess the relationships among blood values and cardiac rate (CR), respiratory frequency (RF), handling time and level of stress. No significant differences were found between sexes. Also, no differences occurred among pregnant and non-pregnant females, pregnant females and adult males or non-pregnant females and adult males. Calves had a higher white blood cell (WBC) count, and the neutrophil and lymphocyte absolute counts were significantly higher in calves than adults. The level of stress determined by empirical observation positively correlated with the WBC, neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte absolute counts and CR and RF. It was found that less stressed animals tend to present lower platelet counts and lower CR. The handling time of the dolphins was positively correlated with hematocrit (Hct), red blood cells (RBC) and Hb level. The hematological and physiological parameters varied according to time of handling and proved to be a good bioindicator of acute stress in Amazon River dolphins. The data provided here can complement long-term monitoring and identify the early warning indicators of health problems at the population level. © 2019 Mello, da Silva. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Riverine people's knowledge of the Vulnerable Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis in contrasting protected areas

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    Traditional knowledge gained through daily interactions with the environment can yield insights into processes at temporal or spatial scales that may be overlooked by conventional scientific research. Ninety interviews were conducted with riverine people in the vicinity of Anavilhanas National Park, Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve and Tapajós National Forest in the Brazilian Amazon, with the aim to increase knowledge of the feeding habits of the Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis and evaluate its conservation status in contrasting protected areas. In Anavilhanas respondents identified 31 plant species consumed by the manatee, of which vines had the highest cognitive salience index value (the summed importance of each plant species), even though they are available to manatees only during the high-water season. In the Tapajós region 37 plant species were identified, with submerged species with floating leaves being the main component of the manatee's diet. Although hunting has declined it still occurs in Anavilhanas, which is susceptible to environmental crimes because of its proximity to urban centres. Manatee hunting seems to be infrequent in the Tapajós region, having little impact on the population. Given the broad knowledge within the local community about the Amazonian manatee, involvement of riverine people in manatee conservation activities is fundamental for reducing threats and increasing conservation effectiveness. Copyright © Fauna & Flora International 2019

    Human hemorrhagic pulmonary leptospirosis: pathological findings and pathophysiological correlations.

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    Abstract\ud Background: Leptospirosis is a re-emerging zoonosis with protean clinical manifestations. Recently, the importance of\ud pulmonary hemorrhage as a lethal complication of this disease has been recognized. In the present study, five human\ud necropsies of leptospirosis (Weil‘s syndrome) with extensive pulmonary manifestations were analysed, and the antibodies\ud expressed in blood vessels and cells involved in ion and water transport were used, seeking to better understand the\ud pathophysiology of the lung injury associated with this disease.\ud Principal Findings: Prominent vascular damage was present in the lung microcirculation, with decreased CD34 and\ud preserved aquaporin 1 expression. At the periphery and even inside the extensive areas of edema and intraalveolar\ud hemorrhage, enlarged, apparently hypertrophic type I pneumocytes (PI) were detected and interpreted as a non-specific\ud attempt of clearence of the intraalveolar fluid, in which ionic transport, particularly of sodium, plays a predominant role, as\ud suggested by the apparently increased ENaC and aquaporin 5 expression. Connexin 43 was present in most pneumocytes,\ud and in the cytoplasm of the more preserved endothelial cells. The number of type II pneumocytes (PII) was slightly\ud decreased when compared to normal lungs and those of patients with septicemia from other causes, a fact that may\ud contribute to the progressively low PI count, resulting in deficient restoration after damage to the alveolar epithelial\ud integrity and, consequently, a poor outcome of the pulmonary edema and hemorrhage.\ud Conclusions: Pathogenesis of lung injury in human leptospirosis was discussed, and the possibility of primary noninflammatory\ud vascular damage was considered, so far of undefinite etiopathogenesis, as the initial pathological\ud manifestation of the disease

    Boto (Inia geoffrensis—Cetacea: Iniidae) aggregations in two provisioning sites in the lower Negro River—Amazonas, Brazil: are they related?

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    The Negro River currently has seven floating houses where tourists can feed and interact with botos, each with its own history of how these aggregations were formed. Some keepers say these groups are familial, even reporting individuals being born into the group. However, behavioral studies have shown that botos are solitary, only forming groups at feeding areas and during the mating season. In the present study we used 12 microsatellite and molecular sex markers to characterize relationships within and between two boto aggregations (ten and seven botos each) in the lower Negro River. Molecular sexing revealed that all botos sampled from both aggregations were males. This may be explained by habitat preference, as male botos are primarily found in the main channels of large rivers, whereas females prefer more protected areas, such as flooded forests and its channels and lakes. Most of the animals were unrelated within each aggregation, demonstrating that these aggregations are not normally formed due to kinship bonds, but are exclusively for feeding, as botos learn that these places provide easy access to food. This study provides important information that helps us understand how human interaction is affecting the social structure and behavior of these animals

    Transit time of two diets in the gastrointestinal tract of the Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis (Natterer, 1883) in captivity

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    The objective of this study was to determine the transit time of two diets in the digestive tract of the Amazonian manatee in captivity. We tested separately two different diets: one composed exclusively of grass of the genus Brachiaria (experimental diet - ED- A 1) and the other composed of grass Brachiaria added with small portions of extruded pellets for horses (experimental diet ED- A 2). Two healthy adult manatees were selected and isolated from the rest and underwent a period of food acclimation with the experimental diets for 15 days. After this period, the experimental diet was marked with a plastic colored tape of 10-cm length and given to the animals. The manatees were monitored at intervals of 1 hour and all fecal material was collected until recovery of the markers. The mean transit time of ED - A1 was 123h57min , about 5.16 days and ED - A 2 was 125h04min or 5.21 days. There was no statistical difference (P <0.05) between the transit time of the two diets provided. The transit time observed (approximately 5 days) has also been reported by other authors for this species and is considered a strategy to increase the absorption time of food nutrients. Despite the small sample size, the results suggest that the use of pellets in the diet of the Amazonian manatee did not affect the transit time of the grass. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that the introduction of concentrated food (pellets) does not affect the efficiency of the animal to digest and absorb food properly.Com o objetivo de testar o tempo de passagem do alimento no trato digestório de peixes-bois da Amazônia em cativeiro, foram testadas separadamente duas dietas distintas. Uma composta exclusivamente de capim do gênero Brachiaria (dieta experimental - DE 1) e outra de capim do gênero Brachiaria acrescentado de pequenas porções de ração extrusada para eqüinos (dieta experimental - DE 2). Foram selecionados do plantel do INPA dois animais adultos machos sadios, os quais foram isolados dos demais e submetidos a um período de aclimatação às dietas experimentais por 15 dias. Após este período, as dietas foram marcadas com uma fita plástica de 10 cm e fornecidas aos animais que foram monitorados em intervalos de uma hora. Todo material fecal foi coletado até a recuperação dos marcadores plásticos. A média do tempo de passagem da DE 1 foi de 123h57min, cerca de 5,15 dias e da DE 2 foi de 125h04min ou 5,21 dias. Não houve diferença estatística (P<0,05) entre as dietas fornecidas. O tempo de passagem observado (aproximadamente 5 dias) coincide com o relatado por outros autores para a espécie, sendo esse tempo considerado uma estratégia para aumentar o tempo de absorção nutricional dos alimentos. Apesar do número reduzido de amostras, os resultados sugerem que o uso da ração na alimentação não interfere no tempo de passagem do capim pelo trato digestório do peixe-boi. Com isso, sugere-se que a introdução de alimento concentrado (ração) não afeta a eficiência na digestão e absorção correta do alimento

    Caracteres não métricos nas duas espécies de Sotalia (Gray, 1866)

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    Analyses of non-metric characters of the skull and cervical vertebrae were performed among samples of dolphins of the genus Sotalia from the north, northeast and south Brazilian coast (S. guianensis) and also samples from the Amazon River Basin (S. fluviatilis) as part of an osteological descriptive study. The results demonstrated that there was a higher percentage of occurrence of fenestrae in the occipital region (66%) and cervical ribs in the cervical vertebrae (87%) in the riverine species. The vomer in wide shape was more frequent in the riverine species (57%), followed by the intermediate (32%) and narrow shape (11%), that was found to be more frequent in the marine spe-cies (66 to 76%). In relation to the lacerate anterior foramen, it was observed that an open/elongated shape is more common in the riverine species (88%). Most samples in the marine species present this foramen divided by a spike shaped projection (72 to 98%). The ventrally visible location of the hypoglossal foramen was more often observed externally displaced in S. guianensis (88 to 98%), while in S. fluviatilis, most samples (87%) presented this foramen internally displaced to the jugular notch, and not visible in ventral view. The fluvial species seems to present neoteny (or maintenance of juvenile characters in adults) in relation to the position of the pterygoids and in development of lacerate anterior foramen

    As dificuldades de “passar o bastão”: perspectivas da sucessão da propriedade entre produtores de comunidades rurais do município de Campos Gerais/MG

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     Este trabalho tem como tema principal a hereditariedade e a sucessão da propriedade na agricultura familiar. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema e foram aplicados questionários com dez famílias de duas comunidades rurais de Campos Gerais/MG. Entrevistas com agentes externos e as anotações em diário de campo durante as visitas às comunidades permitiram um conhecimento mais detalhado do objeto de estudo. Pôde-se verificar que não há explicitamente qualquer tipo de planejamento para a passagem da posse da propriedade, pois existe uma resistência das famílias em tratar da morte e discutir a continuidade da propriedade. No entanto, há evidências de que a sucessão, entendida enquanto um processo, se expressa em situações que indicam que estratégias para a sucessão são construídas historicamente