101 research outputs found

    Abundancia relativa de la londra (Pteronura brasiliensis) en los ríos Blanco y San Martin (cuenca del río Iténez, Beni-Bolivia)

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    Pteronura brasiliensis es uno de los mamíferos acuáticos más amenazados del mundo. En Bolivia, alrededor de los años 80 se lo creía extinto y recientemente sus poblaciones se encuentran en un proceso lento de recuperación. En este trabajo, se estimaron las abundancias relativas y se calcularon las tasas de crecimiento de las poblaciones de londras de los ríos Blanco y San Martín entre los años 2004 y 2007. El río Blanco es un río sin muchos cuerpos de agua asociados y sus aguas son turbias, mientras que el río San Martín se caracteriza por una alta heterogeneidad de hábitats acuáticos y por sus aguas claras. Las abundancias relativas en los ríos San Martín y Blanco incrementaron en esos 3 años de 0.20 a 0.31 ind./km y de 0.00 a 0.06 ind./km, respectivamente. En ese mismo periodo, el número de individuos observados en el río San Martín aumentó de 34 a 55, agrupados en respectivamente 6 y 13 grupos familiares. La tasa de crecimiento en el río San Martín en este período fue de 6.33 londras/año. Esta población podría estar cercana a alcanzar su capacidad de carga y esto podría ser uno de los motivos para la paulatina recolonización del río Blanco por la especie.Pteronura brasiliensis é um dos mamíferos aquáticos mais ameaçados do mundo. Na Bolivia, por volta dos anos de 1980, acreditava-se em sua extingo, mas recentemente suas populações se encontram em um processo lento de recuperação. Neste trabalho, foram estimadas as abundáncias relativas e foram calculadas as taxas de crescimento das populações de ariranhas dos ríos Blanco e San Martín entre os anos 2004 e 2007. O rio Blanco é um rio sem muitos corpos de água associados e suas águas sao turvas, enquanto que o rio San Martín se caracteriza por urna alta heterogeneidade de habitats aquáticos e pour suas águas claras. As abundáncias relativas nos rios San Martín e Blanco aumentaram, durante esses tres anos, de 0,20 a 0,31 indivíduos/km e de 0,00 a 0,06 indivíduos/km, respectivamente. Nesse mesmo período, o número de individuos observados no rio San Martín aumentou de 34 a 55, agrupados em, respectivamente, 6 e 13 grupos familiares. A taxa de crescimento no rio San Martín neste período foi de 6,33 lontras/ano. Esta população poderia estar cerca de alcançar sua capacidade de suporte e isto poderia ser um dos motivos para a paulatina recolonização do rio Blanco pela espécie.Pteronura brasiliensis is one of the most threatened aquatic mammals in the world. In Bolivia the species was believed extinct in the 1980’s and recently populations have begun to show signs of recovery. In this study we estímate the relative abundances and the population growth rates of the giant otter populations in the San Martin and Blanco rivers between 2004 and 2007. The Rio Blanco is a river without important backwaters and with turbid water, whereas the Rio San Martin is characterized by its high habitat heterogeneity, wide floodplain and clear waters. The relative abundance of giant otters in the San Martin and Blanco rivers increased in those 3 years from 0.20 to 0.31 ind./km and from 0.00 to 0.06 ind./km, respectively. The number of individuais in the Rio San Martin increased from 34 to 55, distributed among 6 and 13 family groups respectively. The growth rate in the San Martin river was 6.33 individuals per year. We suppose that the giant otter populations in this river are close to carrying capacity, which may explain recolonization of the nearby Rio Blanco

    Comparación de frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas de los polimorfismos CAPN1-316 Y CAPN1-4751 del gen de la Calpaina en tres poblaciones de ganado criollo boliviano

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    La terneza de la carne está en parte determinada por el sistema proteico calpaína (CAPN1) / calpastatina (CAST). Bolivia posee en los llanos tres biotipos de ganado Criollo: los Yacumeños, los Chaqueños y los Saavedreños. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la frecuencia alélica y genotípica del gen de la CAPN1 en tres poblaciones de ganado Criollo de Bolivia. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 28 Criollos del Chaco (CCH), 85 Criollos Yacumeños (CYA) y 30 Criollos Saavedreños (CSV). El ADN se extrajo utilizando el kit comercial Wizard® Genomic Purification, y posteriormente se tipificaron dos polimorfismos (CAPN1-316 y CAPN1-4751) del gen CAPN1 mediante el método ARMS-PCR. La frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas, las heterocigosidades esperadas y observadas, así como, el índice FIS y el desequilibrio de ligamiento (LD) fueron calculadas mediante los programas MS-Tools y Genepop. Las frecuencias de los alelos asociados a mayor terneza para las poblaciones de CCH, CYA y CSV fueron: 23%, 22% y 33 % para el alelo C del SNP CAPN1-316 y 75%, 76% y 60% para el alelo C del CAPN1-4751. La heterocigocidad observada en las tres poblaciones se hallan en un rango de 0,30 a 0,46 para el marcador CAPN1-316 y de 0,21 a 0,60 para el polimorfismo CAPN1-4751. Los resultados demuestran que los bovinos criollos en las poblaciones analizadas poseen altas frecuencias alélicas para las variantes asociadas a mayor terneza de la carne. Por otra parte, no se observaron valores significativos de LD (P>0,01) entre los dos polimorfismos tipificados en las poblaciones estudiadas. Sería necesario tipificar ambos polimorfismos en futuros programas de selección asistida por marcadores genéticos.Meat tenderness is in part determined by the calpain (CAPN1) / calpastatin (CAST) genes. In the lowlands of Bolivia, three well differentiated Creole cattle populations can be distinguished: the Yacumeños, Chaqueños and Saavedreños. The main objective of this research was to determine the allelic and genotypic frequencies of two polymorphisms of the calpain gene in three Creole cattle populations in Bolivia. Blood samples of 28 Creole cattle from Chaqueño cattle (CCH), 85 from Yacumeño cattle (CYA) and 30 from Saavadreño cattle (CSV) were collected. Total DNA was extracted using the commercial kit Wizard® Genomic Purification and subsequently two polymorphisms (CAPN1-316 and CAPN1- 4751) of the CAPN1 gene were genotyped by the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS-PCR) method. Allelic and genotypic frequencies, expected and observed heterozygosities, the FIS index and the magnitude of linkage disequilibrium (LD) were calculated using the software MS-Tools and Genepop. The allelic frequencies of variants associated with tenderness in the three populations CCH, CYA and CSV were 23%, 22% and 23% for the CAPN1- 316 and 75%, 76% and 60% for the CAPN1-4751. The observed heterozygosities in the three populations fluctuated between 0.30 and 0.46 for the CAPN1-316 marker and between 0.21 and 0.60 for the CAPN1-4751 marker. The results showed that the analysed populations of Creole cattle presented high frequencies of the alleles previously associated with tenderness in meat. The analysis of LD, however, did not show evidence of linkage between the two markers. It is necessary to perform a genetic analysis for both polymorphisms if included in future selection programs.Fil: Pereira, J. A. C.. Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno; BoliviaFil: Falomir Lockhart, Agustin Horacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ingeniero Fernando Noel Dulout"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Loza, A.. Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno; BoliviaFil: Villegas Castagnasso, Egle Etel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ingeniero Fernando Noel Dulout"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Rojas, P.. Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno; BoliviaFil: Carino, M. . Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ingeniero Fernando Noel Dulout"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Ripoli, María Verónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ingeniero Fernando Noel Dulout"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Giovambattista, Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ingeniero Fernando Noel Dulout"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentin

    The Most Powerful Lenses in the Universe: Quasar Microlensing as a Probe of the Lensing Galaxy

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    Optical and X-ray observations of strongly gravitationally lensed quasars (especially when four separate images of the quasar are produced) determine not only the amount of matter in the lensing galaxy but also how much is in a smooth component and how much is composed of compact masses (e.g., stars, stellar remnants, primordial black holes, CDM sub-halos, and planets). Future optical surveys will discover hundreds to thousands of quadruply lensed quasars, and sensitive X-ray observations will unambiguously determine the ratio of smooth to clumpy matter at specific locations in the lensing galaxies and calibrate the stellar mass fundamental plane, providing a determination of the stellar M/LM/L. A modest observing program with a sensitive, sub-arcsecond X-ray imager, combined with the planned optical observations, can make those determinations for a large number (hundreds) of the lensing galaxies, which will span a redshift range of \sim0.25<z<1.50.25<z<1.5Comment: Astro2020 Science White Pape

    GPD1 and ADH3 Natural Variants Underlie Glycerol Yield Differences in Wine Fermentation

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    Glycerol is one of the most important by-products of alcohol fermentation, and depending on its concentration it can contribute to wine flavor intensity and aroma volatility. Here, we evaluated the potential of utilizing the natural genetic variation of non-coding regions in budding yeast to identify allelic variants that could modulate glycerol phenotype during wine fermentation. For this we utilized four Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (WE - Wine/European, SA – Sake, NA – North American, and WA – West African), which were previously profiled for genome-wide Allele Specific Expression (ASE) levels. The glycerol yields under Synthetic Wine Must (SWM) fermentations differed significantly between strains; WA produced the highest glycerol yields while SA produced the lowest yields. Subsequently, from our ASE database, we identified two candidate genes involved in alcoholic fermentation pathways, ADH3 and GPD1, exhibiting significant expression differences between strains. A reciprocal hemizygosity assay demonstrated that hemizygotes expressing GPD1WA, GPD1SA, ADH3WA and ADH3SA alleles had significantly greater glycerol yields compared to GPD1WE and ADH3WE. We further analyzed the gene expression profiles for each GPD1 variant under SWM, demonstrating that the expression of GPD1WE occurred earlier and was greater compared to the other alleles. This result indicates that the level, timing, and condition of expression differ between regulatory regions in the various genetic backgrounds. Furthermore, promoter allele swapping demonstrated that these allele expression patterns were transposable across genetic backgrounds; however, glycerol yields did not differ between wild type and modified strains, suggesting a strong trans effect on GPD1 gene expression. In this line, Gpd1 protein levels in parental strains, particularly Gpd1pWE, did not necessarily correlate with gene expression differences, but rather with glycerol yield where low Gpd1pWE levels were detected. This suggests that GPD1WE is influenced by recessive negative post-transcriptional regulation which is absent in the other genetic backgrounds. This dissection of regulatory mechanisms in GPD1 allelic variants demonstrates the potential to exploit natural alleles to improve glycerol production in wine fermentation and highlights the difficulties of trait improvement due to alternative trans-regulation and gene-gene interactions in the different genetic background

    Detección de Coxiella burnetii en leche de bovinos domésticos del Ecuador

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    Ruminants are the main reservoir of Coxiella burnetii, an obligate intracellular Gram negative pathogen. This microorganism is the causative agent of Q fever, a a zoonosis transmited to humans by contacting contaminated fluids from infected animals, inhaled aerosols or consuming milk from infected animals. We used Real-Time PCR assay with a Taq-Man fluorescent probe to detect the pathogen in samples of bovine milk collected from random locations in nine Ecuadorian provinces. The assay targeted a 61-63bp repetitive sequence within the IS1111 transposon in C. burnetii. The assay found positive samples in two provinces located close to the Colombian and Peruvian borders and in Chimborazo (Ecuadorian central region). This study is the first in Ecuador to detect Coxiella burnetii using a molecular method of high sensitivity.Los rumiantes son el principal reservorio de Coxiella burnetii, un cocobacilo Gram negativo intracelular estricto. Este microorganismo es el causante de la Fiebre Q, una zoonosis transmitida hacia a los humanos a través del contacto con fluidos, inhalación de aerosoles o el consumo de leche proveniente de animales infectados. Utilizamos PCR en tiempo real con una sonda fluorescente TaqMan para la detección del patógeno en muestras de leche bovina colectadas en localidades aleatorias en nueve provincias de Ecuador. La detección se enfocó en una secuencia repetitiva de 61-63pb del transposón IS1111 de C. burnetii. El estudio encontró muestras positivas para C. burnetii tanto en la provincia de Chimborazo en el Ecuador, como en zonas de frontera con Colombia y Perú. Este estudio es el primero en Ecuador que detecta al patógeno Coxiella burnetii a través de un método molecular de alta sensibilidad

    Evaluación de la utilización de trampas cámara en el monitoreo de poblaciones de londra (Pteronura brasiliensis)

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    Monitorear poblaciones de londras conlleva grandes retos para los científicos. Datos importantes tales como el sexo y el estado reproductivo, así como el tamaño del rango de hogar y la composición familiar, son a menudo difíciles de obtener durante un periodo corto de trabajo de campo y con un número limitado de investigadores. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio piloto sobre el uso de trampas cámara en el censo y monitoreo de una población de londras en la Amazonia boliviana. Descubrimos que si bien las trampas cámara registran menos individuos comparado al número de individuos registrados mediante observaciones directas, estos equipos permiten complementar las identificaciones de las manchas de la garganta de cada individuo y facilitan enormemente la identificación de las parejas reproductivas dentro de los grupos familiares. Encontramos además a este método mucho menos invasivo y estresante para las londras que la observación directa.Monitorar populações de ariranhas é um desafio para os cientistas. Dados importantes tais como o sexo e o estádio reprodutivo assim como o tamanho do tamanho da estrutura e a composição familiar são geralmente difíceis de obter durante urna curta amostragem de campo com um número limitado de observadores. Nós conduzimos um estudo piloto no uso de armadilhas fotográficas com câmera trapping no censo e no monitoramento de urna população de ariranhas na Amazonia boliviana. Descobrimos que mesmo que as cameras trapping registrem menos individuos quando comparado ao número de individuos registrados na observação direta, estes equipamentos permitem complementar as identificações das manchas guiares de cada indivíduo e tem facilitado grandemente a identificação dos pares reprodutivos dentro dos grupos familiares. Este método foi indicado também por ser menos invasivo do que a observação direta do campo.Monitoring giant otter populations poses unique challenges. Important data such as sex and reproductive status as well as home range size and pack composition are often difficult to obtain during a short field season with limited observers. We conducted a pilot study on the use of camera traps in census and monitoring a population of giant otters in the Bolivian Amazon. We found that while the camera traps recorded fewer individuals than by direct observation from boat or hide, they complemented throat-marking ID shots taken from boats, and greatly facilitated the identification of the breeding pair. This method was also found to be less invasive than direct field observation

    Comparison of allelic and genotypic frequencies of the polymorphisms CAPN1-316 and CAPN1-47151 of the calpain gene among three bolivian criollo cattle populations

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    La terneza de la carne está en parte determinada por el sistema proteico calpaína (CAPN1) / calpastatina (CAST). Bolivia posee en los llanos tres biotipos de ganado Criollo: los Yacumeños, los Chaqueños y los Saavedreños. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la frecuencia alélica y genotípica del gen de la CAPN1 en tres poblaciones de ganado Criollo de Bolivia. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 28 Criollos del Chaco (CCH), 85 Criollos Yacumeños (CYA) y 30 Criollos Saavedreños (CSV). El ADN se extrajo utilizando el kit comercial Wizard® Genomic Purification, y posteriormente se tipificaron dos polimorfismos (CAPN1-316 y CAPN1-4751) del gen CAPN1 mediante el método ARMS-PCR. La frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas, las heterocigosidades esperadas y observadas, así como, el índice FIS y el desequilibrio de ligamiento (LD) fueron calculadas mediante los programas MS-Tools y Genepop. Las frecuencias de los alelos asociados a mayor terneza para las poblaciones de CCH, CYA y CSV fueron: 23%, 22% y 33 % para el alelo C del SNP CAPN1-316 y 75%, 76% y 60% para el alelo C del CAPN1-4751. La heterocigocidad observada en las tres poblaciones se hallan en un rango de 0,30 a 0,46 para el marcador CAPN1-316 y de 0,21 a 0,60 para el polimorfismo CAPN1-4751. Los resultados demuestran que los bovinos criollos en las poblaciones analizadas poseen altas frecuencias alélicas para las variantes asociadas a mayor terneza de la carne. Por otra parte, no se observaron valores significativos de LD (P>0,01) entre los dos polimorfismos tipificados en las poblaciones estudiadas. Sería necesario tipificar ambos polimorfismos en futuros programas de selección asistida por marcadores genéticos.Meat tenderness is in part determined by the calpain (CAPN1) / calpastatin (CAST) genes. In the lowlands of Bolivia, three well differentiated Creole cattle populations can be distinguished: the Yacumeños, Chaqueños and Saavedreños. The main objective of this research was to determine the allelic and genotypic frequencies of two polymorphisms of the calpain gene in three Creole cattle populations in Bolivia. Blood samples of 28 Creole cattle from Chaqueño cattle (CCH), 85 from Yacumeño cattle (CYA) and 30 from Saavadreño cattle (CSV) were collected. Total DNA was extracted using the commercial kit Wizard® Genomic Purification and subsequently two polymorphisms (CAPN1-316 and CAPN1- 4751) of the CAPN1 gene were genotyped by the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS-PCR) method. Allelic and genotypic frequencies, expected and observed heterozygosities, the FIS index and the magnitude of linkage disequilibrium (LD) were calculated using the software MS-Tools and Genepop. The allelic frequencies of variants associated with tenderness in the three populations CCH, CYA and CSV were 23%, 22% and 23% for the CAPN1- 316 and 75%, 76% and 60% for the CAPN1-4751. The observed heterozygosities in the three populations fluctuated between 0.30 and 0.46 for the CAPN1-316 marker and between 0.21 and 0.60 for the CAPN1-4751 marker. The results showed that the analysed populations of Creole cattle presented high frequencies of the alleles previously associated with tenderness in meat. The analysis of LD, however, did not show evidence of linkage between the two markers. It is necessary to perform a genetic analysis for both polymorphisms if included in future selection programs.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Capturing phenotypic heterogeneity in MPS I: results of an international consensus procedure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is traditionally divided into three phenotypes: the severe Hurler (MPS I-H) phenotype, the intermediate Hurler-Scheie (MPS I-H/S) phenotype and the attenuated Scheie (MPS I-S) phenotype. However, there are no clear criteria for delineating the different phenotypes. Because decisions about optimal treatment (enzyme replacement therapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation) need to be made quickly and depend on the presumed phenotype, an assessment of phenotypic severity should be performed soon after diagnosis. Therefore, a numerical severity scale for classifying different MPS I phenotypes at diagnosis based on clinical signs and symptoms was developed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A consensus procedure based on a combined modified Delphi method and a nominal group technique was undertaken. It consisted of two written rounds and a face-to-face meeting. Sixteen MPS I experts participated in the process. The main goal was to identify the most important indicators of phenotypic severity and include these in a numerical severity scale. The correlation between the median subjective expert MPS I rating and the scores derived from this severity scale was used as an indicator of validity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Full consensus was reached on six key clinical items for assessing severity: age of onset of signs and symptoms, developmental delay, joint stiffness/arthropathy/contractures, kyphosis, cardiomyopathy and large head/frontal bossing. Due to the remarkably large variability in the expert MPS I assessments, however, a reliable numerical scale could not be constructed. Because of this variability, such a scale would always result in patients whose calculated severity score differed unacceptably from the median expert severity score, which was considered to be the 'gold standard'.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although consensus was reached on the six key items for assessing phenotypic severity in MPS I, expert opinion on phenotypic severity at diagnosis proved to be highly variable. This subjectivity emphasizes the need for validated biomarkers and improved genotype-phenotype correlations that can be incorporated into phenotypic severity assessments at diagnosis.</p