318 research outputs found

    Blood and bones: the influence of the mass media on Australian primary school children’s understandings of genes and DNA

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    Previous research showed that primary school children held several misconceptions about genetics of concern for their future lives. Included were beliefs that genes and DNA are separate substances, with genes causing family resemblance and DNA identifying suspects at crime scenes. Responses to this work ‘blamed’ the mass media for these misunderstandings. This study aimed to determine whether that blame had any foundation by examining the media habits and conceptions about genes and DNA of Australian children. With little prior research considering the influence of entertainment mass media on children’s academically relevant knowledge, this was an exploratory study with a mixed modes design. Data were collected by detailed media questionnaires and face-to-face interviews with 62 children aged 10–12 years, and subjected to content and thematic analysis. Specific mass media examples children reported using were examined for genetics content. Results indicate 5 h/day of media use, mostly television including crime shows, and that children perceived television to be their main source of information about genetics. Most children (89 %) knew DNA, 60 % knew genes, and more was known about uses of DNA outside the body such as crime solving or resolving family relationships than about its biological nature and function. Half believed DNA is only in blood and body parts used for forensics. These concepts paralleled the themes emerging from the media examples. The results indicate that the mass media is a pervasive teacher of children, and that fundamental concepts could be introduced earlier in schools to establish scientific concepts before misconceptions arise

    A comparison of approaches to the teaching and learning of science in Chinese and Australian elementary classrooms: cultural and socioeconomic complexities

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    Set in the context of today’s globalized approaches to curriculum reform, the purpose of this study was to compare the teaching and learning of science in Chinese and Australian Grade 6 classrooms. A conceptual framework based on notions of culture and socioeconomic status informed the research design. Case study participants were three teachers of science and 140 students from three elementary schools of high, medium, and low socioeconomic status in Hunan Province, China; and three teachers and 105 students from paired schools in Western Australia. The formal curriculum, the curriculum-in-action, and the experiential curriculum in all case studies in each country were examined. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected with student questionnaires, lesson observations, teacher interviews, a school tour, and document collection. Findings indicated that participating Chinese students reported a greater proportion of their science lessons involved activities such as reading textbooks and memorizing facts, activities that are consistent with Confucian educational culture. In Australia, where there has been a longer historical influence from social-constructivist theorists such as Bruner and Vygotsky, students reported their lessons involved a greater proportion of activities such as designing and doing science experiments, and working in small groups. The findings also indicated that in both countries, socioeconomic status was an important factor impacting the implementation of the science curriculum with students in higher socioeconomic status schools participating more frequently in classroom activities consistent with reform curriculum documents. This phenomenon was more apparent in China possibly due to the Confucian educational tradition supporting culturally viable alternative approaches to the teaching and learning of science

    Learning science in an integrated classroom: Finding balance through theoretical triangulation

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    The central thesis of this paper is that the learning of science in integrated curricular contexts requires a broader theoretical framework than is typically adopted by researchers and teachers. The common practice of interpreting science learning in terms of conceptual and procedural understandings in such contexts is problematized through an examination of the literature. As an alternative to the traditional approach, a triangulation of three theoretical perspectives is undertaken to view the science learning in a classroom case study of integrated curriculum. The conclusion highlights the necessity of balance between the disciplinary forces on curriculum and the forces that better reflect the multiple dimensions of learning in the real world. The use of theoretical triangulation is demonstrated as a technique through which a balanced, and more complete, view of learning in integrated contexts can be achieved

    When a Bilingual Child Describes Living Things: An Analysis of Conceptual Understandings from a Language Perspective.

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    With increasing numbers of students learning science through a second language in many school contexts, there is a need for research to focus on the impact language has on students’ understanding of science concepts. Like other countries, Brunei has adopted a bilingual system of education that incorporates two languages in imparting its curriculum. For the first three years of school, Brunei children are taught in Malay and then for the remainder of their education, instruction is in English. This research is concerned with the influence that this bilingual education system has on children’s learning of science. The purpose was to document the patterns of Brunei students’ developing understandings of the concepts of living and non-living things and examine the impact in the change in language as the medium of instruction. A cross-sectional case study design was used in one primary school. Data collection included an interview (n = 75), which consisted of forced-response and semi-structured interview questions, a categorisation task and classroom observation. Data were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results indicate that the transition from Malay to English as the language of instruction from Primary 4 onwards restricted the students’ ability to express their understandings about living things, to discuss related scientific concepts and to interpret and analyse scientific questions. From a social constructivist perspective these language factors will potentially impact on the students’ cognitive development by limiting the expected growth of the students’ understandings of the concepts of living and non-living things

    Building Bridges Across the Disciplines: Learning Science Through Technology

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate students' learning and understanding of the concept of forces in the context of a Year 9 class studying an integrated technology unit called the Bridge Project. Data consisted of cases prepared from observational field notes and formal interviews with the teachers and five of the students in the class. The results of the case study indicated that all five interviewed students recognised passive forces involved in the equilibrium situation of the bridge and four of the five students appeared to accept a force as a feature of interaction between two objects. The results were surprising when compared with a vast body of literature that suggests that the majority of students of this age associate forces only with movement and as a property of a single object. Several aspects of the course that may have contributed to the students' understanding of forces are discussed.Recently in Western Australia, subjects such as manual arts, home economics and computing have been superseded by the new learning area of Technology and Enterprise. This new learning area, to be implemented in schools over the next four years, is described in the recently published Curriculum Framework (Curriculum Council, 1998) and has a status equivalent with more traditional learning areas such as science, mathematics and English. The Technology and Enterprise learning area is directly linked with the Science learning area in

    Is the crisis in science education continuing? Current senior secondary science enrolment and tertiary entrance trends in Western Australia

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    In May 2007 an issue of the "Australian Education Review" was released reporting on the state of science education in Australia. The report argued that we are in the advanced stages of a crisis in school science that threatens the future of Australia as a technologically advanced nation, and we need to change the way we think about the purposes and practice of school science--we need to re-imagine it--if we are to turn this crisis around. The author of that report, Professor Russell Tytler, argues that we need to develop a new and fresh approach to school science if we are to recapture the imagination of students and do justice to the enormous range of ideas and practices of contemporary science. An account of this report was published in "Teaching Science," December 2007 and readers invited to respond; the following is one such response. (Contains 3 tables and 6 figures.

    Scientists Reflect on Why They Chose to Study Science

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    A concern commonly raised in literature and in media relates to the declining proportions of students who enter and remain in the ‘science pipeline’, and whether many countries, including Australia and New Zealand, have enough budding scientists to fill research and industry positions in the coming years. In addition, there is concern that insufficient numbers of students continue in science to ensure an informed, scientifically literate citizenry. The aim of the research presented in this paper was to survey current Australian and New Zealand scientists to explore their reasons for choosing to study science. An online survey was conducted via a link to SurveyGizmo. The data presented are from 726 respondents who answered 22 forced-choice items and an open-ended question about the reasons they chose to study science. The quantitative data were analysed using t tests and analyses of variance followed by Duncan’s multiple range tests, and the qualitative data were analysed thematically. The quantitative data showed that the main reasons scientists reported choosing to study science were because they were interested in science and because they were good at science. Secondary school science classes and one particular science teacher also were found to be important factors. Of much less importance were the prestige of science and financial considerations. The qualitative data expanded on these findings and showed that passion for science and/or curiosity about the world were important factors and also highlighted the importance of recreational pursuits, such as camping when a child. In the words of one respondent, ‘People don’t go into science for the money and glory. It’s passion for knowledge and science that always attracted me to the field’

    Prospective dark matter annihilation signals from the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal

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    The Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal galaxy (Sgr) is investigated as a target for dark matter (DM) annihilation searches utilizing J-factor distributions calculated directly from a high-resolution hydrodynamic simulation of the infall and tidal disruption of Sgr around the Milky Way. In contrast to past studies, the simulation incorporates DM, stellar and gaseous components for both the Milky Way and the Sgr progenitor galaxy. The simulated distributions account for significant tidal disruption affecting the DM density profile. Our estimate of the J-factor value for Sgr, JSgr = 1.48 × 1010 M2☉ kpc−5 (6.46 × 1016 GeV cm−5), is significantly lower than found in prior studies. This value, while formally a lower limit, is likely close to the true J-factor value for Sgr. It implies a DM cross-section incompatibly large in comparison with existing constraints would be required to attribute recently observed gamma-ray emission from Sgr to DM annihilation. We also calculate a J-factor value using a NFW profile fitted to the simulated DM density distribution to facilitate comparison with past studies. This NFW J-factor value supports the conclusion that most past studies have overestimated the dark matter density of Sgr on small scales. This, together with the fact that the Sgr has recently been shown to emit gamma-rays of astrophysical origin, complicate the use of Sgr in indirect DM detection searches
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