44 research outputs found

    Predictors of mother–child interaction quality and child attachment security in at-risk families

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    Child healthy development is largely influenced by parent-child interaction and a secure parent-child attachment is predictively associated with positive outcomes in numerous domains of child development. However, the parent-child relationship can be affected by several psychosocial and socio-demographic risk factors that undermine its quality and in turn play a negative role in short and long term child psychological health. Prevention and intervention programs that support parenting skills in at-risk families can efficiently reduce the impact of risk factors on mother and child psychological health. This study examines predictors of mother-child interaction quality and child attachment security in a sample of first-time mothers with psychosocial and/or socio-demographic risk factors. Forty primiparous women satisfying specific risk criteria participated in a longitudinal study with their children from pregnancy until 18 month of child age. A multiple psychological and socioeconomic assessment was performed. The Emotional Availability Scales were used to measure the quality of emotional exchanges between mother and child at 12 months and the Attachment Q-Sort served as a measure of child attachment security at 18 months. Results highlight both the effect of specific single factors, considered at a continuous level, and the cumulative risk effect of different co-occurring factors, considered at binary level, on mother-child interaction quality and child attachment security. Implication for the selection of inclusion criteria of intervention programs that support parenting skills in at-risk families are discussed

    Indagini geofisiche e geochimiche di un sinkhole in formazione nell’area di Guidonia (Lazio)

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    The Plio-Quaternary Acque Albule Basin is already known for the occurrence of sinkholes; since the spring 2014, it has been ongoing the study of an active subsidence process, which formed a depressed area near the Guidonia village. During the last year, the phenomenon has become more intense giving rise to two collapses along the eastern rim of the depression. Thus, geophysical and geogeochemical investigation campaigns started in order to understand the genesis and evolution of the phenomenon. Survey results allowed a geological and structural characterization, showing the presence of “travertino” at the depression margins and its absence therein. It has been recognized, by the geophysics, features with NW-SE and NNE-SSW direction ascribable to a possible depression fracturing and consistent with regional structural trends. Thus, it has been possible to plan and perform geognostic investigation consisting in two drillings aimed to define the stratigraphy of the marginal and inner part of the depression.Published7 - 162TR. Ricostruzione e modellazione della struttura crostaleJCR Journa

    Surface ruptures database related to the 26 December 2018, MW 4.9 Mt. Etna earthquake, southern Italy

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    We provide a database of the surface ruptures produced by the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano in Sicily (southern Italy). Despite its relatively small magnitude, this shallow earthquake caused about 8 km of surface faulting, along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault. Detailed field surveys have been performed in the epicentral area to map the ruptures and to characterize their kinematics. The surface ruptures show a dominant right-oblique sense of displacement with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a maximum value of 0.35 m. We have parsed and organized all observations in a concise database, with 932 homogeneous georeferenced records. The Fiandaca Fault is part of the complex active Timpe faults system affecting the eastern flank of Etna, and its seismic history indicates a prominent surface-faulting potential. Therefore, this database is essential for unravelling the seismotectonics of shallow earthquakes in volcanic areas, and contributes updating empirical scaling regressions that relate magnitude and extent of surface faulting.Publishedid 422T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa

    Surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018, Mw 4.9, Mt. Etna earthquake, Sicily (Italy)

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    We present a 1:10,000 scale map of the coseismic surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano (southern Italy). Detailed rupture mapping is based on extensive field surveys in the epicentral region. Despite the small size of the event, we were able to document surface faulting for about 8 km along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault, belonging to the Timpe tectonic system in the eastern flank of the volcano. The mapped ruptures are characterized in most cases by perceivable opening and by a dominant right-oblique sense of slip, with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a peak value of 0.35 m. It is also noteworthy that the ruptures vary significantly in their kinematic expression, denoting locally high degree of complexity of the surface faulting.Published831-8372T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa

    Il terremoto di Fleri (Etna) del 26 dicembre 2018 Mw 4.9. Parte II: rilievo degli effetti di fagliazione cosismica superficiale

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    Il terremoto del 26 dicembre 2019, ore 02:19 UTC, che ha colpito il basso versante sud-orientale dell’Etna, ha prodotto non solo danni gravi e distruzioni nell’area epicentrale, pari al grado 8 EMS (Azzaro et al., in questo volume), ma anche vistose rotture superficiali lungo la faglia di Fiandaca, che è la struttura più meridionale del sistema tettonico delle Timpe (Fig. 1a). Gli effetti di fagliazione cosismica in area etnea sono storicamente piuttosto frequenti in occasione di terremoti superficiali (< 2-3 km), anche per valori di magnitudo relativamente modesti (M ≥ 3.5, vedi Azzaro, 1999). Con una magnitudo Mw 4.9 (Regional Centroid Moment Tensors, https://doi.org/10.13127/rcmt/italy), il terremoto in questione rappresenta l’evento più significativo, in termini di entità e complessità della fagliazione associata, verificatosi nell’area etnea negli ultimi 70 anni, con una estensione della rottura superiore rispetto a quelle storiche (< 6.5 km). Il gruppo di emergenza per il rilievo degli effetti geologici cosismici EMERGEO (http://emergeo.ingv.it) dell’INGV, si è pertanto attivato effettuando quattro campagne di misura con squadre che si sono alternate sul terreno (per un totale di 60 gg/persona), supportate da personale del proprio Centro Operativo per l’organizzazione dei dati e il popolamento del database (43 gg/persona). Il rilievo ha consentito la raccolta e catalogazione di circa 900 punti di misura relativi a posizionamento, geometria, rigetto e cinematica delle fratture cosismiche.UnpublishedRoma2T. Deformazione crostale attiv

    Candidate biomarkers from the integration of methylation and gene expression in discordant autistic sibling pairs

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    While the genetics of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been intensively studied, resulting in the identification of over 100 putative risk genes, the epigenetics of ASD has received less attention, and results have been inconsistent across studies. We aimed to investigate the contribution of DNA methylation (DNAm) to the risk of ASD and identify candidate biomarkers arising from the interaction of epigenetic mechanisms with genotype, gene expression, and cellular proportions. We performed DNAm differential analysis using whole blood samples from 75 discordant sibling pairs of the Italian Autism Network collection and estimated their cellular composition. We studied the correlation between DNAm and gene expression accounting for the potential effects of different genotypes on DNAm. We showed that the proportion of NK cells was significantly reduced in ASD siblings suggesting an imbalance in their immune system. We identified differentially methylated regions (DMRs) involved in neurogenesis and synaptic organization. Among candidate loci for ASD, we detected a DMR mapping to CLEC11A (neighboring SHANK1) where DNAm and gene expression were significantly and negatively correlated, independently from genotype effects. As reported in previous studies, we confirmed the involvement of immune functions in the pathophysiology of ASD. Notwithstanding the complexity of the disorder, suitable biomarkers such as CLEC11A and its neighbor SHANK1 can be discovered using integrative analyses even with peripheral tissues