1,247 research outputs found

    Collective non-Abelian instabilities in a melting Color Glass Condensate

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    We present first results for 3+1-D simulations of SU(2) Yang-Mills equations for matter expanding into the vacuum after a heavy ion collision. Violations of boost invariance cause a Weibel instability leading soft modes to grow with proper time τ\tau as exp(Γg2μτ)\exp(\Gamma \sqrt{g^2\mu \tau}), where g2μg^2\mu is a scale arising from the saturation of gluons in the nuclear wavefunction. The scale for the growth rate Γ\Gamma is set by a plasmon mass, defined as ωpl=κ0g2μτ\omega_{\rm pl}= \kappa_0 \sqrt{\frac{g^2\mu}{\tau}}, generated dynamically in the collision. We compare the numerical ratio Γ/κ0\Gamma/\kappa_0 to the corresponding value predicted by the Hard Thermal Loop formalism for anisotropic plasmas.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revtex4; v2: typos corrected, discussion on growth rate in expanding system added, accepted for publication in PR

    Proton-nucleus collisions in the color glass condensate framework

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    We discuss proton-nucleus collisions in the framework of the color glass condensate. By assuming that the proton can be described as a low density color source, we solve exactly the Yang-Mills equations corresponding to this type of collision, and then use this solution in order to calculate inclusive gluon production or quark-antiquark production. Our result shows that k_T-factorization, while valid for gluon production, is violated for quark pair production in proton-nucleus collisions.Comment: Talk given at SEWM2004, Helsinki, June 200

    A Weibel Instability in the Melting Color Glass Condensate

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    Based on hep-ph/0510121, we discuss further the numerical study of classical SU(2) 3+1-D Yang-Mills equations for matter produced in a high energy heavy ion collision. The growth of the amplitude of fluctuations as exp(Γg2μτ)\exp{(\Gamma \sqrt{g^2\mu \tau})} (where g2μg^2\mu is a scale arising from the saturation of gluons in the nuclear wavefunction) is shown to be robust over a wide range of initial amplitudes that violate boost invariance. We argue that this growth is due to a non-Abelian Weibel instability, the scale of which is set by a dynamically generated plasmon mass. We find good agreement when we relate Γ\Gamma to the prediction from kinetic theory.Comment: 8 pages, invited talk at Workshop on Quark Gluon Plasma Thermalization, Vienna, August 10th-12th, 200

    Evaluating Direct Feeding of De-Navelled Banana Bunch with Nutrients for Enhancing Fruit Quality, Yield and Nutrient Content

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    Direct feeding of nutrients to bunch after de-navelling was evaluated in seven varieties of banana (Musa sp.) cvs. 'Grand Naine' (GN), 'Robusta'(R), 'Dwarf Cavendish'(DC), 'Ney Poovan'(NP), 'Nanjangud Rasabale'(NR), 'Nendran' (N) and 'Red banana' (RB) using 500g fresh cow-dung, 100ml water, and 2.5 - 10g each of urea and SOP in combinations. Across varieties, fruit and bunch weight increased by 41.5-104.0% and 44.5-97.3%, respectively, compared to 'control'. Maximum increase in fruit weight was observed with a blend of urea + SOP each at 10g in 'GN', 7.5g in 'R', 'DC', 'N' and 'RB', while, the level of urea + SOP was best at 2.5g for 'NP' and 5.0g for 'NR'. Magnitude of increase in fruit and bunch weight was higher in the cut-end (distal end) of the bunch compared to the leaf-end (proximal end). Improvement in pulp:peel ratio was best in 'NP' (4.29-5.91) and 'NR' (2.99-4.32), while, it was lowest in 'GN' (2.69- 2.72). Total soluble solids (TSS) in the pulp decreased with increasing fruit/bunch yield. 'N' showed an increase in TSS from 23.9-24.8°Brix in 'control', to 27.1-27.2° at 7.5g each combined urea and SOP application. Benefit: cost increased from 0.35 to 1.20 in 'GN', 0.79 to 1.62 in 'R', 0.60 to 1.43 in 'DC', 3.01 to 5.22 in 'NP', 2.16 to 3.41 in 'NR', 1.37 to 3.67 in 'N' and from 2.82 to 4.96 in 'RB', indicating obvious profitability of the technique. Nutrient composition in respect of N, K and S showed a general increase consequent to direct nutrient feeding. Differences in fruit quality and nutrient composition between the top and the bottom portion of the bunch differed with variety

    Ekpyrosis and inflationary dynamics in heavy ion collisions: the role of quantum fluctuations

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    We summarize recent significant progress in the development of a first-principles formalism to describe the formation and evolution of matter in very high energy heavy ion collisions. The key role of quantum fluctuations both before and after a collision is emphasized. Systematic computations are now feasible to address early time dynamics essential to quantifying properties of strongly interacting quark-gluon matter.Comment: Talk by R.V. at Quark Matter 2011, Annecy, France, May 23-28, 2011. LaTex, 4 pages; v2, final version to appear in J. Phys.

    Livelihood analysis using wealth ranking tool of PRA

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    The present study was undertaken in Maroorpatti village in Namakkal district of Tamilnadu. From the results o/the livelihood analysis conducted/or the three different categories a/wealth ranking, it may be pointed out that with respect to the size of land holdings the rich farmer had double the size a/the medium and as such large as 10 times that the poor farmer. The rich farmer had an incomparably large number o/cattle with respect to his counterparts. While the rich farmer received monthly income from livestock, the medium farmer, who was thus classified solely by his agricultural land holdings, always expected his agricultural field to boost his monthly income. Furthermore, from the expenditure pal1ern observed, the rich farmer's were inclined to save nearly 35% of their monthly income, while the poor farmers were always in need of 25% loan to meet their monthly needs. As a consequence, the crises analysis indicated that the poor farmer as well as the medium farmer usually takes a loan of 40% towards meeting any calamities faced in their agricultural and livestock sectors

    P R A methods for studying the impact of technology adoption in crop and poultry enterprises in a rural village

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    Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods have of late been highly successful in bridging the gap between development functionaries and target groups for whom the development straties and efforts have been focused at. PRA describes a growing family of approaches and methods to enable local people to share, enhance and analyze their knowledge of life and conditions, to plan and to act. (Chambers, 1994)

    A New Technique for High Resolution Emission Spectroscopy of Rare and Radioactive Isotopes

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    Quantification of yield gaps in rain-fed rice, wheat, cotton and mustard in India

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    Rainfed farming / Crop yield / Simulation / Rice / Wheat / Cotton / Mustard / India