8 research outputs found

    Aero-Structural Assessment of an Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator

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    NASA is conducting an Entry, Descent and Landing Systems Analysis (EDL-SA) Study to determine the key technology development projects that should be undertaken for enabling the landing of large payloads on Mars for both human and robotic missions. Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerators (IADs) are one of the candidate technologies. A variety of EDL architectures are under consideration. The current effort is conducted for development and simulations of computational framework for inflatable structures

    Highly Synergistic Effect of Sequential Treatment with Epigenetic and Anticancer Drugs To Overcome Drug Resistance in Breast Cancer Cells Is Mediated via Activation of <i>p21</i> Gene Expression Leading to G2/M Cycle Arrest

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    Epigenetic alterations such as aberrant DNA methylation and histone modifications contribute substantially to both the cause and maintenance of drug resistance. These epigenetic changes lead to silencing of tumor suppressor genes involved in key DNA damage-response pathways, making drug-resistant cancer cells nonresponsive to conventional anticancer drug therapies. Our hypothesis is that treating drug-resistant cells with epigenetic drugs could restore the sensitivity to anticancer drugs by reactivating previously silenced genes. To test our hypothesis, we used drug-resistant breast cancer cells (MCF-7/ADR) and two epigenetic drugs that act via different mechanisms5-aza-2â€Č-deoxycytidine (decitabine, DAC), a demethylating agent, and suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA), a histone deacetylase inhibitorin combination with doxorubicin. We show that the sequential treatment of resistant cells, first with an epigenetic drug (DAC), and then with doxorubicin, induces a highly synergistic effect, thus reducing the IC<sub>50</sub> of doxorubicin by several thousand fold. The sequential treatment caused over 90% resistant cells to undergo G2/M cell cycle arrest, determined to be due to upregulation of <i>p21</i><sup><i>WAF1/CIP1</i></sup> expression, which is responsible for cell-cycle regulation. The induction of <i>p21</i><sup><i>WAF1/CIP1</i></sup> correlated well with the depletion of DNA methyltransferase1 (DNMT1), an enzyme that promotes methylation of DNA, suggesting that the <i>p21</i><sup><i>WAF1/CIP1</i></sup> gene may have been methylated and hence is inactive in MCF-7/ADR cells. Microarray analysis shows expression of several tumor suppressor genes and downregulation of tumor promoter genes, particularly in sequentially treated resistant cells. Sequential treatment was found to be significantly more effective than simultaneous treatment, and DAC was more effective than SAHA in overcoming doxorubicin resistance. Synergistic effect with sequential treatment was also seen in drug-sensitive breast cancer cells, but the effect was significantly more pronounced in resistant cells. In conclusion, the sequential treatment of an epigenetic drug in combination with doxorubicin induces a highly synergistic effect that overcomes doxorubicin resistance in breast cancer cells

    Characterization of Biochar Derived from Crop Residues for Soil Amendment, Carbon Sequestration and Energy Use

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    The crop residues generated in agricultural fields are mostly considered a burden due to their disposal issues. This study attempts to effectively use pigeon pea stalk (PPS) for biochar production, a promising source as a soil amendment for carbon sequestration and alternative fuel source. PPS was pyrolyzed at different loads and reaction times to optimize the kiln temperature (350–400 °C and 450–500 °C) and changes in physicochemical properties, higher heating value (HHV) and yield were assessed. The results indicated that biochar yield, volatile matter, bulk density, O/C and H/C atomic ratios decreased, whereas fixed carbon, ash content and total porosity increased with increasing kiln temperature across all loads. Biochar produced at 450–500 °C (18 kg load kiln−1) had higher total carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, recovered total carbon and total nitrogen, total potential carbon and CO2 reduction potential. Biochar produced at 350–400 °C had the maximum cation exchange capability (43.0 cmol kg−1). Biochar has estimated O/C and H/C atomic ratios of 0.07–0.15 and 0.35–0.50, respectively. Biochar exhibited good agronomic characteristics and fulfilled key quality criteria of H/C −1) from PPS had higher fixed carbon (65.3%), energy density (1.51), energetic retention efficiency (53%), fuel ratio (4.88), and HHV (25.01 MJ kg−1), as well as lower H/C and O/C ratios, implying that it is suitable for use as an alternative solid fuel

    Influence of Crops and Different Production Systems on Soil Carbon Fractions and Carbon Sequestration in Rainfed Areas of Semiarid Tropics in India

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    Organic agriculture&rsquo;s economic benefits and widespread adoption are well documented, but its impact on soil C dynamics in rainfed regions of semiarid tropics is less understood. The use of organic amendments in organic farming not only supply nutrients but also have the potential to contribute to soil carbon sequestration. Carbon storage and various soil organic pools are affected differently by various crops and production systems. A study was conducted with three crops (sunflower, pigeonpea, and greengram) under three production systems (control, organic and integrated) to assess the effect on soil C stocks, carbon sequestration potential, and crop yield. After seven years of experiment, pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) cultivation improved soil bulk density, porosity and water holding capacity compared to greengram [Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek] and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Furthermore, plots under pigeonpea cultivation being on par with greengram had 15.6% higher total C (113.52 Mg C ha&minus;1), 14% higher easily oxidizable organic C (17.5 Mg C ha&minus;1) and C sequestration rate of 1.22 Mg C ha&minus;1 yr&minus;1 compared to sunflower. Among the three production systems, plots under organic management had significantly lower bulk density and higher water holding capacity and porosity at all of the profile depths compared to integrated production system and control. Similarly, organic production system being on par with integrated production system improved the easily oxidizable, oxidizable and weakly oxidizable organic C fractions at different soil depths compared to control. The C sequestration rate ranged from 0.21 to 0.85 Mg C ha&minus;1 yr&minus;1 in organic production systems compared to negligible rate (0.01&ndash;0.04 Mg ha&minus;1 yr&minus;1) in the plots under control. On average, integrated production system being on par with organic management recorded significantly higher pigeonpea equivalent seed yield (886 kg ha&minus;1) compared to control (792 kg ha&minus;1). These results suggest the potential of organic production system in improving soil properties, C sequestration, and crop yields in semiarid rainfed areas

    Plant Nutrition: An Effective Way to Alleviate Abiotic Stress in Agricultural Crops

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    By the year 2050, the world&rsquo;s population is predicted to have grown to around 9&ndash;10 billion people. The food demand in many countries continues to increase with population growth. Various abiotic stresses such as temperature, soil salinity and moisture all have an impact on plant growth and development at all levels of plant growth, including the overall plant, tissue cell, and even sub-cellular level. These abiotic stresses directly harm plants by causing protein denaturation and aggregation as well as increased fluidity of membrane lipids. In addition to direct effects, indirect damage also includes protein synthesis inhibition, protein breakdown, and membranous loss in chloroplasts and mitochondria. Abiotic stress during the reproductive stage results in flower drop, pollen sterility, pollen tube deformation, ovule abortion, and reduced yield. Plant nutrition is one of the most effective ways of reducing abiotic stress in agricultural crops. In this paper, we have discussed the effectiveness of different nutrients for alleviating abiotic stress. The roles of primary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium), secondary nutrients (calcium, magnesium and sulphur), micronutrients (zinc, boron, iron and copper), and beneficial nutrients (cobalt, selenium and silicon) in alleviating abiotic stress in crop plants are discussed

    The neurophysiological brain-fingerprint of Parkinson’s diseaseResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Research in healthy young adults shows that characteristic patterns of brain activity define individual “brain-fingerprints” that are unique to each person. However, variability in these brain-fingerprints increases in individuals with neurological conditions, challenging the clinical relevance and potential impact of the approach. Our study shows that brain-fingerprints derived from neurophysiological brain activity are associated with pathophysiological and clinical traits of individual patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Methods: We created brain-fingerprints from task-free brain activity recorded through magnetoencephalography in 79 PD patients and compared them with those from two independent samples of age-matched healthy controls (N = 424 total). We decomposed brain activity into arrhythmic and rhythmic components, defining distinct brain-fingerprints for each type from recording durations of up to 4 min and as short as 30 s. Findings: The arrhythmic spectral components of cortical activity in patients with Parkinson’s disease are more variable over short periods, challenging the definition of a reliable brain-fingerprint. However, by isolating the rhythmic components of cortical activity, we derived brain-fingerprints that distinguished between patients and healthy controls with about 90% accuracy. The most prominent cortical features of the resulting Parkinson’s brain-fingerprint are mapped to polyrhythmic activity in unimodal sensorimotor regions. Leveraging these features, we also demonstrate that Parkinson’s symptom laterality can be decoded directly from cortical neurophysiological activity. Furthermore, our study reveals that the cortical topography of the Parkinson’s brain-fingerprint aligns with that of neurotransmitter systems affected by the disease’s pathophysiology. Interpretation: The increased moment-to-moment variability of arrhythmic brain-fingerprints challenges patient differentiation and explains previously published results. We outline patient-specific rhythmic brain signaling features that provide insights into both the neurophysiological signature and symptom laterality of Parkinson’s disease. Thus, the proposed definition of a rhythmic brain-fingerprint of Parkinson’s disease may contribute to novel, refined approaches to patient stratification. Symmetrically, we discuss how rhythmic brain-fingerprints may contribute to the improved identification and testing of therapeutic neurostimulation targets. Funding: Data collection and sharing for this project was provided by the Quebec Parkinson Network (QPN), the Pre-symptomatic Evaluation of Novel or Experimental Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease (PREVENT-AD; release 6.0) program, the Cambridge Centre for Aging Neuroscience (Cam-CAN), and the Open MEG Archives (OMEGA). The QPN is funded by a grant from Fonds de Recherche du QuĂ©bec - SantĂ© (FRQS). PREVENT-AD was launched in 2011 as a $13.5 million, 7-year public-private partnership using funds provided by McGill University, the FRQS, an unrestricted research grant from Pfizer Canada, the Levesque Foundation, the Douglas Hospital Research Centre and Foundation, the Government of Canada, and the Canada Fund for Innovation. The Brainstorm project is supported by funding to SB from the NIH (R01-EB026299-05). Further funding to SB for this study included a Discovery grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada of Canada (436355-13), and the CIHR Canada research Chair in Neural Dynamics of Brain Systems (CRC-2017-00311)