982 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of language-literacy training for child care workers

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    The purpose of the current study was to examine the effectiveness of group-based language-literacy training for child care workers. The first phase of the study followed a pre-post single group comparison design and involved 23 child care providers. The independent variable was the teacher training and the dependant variable was scores from a questionnaire. The second phase of the study involved a sub-group of four child care workers who received one-on-one follow up training after the group sessions. The questionnaire was administered a third time to the follow-up group. An analysis of the questionnaire items at pretest indicated that the teachers felt most knowledgeable and skilled with children’s speech and language development and less knowledgeable and skilled with their development of reading, although differences between items were not significant. Post-test scores were significantly higher than pretest scores, but scores did not continue to increase after the one-on-one training. The results of the current study suggest that group-based, language-literacy training can increase the knowledge and skill of child care providers

    Indicators for Tourist Destinations: A General Assessment

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    The assessment and monitoring of tourist destinations is now more than ever a prerogative of governments around the world. The contiguous situation caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is pushing local destinations to adopt new standards that have never been considered until now. In addition, the collapse of tourist demand and the partial recovery of tourist activities could, in the medium term, affect tourist flows, but more importantly the tourist supply, which still suffers from suppliers and producers damaged by the blockage of services and production. The work aims to provide a general assessment of sustainability and competitiveness indicators, describing the work carried out and providing a summary. To do this, a general assessment of the existing literature was implemented with the goal of providing a general overview of the studies conducted from an indicator perspective. Ideally, the indicators were divided into three groups, methodological, sustainability, and competitiveness. The results of the study suggest that tourism destination indicators are many and varied but what is lacking is the monitoring and evaluation of them in the European scenario

    Wood-decay fungi on trees of the city of Palermo (Sicily, Italy)

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    Nineteen taxa, belonging to 15 genera, included in 12 families of Basidiomycetes were observed on different living trees and stumps. Data on hosts and collection sites are reported together with notes on the causes of wood decay fungi attack and suggestions for solutions

    Rilevazione statistica della diffusione dei fenomeni di binge drinking, drunkoressia e gambling tra gli adolescenti palermitani

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    L\u2019obiettivo dello studio \ue8 l\u2019analisi della diffusione dei comportamenti riconducibili ai fenomeni di Binge Drinking, Drunkoressia e Gambling in individui che possiedono un\u2019et\ue0 compresa tra i 13 e 20 anni: si \ue8 deciso di analizzare nello specifico tale fascia d\u2019et\ue0 poich\ue9 la propensione di alcuni soggetti ad assumere condotte pericolose per la propria salute risulta essere particolarmente alta proprio durante la fase adolescenziale. Quest\u2019ultimo \ue8 infatti un periodo di intenso sviluppo neuro- cognitivo che conduce a cambiamenti importanti ai fini del comportamento, dell\u2019affettivit\ue0, della ricerca e della selezione di stimoli pi\uf9 gratificanti: il risultato \ue8 un aumento della predisposizione ad assumere atteggiamenti rischiosi, quali ad esempio abusare d\u2019alcool o giocare d\u2019azzardo.Al fine di ottenere informazioni inerenti all\u2019epidemiologia dei fenomeni sopracitati e ai rischi sulle problematicit\ue0 correlate, \ue8 stato creato un questionario che si articola in otto quesiti totali distribuiti all\u2019interno di due sezioni: in una prima parte si \ue8 deciso di formulare quattro domande relative alle abitudini sul consumo di alcoolici per ricercare atteggiamenti connessi al binge drinking e alla drunkoressia; invece la seconda sezione \ue8 riservata al gambling ed \ue8 anch\u2019essa costituita da quattro quesiti mirati, volti ad evidenziarne la diffusione. Il test \ue8 stato somministrato singolarmente ed in forma anonima, nel periodo compreso fra gennaio e maggio 2017, a studenti dai 13 e ai 20 anni, durante l\u2019orario scolastico. Hanno partecipato a questo studio 2831 studenti palermitani, di cui 1882 femmine e 949 maschi, provenienti dai seguenti istituti secondari di secondo grado: Istituto Magistrale Statale C. Finocchiaro Aprile, Istituto di istruzione superiore Francesco Ferrara, IPSSAR Francesco Paolo Cascino, Istituto profes- sionale e commerciale Luigi Einaudi, Liceo Artistico Statale Catalano, Liceo Classico Vittorio Emanuele II, Istituto magistrale statale De Cosmi. Lo studio ha fatto emergere un preoccupante incremento, tra la popolazione giovanile, di comportamenti correlabili al binge drinking, alla drunkoressia ed al gambling, suggerendo una sempre pi\uf9 mirata azione di prevenzione primaria e promozione della salute, soprattutto in una fascia molto vulnerabile quale quella adolescenzial

    Three rare lignicolous fungi from Sicily (S Italy)

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    Sarcodontia crocea (Schwein.) Kotl., Oligoporus mappa (Overh. & Lowe) Gilbn. & Ryvarden and Inonotus rickii (Pat.) D.A. Reid. are reported for the first time from Sicily (southern Italy). Ecological and distributive features on the three relevant species are also here provided

    Distribution and ecological role of selected shrubby species in the Mediterranean basin

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    In many natural and semi-natural habitats trees and shrubs represent two major growth forms (1). In particular shrublands, which can be considered a mixture of several sclerophyllous shrubs and tree species, represent a Mediterranean type of vegetation rarely found in other ecosystems. The distribution of shrubs in an ecosystem is connected to complex ecological processes. Indeed, shrubs provide substrate, food and shelter for organisms, play an important role in the nutrient cycle providing organic matter input to soils and they protect watersheds from erosion. Moreover shrubs are very important for many associated species such as mammals, birds, invertebrates, other plants (that favour thanks to their role of nurse plants), and their distribution also influences the variety and abundance of mycorrhizal fungi, fundamentals in ecological terms and nutritional relationships (2). This study represents a review on the ecological role of some selected Mediterranean shrubby species. In particular the attention is focused on the following species: Amelanchier ovalis Medik, Astragalus nebrodensis (Guss.) Strobl., Crataegus laciniata Ucria, Lycium intricatum Boiss., Prunus spinosa L., and Viburnum tinus L. These species have been selected because they are representative of different Mediterranean vegetation types, distributed in relation to the bioclimate type and the altitude. In fact, various habitats have been considered in relation to these species, for example coastal and sub-coastal environments for Lycium intricatum, sclerophyllous woodlands for Viburnum tinus, mantle vegetation and pre-forest structures for Amelanchier ovalis, Prunus spinosa and Crataegus laciniata, orophilous thornycushions vegetation for the Sicilian endemic Astragalus nebrodensis. For each species the geographical distribution in the Mediterranean Basin has been investigated, considering its borders according to the limits of Mediterranean climate (3), and the definition of terrestrial ecoregions of the world (4). The species distribution as well as their taxonomy (especially in relation to the presence of subspecies in the Italian territory) have been analyzed thanks to a number of scientific publications and web-based sources (e.g. Euro + Med PlantBase, The International Plant Names Index, ILDIS- International Legume Database & Information Service, PAN-European Species directories Infrastructure, Portale della Flora d\u2019Italia, Flora of Greece Web, Anthos, African Plant Database, Silene-Flore database, etc.) at regional, national and international scale. Moreover for each species distribution maps have been prepared geo-referencing the species location data obtained from the labels of digital herbaria samples of the Mus\ue9um National d'Histoire Naturelle, MNHN \u2013 Paris, P; Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, W; Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum, PAL; Herbarium Plant Biology Section, CAT; Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universit\ue4t Berlin, B, and from the data portal Global Biodiversity Information Facility- GBIF (always in relation to herbarium samples), also in order to obtain historical distribution data. The ecological role of species in every ecosystem, but also of their successional dynamics and their response to global changes and disturbances was investigated making an analysis of the literature data and also in relation to some botanical aspects and functional traits, available for some of the studied species, from TRY Plant Trait Database (https://www.try-db.org) and form BROT 2.0 database, for example: Growth form, Leaf phenology, Spinescence, Flower color, Dispersal mode, Fruit type, Nutritional relationships (the analysis of these data is in progress especially with regard to mycorrhizal symbioses). This has allowed to clarify why shrubs are successful in many habitats and to evaluate the critical role that they play in Mediterranean ecosystems

    Moving the Library: Bringing Resources to Students (Using a Learning Management System)

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    Students are increasingly finding library resources online due to the explosion in online courses and the use of course management software for all courses, whether fully online, hybrid, or traditional face-to-face courses. Librarians from Union County College (a two-year community college) and Montclair State University (a large research library) discussed the various approaches used to promote and market library services and resources using their institutions’ library management system (LMS). A representative from Gale Cengage presented how Gale is connecting library content to the classroom while helping libraries raise their profile on campus


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    The importance of proximity tourism has increased in the recent years due to COVID-19 crisis. Due to restrictions imposed by Governments to contain contagions, people could not cross national borders. Considering the work carried out by Guardia and Muro (2009) first, DomĂ­nguez (2014), and Alvarez-Diaz et al. (2020) later, this work focuses on the assessment of proximity tourism in Italy in the 2019-2020-2021 period. This study is based on the analysis of microdata made available by ISTAT (Italian Institute of Statistics). The work proposes to shed more light on the concept of proximity tourism and, in so doing, authors used an origin-destination matrix approach by calculating the coefficient of tourist attractiveness. The results of the study suggest a significant increase in trips within the Italian territory. Furthermore, these findings are also important in the political and market-decision sphere to orient internal and local policies in terms of domestic tourism


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    Secondo l’OMS definiamo l’alcolismo quel disturbo a genesi multifattoriale (bio-psico-sociale) associato all’assunzione episodica e/o cronica di bevande alcoliche con presenza o meno di dipendenza capace di determinare una sofferenza multidimensionale che si manifesta in maniera diversa da Soggetto a Soggetto. L’assunzione cronica di alcol modifica la normale attività neuronale attraverso il potenziamento dell’attività inibitoria del GABA e l’inibizione dell’effetto eccitatorio del Glutammato che induce il neuro-adattamento attraverso una over-espressione dei recettori del glutammato in modo da ripristinare l’equilibrio del sistema in presenza di alcol. Quando l’assunzione di alcol viene interrotta l’attività neuronale è caratterizzata sia da un aumento dell’eccitabilità dei recettori del glutammato sia dall’attività dei recettori NMDA che rappresenta invece la causa dei caratteristici sintomi dell’astinenza: le convulsioni. L’Acamprosato è un neuro modulatore specifico per il trattamento della dipendenza da alcol determinando il ripristino dell’equilibrio della trasmissione glutammatergica e l’inibizione dell’attività del glutammato agendo su due recettori: NMDA e mGluR5 rispettivamente ionotropico e metabotropico. Contrastando l’iperattività glutammatergica l’Acamprosato riduce il craving negativo e conseguenzialmente diminuisce l’incidenza, la severità e la frequenza delle ricadute. Nello studio clinico effettuato sono stati osservati 30 Pazienti reclutati nel territorio dell’A.S.P.1 di Agrigento suddivisi rispettivamente : > 9 Pazienti di cui 2 donne e 7 uomini presso il Ser.T di Sciacca, > 6 Pazienti di cui 1 donna e 5 uomini presso il Ser.T di Ribera, > 7 Pazienti di cui 2 donne e 5 uomini presso il Ser.T di Agrigento, > 8 Pazienti di cui 4 donne e 4 uomini presso il Ser.T di Canicattì. Riportiamo i dati di alcuni Pazienti reclutati e seguiti ambulatorialmente presso i Ser.T che erano già stati sottoposti a precedenti trattamenti farmacologici con GHB: * 4 Pazienti sui 30 – pari al 13,33% - esito negativo, * 9 Pazienti sui 30 – pari al 30 % - esito positivo, *17 Pazienti sui 30 – pari al 56,67 % - si sottoponevano per la prima volta alla terapia con Acamprosato. Ciascun Paziente è stato valutato mediante 2 questionari: OCDS (Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale) costituito da 14 item e SHORT SLEEP INDEX composto da 4 item. Tutti sono stati sottoposti a controlli seriati nel tempo che così abbiamo identificato: – T0 – prima dell’assunzione di Acamprosato; il primo follow –up al 4° mese – T1 - ed all’8 mese – T2 - il secondo. Per quanto riguarda la valutazione del craving si è osservato al T0 una percentuale dell’86,67% ricovero ed una del 13,33% ambulatoriale. Dove per ricovero si intende la percentuale di Pazienti che, rispondendo alle domande del test, ha totalizzato un punteggio relativo al craving >22, valore che richiede un monitoraggio costante da parte del Medico Responsabile del Ser.T e contemporaneamente anche di un maggiore supporto psicologico. Con il termine ambulatoriale si indicano tutti quei Pazienti il cui grado di craving risulta al di sotto dei valori considerati a “rischio ricadute” e tali da permettere al Paziente di proseguire un trattamento esclusivamente diurno ma che prevede comunque l’adeguato supporto psicologico all’interno del Ser.T. Al termine dell’odierno lavoro ed alla luce dei risultati ottenuti è innegabile l’efficacia dell’Acamprosato nel mantenimento dell’astinenza nei Soggetti dipendenti dall’alcol. Efficacia che si è manifestata riducendo il rischio di ricadute da un lato e, dall’altro per i ridotti effetti indesiderati registrati (la diarrea – il prurito) e per la notevole riduzione del craving negativo. Possiamo pertanto concludere dicendo che l’Acamprosato, associato ad un opportuno supporto psicologico, può senza dubbio rappresentare la terapia d’elezione che, certamente, in un futuro prossimo, sarà completata da altri supporti farmacologici-psicologici o altro per la riduzione/annientamento del problema: dipendenza dall’alcol
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