17 research outputs found


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    A morphological study of plantlets of Laeliaeyermaniana Rchb.f. cultured in vitro wascarried out. Histologic preparations weremade to observe different stages from seedgermination until ex vitro acclimatizationof plantlets. Photomicrographs showedvarious transitional stages. Seven relativestages of development were identifiedand described: seed, non-photosyntheticprotocorm, photosynthetic protocorm,differentiated protocorm, plantlets withleafs, plantlets with leaves and roots, andplantlets with leaves and two roots, aswell as two transitory phases: somaticembryogenic mass (SEM) and protocormlike bodies (PLBs) obtained by indirectsomatic embryogenesis. Stomatal leafdensity doubled under ex vitro conditions.This study contributes to the knowledgeof morphological development of L.eyermaniana during in vitro culture and exvitro acclimatization.En este trabajo se hizo un seguimientomorfológico de plantas de Laeliaeyermaniana Rchb. f. obtenidas in vitro.Se realizaron preparaciones histológicaspara observar diferentes etapas, desde lagerminación hasta la aclimatación ex vitro.Las fotomicrografías de las preparacionesmostraron varios estadios transitorios. Seidentificaron y describieron siete estadiosrelativos de desarrollo: semilla, protocormono fotosintético, protocormo fotosintético,protocormo en diferenciación, plántula conhojas, plántulas con hojas y raíz, plántulacon hojas y dos raíces. Así como también,dos fases transitorias: masa embrionariasomática (MES) y cuerpos parecidos aprotocormos (PLBs) por sus siglas en inglés,obtenidos por embriogénesis somáticaindirecta. La densidad estomática en lashojas se duplicó bajo condiciones ex vitro.Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento deldesarrollo morfológico de L. eyermanianadurante su cultivo in vitro y aclimataciónex vitro

    Efectos generados a partir de la pandemia por COVID-19 en turistas trujillanos

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a global crisis in the fields of health, economy, education, tourism and others. The confinement and travel restrictions during the health emergency have affected tourism and all those involved in tourism activities. In some countries, such as Peru, an attempt is being made to reactivate this sector by prioritizing domestic tourists. Therefore, this research aims to identify the economic, social and emotional effects of tourists from Trujillo during the year 2020. The study has a mixed approach, using the ethnographic method and the analytical-synthetic method. By means of interviews through the virtual platforms Google Meet and Zoom, the point of view of specialists in the subject: an anthropologist and a psychologist. The study sample consists of 196 tourists from Trujillo, to whom a questionnaire was applied using a Google Forms form. The most significant effects in the economic aspect are the loss of employment and reduction of income; in the social aspect, it is the change of lifestyles regarding the use of leisure time; and in the emotional aspect, it is the presence of the emotions of fear, anger and anticipation.La pandemia por COVID-19 ha desencadenado una crisis global en el campo de la salud, la economía, la educación, el turismo y otros. El confinamiento y las restricciones para desplazarse durante la emergencia sanitaria, vienen afectando al turismo y a todos los involucrados en la actividad turística. En algunos países, como en el Perú, se intenta reactivar este sector priorizando al turista interno. Por tanto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los efectos económicos, sociales y emocionales de turistas trujillanos durante el año 2020. El estudio tiene un enfoque mixto, se utiliza el método etnográfico y el método analítico-sintético. Mediante entrevistas por las plataformas virtuales Google Meet y Zoom se conoce el punto de vista de especialistas en el tema: un antropólogo y una psicóloga. La muestra del estudio consta de 196 turistas trujillanos, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario utilizando un formulario de Google Forms. Los efectos más significativos en el aspecto económico son la pérdida de empleo y reducción de ingresos; en el aspecto social, es el cambio de estilos de vida respecto al uso del tiempo de ocio; y en el aspecto emocional, es la presencia de las emociones de miedo, ira y anticipación


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    <i>Pyricularia</i>’s Capability of Infecting Different Grasses in Two Regions of Mexico

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    The genus Pyricularia includes species that are phytopathogenic fungi, which infect different species of Poaceae, such as rice and sorghum. However, few isolates have been genetically characterized in North America. The current study addresses this lack of information by characterizing an additional 57 strains of three grasses (Stenotaphrum secundatum, Cenchrus ciliaris and Digitaria ciliaris) from two distant regions of Mexico. A Pyricularia dataset with ITS sequences retrieved from GenBank and the studied sequences were used to build a haplotype network that allowed us to identify a few redundant haplotypes highly related to P. oryzae species. An analysis considering only the Mexican sequences allowed us to identify non-redundant haplotypes in the isolates of C. ciliaris and D. ciliaris, with a high identity with P. pennisetigena. The Pot2-TIR genomic fingerprinting technique resulted in high variability and allowed for the isolates to be grouped according to their host grass, whilst the ERIC-PCR technique was able to separate the isolates according to their host grass and their region of collection. Representative isolates from different host grasses were chosen to explore the pathogenic potential of these isolates. The selected isolates showed a differential pathogenic profile. Cross-infection with representative isolates from S. secundatum and C. ciliaris showed that these were unable to infect D. ciliaris grass and that the DY1 isolate from D. ciliaris was only able to infect its host grass. The results support the identification of pathogenic strains of Pyricularia isolates and their cross-infection potential in different grasses surrounding important crops in Mexico

    Unraveling the Biosynthesis of Quinolizidine Alkaloids Using the Genetic and Chemical Diversity of Mexican Lupins

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    Quinolizidine alkaloids (QAs) are synthesized by the genus Lupinus as a defense against herbivores. Synthesis of QAs in lupins is species- and organ-specific. Knowledge about their biosynthesis and their corresponding pathways are still fragmentary, in part because lupins of commercial importance were mainly investigated, representing a small sample of the chemodiversity of the genus. Here, we explore the use of three Mexican lupins: Lupinus aschenbornii, Lupinus montanus, and Lupinus bilineatus as a model to study the physiology of QA biosynthesis. The corresponding QA patterns cover widely and narrowly distributed tetracyclic QAs. Quinolizidine alkaloid patterns of seeds and plantlets at different developmental stages were determined by GLC–MS and compared to identify the onset of de novo QA synthesis and to gain insight into specific and common biosynthesis trends. Onset of de novo QA biosynthesis occurred after the metabolization of seed QA during germination and was species-specific, as expected. A common QA pattern, from which the diversity of QA observed in these species is generated, was not found; however, lupanine and 3β-lupanine were found in the three specieswhile sparteine was not found in Lupinus bilineatus, suggesting that this simplest tetracyclic QA is not the precursor of more complex QAs. Similar patterns of metabolization and biosynthesis of structurally related QAs were observed, suggesting a common regulation

    A Review on Hydroponics and the Technologies Associated for Medium- and Small-Scale Operations

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    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the world population will reach nine billion people in 2050, of which 75% will live in urban settlements. One of the biggest challenges will be meeting the demand for food, as farmland is being lost to climate change, water scarcity, soil pollution, among other factors. In this context, hydroponics, an agricultural method that dispenses with soil, provides a viable alternative to address this problem. Although hydroponics has proven its effectiveness on a large scale, there are still challenges in implementing this technique on a small scale, specifically in urban and suburban settings. Also, in rural communities, where the availability of suitable technologies is scarce. Paradigms such as the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, promote Precision Agriculture on a small scale, allowing the control of variables such as pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, among others, resulting in higher production and resource savings

    Isosakuranetin-5-O-rutinoside: A New Flavanone with Antidepressant Activity Isolated from Salvia elegans Vahl.

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    Ursolic acid (1) and a new flavanone, 5-O-(6-rhamnosylglucoside)-7-hydroxy-4\u27-methoxyflavanone (2), were isolated from the leaves of Salvia elegans Vahl. These natural products displayed antidepressant activity in mice as determined by means of a forced swimming test (FST) evaluation. Structural elucidation was carried out by chemical derivatization (acetylation) and spectroscopic analyses, such as 1H- and 13C-NMR and two-dimensional (2-D) COSY, heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC), and heteronuclear multiple-bond correlation (HMBC) spectroscopy experiments

    Isosakuranetin-5-O-rutinoside: A New Flavanone with Antidepressant Activity Isolated from Salvia elegans Vahl.

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    Ursolic acid (1) and a new flavanone, 5-O-(6-rhamnosylglucoside)-7-hydroxy-4&#039;-methoxyflavanone (2), were isolated from the leaves of Salvia elegans Vahl. These natural products displayed antidepressant activity in mice as determined by means of a forced swimming test (FST) evaluation. Structural elucidation was carried out by chemical derivatization (acetylation) and spectroscopic analyses, such as 1H- and 13C-NMR and two-dimensional (2-D) COSY, heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC), and heteronuclear multiple-bond correlation (HMBC) spectroscopy experiments