58 research outputs found
Acting and Reading Drama: Notes on Florentine sacre rappresentazioni in Print
The purpose of the article is to investigate the complex link between theatre, as a practice involving a number of people, and the change in the use of dramatic texts occurred at the origins of the Italian printing industry, when dramatic texts were no longer only acted but also read as books. With the invention of printed books, theatre has been transformed from a performative action to a container of memory images fixed through the book illustration. On the one hand, the article investigates the printed tradition of sacre rappresentazioni (‘sacred plays’) in connection with the other religious literary texts published between the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of sixteenth centuries, putting it in relation with the birth of devotional books widely used in Florence during the age of Savonarola. On the other hand, it deals with the problem of illustrations by reconstructing the relationship between faithful people and sacred images before their diffusion was multiplied by the printing industry, and by looking at the real meaning of the link between written texts and woodcuts, in order to understand how the sacra rappresentazione, being a dramatic genre, was conceived when it was transformed into an object for reading
Paradisi e voli angelici nello spettacolo e nell’iconografia in Italia nel lungo Quattrocento
At the beginning of the 15th century, stage machines were developed in Florence to set up the mysteries of the Annunciation, Ascension and Pentecost in some churches of the city. The architect-engineer Filippo Brunelleschi, according to Giorgio Vasari, perfected the structure. These apparatuses represented heaven in three dimensions, with God the Father and his angels personified by live singers and musicians who hovered in the air in a whirlwind of dances of lights and sounds. The aim of this essay is to show, on the one hand, that the function of these apparatuses was to offer the faithful an imaginary of heaven, inspired by the model of Dante’s Comedy, which they had never seen before in the pictorial representations widespread in places of worship; and, on the other hand, that the image of heaven as a place of delight, light and infinite joy was intended to directly stimulate the emotional sensitivity of believers, encouraging them to behave as good Christians in order to enter it after death. In addition to the emotional impact aroused on the public by these stage sets, is taken into consideration the visual and kinetic suggestion that this new representation of heaven exerted on artists, both Florentine and non-Florentine, irreversibly influencing their figurative lexicon, as evidenced by the numerous iconographic sources examined. Finally, some examples of reworking of Brunelleschi’s machines in non-Florentine contexts and for themes other than religious ones are analysed, as in the case of the Feast of Paradise, created in Milan by Leonardo da Vinci in 1490, and in various representations, sacred and profane, set up in Ferrara between the end of the 15th century and the first years of the 16th century
Oggetto dell\u2019intervento sono le farse e le commedie politiche e morali che venivano recitate alla mensa della Signoria fiorentina, all\u2019inizio del XVI secolo, allo scopo non solo di offrire uno svago ai suoi membri, ma anche di comunicare loro messaggi politici, etici e morali legati alle contingenze e alle necessit\ue0 del momento.
Il saggio analizza alcuni testi e i loro autori, con l\u2019intento di evidenziare come questo tipo di drammaturgia fosse del tutto peculiare di Firenze, in quanto, sul piano strutturale e contenutistico, essa fu il frutto sia della commistione fra la sacra rappresentazione e la commedia classica, sia della tradizione recitativa di araldi e canterini.
L\u2019originalit\ue0 di questo contributo consiste principalmente nell\u2019aver introdotto il concetto di \u2018recitazione civile\u2019 nell\u2019ambito di una pi\uf9 ampia indagine sul rapporto fra teatro e politica nel Rinascimento. Questo nesso, di per s\ue9 scontato date le implicazioni economiche e relazionali che la produzione spettacolare comporta, acquista nuovo rilievo se indagato in relazione al costante mutamento degli equilibri politici e delle relative esigenze di comunicazione e di propaganda che indussero i ceti dirigenti fiorentini da un lato, a riconoscere agli araldi e ad altri specialisti dell\u2019intrattenimento il ruolo di \u2018voci politiche\u2019 della citt\ue0; dall\u2019altro, a sollecitare la produzione di componimenti drammaturgici e recitativi (dalla poesia gnomica canterina, alla sacra rappresentazione, alla farsa, alla commedia classicistica) la cui variet\ue0 tipologica rispondeva precisamente alle esigenze comunicative contingenti.
Ma l\u2019interesse di questi testi non si limita al ristretto ambito della storia locale, bench\ue9 le siano intrinsecamente legati, in quanto essi consentono di comprendere alcuni meccanismi di base della comunicazione politica, esercitata attraverso le pratiche della performance orale e/o teatrale, in maniera meglio ricostruibile che altrove.This paper deals with political and moral farces and comedies performed during the meals of Florentine Signoria, at the beginning of 16th century, in order both to offer an amusement to their members, and to communicate political, ethical and moral messages related to the current situation and needs.
Through the analysis of some plays and their authors, the author aims to underline how this type of dramaturgy was utterly peculiar to Florentine culture inasmuch as, in its structure and contents, it derived both from the mingling of sacra rappresentazione (sacred play) with classical comedy, and from the performative tradition of heralds and street singers.
The originality of this contribution consists mainly in having introduced the concept of \u2018civic performance\u2019 within a wider investigation of the relationship between theater and politics in the Renaissance. This link would, in itself, be taken for granted, given the economic and relational implications that theatrical production involves. However, it acquires new importance if investigated in relation to the constant change in political balance, and its related communication and propaganda needs, that induced the Florentine ruling classes: 1- to recognize to the heralds and other entertainment specialists the role of civic \u2018political voices\u2019; 2- to solicit the production of dramaturgical and recitative compositions (from street singers\u2019 gnomic poetry, to sacra rappresentazione, to farce, to classical comedy) of which the typological variety fulfilled exactly temporary communication needs.
These texts are interesting not only for their relevance in local history, although they are intrinsically linked to it, but also because they allow us to understand and more efficiently reconstruct some basic mechanisms of political communication, practiced through oral and / or theatrical performance
Simbologia e funzione delle feste identitarie in alcune città italiane fra XIII e XV secolo
This contribution offers a comparison between three cities of pre-modern Italy with three different forms of government: the republican Florence, the republican Venice (but with a closer form of oligarchic government respect to Florence) and the duchy of Milan. The point of view is that of rituals and civic feasts. The paper shows how Florence, Venice and Milan rouling classes created civic feasts to legitimate their power, using various communication and symbolic languages which reflected the three city-states political differences. The propaganda strategies are analized in a manifold variety of sources (narrative, iconographic, legislative, descriptive) with the final aim to underline how theatre and spectacle, in XIII-XVI centuries, were a crucial point of political negotiation between governments and governe
La festa di San Giovanni: costruzione di un'identità civica fra rituale e spettacolo (secoli XIV-XVI)
Nell’Italia pre-moderna le feste di identità civica si distinguevano da tutte le altre celebrazioni collettive in quanto avevano la funzione di disegnare l’immagine della città, delle sue istituzioni, della sua composizione sociale e della sua ricchezza. Dotate di caratteristiche che ne sancivano l’eccellenza rispetto alle altre occasioni cerimoniali, esse mutavano nel tempo registrando i mutamenti politico-istituzionali delle città-stato. Questo contributo analizza la vicenda storica della festa patronale di San Giovanni a partire dalle notizie più antiche sulla sua istituzione in età comunale fino alle trasformazioni introdotte dal regime principesco nel XVI secolo. La cospicua e continuativa documentazione superstite, e soprattutto le dettagliate descrizioni che punteggiano la storia della festa segnalando le congiunture dei cambiamenti più significativi, consente di ricostruire le varie tappe della sua istituzione e degli spettacoli in essa inseriti, leggendovi di volta in volta la simbologia politica sottesa. Se in età repubblicana le confraternite rappresentarono su edifizi la storia della redenzione umana dalla creazione al giudizio universale, enfatizzando così un’immagine di Firenze profondamente devota e unita sotto la protezione del Patrono, negli ultimi anni di egemonia di Lorenzo il Magnifico vennero introdotti anche trionfi all’antica in esplicita lode del ‘signore’, mentre con l’avvento del principato Cosimo I cambiò radicalmente il significato civico della festa trasformandola da offerta della città a San Giovanni in “omaggio” dei sudditi al sovrano.In pre-modern Italy the festivals of civic identity were distinguished from all other collective celebrations as they had the function of drawing the image of the city, its institutions, its social composition and its wealth. Endowed with characteristics that sanctioned their excellence compared to other ceremonial occasions, they changed over time recording the political-institutional changes of the city-states. This contribution analyzes the historical events of the patron saint's festival starting from the most ancient news on its institution in the communal age up to the transformations introduced by the princely regime in the XVI century. The conspicuous and continuous documentation surviving, and above all the detailed descriptions that punctuate the history of the festival by signaling the conjunctures of the most significant changes, allows to reconstruct the various stages of its institution and the shows included in it, reading the political symbology implied from time to time. During the republican age the confraternities represented on pageants the history of human redemption from Creation to the Last Judgment, thus emphasizing a deeply devout and united image of Florence under the patron's protection. In the last years of Lorenzo the Magnificent's hegemony, ancient triumphs were also introduced in explicit praise of the 'lord', while with the advent of the principality Cosimo I radically changed the civic meaning of the feast transforming it from offer of the city to San Giovanni in "tribute" of the subjects to the sovereign
Qualche considerazione introduttiva
In questo intervento di apertura delle due sezioni dell’atelier dedicate a I linguaggi religiosi nei sistemi della comunicazione politica: culti e immagini, liturgie e rituali, mi limiterò a illustrare l’idea di fondo che ha suggerito la scelta dei temi affrontati e dei relatori, sottolineando alcuni punti che mi pare siano emersi dagli interventi, in piena rispondenza con le questioni sollevate dal progetto dell’incontro. Non procederò invece a un bilancio dei risultati emersi dalla varietà ..
Questo numero degli «Annali di Storia moderna e contemporanea» accoglie gli Atti dell’atelier Immagini, culti, liturgie: le connotazioni politiche del messaggio religioso – Images, cultes, liturgies: les connotations politiques du message religieux che si è svolto dall’1 al 3 ottobre 2009 presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, sotto il coordinamento di chi scrive. L’iniziativa si inserisce nel quadro generale del progetto di ricerca franco-italiano su Les vecteurs de l’idéel..
La \u201cCelestina\u201d a Roma nel primo Cinquecento
Il saggio analizza la "Celestina" di Fernando de Rojas nel contesto teatrale romano del primo Cinquecento, dove la drammaturgia spagnola ebbe un ampio successo presso le corti del papa e dei cardinali, in particolare al tempo di Alessandro VI Borgia. Un confronto fra la "Celestina" e alcune commedie o recite del tempo (quali la "Cassaria" di Ludovico Ariosto o il \u201cLamento di quel tribulato di Strascino Campana Senese\u201d di Niccol\uf2 Campani) evidenzia la variet\ue0 dei modelli di rappresentazione circolanti e la loro corrispondenza con la variet\ue0 dei registri drammatici impiegati nella "Celestina"The paper analyzes Fernando de Rojas's "Celestina" in the theatrical contest of early XVI century Rome, where spanish dramaturgy had a wide success in cardinal and pope courts, particulalrly in the time of Alessando VI Borgia. A comparison between \u201cCelestina\u201d and some comedies or performances of the time (such as Ludovico Ariosto\u2019s \u201cCassaria\u201d, or Niccol\uf2 Campani\u2019s \u201cLamento di quel tribulato di Strascino Campana Senese\u201d) shows the variety of performances models circulating and their correspondence with the variety of dramatic registers employed in the \u201cCelestina\u201
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