11 research outputs found
Tarmmykobiota, serum anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antikroppar och calprotectin koncentrationer hos patienter med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom som fÄr infliximab medicinering
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a globally increasing chronic disease, for which the pathogenesis still is unclear. The most common subtypes of IBD are Crohnâs disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). It is widely known that, in addition to the genetics, an altered immune response against the gut microbiome plays an important role in the development of the disease. For the IBD patients, to whom conventional medication is not sufficient, the TNF-α blocker infliximab, is given. However, about one third of the patients receiving infliximab treatment, do not respond to the drug, or lose response over time. Since there to this day are no reliable diagnostic markers available, the finding of such is of great importance. The goal of this study was to investigate possible markers for drug response in the gut mycobiota composition of IBD patients. The gut mycobiota composition of 72 IBD patients receiving infliximab was studied by MiSeq sequencing of fungal DNA from fecal samples, collected during one year. The sequencing data was analyzed using the mare package in R. In addition, anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA) concentrations were measured from baseline serum samples by ELISA. Finally, calprotectin concentrations were measured from baseline and twelve weeks post infliximab serum samples by ELISA to study whether serum samples could be used instead of fecal samples for measuring calprotectin values.
Results show an increase of the Candida and Spiromyces genera in the gut mycobiota of non-responding patients at baseline. At all timepoints, the Spiromyces genus was observed at a higher abundance, compared to the group of patients responding well or partially to the medication. Interestingly, the increase of Candida was seen only in Crohnâs disease patients, when looking at the composition at all timepoints. ASCA values did not differ between the response groups. The serum calprotectin values did not correlate with fecal calprotectin, and serum calprotectin can thus not be used as a marker of gut inflammation. In conclusion, the gut mycobiota can offer predictive markers for drug response prediction to infliximab in IBD patients, which can with further studies offer a clinical diagnostic tool for prediction of drug response.Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) Ă€r en kronisk inflammation i tarmarna som Ă€r allt mer förekommande i hela vĂ€rlden. De vanligaste typerna av IBD Ă€r Crohnâs sjukdom och ulcerös colit. En tydlig orsak till sjukdomen har inte blivit hittad, men man vet att IBD delvis orsakas av en ovanlig immunreaktion mot tarmens mikrobiom hos en genetiskt belagd person. Ă
t patienter, för vilka den vanliga inflammationshÀmmande medicineringen inte Àr tillrÀcklig, ges den biologiska medicinen infliximab. Upp till en tredjedel av patienterna som fÄr infliximab fÄr ingen lÀkemedelsrespons mot medicinen, antingen pÄ grund av brist pÄ respons frÄn början, eller avfall av respons efter medicinering. Det Àr mycket viktigt att forska i prediktiva markörer, eftersom det i nulÀget inte finns diagnostiska metoder för undersökning av respons mot infliximab. MÄlet med denna studie var att undersöka möjliga markörer för lÀkemedelsrespons i tarmmykobiotan hos IBD patienter. Tarmmykobiotans komposition undersöktes hos 72 IBD patienter, som fÄr denna medicinering, genom MiSeq sekvensering av svamp DNA i avföringsprov tagna under ett Är. Koncentrationen av anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antikroppar (ASCA) har mÀtts frÄn serumprov tagna före medicineringen började genom ELISA. Slutligen mÀttes Àven koncentrationen av calprotectin frÄn serumprov tagna före medicineringen började samt tolv veckor efter medicinering för att undersöka om dessa kunde anvÀndas istÀllet för calprotectin vÀrden mÀtta frÄn avföring.
I studien observeras en ökning av slĂ€kten Candida och Spiromyces i tarmmykobiotan hos gruppen av patienter för vilka infliximab inte fungerade i prover tagna innan pĂ„börjad medicinering. En ökning av slĂ€ktet Spiromyces var observerad Ă€ven i prover tagna under medicinering, medan ökningen av Candida bara var observerad hos patienter som lider av Crohnâs sjukdom i prover tagna under medicineringen. Det observerades ingen korrelation mellan calprotectinvĂ€rden mĂ€tta frĂ„n serum och avföring, vilket betyder att serum calprotectinvĂ€rden inte fungerar som inflammationsmarkör för tarmen. Slutligen observerades inga skildaktigheter i ASCA-vĂ€rden i de olika grupperna. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att tarmmykobiotan erbjuder möjliga prediktiva markörer för lĂ€kemedelsrespons mot infliximab hos IBD patienter som kan anvĂ€ndas i diagnostiken
The Effect of Antibiotics on the Infant Gut Fungal Microbiota
Antibiotics are commonly used drugs in infants, causing disruptions in the developing gut microbiota with possible detrimental long-term effects such as chronic inflammatory diseases. The focus has been on bacteria, but research shows that fungi might have an important role as well. There are only a few studies on the infant gut fungal microbiota, the mycobiota, in relation to antibiotic treatment. Here, the aim was to investigate the impact of antibiotics on the infant gut mycobiota, and the interkingdom associations between bacteria and fungi. We had 37 antibiotic-naĂŻve patients suffering from respiratory syncytial virus, of which 21 received one to four courses of antibiotics due to complications, and 16 remained antibiotic-naĂŻve throughout the study. Fecal samples were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment with a follow-up period of up to 9.5 months. The gut mycobiota was studied by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS1 region. We found that antibiotic use affected the gut mycobiota, most prominently seen as a higher relative abundance of Candida (p < 0.001), and a higher fungal diversity (p = 0.005â0.04) and richness (p = 0.03) in the antibiotic-treated infants compared to the antibiotic-naĂŻve ones at multiple timepoints. This indicates that the gut mycobiota could contribute to the long-term consequences of antibiotic treatments
The gut fungal and bacterial microbiota in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease introduced to treatment with anti-tumor necrosis factor-α
Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (PIBD) is a globally increasing chronic inflammatory disease associated with an imbalanced intestinal microbiota and treated with several treatment options, including anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), such as infliximab (IFX). Up to half of the patients do not respond to the drug and there are no methods for response prediction. Our aim was to predict IFX response from the gut microbiota composition since this is largely unexplored in PIBD. The gut microbiota of 30 PIBD patients receiving IFX was studied by MiSeq sequencing targeting 16S and ITS region from fecal samples collected before IFX and two and six weeks after the start of treatment. The response to IFX induction was determined by fecal calprotectin value < 100 ”g/g at week six. The bacterial microbiota differed significantly between response groups, with higher relative abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria in responders compared to non-responders at baseline, validated by high predictive power (area under curve = 0.892) for baseline Ruminococcus and calprotectin. Additionally, non-responders had higher abundance of Candida, while responders had higher abundance of Saccharomyces at the end of the study. The gut microbiota composition in PIBD patients could predict response to IFX treatment in the future.Peer reviewe
Bacterial and Fungal Profiles as Markers of Infliximab Drug Response in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Tulehdukselliset suolistosairaudet (IBD) Crohnin tauti (CD) ja haavainen paksusuolentulehdus (UC) ovat maailmanlaajuisesti lisÀÀntyviÀ sairauksia, joihin liittyy muuntunut suoliston mikrobisto. Infliksimabi (IFX) on TNF-alfan estÀjÀ, jota kÀytetÀÀn IBD:n hoidossa, vaikkakin kolmas osa potilaista voi jÀÀdÀ ilman hoitovastetta tai menettÀÀ sen. Luotettavia testejÀ hoitovasteen ennustamiseksi ei ole vielÀ saatavilla. Tutkimuksemme tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ potilaiden ulosteen bakteerit, sienet ja hiivat infliksimabihoidon aikana sekÀ etsiÀ hoitovastetta ennustavia mittareita IBD potilailta. Tutkimuksessamme 72 IBD-potilasta (25 CD ja 47 UC) aloitti infliksimabihoidon ja heitÀ seurattiin vuoden ajan hoidon aloituksesta tai hoidon keskeytykseen saakka. Potilaiden ulostenÀytteistÀ mÀÀritettiin sekvensointia hyödyntÀen erikseen suoliston bakteerit (16S rRNA geenistÀ) sekÀ hiivat ja sienet (ITS1 geenin alueesta). Mikrobiston profiilit mÀÀritettiin ennen hoidon aloitusta, 2, 6, 12 viikkoa sekÀ 1 vuosi hoidon aloituksen jÀlkeen. IFX hoidon vaste mÀÀritettiin kolonoskopialla ja kliinisesti 12 viikon hoidon jÀlkeen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettÀ potilaiden ulosteen bakteerit sekÀ sienet ja hiivat erosivat merkittÀvÀsti toisistaan infliksimabihoitovasteen mukaan jo ennen hoidon aloitusta. Potilailla, jotka eivÀt saaneet vastetta hoidosta, oli vÀhemmÀn lyhytketjuisia rasvahappoja tuottavia bakteereja erityisesti Clostridia-luokasta sekÀ enemmÀn tulehdusta aiheuttavia bakteereja ja sieniÀ mm. Candida-suvusta. TÀmÀ tulos testattiin bakteerien osalta myös ennustetestillÀ (ROC), joka erotti toisistaan ne potilaat, jotka saivat hyvÀn vasteen ja ne, jotka eivÀt saaneet vastetta (area under the curve > 0.8). Tulosten perusteella ulosteen bakteerit ja hiivat voisivat sopia ennustaviksi mittareiksi IBD-potilaiden infliksimabihoidon vasteen ennustamiseen.Peer reviewe
The Effect of Antibiotics on the Infant Gut Fungal Microbiota
Antibiotics are commonly used drugs in infants, causing disruptions in the developing gut microbiota with possible detrimental long-term effects such as chronic inflammatory diseases. The focus has been on bacteria, but research shows that fungi might have an important role as well. There are only a few studies on the infant gut fungal microbiota, the mycobiota, in relation to antibiotic treatment. Here, the aim was to investigate the impact of antibiotics on the infant gut mycobiota, and the interkingdom associations between bacteria and fungi. We had 37 antibiotic-naĂŻve patients suffering from respiratory syncytial virus, of which 21 received one to four courses of antibiotics due to complications, and 16 remained antibiotic-naĂŻve throughout the study. Fecal samples were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment with a follow-up period of up to 9.5 months. The gut mycobiota was studied by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS1 region. We found that antibiotic use affected the gut mycobiota, most prominently seen as a higher relative abundance of Candida (p < 0.001), and a higher fungal diversity (p = 0.005â0.04) and richness (p = 0.03) in the antibiotic-treated infants compared to the antibiotic-naĂŻve ones at multiple timepoints. This indicates that the gut mycobiota could contribute to the long-term consequences of antibiotic treatments
The Effect of Antibiotics on the Infant Gut Fungal Microbiota
Antibiotics are commonly used drugs in infants, causing disruptions in the developing gut microbiota with possible detrimental long-term effects such as chronic inflammatory diseases. The focus has been on bacteria, but research shows that fungi might have an important role as well. There are only a few studies on the infant gut fungal microbiota, the mycobiota, in relation to antibiotic treatment. Here, the aim was to investigate the impact of antibiotics on the infant gut mycobiota, and the interkingdom associations between bacteria and fungi. We had 37 antibiotic-naive patients suffering from respiratory syncytial virus, of which 21 received one to four courses of antibiotics due to complications, and 16 remained antibiotic-naive throughout the study. Fecal samples were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment with a follow-up period of up to 9.5 months. The gut mycobiota was studied by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS1 region. We found that antibiotic use affected the gut mycobiota, most prominently seen as a higher relative abundance of Candida (p < 0.001), and a higher fungal diversity (p = 0.005-0.04) and richness (p = 0.03) in the antibiotic-treated infants compared to the antibiotic-naive ones at multiple timepoints. This indicates that the gut mycobiota could contribute to the long-term consequences of antibiotic treatments
The Effect of Antibiotics on the Infant Gut Fungal Microbiota
Antibiotics are commonly used drugs in infants, causing disruptions in the developing gut microbiota with possible detrimental long-term effects such as chronic inflammatory diseases. The focus has been on bacteria, but research shows that fungi might have an important role as well. There are only a few studies on the infant gut fungal microbiota, the mycobiota, in relation to antibiotic treatment. Here, the aim was to investigate the impact of antibiotics on the infant gut mycobiota, and the interkingdom associations between bacteria and fungi. We had 37 antibiotic-naïve patients suffering from respiratory syncytial virus, of which 21 received one to four courses of antibiotics due to complications, and 16 remained antibiotic-naïve throughout the study. Fecal samples were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment with a follow-up period of up to 9.5 months. The gut mycobiota was studied by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS1 region. We found that antibiotic use affected the gut mycobiota, most prominently seen as a higher relative abundance of Candida (p < 0.001), and a higher fungal diversity (p = 0.005–0.04) and richness (p = 0.03) in the antibiotic-treated infants compared to the antibiotic-naïve ones at multiple timepoints. This indicates that the gut mycobiota could contribute to the long-term consequences of antibiotic treatments
Biomarkers of the Gut Fungal and Bacterial Composition in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Background: The gut is colonized by different microorganisms making up the gut microbiota. The bacteria are the most abundant and most studied member of the microbiota, but others, such as fungi might also be of importance. Using antibiotics in early life causes a disturbance of the developing gut microbiota, which might predispose to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gut, divided into subtypes Crohnâs disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), and has a growing incidence and prevalence worldwide, particularly in Finland where currently over 1% of the population is diagnosed with IBD. The pathogenesis of IBD is still unknown, but genetics, environmental factors, and particularly the gut microbiota are known to be associated with the progression of the disease.
There is no cure for IBD, but many medical treatment options including conventional therapy and biologics are available. Anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) treatment is one of the most common biologics used to treat both CD and UC, and it is estimated that up to one-third of patients with IBD will eventually need it. It works by binding to both soluble and membrane-bound TNF-α, a pro-inflammatory cytokine, thereby blocking it from binding to its receptor. Infliximab (IFX) is an anti-TNF-α used to treat moderate to severe IBD successfully. However, up to half of the patients do not respond to IFX in the long term. Presently, there are no methods available to predict IFX response, which would be crucial, not only because of the high costs but also to avoid unnecessary pain from poor response and side effects, particularly in pediatric patients. Therefore, finding biomarkers that would improve disease characterization and personalization of health care would be of key importance.
Aims: The present dissertation aimed to find markers to predict IFX treatment response from the gut fungal and bacterial microbiota composition, to study the changes in the gut bacterial composition during IFX treatment, and to study the pro-inflammatory characteristics upon antibiotic treatment on the antibiotic-naĂŻve infant fungal gut microbiota.
Methods: The differences in the gut fungal and bacterial microbiota composition between responders and non-responders to IFX were investigated in two separate prospective cohorts of adult and pediatric patients with IBD. The absolute abundances of the gut bacterial microbiota were also investigated during IFX treatment in adult patients with IBD. Finally, the effects of antibiotics were investigated in the antibiotic-naĂŻve fungal gut microbiota by comparing antibiotic-treated and -naĂŻve infants at multiple time points before, during, and after treatment. This was done by extracting DNA from fecal samples collected before, during, and after IFX treatment, and of infants before, during, and after antibiotic treatment. Additionally, DNA was extracted from biopsies collected from adult patients with IBD before, during, and after IFX treatment. The bacterial and fungal gut microbiota composition was characterized by MiSeq sequencing targeting the conserved 16S and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. The absolute bacterial abundance in the fecal and mucosal microbiota in the adult IBD cohort was quantified by qPCR targeting 16S.
Results: There was a significant difference in the fecal microbiota composition between response groups in both adult and pediatric patients with IBD predicting IFX response, further validated by high area under the curve (AUC) values (0.797â0.938), observed by responders having a higher relative abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria, particularly the class Clostridia. In adult patients with IBD, the mucosal healing in responders to IFX was characterized by an increased bacterial load in the mucosal and fecal bacterial microbiota, driven mostly by butyrate-producing bacteria. Finally, already one course of amoxicillin affected the gut fungal microbiota significantly, characterized by an increase in fungal diversity and richness and a higher relative abundance of Candida in the antibiotic-treated compared to the -naĂŻve infants.
Conclusions: First, the fungal microbiota might have an unpredicted role in the aberrant gut microbiota composition and therefore it should not be forgotten in microbiota research. Second, as antibiotics might predispose to disease by causing disruption in the gut microbiota, methods to restore the gut microbiota composition should be developed. Third, as the IFX response was predictable, and a shift in the gut bacterial microbiota was observed in the responders, but not in the non-responders to IFX, the possibility of restoring the gut microbiota should be included when evaluating treatment options in IBD.Bakgrund: Tarmen Ă€r koloniserad av olika mikroorganismer som tillsammans formar tarmmikrobiotan. Av dessa utgör bakterierna den största andelen och Ă€r samtidigt mest studerade. Ăven andra mikroorganismer, som t.ex. svampar, utgör Ă€ndĂ„ en betydande del av tarmmikrobiotans sammansĂ€ttning. Störningar i tarmmikrobiotan som ett resultat av antibiotikabehandling i tidig barndom, under tarmmikrobiotans viktigaste utvecklingsfas, kan predisponera för inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD). IBD, med undergrupperna Crohnâs sjukdom (CD) och ulcerös kolit (UC) Ă€r en kronisk inflammatorisk sjukdom i tarmen som har en ökande incidens och prevalens globalt, och sĂ€rskilt i Finland dĂ€r över 1% av befolkningen diagnostiserats med IBD. Patogenesen för IBD Ă€r fortfarande okĂ€nd, men man vet att mĂ„nga gener, miljöfaktorer och sĂ€rskilt tarmmikrobiotan Ă€r associerade med sjukdomens framskridande.
Det finns inget botemedel för IBD, men mÄnga medicinska behandlingsalternativ, inklusive konventionell terapi och biologiska lÀkemedel finns tillgÀngliga. Anti-tumörnekrosfaktor alfa (TNF-α) Àr en av de biologiska lÀkemedel som anvÀnds för att behandla bÄde CD och UC, och det uppskattas att upp till en tredjedel av IBD-patienterna sÄ smÄningom kommer att behöva anti-TNF-α. Detta fungerar genom att binda till bÄde lösliga och membranbundna proinflammatoriska cytokinet TNF-α, och blockerar dÀrmed bindningen till dess receptor. Infliximab (IFX) Àr en anti-TNF-α som anvÀnds för att framgÄngsrikt behandla mÄttlig till svÄr IBD. Dock svarar upp till hÀlften av patienterna inte pÄ IFX pÄ lÄng sikt. Idag finns det inga tillgÀngliga metoder för att förutsÀga responsen pÄ IFX. Utvecklingen av dessa skulle vara essentiellt, inte bara pÄ grund av att behandlingen Àr en ekonomisk belastning, utan framför allt för att undvika onödig smÀrta frÄn dÄlig respons och biverkningar frÄn behandlingen, sÀrskilt hos barn. DÀrför vore det av stor betydelse att hitta biomarkörer som kunde hjÀlpa till vid karaktÀrisering av sjukdomen och individualisering av hÀlso- och sjukvÄrden.
Syften: MÄlen med denna forskning var att hitta prediktiva markörer för IFX-behandling i sammansÀttningen av tarmens svamp- och bakteriemikrobiota, att studera vad som hÀnder med sammansÀttningen av tarmbakterier under IFX-behandling samt att studera de proinflammatoriska egenskaperna och effekten av antibiotika pÄ den antibiotikanaiva svamp tarmmikrobiotan.
Metoder: Skillnaderna i sammansÀttningen av svamp- och bakterie tarmmikrobiotan mellan IBD-patienter som hade god och dÄlig IFX respons undersöktes i tvÄ separata prospektiva kohorter bestÄende av vuxna och pediatriska IBD-patienter. Den absoluta sammansÀttningen av tarmens bakteriemikrobiota undersöktes ocksÄ under IFX-behandling hos vuxna IBD-patienter. Slutligen undersöktes effekterna av antibiotika i den antibiotikanaiva svampiga tarmmikrobiotan genom att jÀmföra antibiotikabehandlade och -naiva spÀdbarn vid flera tidpunkter före, under och efter behandling. Detta gjordes genom att isolera DNA frÄn avföringsprover som samlats in före, under och efter IFX-behandling och frÄn spÀdbarn före, under och efter antibiotikabehandling. Dessutom isolerades DNA frÄn biopsier som samlats in frÄn vuxna IBD-patienter före, under och efter IFX-behandling. Tarmens bakterie- och svampmikrobiotasammansÀttning karakteriserades genom MiSeq-sekvensering genom att anvÀnda de bevarade 16S- och ITS-regionerna.
Resultat: Det observerades en signifikant skillnad i tarmmikrobiotan mellan patienter med respons och icke-respons till IFX medicineringen hos bÄde vuxna och pediatriska patienter med IBD. Responsen kunde Àven förutspÄs redan före behandlingen pÄbörjades, med högre andel av bakterier som producerar butyrat, speciellt de som tillhör klassen Clostridia, validerat med högt AUC vÀrde. I vuxna patienter med IBD kunde slemhinnans tillfrisknande hos de patienter med respons identifieras med en vÀxande bakteriemÀngd i bÄde slemhinnans och avföringens bakteriesammansÀttning. Denna ökning drevs frÀmst av bakterier som producerar butyrat. Slutligen observerades att redan en dos av amoxicillin pÄverkade svamp tarmmikrobiotan signifikant, karakteriserat av en ökning i diversitet och artrikedom, samt en högre relativ andel av Candida hos de antibiotikabehandlade spÀdbarnen i jÀmförelse med de antibiotika-naiva barnen.
Slutsatser: Svamparna i tarmmikrobiotan bör beaktas i mikrobiotaforskning eftersom de kan ha en betydande roll i den rubbade tarmmikrobiotans sammansÀttning. Det har tidigare observerats att antibiotika kan predisponera för sjukdomar genom att orsaka störningar i tarmmikrobiotan. DÀrför borde metoder för att ÄterupprÀtta mikrobiotans sammansÀttning utvecklas. Slutligen observerades det hÀr att IFX responsen kunde förutsÀgas, samt att tarmmikrobiotan hos patienterna med bra IFX respons förÀndrades under behandlingen, vilket inte var fallet hos de som inte hade nÄgon respons. PÄ basis av detta borde man undersöka möjligheten att ÄterupprÀtta och stöda förbÀttrandet av tarmmikrobiotan nÀr man utvÀrderar möjliga behandlingar för IBD
The Effect of Antibiotics on the Infant Gut Fungal Microbiota
Antibiotics are commonly used drugs in infants, causing disruptions in the developing gut microbiota with possible detrimental long-term effects such as chronic inflammatory diseases. The focus has been on bacteria, but research shows that fungi might have an important role as well. There are only a few studies on the infant gut fungal microbiota, the mycobiota, in relation to antibiotic treatment. Here, the aim was to investigate the impact of antibiotics on the infant gut mycobiota, and the interkingdom associations between bacteria and fungi. We had 37 antibiotic-naĂŻve patients suffering from respiratory syncytial virus, of which 21 received one to four courses of antibiotics due to complications, and 16 remained antibiotic-naĂŻve throughout the study. Fecal samples were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment with a follow-up period of up to 9.5 months. The gut mycobiota was studied by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS1 region. We found that antibiotic use affected the gut mycobiota, most prominently seen as a higher relative abundance of Candida (p < 0.001), and a higher fungal diversity (p = 0.005â0.04) and richness (p = 0.03) in the antibiotic-treated infants compared to the antibiotic-naĂŻve ones at multiple timepoints. This indicates that the gut mycobiota could contribute to the long-term consequences of antibiotic treatments.publishedVersionPeer reviewe