38 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of this study is to design and fabricate Chlorpheniramine Maleate chocolate formulation by chocolate drug delivery system. Chlorpheniramine Maleate binds to histamine H1 receptor. This blocks the action of endogenous histamine, which subsequently leads to temporary relief of negative symptoms brought on by histamine.Methods: Chocolate is a range of products derived from cocoa (cacao), mixed with fat (i.e., cocoa butter) and finely powdered sugar to produce a solid confectionery. The medicated chocolate formulation is widely used for pediatric administration and increases patient compliance. Chlorpheniramine Maleate chocolate formulation is prepared to improve patient compliance. Chocolates were formulated (F1-F3) with a total fat of 25-35 % (w/w) from cocoa liquor and cocoa butter with more than 34% total cocoa, composition as specified for dark chocolate, lecithin, sweetening agents.Results: The prepared chocolate formulations were evaluated for general appearance, drug content, In vitro drug release and DSC and FTIR, moisture content and blooming tests. F1 formulation releases complete drug within 60 min.Conclusion: The results indicate that the formulation has no drug excipient interactions and there was no degradation in drug, it is stable during chocolate formulation preparation.Â

    Radio Link Simulator

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    The need for transmission of data over HF and VJUHF radio is increasing. There is a major disadvantage in testing the link in a field trial as propagation condition of the medium (especially HF) can be unpredictable and link condition may never again be the same. A simulator to create the atmospheric conditions, repeatably as required,to test the system behaviour is evident. The various propagation effects can be mathematically modelled, to get the signal affected by thechannel. Models for Gaussian, Rayleigh and Rice distributions and the implementation of the simulator using latest state-of-the-art DSP techniques are discussed

    Statistical Processing of Subjective Test Data for Sound Quality Evaluation of Automotive Horn

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    Product sound quality has a significant role in buying decision and customer satisfaction. An often used method to assess the sound quality of any product or equipment is a subjective listening test where the sound is heard by a panel of subjects (jury) who then rate the sound quality. Subjects use a semantic differential rating wherein they evaluate the presented sounds based on a bipolar variable. The two extremes of the rating scale are labeled with an adjective and its antonym respectively. In the present study, a subjective listening test has been conducted to assess sound quality of automotive horns. The data obtained are then analyzed using statistics to gain insights. Twenty two horn sound samples were judged by thirty participants aged 20-40 years who had normal hearing. Binaural head set (BHS) instrument was used to record horn sound samples in open ground (neglecting wind noise effect). Sounds are recorded two meter from horn in front direction and used for subjective test. For the subjective test and subsequent statistical analysis, a four step procedure has been used. In the first step, the participants were asked to rate the sound quality for each horn based on seven bipolar variables. These bipolar variables are soft/loud, calm/frightening, slow/fast, relax/tense, safe/danger, vague/distinct and pleasant/unpleasant. For each bipolar variable, a seven verbal interval scale was used ranging from one extreme to another in degree, for example extremely pleasant to extremely unpleasant

    Very low latitude (L = 1.08) whistlers and correlation with lightning activity

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    We present analysis of more than 2000 lightning-generated whistlers recorded at a low-latitude station, located at Allahabad (geographic latitude, 25.40N; geographic longitude, 81.93E; L = 1.081), India, during December 2010 to November 2011. The main focus of this work is on the correlation between observed low-latitude whistlers and lightning activity detected by the World-Wide Lightning Location Network near the conjugate point (geography 9.87S, 83.59E) of Allahabad. Whistler occurrence is higher in the postmidnight period as compared to the premidnight period. Whistlers were observed in the daytime only on 2 days that too before 8:30 LT (morning). Seasonally, occurrence is maximum during winter months, which is due to more lightning activity in the conjugate region and favorable ionospheric conditions. About 63% of whistlers were correlated with lightning strokes in the vicinity of the conjugate point within spatial extent of 1000 km (conjugate area). Most (about 53%) whistlers were found to be associated with lightning strokes that were offset to the southeast of the conjugate point. The results indicate that an energy range of 7.5-17.5 kJ of lightning strokes generate most of whistlers at this station. The L shell calculations show that propagation paths of the observed whistlers were embedded in the topside ionosphere. Based on these results we suggest a possibility of ducted mode of propagation even for such very low latitude whistlers. ©2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Solar flares induced D-region ionospheric and geomagnetic perturbations

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    The D-region ionospheric perturbations caused by solar flares occurred during January 2010 to February 2011, a low solar activity period of current solar cycle 24, have been examined on NWC transmitter signal (19.8 kHz) recorded at an Indian low latitude station, Allahabad (Geographic lat. 25.75 °N, long. 81.85 °E). A total of 41 solar flares, including 21 C-class, 19 M-class and 01 X-class, occurred during the daylight part of the NWC-Allahabad transmitter receiver great circle path. The local time dependence of solar flare effect on the change in the VLF amplitude (ΔA), time delay (Δt) between VLF peak amplitude and X-ray flux peak have been studied during morning, noon and evening periods of local daytime. Using the Long Wave Propagation Capability code V 2.1 the D-region reference height (H/) and sharpness factor (β) for each class of solar flare (C, M and X), have been estimated. It is found that D-region ionospheric parameters (H/, β) strongly depend on the local time of flares occurrence and their classes. The solar flare time electron density estimated by using H/ and β shows maximum increase in electron density of the order of ~80 as compared with normal day values. Electron density was found to increase exponentially with increase in the solar flux intensity. Solar flare effect on horizontal component (H) of the Earth’s magnetic field over an equatorial station, Tirunelveli (Geographic lat., 8.7°N, long., 77.8°E, dip lat., 0.4 ºN), shows a maximum increase in H of ~ 8.5% for M class solar flares. The increase in H is due to the additional magnetic field produced by the ionospheric electrojet over the equatorial station

    The 22 July 2009 Total Solar Eclipse: modeling D region Ionosphere using Narrowband VLF observations

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    We present D region ionospheric response to 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse by modeling 19.8‐kHz signal from NWC very low frequency (VLF) navigational transmitter located in the Australia. NWC VLF signal was received at five stations located in and around eclipse totality path in the Indian, East Asian, and Pacific regions. NWC signal great circle paths to five stations are unique having eclipse coverage from no eclipse to partiality to totality regions, and the signal is exclusively confined in the low and equatorial regions. Eclipse‐induced modulations in NWC signal have been modeled by using long‐wave propagation capability code to obtain D region parameters of reflection height (H′) and sharpness factor (β). Long‐wave propagation capability modeling showed an increase in H′ of about 2.3 km near central line of totality, 3.0 km in the region near to totality fringe, and 2.4 to 3.0 km in the region under partial eclipse. Using H′ and β, Wait ionosphere electron density (Ne) profile at the daytime altitude of 75 km showed a decrease in Ne by about 58% at a station near totality central line, whereas at totality fringe and in partial eclipse region decrease in the Ne was between 63% and 71% with respect to normal time values. The eclipse associated variations in the H′, β, and Ne are less in low‐latitude region as compared to midlatitude. The study contributes to explain observations of wave‐like signature in the D region during an eclipse and difference in the eclipse effect in the different latitude‐longitude sectors

    Very low latitude (L=1.08) whistlers and correlation with lightning activity

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    We present analysis of more than 2000 lightning-generated whistlers recorded at a low-latitude station, located at Allahabad (geographic latitude, 25.40°N; geographic longitude, 81.93°E; L = 1.081), India, during December 2010 to November 2011. The main focus of this work is on the correlation between observed low-latitude whistlers and lightning activity detected by the World-Wide Lightning Location Network near the conjugate point (geography 9.87°S, 83.59°E) of Allahabad. Whistler occurrence is higher in the postmidnight period as compared to the premidnight period. Whistlers were observed in the daytime only on 2 days that too before 8:30 LT (morning). Seasonally, occurrence is maximum during winter months, which is due to more lightning activity in the conjugate region and favorable ionospheric conditions. About 63% of whistlers were correlated with lightning strokes in the vicinity of the conjugate point within spatial extent of 1000 km (conjugate area). Most (about 53%) whistlers were found to be associated with lightning strokes that were offset to the southeast of the conjugate point. The results indicate that an energy range of 7.5–17.5 kJ of lightning strokes generate most of whistlers at this station. The L shell calculations show that propagation paths of the observed whistlers were embedded in the topside ionosphere. Based on these results we suggest a possibility of ducted mode of propagation even for such very low latitude whistlers

    Sound Quality Evaluation of Automotive horn

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    Product Sound Quality (SQ) is one of the desire requirement in product design and customer preferences. Several product manufacturers would like to know their product’s SQ acceptance amongst the customers. One of the several industries which use acoustic products is automobile industry, where automotive horns have a major function. The horn, while being irreplaceable for safe driving has a flip side of being a major source of noise pollution as well. Keeping this in mind, it was attempted to understand and improve the SQ of horn without compromising on its basic functionality and also how it could substantially decrease its contribution to noise pollution. The research aims at proposing a new methodology to evaluate and analyze SQ of automotive horn and its vibro-acoustic analysis. To begin with, few automotive horn samples were recorded using Head Measuring System (HMS-IV). This allowed capturing of sound samples in a process similar to as it would normally occur in a human ear. Then for SQ analysis, two test methodologies namely Subjective and Objective were developed. Subjective test included jury based listening test while Objective method provided quantitative SQ metrics from empirical equations. Extensively used horn models in passenger cars like Disc and Shell horns were considered for this study. A total of twenty-two horn sound samples are judged by thirty participants. In subjective test, three type of tests, namely Relevant Test (RT), Semantic Differential Test (SDT), and Pair Comparison Test (PCT) were developed and performed to evaluate horn SQ. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) was also developed to conduct subjective test. Sound Pressure Level (SPL), a conventional acoustic parameter, cannot describe the sound impact or perceived SQ effectiveness. Hence, it was necessary to study the psychoacoustic objective parameters responsible for SQ. Objective parameters like loudness, sharpness, roughness, fluctuation strength, tonality and index of relative sensory pleasantness were calculated for all samples. As results obtained from both test methods were completely independent there was need to correlate them using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA was performed on objective parameters to obtain appropriate orthogonal (principal) components. Based vii on PCA, a metric profile was computed for each sound. Transformation matrix was calculated based on jury ratings and metrics profile. Jury rating was predicted using transformation matrix and objective parameters. Using this method, subject responses were predicted without performing the actual subject test. Group classification of sound samples was done on basis of objective test using Mahalanobis distance (MD) method and subjective test using Tukey’s method. Finally obtained results were compared. An attempt was made in this study to develop validated vibro-acoustic prediction model for SPL radiated from the disc horn. Modal and Harmonic analysis of the horn were performed using Finite Element Method (FEM) and Acoustic analysis using Boundary Element method (BEM). As known, automotive disc horn works on principle of Electromagnetism. It includes a movable iron core and diaphragm with varying electromagnetic force, which was calculated and used for Harmonic Analysis. From Numerical Modal Analysis, natural frequency and mode shapes results were obtained and compared to experimental modal analysis for validation. Modal Assurance Criteria (MAC) value was calculated for mode shapes obtained from both results. An attempt to study modal parameters of a horn diaphragm with housing, analytically, by simplifying it as circular membrane backed by cylinder cavity was made. It was noticed that natural frequencies of the membrane were influenced by presence of acoustic cavity. This interaction is named as structuralacoustic coupling approach. Here too, uncoupled natural frequencies and coupled natural frequencies obtained are compared to numerical results. A numerical model was developed to obtain vibration responses under electromagnetic force excitations. The actual vibrations were measured experimentally. Then, sound radiation prediction from the horn’s diaphragm was established using BEM. SPL was measured using microphone at 2m distance from the horn’s frontal direction. Sound pressure levels obtained experimentally and by prediction were then compared

    Evaluation of disc and shell horns sound quality characteristics

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    The present paper discusses a methodology, for studying characteristics influencing an automotive horn's sound quality, based on objective analysis and subjective (jury) tests.For this, twenty two horn sound samples are considered. Psychoacoustics parameters (such as loudness, sharpness, roughness, fluctuation strength and tonality) and index of relative sensory pleasantness are calculated for recorded sound samples in objective analysis. Two types of subjective tests which are relevant test (RT) and Semantic differential test (SDT) are developed. These tests are conducted with participation of thirty subjects, aged between 20-40 years with normal hearing. A selection chart is proposed based on subjective test data to select an appropriate horn which has relevance and pleasantness. A correlation study based on principal component analysis is done between objective analysis data and subjective test data. A transformation matrix is calculated from subject ratings and objective metrics profile. The expected performance in subject rating is predicted using transformation matrix and psychoacoustic parameters

    Correlation of Objective and Subjective data of Automotive Horn

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    Psychoacoustic analysis of automotive horn sound requires people's perception and engineering parameters. Human perception had considered based on a subjective test (Jury test). Engineering parameters (Psychoacoustic parameters) is calculated in an objective analysis. The current manuscript discusses the developing correlation between subjective data with psychoacoustic parameters of automotive horn. This correlation helps to predict user response for horn sound and optimize the number of Jury test at the design stage. Jury test yields rating values for various automotive horn sound samples. Pleasantness index values have computed from total sound pressure level, loudness, sharpness, roughness, fluctuation strength and tonality. A correlation study has done between pleasantness index value and subjective pleasantness. Correlation methodology employs the use of principal component analysis (PCA) to group the large number of psychoacoustic parameters into an appropriate orthogonal (principal) component. A "metrics profile" has computed for each sound based on the PCA. A transformation matrix has calculated from jury ratings and the metrics profile. The expected performance in jury rating has predicted using transformation matrix and psychoacoustic parameters