Evaluation of disc and shell horns sound quality characteristics


The present paper discusses a methodology, for studying characteristics influencing an automotive horn's sound quality, based on objective analysis and subjective (jury) tests.For this, twenty two horn sound samples are considered. Psychoacoustics parameters (such as loudness, sharpness, roughness, fluctuation strength and tonality) and index of relative sensory pleasantness are calculated for recorded sound samples in objective analysis. Two types of subjective tests which are relevant test (RT) and Semantic differential test (SDT) are developed. These tests are conducted with participation of thirty subjects, aged between 20-40 years with normal hearing. A selection chart is proposed based on subjective test data to select an appropriate horn which has relevance and pleasantness. A correlation study based on principal component analysis is done between objective analysis data and subjective test data. A transformation matrix is calculated from subject ratings and objective metrics profile. The expected performance in subject rating is predicted using transformation matrix and psychoacoustic parameters

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