9 research outputs found

    The Determinants of Analyst-Firm Pairings

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    This paper explores the determinants of observed analyst-firm pairings. We adopt an analyst/brokerage house perspective that allows us to examine not only firm-level characteristics as in prior research, but also attributes of the analyst and the analyst’s brokerage house that may drive these pairings. Our empirical analyses provide two primary insights. First, analyst characteristics such as industry expertise and relative experience, and brokerage house characteristics such as continuity of coverage, are associated with the decision to follow a firm. Second, there is substantial variation in the association between firm, analyst, and brokerage house characteristics and the decision to follow a firm; this occurs across individual analysts as well as across different types of brokerage houses. Overall, our results provide further insights into the factors leading to observed analyst-firm pairings, and indicate that these factors vary across analysts and their brokerage houses – suggesting richer associations than the average firm-level relationships documented by prior research

    Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program An Outreach Vehicle to Expedite Nanoelectronics Research in India

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    The worldwide research in nanoelectronics is motivated by the fact that scaling of MOSFETs by conventional top down approach will not continue for ever due to fundamental limits imposed by physics even if it is delayed for some more years. The research community in this domain has largely become multidisciplinary trying to discover novel transistor structures built with novel materials so that semiconductor industry can continue to follow its projected roadmap. However, setting up and running a nanoelectronics facility for research is hugely expensive. Therefore it is a common model to setup a central networked facility that can be shared with large number of users across the research community. The Centres for Excellence in Nanoelectronics (CEN) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB) are such central networked facilities setup with funding of about USD 20 million from the Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Government of India, in 2005. Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program (INUP) is a missionary program not only to spread awareness and provide training in nanoelectronics but also to provide easy access to the latest facilities at CEN in IISc and at IITB for the wider nanoelectronics research community in India. This program, also funded by MCIT, aims to train researchers by conducting workshops, hands-on training programs, and providing access to CEN facilities. This is a unique program aiming to expedite nanoelectronics research in the country, as the funding for projects required for projects proposed by researchers from around India has prior financial approval from the government and requires only technical approval by the IISc/ IITB team. This paper discusses the objectives of INUP, gives brief descriptions of CEN facilities, the training programs conducted by INUP and list various research activities currently under way in the program