166 research outputs found

    Application of molecular markers for plant breeding and variety investigation and diversifcation

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    On the studied material there was confrmed the previously shown presence of statistically signifcant associations of allelic state revealed by microsatellite loci with the expressiveness of a number of parameters of agronomical and morphological traits. There was determined the hereditary nature of some associations found in previous years

    The order of duplication of human aldh encoding gene

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    Human aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) causes oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetate. Humans have 18 genes encoding the ALDH enzymes. The order of duplication of human ALDH encoding gene was not completely detected. In this work ALDH encoding gene was analyzed by phylogenetic methods. Genetic distances of paralogs and order of duplication of human ALDH encoding gene were detected

    Electrophoretic separation and molecular size evaluation of hyaluronic acid

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is polysaccharide, which is consisting of remainders of glucuronic acid and n-acetylglucoseamine, connected by β 1.3’ – bonds. HA is used for treatment of bones, conjunctivitis, infertility, and also it is widely applied in cosmetology etc. HA has anti-adhesive, antiinflammatory, and lubricating properties, so could potentially be useful for spinal pain. HA administered epidurally had a therapeutic effect on the allodynia and hyperalgesia induced by chronic compression of the dorsal root ganglion

    Molecular-genetic polymorphism of glycinin encoding genes in Ukrainian and Serbian soybean varieties

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    As results, all studied varieties have Gy1, Gy2, Gy3, Gy4, Gy5 gene alleles that were found to be similar to the soybean variety from the USA. The results of the conducted research are indicating that during the breeding of the studied varieties there were used the same origin samples

    Modulation of three-dimensional structure and research of folding-analoges of AMB A 6 allergen of Ambrosia artemisiifolia

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    Amb A 6 allergen of Ambrosia artemisiifolia is a ragweed allergen (a principle cause of late summer hayfever in North America and Europe) (Hiller et al. 1998). The weed has recently become spreading as a neophyte in Europe, while climate change may also affect the growth of the plant and additionally may also influence pollen allergenicity (Kelish et al. 2014). In Ukraine, the number of diseases caused by this allergen has recently increases. The three-dimensional structure of Amb A 6 allergen is undescribed. The aim of our study was to modulate of three-dimensional structure and search of folding-analoges of AMB A 6 allergen of A. artemisiifolia

    The influence of indolequinoxaline, naphthalimide and benzoizatin on the growth of agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    The influence of indolequinoxaline, naphthalimide and benzoizatin on the growth of Agrobacterium tumefaciens on selective nutrient media was researched

    Molecular size determination of hyaluronic acid

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is polysaccharide widely used in the medicine. In the usage of HA the size of molecules has a very important signifcance. Identifcation of HA size is usually carried out by paper chromatography method or by fltration through micropores with markers of molecular size. However, the mentioned methods are very expensive and need extra time to be completed. Te aim of scientifc research was to detect the possibility of separation and identifcation of molecular size of HA by electrophoresis in the polyacrylamide gel. Possibility to separate and identifcate the specifc size of HA molecules was shown in polyacrylamide gel by electrophoretic method. Tis method requires less time and resources than ones which are usually used and can be applied both in industry and medicine

    Паралоги и порядок дупликации генов алкогольдегидрогеназы человека

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    By phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences the order of duplication of homologues of human alcohol dehydrogenase genes ADH1A, ADH1B, ADH1C, ADH4, ADH5, ADH6 and ADH7 was determined by Maximum Likelihood method. A dendrogram was constructed according to result of conducted phylogenetic analysis. Evaluation of the evolutionary divergence between sequences of the studied genes was made.Путем филогенетического анализа нуклеотидных последовательностей с помощью метода максимального правдоподобия определен порядок дупликации гомологов генов алкогольдегидрогеназы человека — ADH1A, ADH1B, ADH1C, ADH4, ADH5, ADH6 и ADH7. По результатам филогенетического анализа построена дендрограмма. Проведена оценка эволюционной дивергенции между последовательностями исследуемых генов

    Intrinsic defects in nonstoichiometric B-SiC nanoparticles studied by pulsed magnetic resonance methods

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    Nonstoichiometric B-SiC nanoparticles (np-SiC) have been studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and pulsed magnetic resonance methods including field swept electron spin echo (FS ESE), pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy (HYSCORE). Four ESE signals related to the paramagnetic centers labeled D1, D2, D3, D4 with g = 2.0043, g = 2.0029, g = 2.0031, g = 2.0037 were resolved in FS ESE spectrum due to their different spin relaxation times. As deduced from the study of the superhyperfine structure of the D2 defect by FS ESE, pulse ENDOR and HYSCORE methods the dominant paramagnetic center is a carbon vacancy (Vc) localized in B-SiC crystalline phase of the np-SiC. The parameters of the D2 center coincide with those found for the Vc in np-SiC obtained by laser pyrolysis method. Three other defects were identified by comparison of their EPR parameters with the microstructure of the np-SiC. The D1 defect was attributed to the Vc vacancy located in a-SiC crystalline phase. The D3 defect is identified with the carbon dangling bonds located in the carbon excess phase. The D4 defect was assigned to a threefold-coordinated Si atom bonded with one nitrogen atom, resulting in the formation of the local bonding Si-Si2N configuration in a-Si3N4 phase

    New approach to morphometric assessment of the optic nerve disc in high axial myopia according to the data of spectral optic coherent tomography

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    З'ясовано, що збільшення передньо-заднього розміру ока за високої осьової міопії впливає на архітектоніку нервових волокон в ділянці диска зорового нерва і супроводжується зміною його морфометричних показників. Приділено увагу удосконаленню морфометричного аналізу диска зорового нерва та перипапілярної сітківки у пацієнтів з високою осьовою міопією за даними спектральної оптичної когерентної томографії.The enlargement of the anterior — posterior size (APS) of the eye in high axial myopia influences the architectonics of the nervous fibres in the area of the optic nerve disc (OND) and is accompanied by the morphometric indices. Purpose of the work. Improvement of morphometric analysis of OND and peripapillar retina in patients with high axial myopia according to a spectral optical coherent tomography (SOCT). For qualitative assessment of the oblique entrance of the nervous fibers into spectral ring there was suggested the angle index of APS deformation, which was calculated by the angle between two beams passed from the APS edges to the deepest point of the physiological excavation on optic tomogram of APS.Выяснено, что увеличение передне-заднего размера глаза при высокой осевой миопии влияет на архитектонику нервных волокон в области диска зрительного нерва и сопровождается изменением его морфометрических показателей. Уделено внимание усовершенствованию морфометрического анализа диска зрительного нерва и перипапиллярной сетчатки у пациентов с высокой осевой миопией по данным спектральной оптической когерентной томографии