138 research outputs found

    Reljefas eolinėje aplinkoje. Nidos senovės gyvenvietės paviršius

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    During archaeological investigations in Nida settlement in 1974–1978, 2011–2013 and 2016 a lot of stratigraphic data from considerably wide area was gathered. Based on stratigraphy Neolithic paleosol of Nida settlement can be distinguished and it can be used as proxy for reconstruction of paleorelief. Paleosol was recorded in former depressions or on eastward slopes of former dunes. Large area in western part of the settlement was affected by aeolian processes where paleosol did not survive and in the eastern part former surface plunge deeply under groundwater level, these limited the territory considerably for paleorelief reconstruction. Analysis of the paleosol and stratigraphy displayed layering of artefacts in some parts of the settlement, which was interpreted as at least two periods of human activity. Also, in some parts of Nida very thick layer (> 1 m) with artefacts have been recorded which formed because of combination of anthropogenic activity and natural processes. An important insight is made about ancient topographic location of Nida settlement. Based on geological, botanical and geophysical data from Nida and other parts of Curonian spit we argue that earlier interpretation is not supported by recent data and we suggest that Nida settlement was in eastern part of the spit, on the shore of Curonian lagoon.Straipsnyje rekonstruojamas Nidos senovės gyvenvietės paleoreljefas. Pagrindinė tyrimo medžiaga yra 1974–1978, 2011–2013 ir 2016 m. tyrinėtose perkasose, šurfuose, gręžiniuose fiksuota stratigrafija ir georadaro profiliai. Straipsnyje pristatoma senojo paviršiaus rekonstrukcija, sudaryta interpoliuojant tyrinėtų vietų ir georadaro profilių duomenis. Senasis dirvožemis Nidos senovės gyvenvietėje išlikęs fragmentiškai, todėl paleoreljefo rekonstrukcija ne visur įmanoma. Senieji dirvožemiai fiksuoti akumuliacinėse eolinių procesų vietose – defliacinės duobės užpilde ir senųjų kopų šlaituose. Kai kuriose vietose formavosi labai storas (>1 m) senojo dirvožemio humusingas horizontas, kurį laikome gamtinių ir antropogeninių veiksnių padariniu. Remdamiesi geofizikinių, botaninių bei geologinių tyrimų rezultatais, teigiame, kad Nidos senovės gyvenvietė buvo ne vakarinėje nerijos dalyje prie lagūnos ar protakos kaip manyta anksčiau, bet rytinėje Kuršių nerijos dalyje ant tuometinių marių kranto

    Fabrication and study of the organic-inorganic semiconductor diodes formed on n-Si

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    We report fabrication and electrical characterization of the organic-inorganic semiconductor diode structures formed by evaporating thin films of three novel low molecular mass organic compounds on n-type Si substrates. The organic compounds containing carbazole and triphenylamine structural units, namely: 9,9'-bis(4-butylphenyl)-3,3'-bicarbazolyl (BPBC), 4-(1H-perimidin-2-yl)-N,N-diphenylbenzenamine (PER) and 9,9'-diethyl-3,3'-bicarbazolyl (EBC) have been synthesized. The current-voltage characteristics of the Au/(BPBC, EBC, PER)/n-Si diode structures measured at T = 295 K revealed rectifying behavior with a potential barrier height values of 0.71 eV, 0.73 eV, 0.76 eV, respectively

    Phase separation and microwave response of epitaxial and polycrystalline manganite films

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    The resistance, magnetoresistance, and resistance response under microwave irradiation (f=10 and 35GHz) were measured for epitaxial and polycrystalline La 0.67 Ca 0.33 MnO 3 and La 0.67 Sr 0.33 MnO 3 thin films in the temperature range 78÷300K. The microwave induced resistance increase observed for the epitaxial films in a narrow temperature range below the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition temperature T c certifies coexistence of low resistance (ferromagnetic) and high resistance (paramagnetic) regions in the manganites. Resistance of polycrystalline films decreased under microwave irradiation in a wide temperature range below T c . The effect was explained in terms of microwave assisted hopping of carriers in high resistance regions formed at grain boundaries of the polycrystalline films

    Spin-Polarized Carrier Injection in MOCVD-Grown YBCO/STO/LSMO Heterostructures with Underlying YBCO Layer

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    The oxide heterostructures composed of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 bottom layer, the overlying ferromagnetic La 1−x Sr x MnO 3 film and SrTiO 3 as ultrathin (d ≈ 5 nm) barrier were grown heteroepitaxially onto LaAlO3 substrates by applying pulsed liquid injection metalorganic chemical vapour deposition technique. We report anomalous interface resistance increase with cooling just below superconductive transition temperature (T c ∼ = 85 K) and enhanced suppression of supercurrent of strip-like YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 film due to spin-polarized carriers injected from the ferromagnetic manganite layer

    Senieji Trakai – gamtinės aplinkos transformacijos

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    [straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] XIII a. pabaigoje–XIV a. Lietuvos valstybėje kūrėsi nauja teritorinė administracinė organizacija, sąlygojusi plačius aplinkos transformavimo darbus. Šis procesas ypač sustiprėjo valdant Gediminaičiams. Aplinkos įsisavinimo procesų, kurie vyko Vilniuje, tyrimai suteikė kokybiškai naujų mokslinių duomenų apie sostinės kūrimąsi ir įtvirtinimą, tačiau kitų istorinių sostinių ir rezidencinių pilių – Kernavės ir (Senųjų) Trakų – formavimasis ir raidos dinamika XIII–XIV a. yra iki šiol menkai tyrinėta tema. Straipsnyje analizuojamas Senųjų Trakų pilies statybos ir šalia jos buvusios gyvenvietės įkūrimo atvejis gamtinės aplinkos, ypač reljefo, transformavimo aspektu. Siekiama pateikti Senųjų Trakų piliavietės ir gyvenvietės archeologinių tyrimų duomenis bei 2018 m. čia atliktų geofizinių, mažos apimties archeologinių žvalgomųjų bei dirvožemių tyrimų rezultatus, atskleidžiant aplinkos pakeitimo darbų pobūdį ir apimtis

    [Lietuvos archeologija. T. 3, Romėniškasis ir tautų kraustymosi laikotarpiai] : recenzija

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    Recenzijoje apžvelgiama Audronės Bliujienės monografija „Romėniškasis ir tautų kraustymosi laikotarpiai“ (Klaipėda, 2013). Teigiama, jog ši knyga – vienas ryškiausių pastarojo meto geležies amžiaus tyrinėjimų Lietuvoje rezultatų. Monografijoje stengiamasi pateikti apibendrintą, plataus konteksto Lietuvos geležies amžiaus vaizdą. Knygos privalumas – jog joje atsirado vietos aptarti bendras Lietuvos archeologijos mokslo raidos kryptis ir paradigmas, ko iki šiol buvo vengiama. Pagrindinė ir svarbiausia studijos idėja – etnoistorinė paradigma paseno ir tapo nebeaktuali, todėl reikalingas naujas požiūris į Lietuvos archeologiją, kuriuo autorė pasirenka Vakaruose šiuo metu populiarią kraštovaizdžio archeologiją; pateikiama įdomi istoriografijos raidos interpretacija bei siūloma gilinti kraštovaizdžio archeologijos tyrimus Lietuvoje. Dėl to knyga sulaukė neigiamo ir į mokslinę diskusiją nepanašaus etnoistorinės paradigmos šalininkų atsako. Iki galo kraštovaizdžio archeologijos idėjos tyrime nebuvo pristatytos bei įgyvendintos dėl duomenų trūkumo, tačiau tai nėra monografijos trūkumas, nes turint tokią situaciją Lietuvos archeologiniuose tyrimuose, pasiekti daugiau, nei nuveikė knygos autorė, veikiausiai neįmanoma. Recenzijoje siūloma kraštovaizdžio archeologijos tyrimų prieigą taikyti ne dideliu mastu, o mikroregionams. Taip pat siūloma permąstyti dabartinę Lietuvos priešistorės periodizaciją. Padarytos išvados vis dėlto nėra originalios. Apibendrinant teigiama, jog monografija yra svarbi ir parodo ateities tyrimų kryptį bei teikia vilčių mokslinei diskusijai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Archeologija; Diskusija; Etnogenezė; Kraštovaizdžio archeologija; Lietuvos archeologija; Lietuvos priešistorė; Recenzija; Romėniškasis geležies amžius; Tautų kraustymosi laikotarpis; Archaelogy; Archaeology of landscape; Discussion; Ethnogenesis; Lithuanian archaeology; Lithuanian prehistory; Migration Period; Review; Roman Iron Ag

    Spatial analysis of finds and the possibilities of its use in the study of Lithuanian iron age settlements

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    The analysis of a settlement's structure and the arrangement of the various activity areas provides the most valuable information that can be attained from the excavation of an archaeological settlement. Meanwhile, practically nothing is currently known about the structure of Lithuanian Iron-age settlements. The small scale of the excavations is usually given as the main reason for this, but the limitations of the methodological techniques in the interpretation of settlement material should be considered the main problem. Settlement finds are mainly analyzed using the typological principle while ignoring their spatial arrangement. Consequently, only a small part of the available information is used. Settlement material should be understood as a spatial artefact distribution, not an amorphous assemblage of finds. The main tool for this purpose is spatial analysis methods. Such analysis, however, can only be applied after the cultural and natural formation processes of the archaeological context have been recognised. The archaeological context is not merely a filtered version but rather a transformation of the systemic context. Unfortunately, the approach that the spatial distribution of artefacts in an archaeological context directly reflects the spatial distribution of the activity areas still prevails among Lithuanian archaeologists. Areas with a thicker and more intensive cultural layer are related to more intensive activity areas and definite concentrations of artefacts are identified as the locations of buildings in some cases. It is by no means a wrong attitude; various formation proprocesses considerably change the spatial distribution of artefacts: e.g. some areas are periodically cleaned and the refuse collected there displaced to other areas.Reuse processes also shift the archaeological context considerably. The archaeological context forms not only during a settlement's or a building's occupational phase but also during the abandonment and post-abandonment phases. Very dissimilar or even inverse processes may occur during different phases. Therefore, zones with different formation processes must first be recognized in the analysis of the settlement's structure and the more precise function of the separate activity areas should be identified afterwards. Such characteristics as function, size, stage of artefact's use-life, damage, use-wear, suitability for reuse or secondary use, and many others are very important for the identification of refuse types. Nevertheless, the best results are obtained by using as many different artefact properties as possible. Since there are very few distinct buildings and other structures in Lithuania's excavated Iron Age settlements, it is impossible to draw any remarkable conclusions without the assistance of spatial analysis methods and the identification of the formation processes. The latter is a very complicated task that requires detailed fixation during the excavation. It must be stressed that all of the artefacts, not only individual finds but also pottery, bones, stones, clay plaster, etc. are informative and important in spatial analysis. But that importance is also directly dependent on the precise spatial fixation of the finds

    Representativity of the Lithuanian archaeological map

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    The article analyses the problem of how representative is the map of Lithuanian archaeological sites. It distinguishes the main factors affecting this representativity: the disappearance of archaeological sites, the methods and intensity of the conducted searches, and the principles used in the creation of the maps (or lists). The conclusion is drawn that the general representativity of the Lithuanian archaeological map is currently very low, the main reason for this being the failure to conduct systematic surveys in the search for new sites. The representativity of various types of sites differs. The representativity of settlements is currently the lowest, but it is also not satisfactory for other types of sites. At the present level of representativity, in analysing questions connected with the systems, density, and evenness of the territory’s habitation, it is essential to take this into consideration. Many questions in general cannot be analysed very well owing to the lack of data. Therefore at the present time, the orientation should be more towards the systematic search for new archaeological sites