43 research outputs found

    Data-independent acquisition proteomics of cerebrospinal fluid implicates endoplasmic reticulum and inflammatory mechanisms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    While unbiased proteomics of human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has been used successfully to identify biomarkers of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), high-abundance proteins mask the presence of lower abundance proteins that may have diagnostic and prognostic value. However, developments in mass spectrometry (MS) proteomic data acquisition methods offer improved protein depth. In this study, MS with library-free data-independent acquisition (DIA) was used to compare the CSF proteome of people with ALS (n = 40), healthy (n = 15) and disease (n = 8) controls. Quantified protein groups were subsequently correlated with clinical variables. Univariate analysis identified 7 proteins, all significantly upregulated in ALS versus healthy controls, and 9 with altered abundance in ALS versus disease controls (FDR < 0.1). Elevated chitotriosidase-1 (CHIT1) was common to both comparisons and was proportional to ALS disability progression rate (Pearson r = 0.41, FDR-adjusted p = 0.035) but not overall survival. Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1 (UCHL1; upregulated in ALS versus healthy controls) was proportional to disability progression rate (Pearson r = 0.53, FDR-adjusted p = 0.003) and survival (Kaplan Meier log-rank p = 0.013) but not independently in multivariate proportional hazards models. Weighted correlation network analysis was used to identify functionally relevant modules of proteins. One module, enriched for inflammatory functions, was associated with age at symptom onset (Pearson r = 0.58, FDR-adjusted p = 0.005) and survival (Hazard Ratio = 1.78, FDR = 0.065), and a second module, enriched for endoplasmic reticulum proteins, was negatively correlated with disability progression rate (r = −0.42, FDR-adjusted p = 0.109). DIA acquisition methodology therefore strengthened the biomarker candidacy of CHIT1 and UCHL1 in ALS, while additionally highlighted inflammatory and endoplasmic reticulum proteins as novel sources of prognostic biomarkers

    SPRTN protease-cleaved MRE11 decreases DNA repair and radiosensitises cancer cells

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    Funding Information: This work was funded by CRUK Programme Grant C5255/A23755. Acknowledgements Mass spectrometry analysis was performed in the MS laboratory at the Target discovery institute—NDM (Oxford) led by Benedikt M. Kessler. We thank Drs. Eva McGrowder and Blaz Groselj for processing of primary bladder tumour samples to produce cell-free extracts. Data availability The LC-MS/MS proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE48 partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD017964 and 10.6019/PXD017964.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    BLM and BRCA1-BARD1 coordinate complementary mechanisms of joint DNA molecule resolution

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    The Bloom syndrome helicase BLM interacts with topoisomerase IIIα (TOP3A), RMI1, and RMI2 to form the BTR complex, which dissolves double Holliday junctions and DNA replication intermediates to promote sister chromatid disjunction before cell division. In its absence, structure-specific nucleases like the SMX complex (comprising SLX1-SLX4, MUS81-EME1, and XPF-ERCC1) can cleave joint DNA molecules instead, but cells deficient in both BTR and SMX are not viable. Here, we identify a negative genetic interaction between BLM loss and deficiency in the BRCA1-BARD1 tumor suppressor complex. We show that this is due to a previously overlooked role for BARD1 in recruiting SLX4 to resolve DNA intermediates left unprocessed by BLM in the preceding interphase. Consequently, cells with defective BLM and BRCA1-BARD1 accumulate catastrophic levels of chromosome breakage and micronucleation, leading to cell death. Thus, we reveal mechanistic insights into SLX4 recruitment to DNA lesions, with potential clinical implications for treating BRCA1-deficient tumors

    Oncogenic mutations of KRAS modulate its turnover by the CUL3/LZTR1 E3 ligase complex

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    KRAS is a proto-oncogene encoding a small GTPase. Mutations contribute to ∼30% of human solid tumours, including lung adenocarcinoma, pancreatic, and colorectal carcinomas. Most KRAS activating mutations interfere with GTP hydrolysis, essential for its role as a molecular switch, leading to alterations in their molecular environment and oncogenic signalling. However, the precise signalling cascades these mutations affect are poorly understood. Here, APEX2 proximity labelling was used to profile the molecular environment of WT, G12D, G13D, and Q61H-activating KRAS mutants under starvation and stimulation conditions. Through quantitative proteomics, we demonstrate the presence of known KRAS interactors, including ARAF and LZTR1, which are differentially captured by WT and KRAS mutants. Notably, the KRAS mutations G12D, G13D, and Q61H abrogate their association with LZTR1, thereby affecting turnover. Elucidating the implications of LZTR1-mediated regulation of KRAS protein levels in cancer may offer insights into therapeutic strategies targeting KRAS-driven malignancies

    p97/VCP inhibition causes excessive MRE11-dependent DNA end resection promoting cell killing after ionizing radiation

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    Funding Information: This work was funded by Cancer Research UK (CRUK) program grant C5255/A23755 to A.E.K. Medical Research Council UK (MRC) program grant MC_PC 12001/1 (MC_UU_00001/1) and Breast Cancer Now (Grant No. 2019DecPR1406) to K.R. S.K. was supported by the MRC Oxford Institute of Radiation Oncology (OIRO) CRUK studentship. We thank Dr. Sovan Sarkar (Department of Oncology, University of Oxford) for generously providing DR-GFP U2OS cells. We thank Diogo Dias (Ludwig Cancer Research Institute, University of Oxford) for his technical advice on HR and SSA assays and assistance with the analysis. We thank Dr. Lisa Folkes and Alix Hampson for the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of CB-5083 concentration in tissue extracts from CD-1 nude mice bearing subcutaneous RT112 tumors. We also thank the Oxford Radcliffe Biobank for providing us with human tissue sections.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    USP18 is an essential regulator of muscle cell differentiation and maturation

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    The ubiquitin proteasomal system is a critical regulator of muscle physiology, and impaired UPS is key in many muscle pathologies. Yet, little is known about the function of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) in the muscle cell context. We performed a genetic screen to identify DUBs as potential regulators of muscle cell differentiation. Surprisingly, we observed that the depletion of ubiquitin-specific protease 18 (USP18) affected the differentiation of muscle cells. USP18 depletion first stimulated differentiation initiation. Later, during differentiation, the absence of USP18 expression abrogated myotube maintenance. USP18 enzymatic function typically attenuates the immune response by removing interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) from protein substrates. However, in muscle cells, we found that USP18, predominantly nuclear, regulates differentiation independent of ISG15 and the ISG response. Exploring the pattern of RNA expression profiles and protein networks whose levels depend on USP18 expression, we found that differentiation initiation was concomitant with reduced expression of the cell-cycle gene network and altered expression of myogenic transcription (co) factors. We show that USP18 depletion altered the calcium channel gene network, resulting in reduced calcium flux in myotubes. Additionally, we show that reduced expression of sarcomeric proteins in the USP18 proteome was consistent with reduced contractile force in an engineered muscle model. Our results revealed nuclear USP18 as a critical regulator of differentiation initiation and maintenance, independent of ISG15 and its role in the ISG response

    Structural premise of selective deubiquitinase USP30 inhibition by small-molecule benzosulfonamides

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    Dampening functional levels of the mitochondrial deubiquitylating enzyme Ubiquitin-specific protease 30 (USP30) has been suggested as an effective therapeutic strategy against neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease. USP30 inhibition may counteract the deleterious effects of impaired turnover of damaged mitochondria, which is inherent to both familial and sporadic forms of the disease. Small-molecule inhibitors targeting USP30 are currently in development, but little is known about their precise nature of binding to the protein. We have integrated biochemical and structural approaches to gain novel mechanistic insights into USP30 inhibition by a small-molecule benzosulfonamide-containing compound, USP30inh. Activity-based protein profiling mass spectrometry confirmed target engagement, high selectivity, and potency of USP30inh for USP30 against 49 other deubiquitylating enzymes in a neuroblastoma cell line. In vitro characterization of USP30inh enzyme kinetics inferred slow and tight binding behavior, which is comparable with features of covalent modification of USP30. Finally, we blended hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry and computational docking to elucidate the molecular architecture and geometry of USP30 complex formation with USP30inh, identifying structural rearrangements at the cleft of the USP30 thumb and palm subdomains. These studies suggest that USP30inh binds to this thumb–palm cleft, which guides the ubiquitin C terminus into the active site, thereby preventing ubiquitin binding and isopeptide bond cleavage, and confirming its importance in the inhibitory process. Our data will pave the way for the design and development of next-generation inhibitors targeting USP30 and associated deubiquitinylases

    Guía para la elaboración de las actividades de aprendizaje

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    HSV-1 employs UL56 to antagonize expression and function of cGAMP channels

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    DNA sensing is important for antiviral immunity. The DNA sensor cGAS synthesizes 2'3'-cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP), a second messenger that activates STING, which induces innate immunity. cGAMP not only activates STING in the cell where it is produced but cGAMP also transfers to other cells. Transporters, channels, and pores (including SLC19A1, SLC46A2, P2X7, ABCC1, and volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs)) release cGAMP into the extracellular space and/or import cGAMP. We report that infection with multiple human viruses depletes some of these cGAMP conduits. This includes herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that targets SLC46A2, P2X7, and the VRAC subunits LRRC8A and LRRC8C for degradation. The HSV-1 protein UL56 is necessary and sufficient for these effects that are mediated at least partially by proteasomal turnover. UL56 thereby inhibits cGAMP uptake via VRAC, SLC46A2, and P2X7. Taken together, HSV-1 antagonizes intercellular cGAMP transfer. We propose that this limits innate immunity by reducing cell-to-cell communication via the immunotransmitter cGAMP

    Proximity proteomics reveals UCH-L1 as an essential regulator of NLRP3-mediated IL-1β production in human macrophages and microglia

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    Activation of the NACHT, LRR, and PYD domains-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome complex is an essential innate immune signaling mechanism. To reveal how human NLRP3 inflammasome assembly and activation are controlled, in particular by components of the ubiquitin system, proximity labeling, affinity purification, and RNAi screening approaches were performed. Our study provides an intricate time-resolved molecular map of different phases of NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Also, we show that ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase 1 (UCH-L1) interacts with the NACHT domain of NLRP3. Downregulation of UCH-L1 decreases pro-interleukin-1β (IL-1β) levels. UCH-L1 chemical inhibition with small molecules interfered with NLRP3 puncta formation and ASC oligomerization, leading to altered IL-1β cleavage and secretion, particularly in microglia cells, which exhibited elevated UCH-L1 expression as compared to monocytes/macrophages. Altogether, we profiled NLRP3 inflammasome activation dynamics and highlight UCH-L1 as an important modulator of NLRP3-mediated IL-1β production, suggesting that a pharmacological inhibitor of UCH-L1 may decrease inflammation-associated pathologies