14 research outputs found

    Cell-in-cell phenomenon in urinary sediment: a case report

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    The internalization of apoptotic cells by non-phagocytic cells has been observed in different tissues and could be an important mechanism for the elimination of dying cells. Here, we describe a probable event of phagocytosis of apoptotic cells mediated by urothelial cells in urinary sediment. A 90-years-old male patient was admitted unconscious to the hospital, visible signs included: pale skin and dry mucous membranes, presumptively diagnosed as dehydration. Blood test revealed anaemia (haemoglobin 130 g/L) and hyperglycaemia (glucose 7.8 mmol/L), urinalysis showed a picture of urinary tract infection (leukocyturia and bacteriuria). The microscopic analysis of urinary sediment revealed the presence of urothelial cells and leukocytes internalized in urothelial cells. Anti-CD68 (membrane marker of macrophages) was tested by immunocytochemistry and a negative result was observed. Based on the findings phagocytosis of apoptotic cells mediated by urothelial cells was identified. This phenomenon can be observed in urinary sediment and should not be confused with a neoplastic process since it is a physiological event of cell elimination

    Neuroimágenes atípicas en pacientes con COVID-19 en el Perú: reporte de casos

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    RESUMEN El reporte de manifestaciones neurológicas en pacientes con COVID-19 se ha incrementado significativamente en los últimos meses. Sin embargo, los hallazgos de neuroimágenes han sido pobremente documentados debido a las restricciones por la necesidad de aislamiento de estos pacientes. Se reportan dos casos de pacientes con COVID-19 con clínica neurológica, a quienes se les realizó estudios de imagen cerebral y presentaron hallazgos atípicos en la resonancia magnética de encéfalo. Es necesario descripciones más detalladas y mejor documentadas de las manifestaciones neurológicas en los pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 y sus respectivos correlatos en neuroimágenes para lograr un mejor conocimiento de la enfermedad.ABSTRACT Reports describing neurological manifestations in patients with COVID-19 have substantially increased in the past months. Nevertheless, findings from neuroimaging studies have been poorly documented because of restrictions due to the need for isolating such patients. Two cases of patients with COVID-19 and clinical neurological manifestations are reported. They underwent brain imaging studies and atypical findings were made in cerebral magnetic resonance imaging. It is necessary to have more detailed and better documented descriptions of neurological manifestations in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and their respective neuroimaging correlates in order to obtain better knowledge of this condition

    Genetic Diversity and Virulence Factors of S. aureus Isolated from Food, Humans, and Animals

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a commensal bacterium in humans and animals able to adapt to multiple environments. The aim of this study was to compare the genetic diversity and virulence profiles of strains of S. aureus isolated from food (29 strains), humans (43 strains), and animals (8 strains). 80 lipase-producing strains belonging to a biobank of 360 isolates, identified phenotypically as S. aureus, were selected. Confirmation of the species was made by amplifying the spA gene and 80% (64/80) of the strains were confirmed within this species. The virulence profile of each of the isolates was determined by PCR. The seA gene coding for enterotoxin A was found in 53.1% of the strains, the saK gene, which codes for Staphylokinase, was amplified in 57.8% of the strains, and, finally, the hlB gene coding for β-Hemolysin was amplified in 17.2%. The profile of antimicrobial resistance was determined by the Kirby Bauer method showing that the strains from food presented greater resistance to erythromycin (40.7%) and ciprofloxacin (18.5%) while in strains isolated from humans were to erythromycin (48.4%) and clindamycin (21.2%). Also, in strains from animals, a high resistance to erythromycin was observed (75%). The frequency of MRSA was 12.5% due to the presence of the mec gene and resistance to cefoxitin. Of the total strains, 68.7% were typed by PCR-RFLP of the coa gene using the AluI enzyme; derived from this restriction, 17 profiles were generated. Profile 4 (490 bp, 300 bp) was the most frequent, containing a higher number of strains with a higher number of virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance, which is associated with greater adaptation to different environments. In this study, a wide genetic diversity of strains of S. aureus from different foods, humans, and animals was found. This demonstrates evolution, genetic versatility, and, therefore, the adaptation of this microorganism in different environments

    Seroprevalence of IgG and Subclasses against the Nucleocapsid of SARS-CoV-2 in Health Workers

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    Background: The nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 participates in viral replication, transcription, and assembly. Antibodies against this protein have been proposed for the epidemiological analysis of the seroprevalence of COVID-19 associated with natural infection by SARS-CoV-2. Health workers were one of the most exposed populations, and some had an asymptomatic form of the disease, so detecting IgG antibodies and subclasses against the N protein can help to reclassify their epidemiological status and obtain information about the effector mechanisms associated with viral elimination. Methods: In this study, we analyzed 253 serum samples collected in 2021 and derived from health workers, and evaluated the presence of total IgG and subclasses against the N protein of SARS-CoV-2 by indirect ELISA. Results: From the analyzed samples, 42.69% were positive to anti-N IgG antibodies. A correlation between COVID-19 asymptomatic infection and IgG antibodies was observed (p = 0.006). The detected subclasses were: IgG1 (82.4%), IgG2 (75.9%), IgG3 (42.6%), and IgG4 (72.6%). Conclusions: This work provides evidence about the high seroprevalence of total IgG and subclasses of anti-N and their relations with the asymptomatic infection of SARS-CoV-2 and related symptoms

    Peptide-Based Vaccines in Clinical Phases and New Potential Therapeutic Targets as a New Approach for Breast Cancer: A Review

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    Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women from 20 to 59 years old. The conventional treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy. This immunotherapy is based on administering monoclonal therapeutic antibodies (passive) or vaccines (active) with therapeutic purposes. Several types of vaccines could be used as potential treatments for cancer, including whole-cell, DNA, RNA, and peptide-based vaccines. Peptides used to develop vaccines are derived from tumor-associated antigens or tumor-specific antigens, such as HER-2, MUC1, ErbB2, CEA, FRα, MAGE A1, A3, and A10, NY-ESO-1, among others. Peptide-based vaccines provide some advantages, such as low cost, purity of the antigen, and the induction of humoral and cellular immune response. In this review, we explore the different types of vaccines against breast cancer with a specific focus on the description of peptide-based vaccines, their composition, immune response induction, and the description of new potential therapeutic targets

    Biological Role and Aberrant Overexpression of Syntenin-1 in Cancer: Potential Role as a Biomarker and Therapeutic Target

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    Syntenin-1 is a 298 amino acid protein codified by the melanoma differentiation-associated gene-9 (MDA-9). Structurally, it is composed of four domains: N-terminal, PDZ1, PDZ2, and C-terminal. The PDZ domains of syntenin-1 are involved in the stability and interaction with other molecules such as proteins, glycoproteins, and lipids. Domains are also associated with several biological functions such as the activation of signaling pathways related to cell-to-cell adhesion, signaling translation, and the traffic of intracellular lipids, among others. The overexpression of syntenin-1 has been reported in glioblastoma, colorectal, melanoma, lung, prostate, and breast cancer, which promotes tumorigenesis by regulating cell migration, invasion, proliferation, angiogenesis, apoptosis, and immune response evasion, and metastasis. The overexpression of syntenin-1 in samples has been associated with worst prognostic and recurrence, whereas the use of inhibitors such as shRNA, siRNA, and PDZli showed a diminution of the tumor size and reduction in metastasis and invasion. Syntenin-1 has been suggested as a potential biomarker and therapeutic target in cancer for developing more effective diagnostic/prognostic tests or passive/active immunotherapies

    Immunized mice naturally process in silico-derived peptides from the nucleocapsid of SARS-CoV-2

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    Abstract Background The nucleocapsid (N) protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is an excellent immunogen that promotes the production of high-titer antibodies. N protein-derived peptides identified using a bioinformatics approach can potentially be used to develop a new generation of vaccines or diagnostic methods for detecting SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. However, further studies must demonstrate their capacity to be naturally processed by the immune system. Objective We aimed to examine the in vivo processing and recognition of in silico-identified peptides using the serum of immunized animals with the complete protein. Methods Recombinant N (Nrec) protein was subcutaneously administered to six Balb/c mice. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blotting, dot blotting, and immunoprecipitation were performed to evaluate the recognition of the complete protein and in silico-derived peptides. Results The serum of immunized mice recognized ~ 62.5 ng/µL of Nrec with high specificity to linear and conformational epitopes. Dot blot analysis showed that peptides Npep2 and Npep3 were the most reactive. Conclusion Our data confirm the high immunogenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 N protein and provide evidence on the antigenicity of two peptides located in the N-arm/RNA-binding domain (Npep2) and oligomerization domain/C-tail (Npep3), considered the biologically active site of the N protein

    Haplotypes in the CRP Gene Associated with Increased BMI and Levels of CRP in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes or Obesity from Southwestern Mexico

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    Objective. We evaluated the association between four polymorphisms in the CRP gene with circulating levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), type 2 diabetes (T2D), obesity, and risk score of coronary heart disease. Methods. We studied 402 individuals and classified them into four groups: healthy, obese, T2D obese, and T2D without obesity, from Guerrero, Southwestern Mexico. Blood levels of CRP, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and leukocytes were measured. Genotyping was performed by PCR/RFLP, and the risk score for coronary heart disease was determined by the Framingham's methodology. Results. The TT genotype of SNP rs1130864 was associated with increased body mass index and T2D patients with obesity. We found that the haplotype 2 (TGAG) was associated with increased levels of CRP (β=0.3; 95%CI: 0.1, 0.5; P=0.005) and haplotype 7 (TGGG) with higher body mass index (BMI) (β=0.2; 95%CI: 0.1, 0.3; P<0.001). The risk score for coronary heart disease was associated with increased levels of CRP, but not with any polymorphism or haplotype. Conclusions. The association between the TT genotype of SNP rs1130864 with obesity and the haplotype 7 with BMI may explain how obesity and genetic predisposition increase the risk of diseases such as T2D in the population of Southwestern Mexico

    Haplotypes in the CRP Gene Associated with Increased BMI and Levels of CRP in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes or Obesity from Southwestern Mexico

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    Objective. We evaluated the association between four polymorphisms in the CRP gene with circulating levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), type 2 diabetes (T2D), obesity, and risk score of coronary heart disease. Methods. We studied 402 individuals and classified them into four groups: healthy, obese, T2D obese, and T2D without obesity, from Guerrero, Southwestern Mexico. Blood levels of CRP, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and leukocytes were measured. Genotyping was performed by PCR/RFLP, and the risk score for coronary heart disease was determined by the Framingham&apos;s methodology. Results. The TT genotype of SNP rs1130864 was associated with increased body mass index and T2D patients with obesity. We found that the haplotype 2 (TGAG) was associated with increased levels of CRP (β = 0.3; 95%CI: 0.1, 0.5; P = 0.005) and haplotype 7 (TGGG) with higher body mass index (BMI) (β = 0.2; 95%CI: 0.1, 0.3; P &lt; 0.001). The risk score for coronary heart disease was associated with increased levels of CRP, but not with any polymorphism or haplotype. Conclusions. The association between the TT genotype of SNP rs1130864 with obesity and the haplotype 7 with BMI may explain how obesity and genetic predisposition increase the risk of diseases such as T2D in the population of Southwestern Mexico

    Variation in the Humoral Immune Response Induced by the Administration of the BNT162b2 Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine: A Systematic Review

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    The BNT162b2 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was the first emergency approved vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this systematic review was to examine the variations in the humoral immune response induced by the administration of the BNT162b2 vaccine in patients with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, the elderly, and those with comorbidities and immunosuppression states. Additionally, we analyzed the effect of generated neutralizing antibodies against the new variants of concern of SARS-CoV-2. Pubmed, Science Direct, Mendeley, and WorldWide Science were searched between 1 January 2020 and October 2021 using the keywords &ldquo;BNT162b2&rdquo;, &ldquo;serology&rdquo;, &ldquo;comorbidity&rdquo;, &ldquo;immunosuppression&rdquo;, and &ldquo;variants of concern&rdquo;dA total of 20 peer-reviewed publications were selected. The analysis showed that those individuals with previous infections have a considerably higher antibody response after the administration of BNT162b2 vaccine in contrast with seronegative individuals. With regard to variation in immune responses, elderly individuals, patients with cancer, or patients who had undergone a kidney transplant, dialysis, or who were pregnant had a lower antibody response in comparison to healthy individuals. Finally, antibodies developed against the S protein produced by the BNT162b2 vaccine, possessed lower neutralizing activity against the alpha, beta, gamma, and delta variants of SARS-CoV-2. In conclusion, patients with immunodeficiencies and comorbidities have a lesser antibody response, about which further studies need to be performed in order to analyze the effectiveness and duration of the humoral immunity associated with vaccination in these specific populations