5 research outputs found

    Multiple approaches to a complete inventory of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 type III secretion system effector proteins

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    Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 is a pathogen of tomato and Arabidopsis that translocates virulence effector proteins into host cells via a type III secretion system (T3SS). Many effector-encoding hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (Hrp) outer protein (hop) genes have been identified previously in DC3000 using bioinformatic methods based on Hrp promoter sequences and characteristic N-terminal amino acid patterns that are associated with T3SS substrates. To approach completion of the Hop/effector inventory in DC3000, 44 additional candidates were tested by the Bordetella pertussis calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase (Cya) translocation reporter assay; 10 of the high-probability candidates were confirmed as T3SS substrates. Several previously predicted hop genes were tested for their ability to be expressed in an HrpL-dependent manner in culture or to be expressed in planta. The data indicate that DC3000 harbors 53 hop/avr genes and pseudogenes (encoding both injected effectors and T3SS substrates that probably are released to the apoplast); 33 of these genes are likely functional in DC3000, 12 are nonfunctional members of valid Hop families, and 8 are less certain regarding their production at functional levels. Growth of DC3000 in tomato and Arabidopsis Col-0 was not impaired by constitutive expression of repaired versions of two hops that were disrupted naturally by transposable elements or of hop genes that are naturally cryptic. In summary, DC3000 carries a complex mixture of active and inactive hop genes, and the hop genes in P. syringae can be identified efficiently by bioinformatic methods; however, a precise inventory of the subset of Hops that are important in pathogenesis awaits more knowledge based on mutant phenotypes and functions within plants

    Whole-Genome Expression Profiling Defines the HrpL Regulon of \u3ci\u3ePseudomonas syringae\u3c/i\u3e pv. \u3ci\u3etomato\u3c/i\u3e DC3000, Allows de novo Reconstruction of the Hrp \u3ci\u3ecis\u3c/i\u3e Element, and Identifies Novel Coregulated Genes

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    Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 is a model pathogen of tomato and Arabidopsis that uses a hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (Hrp) type III secretion system (T3SS) to deliver virulence effector proteins into host cells. Expression of the Hrp system and many effector genes is activated by the HrpL alternative sigma factor. Here, an open reading frame-specific whole-genome microarray was constructed for DC3000 and used to comprehensively identify genes that are differentially expressed in wild-type and ΔhrpL strains. Among the genes whose differential regulation was statistically significant, 119 were upregulated and 76 were downregulated in the wild-type compared with the ΔhrpL strain. Hierarchical clustering revealed a subset of eight genes that were upregulated particularly rapidly. Gibbs sampling of regions upstream of HrpL-activated operons revealed the Hrp promoter as the only identifiable regulatory motif and supported an iterative refinement involving real-time polymerase chain reaction testing of additional HrpL-activated genes and refinements in a hidden Markov model that can be used to predict Hrp promoters in P. syringae strains. This iterative bioinformatic-experimental approach to a comprehensive analysis of the HrpL regulon revealed a mix of genes controlled by HrpL, including those encoding most type III effectors, twin-arginine transport (TAT) substrates, other regulatory proteins, and proteins involved in the synthesis or metabolism of phytohormones, phytotoxins, and myo-inositol. This analysis provides an extensively verified, robust method for predicting Hrp promoters in P. syringae genomes, and it supports subsequent identification of effectors and other factors that likely are important to the host-specific virulence of P. syringae

    Bioinformatics-Enabled Identification of the HrpL Regulon and Type III Secretion System Effector Proteins of \u3ci\u3ePseudomonas syringae\u3c/i\u3e pv. \u3ci\u3ephaseolicola\u3c/i\u3e 1448A

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    The ability of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola to cause halo blight of bean is dependent on its ability to translocate effector proteins into host cells via the hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (Hrp) type III secretion system (T3SS). To identify genes encoding type III effectors and other potential virulence factors that are regulated by the HrpL alternative sigma factor, we used a hidden Markov model, weight matrix model, and type III targeting-associated patterns to search the genome of P. syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A, which recently was sequenced to completion. We identified 44 high-probability putative Hrp promoters upstream of genes encoding the core T3SS machinery, 27 candidate effectors and related T3SS substrates, and 10 factors unrelated to the Hrp system. The expression of 13 of these candidate HrpL regulon genes was analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction, and all were found to be upregulated by HrpL. Six of the candidate type III effectors were assayed for T3SSdependent translocation into plant cells using the Bordetella pertussis calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase (Cya) translocation reporter, and all were translocated. PSPPH1855 (ApbE-family protein) and PSPPH3759 (alcohol dehydrogenase) have no apparent T3SS-related function; however, they do have homologs in the model strain P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (PSPTO2105 and PSPTO0834, respectively) that are similarly upregulated by HrpL. Mutations were constructed in the DC3000 homologs and found to reduce bacterial growth in host Arabidopsis leaves. These results establish the utility of the bioinformatic or candidate gene approach to identifying effectors and other genes relevant to pathogenesis in P. syringae genomes